By: G.S.Oinam
Stop rejecting people; try to accepting people to bringing them on your side so that you can own the entire world. How soon the world had changed when you remained so proud, egoistic and fallen into illusion`”experiences tell you. Learning without reflection is a waste, reflection without learning is dangerous. Another resurrection means they got extra power and has confidence to defeat their rival. The Ramayana (epic) tells-how two brothers`™ Raja Sugriva and Bali fights and how Lord Ram had favour whom and why? Do you believe in god? If you don`™t believe in god `“ there is no god. God is within the heart of believers. Believers know the rules of prayer. God was anger when hills people says `eikhoi khangba ngamdre; yam ware` (we can`™t bear the pains; suffering is out of limit.) and poor women vendors falls tears on their eyes. Why you make them cry and why don`™t you rush when dear needs? You always neglected small, small words of poor people. God loves poor and weaker sections of the society and women and children! So, god wants to give you a small punishment for stupid mistake and to control your ego and pride! But, god still loves you!
For the second time, SPF cabinet decision is outdated. Please change your advisors. SPF and Naga body have scored draw. Politically, both sides have win-win situation. Naga bodies have had the same feeling and pains when they had defeated to ADC election. Does your political party fear to fight assembly election against NPF? We all know how the non congress Naga MLAs got declared elected in the past and under whose influences. There is no any sea change and the change is only the name and banner of party `“NPF. Mr. Rios (CM Nagaland) coming in Manipur is not a threat; if he speak seductive, communal and against integrity-then it is called a threat, you can book him and put to jail according to law. Read what he had spoken at meeting from video footage. Tripartite talk is non sense- everybody can read ADC manuals. Ministry of Panchayati Raj will open their rules book. State government will support it and DoNER ministry will talk about development project `”that is all. Nagas are also having thinking capacity; intelligence and they have educated. But your rules book have no empathy- do you mean go and request to those men (ADC members) for my help who were protested and burnt their home for standing against the Naga body decision? Please give them life lines and support lines without hurting their ego`”every thing will cool down. Manipur has forgotten that Naga body took decision to stop highway blockade after publication of my article in this local daily and websites `“ but the promises made for development couldn`™t be filled up by the government in time. So how can I say them twice? I am nothing but a lay man. Naga integration is a good idea. Idea must be fight by better idea only. Small nation `“ Britons came and conquered India. Hills people of Manipur are saved change your fear attitude- the problem is for valley people. Article 371C Special provision with respect to the State of Manipur provides safety of hills people and formation of Hills Area Committee in the state assembly. The Governor shall annually, or whenever so required by the President, make a report to the President regarding the administration of the Hill Areas in the State of Manipur and the executive power of the Union shall extend to the giving of directions to the State as to the administration of the said areas. Meitei (valley) was/were khas Hindu (conservative Hindu) in the timing of legal framework- nothing more special interest for valley people are seen on special provisions of article 371(C). Please see-Article 371A Special provision with respect to the State of Nagaland`”includes many provisions like`” no Act of Parliament in respect of -(i) religious or social practices of the Nagas, (ii) Naga customary law and procedure,(iii) administration of civil and criminal justice involving decisions according to Naga customary law,(iv) ownership and transfer of land and its resources, shall apply to the State of Nagaland unless the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland by a resolution so decides;(b) the Governor of Nagaland shall have special responsibility with respect to law and order in the State of Nagaland for so long as in his opinion internal disturbances occurring in the Naga Hills-Tuensang Area immediately before the formation of that State continue therein or in any part thereof and in the discharge of his functions in relation thereto the Governor shall, after consulting the Council of Ministers, exercise his individual judgment as to the action to be taken. no Act of the Legislature of Nagaland shall apply to Tuensang district unless the Governor, on the recommendation of the regional council, by public notification so directs and the Governor in giving such direction with respect to any such Act may direct that the Act shall in its application to the Tuensang district or any part thereof have effect subject to such exceptions or modifications as the Governor may specify on the recommendation of the regional council.
Constitution has given special provisions in the state of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Jamu Kashmir, Sikkim; Mizo etc etc are the common parlance. But, the constitutional special provision article 371(C) for Manipur valley people is just plain`”they are dealing in the manner of Khas Hindu (in the category of intellectual conservative Hindu.)
When I spoke about women vendors disperses from Imphal market- somebody wants to throw me out of the public domain. To protect the rights of poor and weaker section of society and the rights of women and children is your UPA-II`™s common agenda. Don`™t I have the rights to speak about Manipur? Because I don`™t know Manipur insurgency problem, right? If you are hurt, I am sorry; I will not speak but I have the rights to speak. I have a superior theory`”`world class citizen`. I want to kick starts from Manipur`”my birth place for which I have spent many years, money and labour on study. But I threw it out before my presentation to you because of your vision 2020. But, I am not disappointed- I agree your vision 2020. If any like minded person comes into power, I will make change Imphal city into Godown. Thangal bazaar, Paona bazaar structure is suitable for godawn. Market prize tags of average Rs.2 crore per plot will be reduce to Rs.50 lakhs per plot.
Connecting world through media`”I bet I won and I master the skills. I speak it for your understanding. Please read carefully how my articles communicate living people of the world, media (local, national and international), and officials through writing. My attachment of Hindi words and Manipuri words are called `Punch` in writing. Super hit Hindi songs have Arabic tune and words, lyrics never translate or modify the Arabic tune in the song`”this is because of punch on the theme but not alien culture. Example- `Chingda lanmei chakpa nate, Ahingda nongthang kupa nate; Officer singe thamoida chakpane; Singapore da Manipur officers singee thawai leihaure`” yam haiberoida, Singapore chamelei chilakpara yengkhege` translation will lost original theme. That is why my broken English was listening patiently and interestingly by the people not only in India but also world communities. I was the mirror but you want to break mirror- so you will not see how beautiful your face is! Unless you try to improve your writing skills your connecting world will be finish. Do you think that my writing was sponsoring by somebody else? It is ridiculous. I know many other perfect skills and still learning new skills but I never misused my skills and also, I respected somebody skills. One skill is enough for my earning and survival anywhere in the world. I don`™t fear for job lose or job less. Writing and analysis are dead arts for me `“ I gave up early 5-6 years ago. My mind is free and independent- I am the boss of my own. But, my skills are your skills- I hope I will able to teach you one day.
Public domain is not a place to advertise individual`™s character`”good or bad. Here, we can talk for more important issues about policy, programme and performance of dutiful public authorities. Of course -who are you? What are you? These questions are often asked from Imphal to Kolkata. Farther, no one cares `who are you and what are you`™. Take it or leave it as you wish, my writing does not force anybody to act nor had my writing hurt anybody`™s personal characters? Certainly, writers must be read the laws of defamation (whole book). That is what people want, and that is why people accepted it. Bhagavad Geeta says`your right is to work only and never to the fruit thereof; be not instrumental in making your actions bear fruit, nor let your attachment be to inaction`. Good ideas are most welcome by everybody, and even your enemy will respect you. Please don`™t look at me, I am not celebrity or hero or villain or politician to deserve your attention; I am not big man like you neither beauty nor powerful nor rich like you. Simply proud to be just a lay man, neither jail birds nor VIP. Of course, one unknown angry person was enquired about my writing and office where I was working last year but I don`™t think as threat, and I think he was satisfied my answer. The entire world is listening to unknown man`™s words but why your words are rejected despite of having power, wealth and many followers? Do you know the reason why? These entire questions come from your substandard pronouncements and nuisance.
Somebody ask me personally `Are you close with P. Chidambaram, Union home minister or home ministry?` I was surprise! Never- I never ever met them before in my life and I have no work and connection with home ministry at any ground; also, I am not central government employee. I write for them from my assessment reports from various interactions with people, media reports and their activities and performance. I like the coordination of these two gentlemen (G.K Pillai and P. Chidambaram)-that is all. Please let me speak freely and frankly. What the hell is going on this planet`”appreciate for known and helpful persons and rejected for unattached good person?
Second, people like to remove AFSP Act from the state of Manipur. I agree when people raise slogan but I disagree when local media reported. Your editorials will write about deteriorating law and order problems in the state for two three days continuously and on the next day will write to remove AFSPA. (Please check you editorials) How a man seating outside state can judge about your reports? Local media may please be check or review at least once in a month for what you had written in the month`”any good suggestions to improve law and order, any cooperation to security personals on duty, crime and progress report, ground reality between greater Imphal (AFSPA removed area) and the rest?`”you will understand what is the weakness on reporting. Local media will publish cartoon indicating law and order are not improving in the state once P. Chidambaram speak about law and order has improved in the state. If you don`™t have the integrity and understanding you should no criticize anybody. Media is respected because of integrity and not for your criticism. Journo are simply laymen. Please accept it then everybody will love media. Only few people can use media as a weapon. For them, any objects can be use as weapon. Everybody knows how and why AFSPA law comes into enforced in the state, is to control law and order and why it is extended for every year. Well, there is Justice Jeevan Reddy commission reports to remove AFSPA. But, what is the priority- control law and order or remove AFSPA; stop misusing AFSPA, stop atrocities to people, stop brutality after arrest? Because, there are more serious laws `“ Unlawful Activities and Preventive Act, TADA etc is applicable in the state. Why people and security personals are all cynic on AFSPA other than more serious law? And, why every past and present government had remained silent on AFSPA? Because, preceding governments are weak- they have no capacity to run government without AFSPA- and which has become a weapon to control law and order, political power and people as well. Shouting will not serve any purpose; instead, co operates your state government to improve law and order to remove AFSPA from the state. They are your elected members and people voted for them to form government. UPA alone can`™t remove AFSPA at the present juncture. You have to speak to opposition parties like BJP. Will pay fine for speaking truth? Today, Anna Hazari has spoke about fasting lady Sharmila`™s causes and removal of AFSPA from the state. Please do appreciate.
Third, government policies are framed by dude babus (IAS officers) sitting at the secretariats and ministries. And finally, cabinet will approved the policy. Policies are changes from time to time and government to government. Your state commandoes, SSP are not policy makers. Their duty is to obey command and enforce law to control law and order in the state. Certainly, they must be asking assessment reports and your newspaper reports, experts comment etc may be considering before framing policy. I am not policy maker babu but I was studying policies- anybody can study policy if you can spare time, money and labour. I have one reason to study policy- to prepare new development projects. Of course, I was providing consultancy to NGOs (reputed) and reknown institutions.
Fourth, from my experience, my work and my learning I saw a beautiful Manipur`”that I have confidence and certainly can give a hope to the people. Change is chains with continuity. Nobody can stop changes. But how the leaders give direction for the changes is the only question. ATM machine can be own by private even you are not banker. Rajesh Jethpuria doesn`™t own a bank, but that didn`™t stop him from buying an automated teller machine (ATM) to celebrate Dhanteras, becoming India`™s first individual owner of an ATM. RBI has liberalization policy to own private ATM machine. Manipur problems of ATM money transaction can be solving by you. If anybody interested I can help to write business communication letters. If any institutions (including media and DIPR) in Manipur want to establish knowledge/ information management unit, I can provide consultancy.
Fifth, there shall be no change of government in the state on the next term. Congress lead muli party collation government (khechari sarkar) will come into power from the study of the present political scenario in the state`”but, the government will not stabilized and have little progress because of multi party government. However, you have time, you can make change the scenario`”we want progressive and stabilized government and changes.
Most of our problems appear that way because of the way we look at them. You get back what you give. Twice as much! Is someone being rude to you? Maybe you need to change the way you behave with them. And no, don`™t wait for them to change; you need to change first! At work too, if you go in to work, hating every moment, it`™s unlikely that you`™ll do a great job. If you don`™t contribute, don`™t expect to get paid a fat salary. You get what you give. Resolve today then to change. Love your job and give it everything you have!

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