CM Ibobi lighting candle at the inaugural function of Annual Conference of the Associations of Surgeons of India Manipur State Chapter – ASIMANICON 2015 at RIMS
IMPHAL, October 10: Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh said that government is contemplating a bill to enact a law in the State to prevent violence against the doctors by the patient party.
The Chief Minister said this while inaugurating a 2-day 20th Annual Conference of the Associations of Surgeons of India Manipur State Chapter `“ ASIMANICON 2015, under the theme `Early Diagnosis and Treatment` at the Jubilee Hall of RIMS, Imphal today.
Ibobi said while he would have little to contribute to a scientific conference like this one, there is absolutely no doubt that problems related to health have a critical impact on the development and prosperity of this country, therefore the need for the role of the government.
`The problems are also complex and interlinked. However, while policy-makers are aware of the seriousness of the problem, there is very little awareness of its different dimensions among the broader category of opinion makers and the informed public.` He said.
A kind of pressure can be generated by creating a broader awareness of the problem which generates pressure to bring about corrective action and also sufficiently broad based understanding of the problem to make corrective action politically acceptable, the chief minister added.
He recalled the United States policy on affordable healthcare which has resulted in a number of publications on how to improve medical coverage, healthcare and reduce healthcare costs across the world.
`I note with appreciation that the Association has brought together leading specialists from the public and private organizations to share knowledge and skills with a view to providing quality healthcare in the country`, he said.
He further added that in the health sector our goal is to bring “a long and healthy life for all our citizens”.
Our key objective is to increase the life expectancy of our citizens and ensure that all people have access to healthcare, he added.
The key outputs in this regard are to reduce the mortality rate, reduce the impact and prevalence of HIV and AIDS and other communicable diseases, and to ensure an effective health care system, he said.
To achieve these outputs, our key activities include ensuring a well-coordinated health system with special focus on communicable and non-communicable diseases, he said.
Speaking on the burden of diseases due to poverty, inadequate resources, lack of equipment and infrastructure, he said inspite of all limitations, our surgeons have been relentlessly working towards providing quality surgical services to our people.
`It is heartening to learn that our surgeons, with whatever limited resources and technologies available, have been able to perform many advanced and complicated surgeries`, he praised.
`Here, let me assure that I will do whatever is possible in my capacity to ensure that shortage of infrastructure and technologies do not come in the way of providing quality healthcare to our people,` he reassured adding, the state government is dedicated to ensure a better healthcare system for our citizens and we focuses on Health Insurances to citizens, Financial assistance to poor people, enhancing the infrastructure facilities at District and sub-district level Hospitals, use of technologies like tele-medicine to reach to the remotest corners of the State etc.
The Chief Minister also said even as India is becoming an important centre in the aspect of Health Tourism, he would like to place on record that Manipur also has its goal to serve in this sector to the neighbouring country like Myanmar.
`I am sure this will take us in long way in delivering quality service not only the people of our country but also to neighbouring country` he said.
Also present on the dias were Parliamentary Secretary Victor Keishing as a guest of honour. He appealed the doctors to help the government in bringing peace and harmony in the state.
Prof. S. Rajendra Singh president ASI Manipur State Chapter who presided over the function drew the attention of the state government to create the infrastructure for the organ transplant facility in the state.
Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/10/govt-contemplating-law-against-violence-on-doctors-on-duty-chief-minister/