ILPS demand : KSA Jiribam Unit appeals extension of form submission for jobs at MPDC

Jiribam, 6 Aug, 2015 : A press release from the Kangleipak Students Association(KSA), Jiribam Unit, has appealed to the Manipur Power Development Corporation to extend the last date of form

Jiribam, 6 Aug, 2015 : A press release from the Kangleipak Students Association(KSA), Jiribam Unit, has appealed to the Manipur Power Development Corporation to extend the last date of form submission for some of its job post. The last date of the form submission has already been extended before to 7th Aug , due to unprecedented bandhs and strikes for ILPS demand .

”Frequent bandh and other form of agitations that has been plaqued in demand of ILP has created lot of problem to the people of manipur and jiribam particular. The guardians of the applicants to some posts of the Manipur Power Development Corporation earnestly request  to extends form submission to some days. It will be a good will as the situation is continuing, the concern authority may kindly be taken this as most urgent.” added the release.

The press release is signed by L. Bonson Singh , President , KSA, Jiribam Unit.

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Government is not serious about permanent peace: SSSC

Press release: 5th August 2015 Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign (SSSC) welcomes the decision of peace accord between Govt and NSCN (IM). By this historic peace accord, there are many signals

11 DAYS, 11000 PETITIONS for 11 YEARS 10JULY-20JULY - Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign For Irom Sharmila Chanu

Press release: 5th August 2015

Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign (SSSC) welcomes the decision of peace accord between Govt and NSCN (IM). By this historic peace accord, there are many signals from the side of the government, first of all it conveys the importance of peace and the commitment for development in North East states where the Prime Minister himself was present during peace accord with NSCN(IM) leaders.

SSSC believes that such actions from government are one of confidence building measures where not only common people of north east, but even insurgent groups and their members can now think and can join the mainstream in the broader objective of peace and development.
SSSC commends the role of R N Ravi for reflecting his commitment towards stability in north east and for standing towards people of north east. Being an interlocutor for these talks, he successfully brought both the parties at single point of joining hands.
With all these best wishes and congratulations, SSSC appeals once again with the government of India to work towards repeal of AFSPA. SSSC convener Ravi Nitesh said that though the move is a welcome but without repealing AFSPA, it does not seem that government is indicating or serious thinking towards permanent peace. In fact, no restrictions or cut in unconstitutional powers of military is actually a threat, not less than the threat of insurgents in north east states. Establishing peace talks and ceasefire deals with insurgents is about ensuring the development and scenario of investment by private parties that government is seeking, but repealing AFSPA will be a move of establishing real and ground contacts with people, of touching their hearts and minds in real ways, because this will mean understanding their scenario of everyday abnormality and threat and also about taking action to ensure peace for them. We hope that from Look east to now Act East, has to move ahead with Understanding East. Without understanding issues, actions will not be as fruitful as it would be.”
We have seen that how despite being on hunger strike since last 15 years, Irom Sharmila has not been able to get importance by government. Even despite her repeated requests and desire to meet newly elected prime minister Mr. Modi, she did not get any chance to meet him. She is a person who is following a non violent and democratic path for her demand to repeal AFSPA. Despite her worldwide popularity and voice and support of human rights organisations, government has not listen demand yet. Moreover, her fast has largely been ignored. Will it not give a signal that non violence and democratic ways are loosing their importance in present regime of India? Government need to rethink on this fast more seriously and to act immediately in this regard.


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Media persons protest against attack during JCILPS bandh

Imphal, 5 Aug 2015 : Protesting the attack on media persons by JCILPS bandh supporters on Wednesday at Manipur Press Club, Imphal, Manipur

Imphal, 5 Aug 2015 : Protesting the attack on media persons by JCILPS bandh supporters on Wednesday at Manipur Press Club, Imphal, Manipur

Media persons protest against attack during JCILPS bandh, at Manipur Press Club. Photo : Deepak Shijagurumayum

Media persons protest against attack during JCILPS bandh, at Manipur Press Club. Photo : Deepak Shijagurumayum

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India: Nagaland for Christ , NSCN-IM speaks out

Speech delivered by Mr. Th. Muivah, General Secretary, NSCN during the signing ceremony of framework agreement with the Prime Minister of India Mr Narendra Modi on 3rd August 2015 at

Speech delivered by Mr. Th. Muivah, General Secretary, NSCN during the signing ceremony of framework agreement with the Prime Minister of India Mr Narendra Modi on 3rd August 2015 at New Delhi.

I thank God for this momentous occasion.

On behalf of the Chairman Mr. Isak Chishi Swu and the Naga people kindly allow me to begin by saying that Naga people have great respect for Mahatma Gandhi because he understood and respected the Nagas when the Naga delegation met him for the first time in 1947. Unfortunately, after his demise, the Indian state resorted to military might to crush the Nagas. Armed confrontation followed inflicting heavy losses on both the parties.

After a long fighting, Mr. Narasimha Rao, the then Prime Minister of India had the courage to admit that it is political issue and should be solved through political negotiations. We appreciated his wisdom and accepted the Ceasefire Agreement to start political negotiation in 1997. We gave our commitment to him that NSCN shall leave no stone unturned to find a negotiated amicable settlement between the two parties.

The Nagas were very happy when the Government of India under the leadership of the then Prime Minister of India Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee, declared the recognition of the ”unique history and situation of Nagas” in 2002. We Nagas appreciated the statesmanship of Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee and we gave our commitment that if the Government of India would understand the reality of the Nagas, the Nagas will appreciate the reality of India even ten times more and we never back-track from our commitments.

Today, under the visionary leadership of honourable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, we have come close to understand each other and have worked out a new relationship between the two parties on the basis of this uniqueness. We appreciate your wisdom, your leadership and your vision to build an enduring relationship between the Nagas and Indians. The Nagas will ever remember you for your statesmanship and your profound understanding of the Nagas with warm heart for them.

Beginning from now the challenges will be great so also the responsibilities. The obligations to meet the needs of the people shall be paramount for both the parties to make this historic Endeavour more meaningful. Let me also assure you that Nagas can still come closer if their rights are respected. On behalf of the Naga people allow me to assure you once again that Nagas can be trustworthy and take into your confidence for any policy in the Northeast and beyond the frontiers.

God bless you and your leadership.



Mr. Th. Muivah

General Secretary, NSCN.


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By Dr Khwairakpam Gajananda DEFINITION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES: “Indigenous peoples are those which having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct

By Dr Khwairakpam Gajananda


“Indigenous peoples are those which having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of societies now prevailing in those territories, or parts of them. They form at present non-dominant sectors of society and are determined to preserve, develop, and transmit to future generations their ancestral territories, and their ethnic identity, as the basis of their continued existence as peoples, in accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal systems”, according to Martinez-Cobo, 1984, the United Nations Special Rapporteur to the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Indigenous Communities, Peoples and Nations.


The indigenous peoples of the world is very diverse and is about 400 million with close to 5000 distinct tribes, which symbolize and nurture 80% of the world’s cultural and biological diversity—occupying 20% of the world’s land surface. Indigenous Peoples play key roles in preserving land, environment, ecology, protecting language, promoting and preserving culture and tradition. Many of the World’s Indigenous Peoples have already adapted to the paradigm shift and are adjusting to the technological and political changes. By respecting the nature, Indigenous Peoples are champions to the sustainable conservations of the environment.

Despite such extensive diversity in indigenous communities throughout the world, all Indigenous Peoples have one thing in common—they all share a history of injustice. Indigenous Peoples have been killed, tortured and enslaved in all the livable continents. Many of them are the victims of genocide and are denied the rights to participate in governing processes of the political systems. The fundamental rights of self-determination, dignity and identity of indigenous peoples were stolen during the conquest and colonization.

The rights of Indigenous Peoples overlap with many other human rights; however, the important parts are not framed specifically but are part of more general treaties, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.


(1)       The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (2001)

The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (2001) for the first time recommended the UN to use the phrase “Indigenous Peoples” in all the documents rather than using the phrase “Indigenous People”. This carries a clear message to the World’s populations that the ‘Indigenous Peoples’ is not singular but plural!

(2)       The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, March 2008

This declaration is the most comprehensive statement of the rights of Indigenous Peoples to date, establishing collective rights to a greater extent than any other document in international human rights law. It establishes the rights of Indigenous Peoples to the protection of their cultural property and identity as well as the rights to education, employment, health, religion, language and more. It also protects the right of Indigenous Peoples to own land collectively. Although, States are not legally bound by the Declaration, it exerted a considerable amount of moral force by the General Assembly. Consisting of 46 Articles, the draft Declaration is divided into nine parts. Some of the Articles of the Declarations are reproduced as follows:

Article 1:- Indigenous peoples have the right to the full enjoyment, as a collective or as individuals, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the Charter of the UN, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law.

Article 5:- Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.

Article 6:- Every indigenous individual has the right to a nationality.

Article 8:- 1. Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture. 2. States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for: (a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities; (b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources; (c) Any form of forced population transfer, which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights; (d) Any form of forced assimilation or integration; (e) Any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them.

Article 13:- 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to revitalize, use, develop and transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and literatures, and to designate and retain their own names for communities, places and persons. 2. States shall take effective measures to ensure that this right is protected and also to ensure that indigenous peoples can understand and be understood in political, legal and administrative proceedings, where necessary through the provision of interpretation or by other appropriate means.

Article 27:- States shall establish and implement, in conjunction with indigenous peoples concerned, a fair, independent, impartial, open and transparent process, giving due recognition to indigenous peoples’ laws, traditions, customs and land tenure systems, to recognize and adjudicate the rights of indigenous peoples pertaining to their lands, territories and resources, including those which were traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used. Indigenous peoples shall have the right to participate in this process.

Article 30:- 1. Military activities shall not take place in the lands or territories of indigenous peoples, unless justified by a relevant public interest or otherwise freely agreed with or requested by the indigenous peoples concerned. 2. States shall undertake effective consultations with the indigenous peoples concerned, through appropriate procedures and in particular through their representative institutions, prior to using their lands or territories for military activities.

Article 31:- 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, as well as the manifestations of their sciences, technologies and cultures, including human and genetic resources, seeds, medicines, knowledge of the properties of fauna and flora, oral traditions, literatures, designs, sports and traditional games and visual and performing arts. They also have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their intellectual property over such cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions. 2. In conjunction with indigenous peoples, States shall take effective measures to recognize and protect the exercise of these rights.

Article 36:- 1. Indigenous peoples, in particular those divided by international borders, have the right to maintain and develop contacts, relations and cooperation, including activities for spiritual, cultural, political, economic and social purposes, with their own members as well as other peoples across borders. 2. States, in consultation and cooperation with indigenous peoples, shall take effective measures to facilitate the exercise and ensure the implementation of this right.

(3)       The Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1992

The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1992 recognized the special relationship between Indigenous Peoples and their lands. Indigenous Peoples have a vital role in environmental management and development because of their traditional knowledge and practice. In order to fully make use of that knowledge, some Indigenous Peoples need greater control over their land, self-management of their resources and participation in development decisions affecting them (Agenda 21, Chapter 26.4). The Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), thus called upon its signatories to “respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of the holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of such knowledge, innovations and practices”.

The objective of the biological diversity conservation of the UN-Earth Submit and consequently the aim of many Nations of the World is the universal phrase “Unity in Diversity”. Diversity indeed, included both hybridize and pure breed species. In this scenario, conservation of pure breed sustainably—is more important and better than the hybridize one, in the long run. To avoid extinction, hybridization is the best strategy—but at the cost of losing the precious pure breed ‘genetic pool’. The problem is, in a population of a species, if a sub-species extinct, slowly the other surviving sub-species genes started getting into mutation phase, which has the high-probability of getting extinct due to various causes e.g. cancers, diseases, reproductive disorders, competitions, natural selections etc. Hence, it is pertinent to conserve Indigenous Peoples (pure breed) for a long chain of healthy genetic diversity and for our future generations. Here, we can take some examples of the World’s Indigenous Peoples who are currently preserved for their unique identities, cultures and traditions; they are viz. Inuit: Greenland, Northern Canada, Alaska; Sami: Northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia; Nuba: Sudan; Pygmy peoples: Central and Western Africa; Khoikhoi: South Africa; Tibetan people: Tibet; Karen: Burma and Thailand; Wa people: Burma and China’s Yunnan Province; Penan: Sarawak, Malaysia; Andalusians: Spain; Manx people: Great Britain; the Red Indian: USA; Occitans: France; Yolngu people: Arnhem Land, Australia; Fijian: Fiji; Itza: Mayan people of Guatemala; Mayo: Sonora, Mexico; Awá-Guajá: eastern Amazonian rainforest, Brazil; Yora: Amazon rainforest, southeast Peru etc.

(4)       Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (1992)

This Declaration deals with all minorities, which includes many of the world’s Indigenous Peoples. It only concerns individual rights, although collective rights might be derived from those individual rights. The Declaration deals both with States’ obligations towards minorities as well as the rights of minority people. Topics that are dealt with include: the national or ethnic, cultural, religious or linguistic identity of minorities (Article 1); the free expression and development of culture; association of minorities amongst themselves; participation in decisions regarding the minority (Article 2); the exercise of minority rights, both individual and in groups (Article 3); and education of and about minorities (Article 4).

The UN bodies recognize that indigenous culture is directly linked to land, water and other resources and language. In this scenario, ‘Media’ thus plays the vital role as a non-violent weapon to spread awareness/information within and without indigenous communities.


In India, there are about 461 ethnic groups, which are recognized as Scheduled Tribes (ST). They are considered to be India’s Indigenous Peoples. The constitutions of India gives equal respect to all communities, sects, lingual and ethnic groups etc. in the country. The constitution also guarantees to all citizens the freedom of speech (Article 19), freedom of religion (Article 25), equality (Articles 14 to 17), liberty (Article 21), etc. India has several laws and constitutional provisions, such as the Fifth (5th) Schedule for mainland India and the Sixth (6th) Schedule for certain areas of North-east India, which recognize Indigenous Peoples’ rights to land and self-governance. The laws aimed at protecting indigenous peoples have, however, numerous shortcomings and their implementation is far from satisfactory.

There are numerous indigenous people residing in the hills of Northern, North-Eastern and Southern India, Andaman & Nicobar Island, Himalayan regions of India etc. Some of the examples are: Bodo-Kachari: Assam (Bodoland), Arunachal Pradesh; Karbi: Assam; Khasi-Jaintia: Meghalaya, Assam; Mishmi people: Arunachal Pradesh; Nocte: Arunachal Pradesh; Mizo people: Mizoram; Naga: Nagaland; Tripuri (Borok): Tripura; Ladakhi: Jammu and Kashmir; Andamanese: Andaman Islands; Jangil (Rutland Jarawa): now extinct, formerly of Rutland Island, Andamans; Onge: Little Andaman; Nicobarese people (Holchu): Nicobar Islands, India; Shompen: Nicobar Islands, India; Bhutia: Sikkim; Kota: Nilgiris etc.

Lahual and Spiti, Himachal Pradesh has strict rules for non-native people to reside or buy land or plot. Foreigners are being permitted to visit the restricted/protected areas by the authorities specified under Section 3 of the Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order 1958 by the State Government of Himachal Pradesh. Similarly, in Ladakh since May 1, 2014, Indian Nationals or Tourists need to present valid Photo ID, Nationality Proof at the Indo Tibetan Border Police or Army check-posts. However, all foreign nationals need to apply for PAP (Protect Area Permits) in a group of two or more through a registered travel agent in Leh. Acquiring PAP, allow foreigners to visit the restricted areas in Ladakh of Nubra Valley, Tso Moriri, Pangong Tso, and Dah–Hanu Villages. The States of Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland and Nicobar Islands have similar types of ILPS imposed in their respective States. The aspirations to protect/preserved Indigenous Peoples of Indian States such as Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Odisha, Sikkim, Telangana, Uttaranchal, West Bengal and other hills regions of India are gaining momentum, because most of the ethnic minority groups believed that over the time they are slowly becoming minorities in their own homeland.

The Constitutions of India, Article 19 (D) & (E) allows all the citizens to move freely throughout the territory of India and to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India, however, sub-clause (5) emphasizes that the State can impose reasonable restrictions on the exercise of any of the rights conferred by the said sub-clauses (D & E) for the protection of the interests of any indigenous community. In Manipur, the said sub-clause of the article has been violated. There is no provision to protect the Indigenous Tribal Peoples—those who mainly reside in the four valleys districts of Manipur, whose populations, land and cultural identities are day-by-day diminishing. Thus, it is high-time for the State and Central Government to conserve/preserve the indigenous peoples of Manipur, before it is too late!


Manipur comprises of complex set of indigenous Scheduled Castes (SC); Scheduled Tribes (ST) and General categories communities. The tribal Kukis and Nagas dominated the hilly areas, which is about 90% of the land (20089 km2) of Manipur. These two ethnic communities have very closed affinity with Meetei (General and OBC Categories) and shared historically, socially, culturally, economically and demographically—since thousands of years.

Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (MLR & LRAct 1960 provide protections of indigenous tribal lands of Manipur in the five Hills Districts of Manipur, which is again strengthened with the recently held Autonomous District Council (ADC) elections and the proposed 6th Schedule to be implemented there. However, the porous Myanmar border provided safe-haven for foreigners to infiltrate in many districts of Manipur e.g. Churachandpur, Chandel and Ukhrul. The very close affinities to the ethnicity, languages and traditions of many Manipuri tribal and the Myanmarese people generally helped the latter to migrate and settle in many parts of Manipur—without proper documents or verifications. The Acts and Laws thus provided for Manipuri’s are toothless and are compromised at the cost of the original Manipuri tribal’s socio-economy, natural resources, land, culture and traditions.

On the other hand, the ‘Meeteis’, original ethnic Manipuri people residing mainly in the four valley districts (only 10% or 2238 km2 of the total geographical areas of Manipur) are day by day marginalized due to the pressures from various angles. The general populations of Meeteis are regarded as General Category with small sections of the community coming under Scheduled Caste (SC) and after the introductions of Other Backward Classes (OBC) insignificant numbers of socio-economically backward families were included in OBC categories by the Indian Union.

The history of Meeteis can be trace back to 33 AD, which is very distinct and thousands of years old language and folklores—found both orally and in written. Culturally, Meeteis can be regarded as one of the community, which has the richest cultures in the World. Indisputably, Meetei with distinct culture, tradition and language can be regarded as true indigenous community as per UN declarations, thus should be protected under the Constitutions of India.

Some of the points that seriously threaten the valley dwelling peoples and their lands in the four districts of Manipur are: 1. The four districts of Manipur is open for any Indian Citizen to purchase or reside, thus the land areas of Meeteis and Tribal are shrinking considerably since Indian independence. 2. Hybridizations due to migrations and immigrations seriously altered the genetic pools of the Indigenous Peoples in valley districts. 3. Dilutions and adulterations of cultures, traditions and languages during last three-four centuries and the significant socio-economic alterations after the merger of Manipur to the Indian Union, will slowly bring the Meetei community to minority level in their own homeland. 4. Though the present population growth rate of Manipur is about 18%, which is more than the national average—it is believed that the rate is mainly due to immense migrations of non-indigenous communities, foreigners such as Bangladeshi, Myanmarese, Nepalis etc. 5. In Manipur, there is no provision to protect the ST and SC communities who are presently residing in many small pockets of the valley districts and 6. Trans-boundaries subversive activities, thus arise in Manipur can be directly or indirectly linked with our inappropriate plans, policies, programs or legislative actions, which does not provide comprehensive protections for the Indigenous Peoples of Manipur.

The present mass actions taken up by the people of Manipur to introduce ILPS can be regarded as visionaries’ decisions to safeguard the unique traditions, cultures, languages, lands, natural resources, ecology, biodiversity and environment of Manipur. The political and government wills to protect and safeguard its own subjects, therefore, will give better impetus to bring peace and harmony to the State and to the Nation.

The article was sent by Khwairakpam Gajananda(Phd), Associate Professor, Centre for Environmental Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He can be reached at gajkh(at)yahoo(dot)com



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Mass rally against Demographic Invasion organised in Delhi by MSAD

  Delhi, July 27: A mass rally was organized under the banner of 1. Against the State Policy of Demographic Invasion. Implement Manipur State Permit System (MSPS) / ILP and


20150727_133337Delhi, July 27: A mass rally was organized under the banner of 1. Against the State Policy of Demographic Invasion. Implement Manipur State Permit System (MSPS) / ILP and 2. Protest the Brutality of State Forces in Suppressing Democratic Movement in Manipur. The Manipur Students’ Association Delhi (MSAD) with Manipur Young Mind Association Delhi and Fight You Are Not Alone and individuals have reaffirmed our commitments to protect the history, culture, population and future of Manipur from the continuous state policy of demographic invasion. As a result, lakhs of population have influx in the state of Manipur that have threatened the existence of the people of Manipur.

The rally was started from Mandi House at 11:30 a.m. and gathered at Jantar Mantar Parliament Street. Around 300 protesters were present at the rally. The protesters were shouted the following slogans a. Chingmi-Tammi Kallu, b. Amend Indian Constitution c. Implement Manipur Sate Permit System / ILPS c. CM Ibobi Down Down d. PM Modi Down Down e. Meethibong Meetambalsing Fam Thadok-u f. Long Live People’s Struggle g. Save Save Manipur h. Stop State Terrorism i. Long Live Robinhood and j. People United Will Never be Defeated. At the meantime, a memorandum was submitted to the President and Prime Minister of India.

The Demographic Invasion is rooted in the State policy. Historically, the entry of outsiders was always checked and regulated on the basis of Manipur’s capacity to absorb them. However, the official policy of unregulated influx of outsiders began when the then Dominion of India, imposed order to enlist refugees from the then East-Pakistan into the electoral list of Manipur. Thereafter, following the annexation of Manipur in October 1949, the Government of India, on 18 November 1950, abolished the pre-existing Permit System which had been regulating the entry of outsiders into Manipur.


The demands are as follows:

 (I) Enactment and implementation of a law that will protect the people of Manipur from the state policy of Demographic Invasion that have threatened the polity, economy, culture and history of the peoples of Manipur. The law must incorporate the following points:


  1. Not to allow the non-Manipuris to own land and permanent residence in Manipur.
    1. The right to discretion, regarding issuance of permission to an exceptional non-Manipuri individual to enjoy permanent residence in Manipur, on the basis of his/ her contribution towards the progress of Manipuri society, will be rested with the peoples of Manipur.
    2. Outsider project companies, corporate bodies, and the State must not enjoy the power to acquisition individual and community owned lands without the free prior informed consents of the peoples who will be affected by the projects.
  1. Issuance of passes or permits to the non-Manipuri.
    1. Entry passes, with limited validity, should be issued to tourists, professionals and visitors.

3. The year 1951 should be recognised as the base year to detect the non-Manipuris.

  1. A full-fledged government department should be set up to regulate the entry of non-Manipuris.
    1. Regarding this, there should be a monitoring committee composed of civil society organizations, to check the transparency and functioning of the department.
  1. The constitution of India should be amended accordingly, to enact and implement a law to protect and safeguard the rights of the peoples of Manipur. — “In keeping with the historicity and contemporary needs of Manipur as a geo-political entity whose existence, as the first Schedule of the Indian Constitution acknowledges, precedes the adoption of the Constitution of India, all necessary constitutional and administrative steps must be taken to protect and preserve the Manipur State and her indigenous people.”
  1. Either the Government of Manipur or the Union Government of India should not enact any legislation or administrative steps that go against the spirit and letter of above basic demands.


(II) Our position on State repression, and killing of a class XI student and injury of democratic protesters:

1.  The Government of India must immediately stop repression on democratic movements in Manipur.

2. The Government of India must immediately lift the imposition of curfew and shutting down of educational establishments (since July 8 2015) in Manipur that have been carried out in the name of law and order.

3. The Government of India must not suspend the democratic rights of the students to take part in the people’s democratic movement in Manipur.

4. The Government of India must immediately punish the police personnel responsible for the killing of a class XI science student Sapam Robinhood on July 8, 2015 and severe injuries of 100 of students and protesters who were demanding a law to protect the rights of the peoples of Manipur. In this regards, actions must be taken up against the Home Minister and the Director General of Police, Manipur.


The meeting strongly endorsed to adopt these approaches to be adopted by the people who are part of the ongoing movement for Manipur State Permit System.


  1.  An open dialogue for all the communities of Manipur would be held during the ongoing movement for demanding MSP (Manipur State Permit).
  2. Political class and political consciousness programs would be held for the mass awareness.
  3.  Any anti – non-Manipuri / communal discourses would not be inserted in the process of mobilization. We should condemn such practices that has been done in the name of the movement.
  4.  Demographic invasion is rooted in state policies. Demographic invasion is systematically done by the state policies and the target of the movement would be against the state and its policies and would not be against the non Manipuries / outsiders who have come for their livelihood.


After the rally protesters were rushed to the residence of Dr. Th. Meinya, MP Lok Sabha. Initially he was reluctantly to come to meet the protesters. It was informed that until and unless he come out and received the demands of the people who were standing outside the gate we would not go back even if necessary we were ready to go to be arrested by the police. Finally he came out and he was submitted only one line demand that is resigned from the post of MP immediately. The protester were shouted slogans a. MP Meinya Fam Thadok-u b. Ikai khangdaba Toklasi c. Khudakta Fam Thadok-u d. Meethibong Meetambal Fam Thadok-u.


Unity is Victory



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Yelhoumee singtagi oiba keithel sabada meeyamna mateng pangbiyu: IPSA (In Manipuri)

Imphal, July 22: Houjik Kangleipak (Manipur) da meeeyamna khwaidagi pamnaba amadi khoidazaba potsak ama hairagadi MAO KEITHEL ni haibada lallaroi khalli. Kangleicha khudingmakna amadi leingakpa singna chap mannana yaaminnaba amadi

mao keithel nagamapal, manipur, imphal

Temporary Mao Keithel in Nagamapal, Imphal

Imphal, July 22: Houjik Kangleipak (Manipur) da meeeyamna khwaidagi pamnaba amadi khoidazaba potsak ama hairagadi MAO KEITHEL ni haibada lallaroi khalli. Kangleicha khudingmakna amadi leingakpa singna chap mannana yaaminnaba amadi apenba pokpa IMPHAL da MAO FURUP ki eechil eenao singna Mao da fangba mahei-marong, enshang naapi amadi hei lei sing asi matam kuirabagi tungda Imphalgi Khwairamband Keithel ga naknana Nagamapal da pukhatlaktuna meeyamda fanghalliba asimuk apenba asidagihenba leite. Hairiba wafam asibu louduna Manipur Government na MAO gi lalon eetik toujariba meeyamgi hotnajaman asibu khangbiduna Yelhoumee singtagi oiba Keithel ama semgat sagattuna thambiyu haiduna haijabada thamlagani hairakpasina amukka henna apenba pokee. Kangleipakta Kangleicha singi amadi Kanglei khunnaigi damakta katthaokpa amaga loinana meeyamgi damakta chongthoktuna leiriba Civil Societies Organization sing maru oina League of the Fourth World People Kangleipak (LFWPK), International Peace and Social Advancement (IPSA), All Clubs Organization Apunba Meira Paibi Lup, Kangleipk (ACOAM Lup), Kanglei Ima Lup (KIL), Kanglamei, Chanura Lamchinglel Kangleipak (CLK), Indigenous People’s Association of Kangleipak (IPAK), PANDAM amadi Kangleipak Students’ Association (KSA) na amadi UNITED CLUBS OF IMC WARD NO. 4-URIPOK, Kangjabi Youth Club amadi Nagamapal Youth Club na yumbu oibiduna mapung oiba thoudang louduna MAO gi lalonbi kayabu harao meenokka loinana okpiduna Kangleipakki puwarigi anouba lamai ama hangdokkhre. Loinana Meitei Puyada hairamba Nagamapal da Mao Keithel Karaklagani haiba wafam du mak ngasidi thoklare. Thoklariba Keithel asi mangfaonahannaba hotnabada Mao furup ki yaiphanabagi damak achouba thoudang louriba MAO UNION, MAO YOUTH & STUDENTs’ UNION, MAO BUSINESS UNION amadi atei Mao furup ki thawai yaobiba yaobibi Mao eechil eenao singgi su amukka henna achouba thoudang loubibadagi MAO KEITHEL asi oithoraklibani. Sinja langjabada saruk yajaruba luploi ama oina thamjaningliba wafamdi MAO KEITHEL na Imphal da karakpa asina khundaminaariba furup singi marakta nungshi channaba da nattana Kanglei khunaigi senmitlon da achouba ahongba amadi laklagani haibasini. Houkhiba July gi tang 3 dagi na July gi 22, 2015 ngasiga thana Mao Keithel na Imphal da famlakliba asi taruklak sukhre amadi ahouba numittagi tharaga ngasi faobada apunbagi oina mapot thanna yaoraba Tata Mobile Carrier Truck (114) chammaga taramari sukhre, puraktuna yonkhiba amadi apunbagi senfam oina chaorapna Lupa Lakh Kunthramari ga Lishing kun muk sure. (Thirty four lakh twenty thousand only) approximately. Tenkhraba numit taraga mari manganigi matam asida toukhriba lallon eetik asina karigumba touramdaba taarabadi hairiba senfam asi sungsoi soidana Kangleipakki waangmada oina chatlambasu yai.

mao keithel imphal manipur

Dr. Lolly, President Mao Union, Mao Briefing Media

Adubu Mao Keithel da lakkhiba senfamnina Mao gi meeyamda amadi iramdam kangleipak asigi account ta adummak leihoujabani haina state economy gi mityengda louba yai.Hairiba Keithel asina asumna tungkoina sum chang naina chattharaklabadi Tha amada Keithel 15 rak tagina 20 rak kumba karaklabadi changchatta Rupees 1.53 Crore, Lupa Crore Amaga Makhai mukki lalon eetik tougani haina paaba yai. Masi na chumba taarabadi asukki matik Mao Keithel na Imphal da karakpagi mayek laaraba mahei adu fangjare haina louba yai. Amadi pumnamakki hotnajaman adu lemna khak mangdre haina khanba yai.

Mao gi meeyamna Mao gi mahousadagi leijarakpa leihao da suja nomja duna puthokchaba pothoksingtana tanjaba senfamnina masi Kanglei Khunaigi khwaidagi mayek senglaba senmitlon gi anouba awonba amani haina meepum khudingmakna lounagani amadi saruk yajariba Lup loi singnasu loujei. Masina Kangleipakki mafam khudingmakta khundaminnariba yelhoumee khudingmakki mafamda chinjakta meepal tangdana hingjanabagi anouba eenot ama piragani. Suning nomningbagi chatnabi Work Culture Revolution ama soidana puraklagani amadi Mao gi meeyamgi haotnaba asi atoppa yelhoumee khudingmakna tamjaningngai oiragani haina khalli

mao keithel imphal manipur

Temporary Mao Keithel in Nagamapal, Imphal

Mao dagi lakliba lallonbi sing asi Imphal da ahanba lakpa amadi hanna fajana potyonbi oidriba, supnatagi eengkholda, loubukta sunomlaga punna punna whole sale da thadoklambana ayamba oibana Imphal gi amadi Khwairambandgi Keithel fambi sing douna yamna meekup nahum singba amadi heithoi singthoiba amadi oidri. Maram asina mee mayamna yomsillaga pot leinanaba hotnarakpada kok ngaoduna sen louhoudana pot pithokkhiba amadi mee chinbagi khudong chaba louraga pot matpikhiba kayasu yaaori. Mao gi chinglamda manung hanjinna yamna tamna leikhiba khun dagi ahanba mapan thoklaktuna pot yonjabasu yaobanina masida pot leiba lakpiriba meeyamnasu yaariba makhei pukchel sengna leiriba pot adugi mamal adu sen oina Masada soidana pibiduna chamjakhraba khunganggi waana soo nomlaga taanjaba asibu eikhoi khudingmakna pukning thougat pifam thokee. Imphal da laklaga amangba, meenambata oi haikhragadi asuk yamna waana mayam changdana hotnajariba sing ase ootta ghee heiba oina thoklagani. Maram asina Mao gi lallonbi singna Imphal da lallonba lakchabada tungkoiba mari ama saagatnaba hotnabada eikhoinasu pukchel tingna loinabiba mathou tai. Madu na tunglamchatta Mao gi meeyamna Imphal gi meeoi singbu mathamoida adummak chetna konsinduna amadi machinda sonduna thambigani.

Houjikti Mao gi khun khun khudingdasu Imphal da pot yonbana malemgi mafam ateida yonbadagi khwaidagi henna nungai haibasi Mao phurupcha khudingmakta loina taanare. Masi henna amukka mapum faana tung koina chatthaduna leihounaba hotnabada Kangleipakta leiriba Lup khuding makki thamoida faonariba Fei haiba wafam adumak tung koina leijahounaba hotnabada Iramdam ireipak asida khundaminnariba furup khudingmakna eesha eeshagi haiba wakhallon adudagi khajiktang khaidokpiduna katthokpa amaga loinana hotnaminnasi amadi Government ki maikeidagi thamoi sengna tingthorakliba khut asida eikhoi khudingmaknasu mateng pangsinduna Imphal da Yelhoumee singtagi oiba Keithel ama semgatpada punna saruk yaaminasi haina Kagleicha khwai khudingmakki mafamda ningsingjari.

Houjik eikhoigi maangda taaduna leiriba fibam sing asi maru oina matam kharagi oina houjik houjik potfam famduna haptagi Keithel famliba Naga Turel gi Keithel asida mee yamna chonna tinba mafam ama oibana mafam asida Keithel amuk amuk fambada thoklakliba amotpa sing asi mari leinaba Municipality gi echil eenao singna matam chana louthokpiba asina khwaidagi ahanba tangai fadaba thabak ama oire. Matam kharagi oirabasu famlingei manung asida mapan eepan thokningba amadi lamsang lakpagi hakchang wai sangdokningbana chingba sing asigi damakta tangai fadana temporary Toilet complex ama mafam asida sabiduna khudong chadaba sing asidagi kokhanbinaba hotbiyu haiduna thawai yaona sinbiriba Manipur Government ki MAHUD department ta haijari amadi athuba da sinbiyu.

Mao keithel imphal manipur

Temporary Mao Keithel in Nagamapal, Imphal

Masigi makha taarakpada PDA na Temporary market Shed ama chingmeirong maning leikai gi Eastern Motors ki showroom nakal da sananaba hotnabada Chingmeirongi Leikai gi Club,Meira Paibi amadi pukchel chaoba chaobi singna thokpiraktuna ayetpa apanba singdagi ngakthokpiduna amadi matam chana quality leina sahanduna loisinbada mateng pangbiyu haina ningsingjari.

Kangleipakki civil societies singnasu Nagamapal da leiriba khudong chadaba sing asidagi thuna nanthoknaba hotnaba da Chingmeirong gi Temporary Market shed asina achouba mateng ama oigadouribani, maram asina yariba makhei mari leinaba Contractor amadi Department ki staff singna mateng pangsinbiduna khwaidagi khonglei thuna thabk loisinnanaba hotnabada punna saruk yainnasi haina LUP singi maikeidagi LUP Loisingi mahut sinjaraga nolukna ningsingjari.



(Chingkhei Luwangcha)

President, IPSA


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Mapithel dam : Chadong Village submerges under water

Chadong Villagers witness submergence of their village along with all its priceless identities and history. The government`s developmental design has created another island in the State by submerging the erstwhile fertile

Chadong Villagers witness submergence of their village along with all its priceless identities and history. The government`s developmental design has created another island in the State by submerging the erstwhile fertile plains of village of Chadong. It is a classical case where the woes of the affected people are completely ignored by the State, imposing its policy by hoodwinking some people with compensation and militarizing the area to continue with its `anti-people` project.

Houses evacuted after the water level rises in Chadong Village.  Photo by Deepak Shijagurumayum.
Houses evacuted after the water level rises in Chadong Village.  Photo by Deepak Shijagurumayum.
Houses evacuted after the water level rises in Chadong Village.  Photo by Deepak Shijagurumayum.
Houses evacuted after the water level rises in Chadong Village.  Photo by Deepak Shijagurumayum.
View of Mapithel dam from Chadong Villahe. Photo by Deepak Shijagurumayum.
Chadong villagewhich is going to submerge in few days by the water which was released from the Mapithel dam. Photo by Deepak Shijagurumayum.

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MMTA team rows down Imphal River garnering support for ILPS

IMPHAL July 24: Manipur Mountaineering Training Association organised a rafting rally in two rafts down the Imphal River from Maharabi near Sekmai to Khurai Lamlong Thong demanding ILPS implementation in

The MMTA team during their ILP campaign

The MMTA team during their ILP campaign

IMPHAL July 24: Manipur Mountaineering Training Association organised a rafting rally in two rafts down the Imphal River from Maharabi near Sekmai to Khurai Lamlong Thong demanding ILPS implementation in the State.

They were greeted by thousands of people who watch them from the river banks and shouted slogans supporting the ILPS demand.

Late Sapam Robinson`™s parents also greeted the team and showed support to the endeavour of the MMTA at the river bank.

The team also stopped for a brief moment to visit their home and pay homage to the departed student.

They proceeded further down the river towards passing under Salamthong the Lamlong Bridge and stopped to greet people on the river banks along their course.

They waited for more than an hour without flinching and join the chorus of shouting the ILP slogans.

It was indeed an overwhelming support and solidarity unmatched to any form of demonstration in the ILPS movement so far and appealed to the crowds.

Bridges were loaded with people nearing stampede.

And from each bridge they gathered more supporters to the next bridge.

Meanwhile, residents of Khergao Awang Leikai also staged a sit in protest demanding implementation of the ILPS in the State.

The sit in protest was jointly organised by Khergao Awang Leikai, Khargao Association Women Development, Young Vision Association Khergao Sabal Leikai, Nasikhong Youth Union, Sabal Leikai Youth Development Association.

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JCILPS ready to extend deadline for new bill, but with a rider

`Suspend personnel involved in Robinhood`s death; provide written assurance to incorporate five-point recommendation` IMPHAL July 23: The Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System has decided to extend its deadline

ilp , ILPS, JCILPS, Manipur

Peoples convention on ILPS at Iboyaima Shanglen on 23 July 2015 . Photo : Athouba Khuraijam

`Suspend personnel involved in Robinhood`s death; provide written assurance to incorporate five-point recommendation`

IMPHAL July 23: The Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System has decided to extend its deadline for a new bill to monitor the unabated influx of outsiders into the State for a month following an intense five hour long brainstorming with the public and other leaders during a public consultative meeting.

The meeting convened to pool public opinion and suggestions on the present impasse between the State government and JCILPS was held at the Iboyaima Shumang Leela Shanglen and organised by the committee.

More than 500 individuals participated in the intense discussion which was moderated by senior journalist Irengbam Arun.

The meeting commenced with the observance of a 2-minute silence in memory of Sapam Robinhood who was killed in police action to control a student rally on July 8.

At the end of the meeting the committee and those attending jointly resolved to extend the deadline set for the government to draft a new bill provided the government is ready to meet certain conditions.

The first of the conditions arrived at was for the government to pass the new bill before August 15 and that the government would provide a written insurance that it will incorporate the five points which were earlier recommended by the JCILPS to the government during the preparation of the now withdrawn Manipur Regulation of Visitors, Tenants and Migrant Workers Bill 2015.

Another condition was immediate suspension of the police personnel involved in the death of Sapam Robinhood and constitution of a judicial enquiry.


Peoples convention on ILPS at Iboyaima Shanglen on 23 July 2015 . Photo : Athouba Khuraijam

However, the meeting also resolved that people`s movement will continue until the new bill is passed by the Manipur Legislative Assembly.

Moderating the discussion, Arun explained that the purpose and the imperative need of the consultation was to streamline the future course of the movement.

He also observed that the last bill which stands withdrawn now following much public outcry was a misleading and mockery of the public demand.

He also explicitly asserted that the movement is not anti-non domicile and public should also be mindful/considerate of sensitive conducts and inconvenience due to instant impositions of bandhs, general strikes etc.

JCILPS co-convenor BK Moirangcha in his key-note address said for almost three years now, since November 2012 to be precise, the JCILPS has been campaigning for a legislation to legally safeguard the rights of the people of Manipur.

Several speakers from different fields of expertise also shared the platform to express their views on the present movement with the core concerns of almost all speakers centering on the alarming tripling of non-indigenous population of the State and the indigenous people`s shrinking ownership of resources especially land.

Executive members of the JCILPS also detailed the five-point recommendation which has already been submitted to the government and further sought a consensus on the points from those attending the meeting.

It was also observed during the meeting that the wave of support in the ongoing movement has come from the ordinary laymen including women groups, senior citizens, local clubs, individuals, CBOs and CSOs.

Leaders and representatives of the United Committee Manipur, All Manipur United Clubs` Organisation, Information Center for Hill Areas, Manipur also attended and placed suggestions on the present movement.

Several speakers also raised issues on the need to re-open educational institutes, which have today become the major casualty sufferers during any movement in the State.

One of the speakers, Dr Khomdon Lisam voiced his concern about the absence of a guiding constitutional expert in the present drafting committee constituted by the government to prepare the bill.

People`s Action for National Democratic Movement (PANDAM) president Yumnamcha Dilip Kumar also raised concern over the trust deficit of the public on the present government and its tactics, ever since the latter `betrayed the public.`

He further suggested opening up of a communication channel between the JCILPS and the government to ensure that the five-point recommendation is incorporated in the bill this time.

Titular king of Manipur Leishemba Sanajaoba implored the government to empathise and acknowledge the popular sentiment of the people and safeguard `our identity.`

He continued that the government should constitute a well represented drafting committee which will be acceptable to the public and incorporate the recommendation of the JCILPS.

He also sought penalty for the police personnel involved in the action which led to the death of Sapam Robinhood.

Meanwhile, another speaker questioned as to why the government failed to utilise the Law Secretary, the Advocate General or a constitutional expert for drafting such an important law.

Senior citizen Dr Arambam Lokendro also asserted that JCILPS being the representative of the public has the right to be informed about the progress of the drafting process of the bill and on the status of the five points.

The government drafting committee should also accommodate further suggestions that evolved from public consultations, he observed.

He suggested few actions for the government to restore the trust of the people, which include constituting a judicial inquiry on the death of Sapam Robinhood, extending official invitation to JCILPS, and drawing up ILPS or a similar law to safeguard the indigenous people in the State.

He also shared his concern about the national media projecting the movement in a different light.

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Human chains and sit-ins mark ILPS demand agitation

IMPHAL, July 22: Agitations demanding implementation of the Inner Line Permit System in the State and punishment for the police personnel involved in the death of student Sapam Robinhood continued

ILP, ILPS, JCILPS, manipur, human chain

Students of Waikhom Mani Girls College form a human chain along the Impha-Moreh Highway in support of ILPS.

IMPHAL, July 22: Agitations demanding implementation of the Inner Line Permit System in the State and punishment for the police personnel involved in the death of student Sapam Robinhood continued at several places in the State today.

As part of the movement, Meitei pangals of Andro constituency today staged a sit in protest and later formed a human chain at the Yairipok Azad bazaar.

The agitators also observed a one-minute silence in memory of Late Sapam Robinhood.

The agitation was jointly organised by the Tulihal Educated Association, SDYO, TMWA, IYDO, Ningthounai Youth Organisation, local clubs of Changamdabi and Laikol Muslim clubs.

President of the Tulihal Educated Association, Md Thoiba said the people fully support the demand for implementation of the ILPS in the State.

Now that Ramadan- the holy month fasting is over, we will come out in full support of the demand, he said.

He further urged the government to stop neglecting people`s demand until there is a death and deploying delay tactics.

He asked whether the government would not have withdrawn the bill, if there were no incidents of death or people getting injured during the movement.

Taking a week`s time just for the formation of a Drafting Committee is akin to showing disrespect to the public movement, he said.

Several local leaders also spoke on the ILPS during the protest.

Agitators also shouted slogans demanding implementation of the ILPS in the State and action against the police personnel involved in the death of Robinhood.

They also shouted that there is no peace in Manipur.

The sit in protest was also participated by students of Azad High School, Antartic English School and Model Kids Centre all located in Yairipok Tulihal.

Meira paibis groups and local youth clubs of Tentha area also sit in protest at the Tentha Multiplex complex and later took out a rally starting from Tentha Khongbal Leikai.

Students of local schools like United English School, Oxford English School, Model English School.

During the protest demonstration, the protestors demanded amending the Constitution if it is required in order to implement the ILPS in the State and to punish the police personnel involved in the death of the student Robinhood.

Students of Waikhom Mani Girls College, Thoubal also formed a human chain on Imphal-Moreh national highway.

Meira paibis of Nongangkhong also staged a sit in protest at the Thoubal Ningthou Lai haraobung, while students of Pole Star School also formed a human chain showing support to the ongoing ILPS movement.

NNN adds: Today residents of Khurai Sajor Leikai formed a mob and stopped traffic movement in Imphal-Ukhrul road.

Since early morning, people of the locality came out out and blocked the road.

They said they will continue blocking the road until the state government implements ILPS in Manipur.

Vehicles coming along the road from both sides were made to turn back.

At Lamlong Bazar too, women vendors of the market staged a sit-in-protest wearing black badges in demand of the ILP system and punishment to those security personnel who were responsible for the death of student Sapam Robinhood. Similar protests were also held at Nambol Hao Keithel, Haobam Marak and many other areas.

Many women of Uripok area also demanded implementation of ILP system in Manipur by staging a sit-in-protest beneath the Uripok Flyover Bridge.

Members of 12 major transporter organisations today staged a sit-in-protest demanding the implementation of ILP system in Manipur. The protest was held at Keishampat Leimajam Leikai area on the side of Tiddim Road. The members announced to support the on-going agitation by stopping their services on July 24 from 4 am to 6 pm.

The transporters strongly condemned the brutal killing of Sapam Robinhood by the state forces.

Announcing that they will support the actions of the JCILPS and JAC of Robinhood, they also demanded the state government to implement ILP system in Manipur and to punish those personnel who killed Robinhood as per law accordingly.

Those who attended in the protest today appealed all the drivers, truckers and transporters of the state to support and join in the cease-work strike of July 24.

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Where do we go from ILP?

By Praem Hidam Now that a young student has been murdered and there is an acute sense of grief and resentment among the protesters. While this brutality on the part

By Praem Hidam

Now that a young student has been murdered and there is an acute sense of grief and resentment among the protesters. While this brutality on the part of the government’s response has only stiffened its callousness and regulations, the protestors are simply roiling. In this conjuncture, the only way to become vocal and audible enough is to use a language of rioting, though it is not what we always intend to do. In it we find a flow of messages and the government knows what we do. This precisely has remained to be the only way of communicating with this government. We believe that not everything in the world especially things like the one we are handling cannot always be subsumed to operate under the law and institutions. The point is, our upsurge is democratic and we are democratic by any count.

To begin with, let us first agree to this fact that we cannot afford to lose the speed and mobility of what has happened in the last few weeks. But this may not mislead us to losing sight of where we are heading to with the same speed and mobility, at this rate. Any agitation including this one if it is to grow in a direction that can truly offer promises for a better scheme of things, cannot miss but to engage with the contradictions of its strengths. How we choose to engage with our own contradictions is prefigurative in the sense that it will shape the future course of the movement and its wider outcomes. That will come slowly but surely will it come.

This short discussion is about these concerns.

What we need to do, and which is what we are trying to do here, is rather to try and give some insights in order for us to be able to carry out a vision and make sure that the popular mandate that we have on this issue can do wonders in an entirely different political conjecture which is far removed from the institutional working of electoral democracy.

It is true that we see some ideals in the scheme of things that may happen in post ILP scenario. And here are a couple of questions that we need to address if we believe in the ideals of this current agitation. How are we going to make sure that the present agitation is transformed into a ceaseless prodding for a more progressive society; into a movement that is connected as a part of wider currents of other political movements? Have we ever thought of this? Or shall we expand our objectives as we have grown into this stage of movement that truly has become one of the most popular upsurges in the recent years?

As we know, and this is true especially in the case of Manipur, that different conjectures of politics have often mounted up simultaneously that even as we are trying to keep pace with rapid turns of events we have already missed steps and very often fall back on common sense which often are uncritical, over generalized and blinded. Keeping in view the sequences of all the happenings of this agitation, we may however say this with commitment that the only strategy, perhaps the most important of all is to mobilize on common sense.

A cautious and critical relationship with common sense will enable us to see some contents of popular sensibilities which are more positive and politically reliable, that have traces of better vision of change and resistance. We also believe that these contents will be a big help to re-strengthen the organizational crafts when it comes to transforming this demand into a wider and lasting movement, connecting it to other movements of our times.

In order for it to be more meaningful we can rebuild this agitation on the spontaneous philosophy of the ordinary people, on the battlefield that is street and other places like this. The question is not of entirely relying on the leadership and the organizations leading this agitation but of renovating and making critical an already existing activity, of helping the people’s consciousness to perfection. We do not intend to see a movement that is merely popular which may happen to be a tilted, singular, and majoritarian expression; but a movement that is truly founded on the common wisdom that could withstand elitist and anti- democratic stances. We also intend to see a movement with a broad coalition consisting of communities and groups. Many of the misgivings about this agitation can be avoided if the leadership has the patience to listen attentively to the people’s common sense, across communities and try to develop strategies towards greater coherence. To move along as a movement we need to hone a collective agency and this could possibly be achieved if we can identify what contents of popular sensibilities are potential of undermining and of being critical of the regressive intensities and tendencies, the contradictory wisdoms and common senses.

Having said this, we are now proceeding to an aspect of this agitation which is particularly crucial to the circulation of the demands that goes far and wide. It is true that we demand with a desire to envisage a future, and in fact we do hope so, where we are secure and live on our own terms. This penchant for being ourselves along with the vision that seeks to protect it and the self that is being projected are not however given. They all are constituted within specific historical configuration that is nothing but our own doings, lives and experiences. The demand for ILP is no exception and it is in this sense a product of our times.

Deriving from our encounters with debris and the propellants, we might also consider that our agitation is not going to be a question of law alone. In actual fact, it will never be one. There is one aspect of this issue and it relates to a war like situation where two economies are in conflict. One works with its power to distribute, divide and occupy while the other operates with intensities of anger, disaffection, fear and retaliation. The former advances with Capital (usually money, goods and networks) the latter being about one that is left unused, untapped and replaced usually resist the other economy in the form of what is going on today, riots. Since war and economies figure as essential tropes in the overall picture, the current agitation can even grow much further into becoming a movement for just distribution of opportunities and free and equal chance to capabilities and aspirations. These are even at this moment what our demands are for. This war is thus not only about outsiders or insiders. Its potential power lies in its ability to raise the basic questions that have got on our nerves for quite a long time. From ILP we can further move against all kinds of exploitation, for a society where the common have a good part in the running of their affairs, including what they do to earn and live. If we want to go deeper and come up with alternative modes of life and governance which can be comparatively much better than the one we are living with, what else can it be other than this form of upsurge?

The outside will be transformed into a symbolic form and it can be anything, be it institutions, agencies, the bourgeois political order, or the system of power or something else. Anything or anybody that coerces us, disables us to become and prevents us from desiring to be what we are and what we can do constitutes the symbolic form in the figure of the outsider. Either inside or outside, with outsiders or insiders all that remains for us is to move and grow, to question and critique as a movement and perennially in motion.

If it is what we can do and we are so potential in our ability to grow, why are then we so obsessed with a law which was used by the colonial authorities to rule us, to exploit our resources in secret, by not allowing others to know what was actually going on behind the veil of inner line which was nothing but keeping us inside, forcing us to be covered not to see what was being done on us, on our land? Very simple. Being behind the line is a serious business and wanting to cross it is even more so!

(Dr Praem Hidam holds a Phd from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He lives in Delhi and can be contacte at

The article was  originally published in The Sangai Express on 21 July 2015.

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ASIA: Mob justice – a symptom of degenerating rule of law

By Javeria Younes 20 July 2015 The mob justice meted out to 13-year-old Samiul Alam Rajon, who was beaten to death in Bangladesh by an angry mob resolute on teaching

Furniture lying in the courtyard of W.Manglemjao of Khurai Thongam Leikai after an enraged mob ransacked his house on charges of molesting a student. Photo: KO archive

Furniture lying in the courtyard of W.Manglemjao of Khurai Thongam Leikai after an enraged mob ransacked his house on charges of molesting a student. Photo: KO archive

By Javeria Younes

20 July 2015

The mob justice meted out to 13-year-old Samiul Alam Rajon, who was beaten to death in Bangladesh by an angry mob resolute on teaching the youngster a lesson for stealing a bicycle, is a classic case of mob madness witnessed on our streets every day. Throughout Asia, deteriorating rule of law and ineffective criminal justice systems are resulting in people losing trust and resorting to mob justice.

Mob justice is often defined as the verdict of the crowd by subverting legal procedures and institutions in a situation of great injustice and mass suffering. The right to mete out punishment belongs to the state, but not so in societies where weak courts and poor law enforcement are combined with institutionalized injustice. The failure of judicial systems to deliver has aggravated the general frustrations of societies, resulting in feelings that grievances can only be adequately addressed by people taking the law into their own hands. Where cities are ever smarting under violence and where the grip of the law is loose, it is not unusual for citizens to act as police and judge. Protesters turn into vigilante mobs with ready justifications for committing acts of murder.

Increase in mob justice is directly proportionate to the backlog of cases in the courts. The mobs in Pakistan in particular, take the shape of mad vigilantism in blasphemy cases. Many crimes have been committed by charged up mobs that are often incited by local religious leaders to perform their religious duty and kill any person accused of blasphemy. People are desperate for justice and unable to access it, and so resort to taking the law into their own hands. Frustration with the criminal justice system, lack of police visibility and lack of trust between police and particular communities are some of the main drivers behind incidents of mob justice.

Such justice cannot be ethically condoned or tolerated in modern, liberal, democratic societies, but is overlooked by governments and the judiciary in our part of the world. The culprits, if apprehended, are acquitted by the court for lack of evidence, as their direct involvement is questionable due to the number of people involved. In the August 2010 case involving the lynching of two teenage brothers from Sialkot, Pakistan, for instance, the judge sentenced seven men to death while five co-accused were acquitted for insufficient evidence. Similarly, in the famous Best Bakery case during the 2002 Gujarat riots, where a Muslim family of 14 was burnt to death by an angry mob chanting communal slogans in Hanuman Tekri, Vadodara, all of the 21 accused were acquitted on 27 June 2003 by the additional session’s judge. On 9 July 2012, the Bombay High Court upheld the life sentences of four accused, while it acquitted five for lack of evidence.

Mob justice is not just a sudden outburst of uncontrolled fury, or the unspeakable brutality of an insane mob. It is the direct result of the persistent inability of our legal systems to conclusively resolve so many criminal cases. Increasing cases of mob justice are being reported from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India, where people take matters into their own hands.

In July 2011 for example, six alleged robbers in the Noakhali area, southern Bangladesh, were beaten to death by a mob after the gang they were part of shot a villager dead. The video of the public lynching of Samiul Rajon in Bangladesh went viral, wherein the men are shown laughing and taunting the 13-year-old as they hit him repeatedly with a metal rod, while he begs them to stop and asks for a glass of water. Likewise, in southern Assam’s Karimganj District, India, a mob judged that a man was guilty of raping a girl and punished him by cutting off his penis. Another rapist was dragged from his prison cell and hanged to death by the mob. On 5 March 2015, the charged mob broken open the gate of the supposedly high security Dimapur Central Jail in Karimganj and dragged out the accused Syed Farid Khan onto the streets, where he was tortured and later hanged in the presence of jail security that stood as a silent spectator to the horror.

Petty theft is one of the main triggers for lynching in Indonesia. According to data from the National Violence Monitoring System, 20 percent of victims that were killed, badly hurt, or permanently crippled are victims of mob justice. In 2014, there were nearly 4,300 incidences of mob justice causing three hundred deaths. Similar trends can be observed in Sri Lanka, where a Buddhist mob was incited by monks after the alleged assault of another monk by Muslim youths in the town of Aluthgama, killing three people in Muslim areas. In Pakistan, a Christian couple was burnt alive by an angry mob alleging blasphemy.

Societal intolerance and growing despair of the lengthy and ineffective legal process has caused people to take revenge on petty criminals, while corrupt leaders, being influential and wealthy, enjoy complete protection of the system that perpetuates judicial incompetence. In these cases, a mob’s mentality is not so far different from extremist groups such as ISIS, which forcibly impose their version of moral and religious ethics, killing those who disagree.

The governments of South and Southeast Asia must invest in strengthening judicial and police institutions; establishing the rule of law has to be given priority over everything else. The legitimacy of any government depends on the rule of law, which requires establishing policing and judicial institutions that are effective, fair and transparent. Educating the public about how courts work and the principle that people are innocent until proven guilty, and visible policing, are some of the things to begin with.

In seeking justice, society must temper vengeance with reform. A mob is the method by which good citizens turn over law and governance to the criminal or irresponsible classes. Checks and balances are needed to prevent governments from either devolving into autocratic tyranny or autocratic mob mentality. Petty crimes should be dealt with at the magisterial level to lessen the burden of the lower judiciary; petty criminals should be reformed by community service and not by serving jail time, as this will only add unnecessary burden on the judicial system and the national exchequer. The state must proactively take urgent steps to restore people’s faith in the system before it is too late and geopolitical stability is threatened by a charged mob ready to bring down the government, resulting in anarchy and chaos.

Javeria Younes is a lawyer and social activist working for an egalitarian society, free from torture, and can be reached at:, and

Source : AHRC/CORE

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No let up in ILPS movement: Road blocks give way to suspension of all economic activities

IMPHAL, July 20: There is no let up in the movement demanding implementation of the Inner Line Permit System or a similar legislation in the State, although supporters turned to

ILP, ILPS, torch rally, manipur

A torch rally taken out in New Checkong area demanding implementation of the ILPS.

IMPHAL, July 20: There is no let up in the movement demanding implementation of the Inner Line Permit System or a similar legislation in the State, although supporters turned to suspending all economic activities and staging sit in protests rather than imposing road blocks as the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System initiates its new course of agitations.

Normal life in the State capital and the valley districts was greatly hampered as business activities were suspended in response to a call from the JCILPS. Road blocks were also witnessed at a few places.

Since early morning, womenfolk came out to the streets and staged sit in protests.

Women vendors suspended their economic activities and staged sit in protests at their market sheds at several places.

Sit in protests were also witnessed on the road sides in almost every locality. Formations of human chain were also witnessed at different localities including at the Keishamthong Elangbam Leikai, Thangmeiband, Sagolband, Nagamapal among others.

The movement supporters held placards demanding immediate implementation of the ILPS, punishing the police personnel involved in the death of Sapam Robinhood, etc.

Residents of Kotha Khabam Maning Leikai also staged a sit in protest at their local community hall. Similar sit in protests were also witnessed at Awang, Mayai and Mantra Leikais of the locality.

Locals also blocked the road demanding punishment of the police personnel involved in the death of Robinhood.

Agitators also blocked the Uripok-Kangchup road and the Imphal-Jiribam road at different places since early morning affecting traffic flows, however, no untoward incidents were reported from the said areas.

Sit in protests were also staged at Thangmeiband, Uripok, Moirangkhom, Yaiskul Police Lane, Keisamthong Kabui Khul, Keishamthong, Singjamei, Singjamei Wangma Kshetri Leikai, UYO-WWA-WDA Club of Bheigyapati Leikai, Heirangoithong Bazaar etc.

Meira rallies were also taken out at several places including at New Checkon area late in the evening.

A large number of supporters from Sagolband who had taken out a rally met and converged with another large number supporters coming from the Uripok side near the Bir Tikendrajit Flyover, however, police disperse them back to their respective areas in a peaceful manner.

The Kakhulong Women Society also took out a torch rally demanding and supporting the implementation of ILPS in the State. The torch rally which started from Kakhulong passed through Masjid Road and Paona Bazar.

The Sangaiprou Kabui Khul also staged a sit in protest at Sangaiprou Kabui Khul demanding implementation of ILP in the State.

The All Manipur Nupi Manbi Association also staged a sit in protest at Khurai Lamlong Bazar supporting the public movement for implementation of the ILPS or a similar law in the State.

Our community also shares the fear of the people of the State in the absence of an Act like the ILPS, said secretary of the association Santa Khurai.

Santa also said that it is their bounded duty to support the mass movement.

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Incessant failed to dampen the spirit of Kang chingba (Rath Yatra) in Manipur: Photo gallery by Siddharth Haobijam

Imphal, 18 July 2015 : Like every year, this year too show Manipuri hindus celebrating Rath Yatra or Kang Chingba. But due to incessant rain , the Govindajee temple was

govindaji temple, manipur, rath yatra

Manipuri hindus celebrating Rath Yatra(Kang Chingba) despite incessant rain. Photo by Siddharth Haobijam

Imphal, 18 July 2015 : Like every year, this year too show Manipuri hindus celebrating Rath Yatra or Kang Chingba. But due to incessant rain , the Govindajee temple was flooded and many devotees rue the neglect of the government .

Kang was also celebrated at  ISKCON temple situated at Tiddim Road.

Many localities also saw colourful small rath rolling into the streets with children in colourful, festive dresses in tow.

rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
ISKCON, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
ISKCON, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
ISKCON, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
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govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur
govindajee temple, rath yatra, kang chingba, manipur

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NEFIS activist protest outside RML hospital against assault on a Manipuri nurse on duty.

NEFIS Press release, 16 July 2015 In response to the physical assault on a Manipuri nurse of Dr RML Hospital on the night of 13 July, activists of North-East Forum

NEFIS activist outside RML hospital

NEFIS activist outside RML hospital

NEFIS Press release, 16 July 2015

In response to the physical assault on a Manipuri nurse of Dr RML Hospital on the night of 13 July, activists of North-East Forum for International Solidarity (NEFIS) gathered in protest outside the Hospital gate. The nurse from Manipur was attacked by a patient at 13th night inside the hospital. The patient was brought in as part of a medico-legal case and was accompanied by policemen. NEFIS condemns the unsafe work atmosphere in the hospital and considers it a huge problem that women employees are being attacked by patients during their work hours and more so during night shifts. Such violent assaults are not only a crime but also a violation of labour rights, such as the right to a safe work environment. The recent attack on the nurse from Manipur also reflects how nurses and other workers from the North-East are exposed to racist attacks in their workplace and are highly vulnerable. The organization strongly feels that most such attacks on North-East women and youth have a racist undertone, and that such attacks are facilitated in a large number of workplaces which have ad-hoc security arrangements.

Considering that the hapless nurse was attacked by a person accompanied by policemen and the immediate assistance she received in warding off her assailant came from a doctor, it is evident that the RML hospital administration has to take greater efforts at enhancing its own security measures and staff. Greater precautionary measures as well as proper surveillance of patients brought in as part of medico-legal cases is a responsibility that RML Hospital should take on more seriously. To this effect, NEFIS activists submitted a memorandum to the hospital’s Medical Superintendent. A delegation also met police officials at the nearest police station to apprise them of concerns regarding the lack of safety in RML and other hospitals. The delegation emphasized that in conditions of poor security, nurses and other healthcare workers from the North-East were falling easy targets because they looked different.

The demands raised by NEFIS included:

  1. Better protection and security for nurses and workers from North-East should be given, especially at night.
  2. Provision of an assurance from the CMO’s office that all the nurses and workers should be treated equally and no racial or sexual discrimination should be faced by them.
  3. Compensation and other assistance should be provided to the victim immediately so as to help her overcome the trauma of the assault.
  4. To curb future racist attacks of such kind, proper measures should be taken by the local police station to address loopholes in the given system.

NEFIS can be contacted at nefis.delhi(at)gmail(dot)com


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Manipuri students in Pune demands introduction of ILP in Manipur: MSAP PR

Pune, 14 July 2015 :  The Manipur Students’ Association, Pune (MSAP)  organized a peaceful rally on 14-July 2015  at Pune University Campus, Pune & also observed a 2 minutes silence


MSAP rally demanding introduction of ILPS in Manipur.

Pune, 14 July 2015 :  The Manipur Students’ Association, Pune (MSAP)  organized a peaceful rally on 14-July 2015  at Pune University Campus, Pune & also observed a 2 minutes silence to condemn the killing of one the students who was part of the peaceful rally demanding the introduction of the Inner Line Permit system (ILPS) in the state.

On July -8, a 16 year school boy, Mr. Sapam Robinhood was hit on the face by a tear gas shell fired from a close range in an effort by the state police to block a rally at Khurai, the impact had resulted in his tragic death.

The Students association of Manipur, Pune (MSAP) strongly condemned the current violation of basic human rights in the state and taken a strong resolution to support in whatever way possible in fighting against any human right violation in the state.


(MSAP can be reached at

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Manipur ILPS demand: General strike in Jiribam

  Jiribam, 14 July 2015 : JCILPS Jiribam branch enforced general strike at different places and market areas in Jiribam sub-division. Leingangpokpi, Lalpani bazar and  Champanagar were mainly affected by


ILPS manipur jiribam jcilps

ILPS demand agitation in Champanagar, Jiribam

Jiribam, 14 July 2015 : JCILPS Jiribam branch enforced general strike at different places and market areas in Jiribam sub-division. Leingangpokpi, Lalpani bazar and  Champanagar were mainly affected by the general strike as reported by Momon Thoudam.

Photo credit : Momon Thoudam

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ILPS manipur jiribam jcilps
ILPS manipur jiribam jcilps
ILPS manipur jiribam jcilps
ILPS manipur jiribam jcilps
ILPS manipur jiribam jcilps

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MSAD holds public meeting against demographic invasion by the state policies and state atrocities

Office of the Manipur Students’ Association Delhi New Delhi Press release Ref.No.:MSADPR20150711                                     

Office of the Manipur Students’ Association Delhi

New Delhi

Press release

Ref.No.:MSADPR20150711                                                                Date: 11/7/2015


A  Public meeting was held against the demographic invasion by the state policies and state atrocities on July 14, 2015 at Delhi University Garden. The meeting was organized by Manipur Students’ Association Delhi and took these resolutions.

1)      Issuance of passes/permits to outsiders/Non Manipuries –(Manipuries are those people/communities who have been recognized by the state government )

(a)    Passes would be with limited validity

2)      Not to allow permanent settlement to non -Manipuries in Manipur.

(a)    Multinational companies and state cannot buy / give (i) Individual and Community owned land.

3) Marking 1951 as the base year to differentiate between migrants/Non Manipuries from Manipuries,/People of Manipur .

4) Denying land holding rights to outsiders/ Non Manipuris,

5) Setting up of a full-fledged Labour Department to regulate entry of inter-State migrants and commencement of detection of migrants/outsiders.

(a) There should be a monitoring committee from civil society organizations from the state to check the functioning of the committee/department appointed by the government that SSC should be acknowledged by the Government.

6)In keeping with the historicity and contemporary needs of Manipur as a geo-political entity whose existence, as the first Schedule of the Indian Constitution acknowledges, precedes the adoption of the Constitution of India, all necessary constitutional and administrative steps must be taken to protect and preserve the Manipur State and her indigenous people.

(a)Indian constitution should be amended to implement the ILP/MSPC (Manipur State Permit System)

7) Either the Government of Manipur or the Union Government of India should not enact any legislation or administrative step that go against the spirit and letter of above basic demands.

The meeting strongly endorsed to adopt these approaches to be adopted by the people who are part of the ongoing movement for Manipur State Permit System/ Inner Line Permit System

  1. a) An open dialogue for all the communities of Manipur would be held in the ongoing movement.
  2. b) Political class and political consciousness program would be held for the mass awareness
  3. c) Inter- communities dialogue within the communities of Manipur would be held as part of the ongoing struggle for demanding ILP/MSP( Manipur State Permit)
  4. d) Any anti – non Manipuri / communal discourses would not be inserted in the process of mobilization.
  5. e) Demographic invasion is rooted in state policies. Demographic invasion is systematically done by the state policies and the target of the movement would be against the state and its policies not against non Manipuries/ migrants who have come for their livelihood.

Resolution on State repression

1)      Justice should be delivered to Sapam Robinhood and all the injured persons under state atrocities during the movement

2)      Government impose curfew should be lifted and normal life should be restored immediately

3)      The state should not curtail the democratic rights of the students to take part of the people’s movement.

4)      Students have every right to participate in the people’s movement.

5)      State should restore normal class from imposed curfew in the educational institutions.

6)      A proposed draft would be prepared to safeguard the indigenous people of Manipur and that will be sent to JCILPS.


MSAD can be reached at

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AR Recovers contraband drugs : Press release

PRESS RELEASE: 13 JUL 2015 HQ IGAR (SOUTH) RECOVERS CONTRABAND DRUGS Based on specific intelligence regarding drug peddling on NH 102, troops of the 24 Assam Rifles of 26 Sector



Based on specific intelligence regarding drug peddling on NH 102, troops of the 24 Assam Rifles of 26 Sector AR under the aegis of HQ IGAR (South) apprehended an individual alongwith contraband drugs at Khudengthabi check post on 10 Jul 15. A motor cycle without Registration Number traveling from Moreh to Pallel was stopped for checking, and on a thorough search of the motor cycle led to recovery of  2165 numbers of WY(R-20) tablets (Approx worth Rs 21.65 Lacs), one Mobile phone and an Aadhar Card. The apprehendee was identified as Jamkhongam Haokip, aged 23 years, s/o Mr Thangkholet Haokip, resident of Lokchao, PO/PS – Tengnoupal, District- Chandel. The apprehendee along with the recovered items have been handed over to the Moreh Police station.


            41 Assam Rifles of 10 Sector Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (South) distributed furniture and books at Ngariching Living Centre Blind School in Ukhrul under ‘Assam Rifles Military Civic Action programme’ on 09 Jul 2015. The Assam Rifles has been instrumental in reaching out to the remotest locations and supporting the pillars of peace like Education, Capacity Building and Infrastructure Development. The people are being brought face to face with development and education in the quest for lasting peace in far-flung areas of the state.

The school had very limited funds for procurement and it had a long standing demand for amenities and stationary for which Assam Rifles made efforts towards fulfilling these demands. The demands were submitted in February following which Assam Rifles proactively got the funds sanctioned and procured books and furniture for the students at the earliest. These will help the students in the present and upcoming academic years. This ensured the welfare of the youth so that they can attend school without any hindrance and focus on their studies. The organization aims at creating an environment for the children to enable them to have a bright future and assist in the development of the nation.  The villagers also expressed their profound gratitude towards the Assam Rifles for this kind gesture.

The press release was sent by PRO HQ IGAR(SOUTH). They can be contacted at




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