Kuki Research Forum Reply to IMF’s Rejoinder : KuRF PR

Apropos the International Meitei Forum states stand-a rejoinder by Pu Ch. Birendra dated appearing in the 4th and 5th June, 2015 issues of The Sangai Express and other local dailies,

Apropos the International Meitei Forum states stand-a rejoinder by Pu Ch. Birendra dated appearing in the 4th and 5th June, 2015 issues of The Sangai Express and other local dailies, the Kuki Research Forum (KuRF) wishes to clear any whiff of resultant misconception on the intellectual credibility of KuRF that is bound to emanate from the level at which the ongoing public spate has further degenerated into one of personal attacks, name calling, wild invectives and innuendos.

The forum initially responded to Pu R.K Rajendro, President, International Meitei Forum’s incendiary, baseless, communal and exclusivist statements made in his inflammatory speech on ISTV dated 16th May 2015 as it appeared to the forum that the esteemed individual was attempting to incite communal passion based solely on wild and unfounded distortion of Kuki indigenity in the state of Manipur.

The KuRF is independent and guided by the vision of intellectual integrity and logic and stands for peaceful co-existence above all else. Irrational arguments or one that borders on violence does not find place in the forum. The forum generally does not comment on everything and from every individual or group that claim to espouse the cause of the Kukis. However, given the nature of IMF’s provocative and historically untenable statements, KuRF is obliged to issue its last reply/rejoinder for the introspection of IMF and discernment of the public.The forum call upon all esteemed readers, intellectuals, scholars, academicians, Political leaders and concerned citizens of the state to exercise their best judgment as to which of the two forums is attempting to sow seeds of communal hatred, parochial sentiments and disintegration of Manipur.

  1. First, your salutary address with the words “D/Descendant of Immigrants” is in bad taste and the tone and tenor of your write up is rather conspicuous for the absolute lack of basic decency and factual veracity, normally expected in a civilized discourse, and not so much for the historical narrative. Through its brazen attack on Kuki-Chins, IMF exposes a total absence of both academic scholarship and dignified restraint.


  1. The level of your discomfiture with KuRF reasoned response dated 1st of June, 2015, has apparently overwhelmed you so much so that you have taken recourse to the all too familiar strategy of divide-and-strike, first by dividing the Kukis into New and Old as the British Colonial did and second, by amusing attempts at entangling the Naga community into this fruitless diatribe, the significance of which is not lost sight of.


In so far as the intra-ethnic relationship among consanguineous brothers viz., the so called Old and New Kukis are concerned, the KuRF is conscious of the apparent fragmentation between the two, but suffice to say here that the fundamentals (Stalk) are too strong not to withstand divisions (Barks) as in a family (Tree). It is but natural for siblings from a common parentage to evolve into nucleated families of their own which in no way repudiates their root. And, may it be noted that when push comes to shove, the identity will still find its hold as strong as ever. Historically, linguistically, socially and culturally they belong to Kuki-Chin family. There is no scientific or ethnographic basis for distinguishing between ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Kukis. The semantic, ‘Kuki’, if anything, binds both Old and New under one irrefutable identity and destiny.

  1. The KuRF appreciates the latest statement of the IMF that ‘Meiteis and Nagas are indigenous people of Manipur’. The Manipur government was also contemplating at one point of time to make an official declaration that Meiteis and one particular community of Manipur are blood brothers. This is almost in line with what T.C. Hudson had said; “Meiteis, Kukis and Nagas are brothers.” Unlike IMF, the KuRF considers Meiteis, Nagas and Kukis as indigenous people of Manipur with significant affinities. The perceived ethnic ties between Naga and Meiteis are indeed a positive sign of historical milestone by scholars and intellectuals who transcends the mythological barriers to establish new and emerging genealogical findings on continuing basis. But these apparent gung-ho is surprisingly intermittent and situational as they are contextual to needs and nothing more. IMF’s policy of dividing tribals would lead to more anti-Meitei and anti-Manipur rhetoric’s, thereby causing irreparable damage to the tribals’ ties with the majority Meiteis. The IMF’s desperate attempt to divide the tribals is bound to be an exercise in futility. It is high time for the IMF to realize that Manipur is not mono-cultural but multi-cultural and multi-racial. The political problem that beset Manipur, then and now could be resolved only when policies and strategies reflect this diversity.
  2. Why are the issue of Immigrants (Foreigners) and Nomads so dear to IMF and its tall leaders? Northeast India has been described as ‘one of the greatest migration routes of mankind’ (Barpujari: 1992. 35). Various ethnic groups came to Manipur from pre-historic times. The present ethnic groups of Manipur, viz., the Meiteis, the Naga tribes, the Kuki-Chin tribes and other Indian communities are the descendants of those migrating people. (H.S.Sharma, History of Manipur: An Independent Kingdom, 2011). The entire people of Manipur belong to the same ethnic group (N. Tombi Singh:1972.17). Meiteis had their ultimate origin in the hill areas of Manipur. (V. Chakravarty 1986). “Manipuris(Meiteis) are a mixed race between the Kukis and the Nagas.” (Elwin 1969, 451). Grierson, Konow, S.K. Chatetterjee and many other linguists classified Meitei under Kuki-Chin group of the Tibeto-Burman group of language. Touthingmang, the third Meitei king was from Touthang clan. (Manimohan, Poirei Sanna Leibak). Nongdam Lairen pakhangba, the first historically recorded king of the Meithis (Meiteis)’s mother was a Kuki woman named ‘Lenghoi’ or Nungmaidenga. (William Shaw 1929:47-48). As Reid said, while the Raja reigned over the valley of Manipur, the Kukis “ruled the roost in the hills that surrounded the valley of Manipur. (History of the North East Bordering on Assam). IMF’s repeated attempt to suppress the historical truth is motivated and a slur to basic right of every ethnic community to dwell peaceably in the land that has been their own since known history, to develop and progress and to contribute their share in the evolution of Manipur culture and civilization.

Nonetheless, the sequence of inroads into present state of Manipur by one ethnic group preceding/succeeding another is a normative reality and does not in any way confer the right of exclusive ownership over land or its resources to one group to the exclusion of others nor does it deprive the later migrants of their right to claim ownership over the land settled by their ancestors.

  1. The Kukis of Manipur are Indian by nationality and indigenous tribe of Manipur by birth and descent. James Johnstone, writing on Kukis as being heard for the first time in between 1830-1840 in Manipur valley similarly betrays a monumental misunderstanding or ignorance or both. The British colonialists may have transferred some Kukis from one area to another, but it is hugely preposterous to imply these relocations to account for the entire Kuki population. Normally, immigrants and nomads have no land and do not conquer land and people. The Kukis have land and country to rule over, to fight wars to protect their land to conquer others as shown during the Kuki Rising (1917-19). The Kukis have been a dependable ally for the Meitei Maharajas from the first historic King Meidingu Nongda Lairen Pakhangba to the times of Chandrakirty. They upheld mutual co-existence, peace and dignified relations with Meiteis and in that spirit had opposed the Manipur Merger Agreement and patiently attempted to make the state of Manipur a success in the post independent period. The exclusivist and chauvinist attitude of fanatic elements as represented by IMF are consistently trying to destroy the historically friendly relations between the Kukis and Meiteis. After the merger of Manipur with the India Union in 1949, the erstwhile communalities of the state of Manipur have become citizen of India. The Kukis are as much indigenous and masters over the land they occupy as any other community in Manipur and don’t owe anybody any explanation for their existence. Perhaps, the IMF argument is based on The History of Manipur by J.Roy (PP.2 &34)
  2. With regard to your farfetched innuendo of killing Meitei’s as a pattern within an overall strategic domination architecture to populate and dominate Manipur by Kukis, it made a nice fairy tale reading and nothing needs to be said where imagination can take one to ridiculous conclusions! On various incidents that you mentioned, surely, there would have been incidents and differences of opinion and even misunderstandings. Such things do happen between neighbours and sometimes inevitable. However, these incidents and occasional differences of opinion should be set aside keeping in mind the larger interest.

Lastly, the Kuki Research Forum again reiterate that every saner element within the Meitei and Kuki communities should guard against grossly false, misleading, communal and historically untenable utterances and statements of IMF. Since KuRF stands for peaceful co-existence among the different communities of Manipur, the forum would like to have scholarly debates and discussions with Meitei civil societies other than the IMF (which need not be engaged seriously) by looking at the past to explain the present situation for constructive dialogue and debate. Be that as it may, the fulcrum of the KuRF rejoinder rest on the non-negotiable rights of Kukis as a citizen of India and indigenous ethnic community from the throes of pre-historic age right down to the age of post-independent India; which was, is and shall remain an abiding reality for now and for posterity.

Issued by Kuki Research Forum, they can be contacted at kukiresearchforum@yahoo.com


Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/06/kuki-research-forum-reply-to-imfs-rejoinder-kurf-pr/

At border village, recalling Army’s Myanmar operation: ‘We heard shooting, explosions… boom, boom, boom’

“Suddenly, we heard a lot of shooting and bombs going off in the near distance. Boom, boom, boom. We were wondering what was happening,” 55-year-old Hemlet Guite, a village elder,

“Suddenly, we heard a lot of shooting and bombs going off in the near distance. Boom, boom, boom. We were wondering what was happening,” 55-year-old Hemlet Guite, a village elder, said.


Angko Chingbo hill, 15 km inside Myanmar, where villagers say 3 insurgent groups have their camps; (inset) Hemkhoshei, 65, a minister of the Phaikoh village council. (Source: express photo by Deepak Shijagurumayum)

Esha Roy, Phaikoh(Indo-Myanmar border), 14 June 2015:

In this last Indian village in Manipur’s Ukhrul district, there is no telling where India ends and Myanmar begins. The boundary is not demarcated visibly, and the small teak huts standing on wooden stilts could be in either country. On the morning of June 9, sleepy, isolated Phaikoh was jolted by the sounds of Indian soldiers attacking Naga militant camps in the area in retaliation against the June 4 ambush of the 6 Dogra Regiment.

“Suddenly, we heard a lot of shooting and bombs going off in the near distance. Boom, boom, boom. We were wondering what was happening. We didn’t see any soldiers go through our village or in the surrounding jungles. We assume they must have gone very quietly at night, on foot,” 55-year-old Hemlet Guite, a village elder, said.

It was approximately 8 in the morning when Phaikoh first heard the “sounds of the battle” — around the time its 16 schoolchildren had just begun classes at the village school.

“We did see them coming back, though,” Guite said. “In the afternoon, it must have been two or three o’clock, a stream of Indian Army soldiers started walking into the village. Then the helicopters started coming. They landed on our football field, and the soldiers started to get on. It looked as though there were at least a hundred soldiers. There were two helicopters, and each made three trips. Some of the soldiers left on foot,’’ Guite added.

Sixty-five-year-old Hemkhoshei, a minister of the village council, said it was the first time he saw an Army chopper. “I was very excited. One Armyman told me to shut my eyes because there would be a lot of dust as the machine landed,” he laughed.

Sauntering easily into Myanmarese territory, stepping over the shallow, muddy trench that marks the border, Hemkhoshei pointed to the grey-blue hill rising above the treetops, its peak surrounded by wispy white clouds.
“That is Angko Chingbo hill,” he said. It is about 15 km inside Myanmar. The UNLF, PLA and KYKL have their camps there. That is where the Army went that day.

“We have heard that nothing is left of the PLA camp now. But we do not know if the Army managed to reach the UNLF camp. It is on the other side of the mountain, and very difficult to reach,” Hemkhoshei added. According to him, the PLA camp had more than a hundred residents.

Residents of Phaikoh said insurgents often traveled to border villages on the Indian side “for patrolling”. Cadres of the UNLF were the most frequent visitors, they said. “They come at least once a month, sometimes more often. They talk to us, eat their lunch, and go back. But we never have to feed them. They give us money to buy rice, and cook for themselves. Twenty, or even 40 insurgents come at a time. We haven’t seen any since Tuesday (June 9), though,” said Janghen Jangkhohem, secretary of the village council. Guite said the villagers have a good rapport with the UNLF. “There is no doctor or pharmacy in the village. So the UNLF insurgents sometimes give us medicines. Malaria is endemic here, and they often hold medical camps in the village, to which they bring a doctor. In return, they ask us for information — on who comes here, and what we hear about the Army. Last Christmas, the UNLF gave us money to buy a pig or cow for a feast,” Guite said. Hemkhoshei said UNLF cadres sometimes held meetings with the village council or elders. “They talk to us of development… roads, better schools, medical facilities, electricity. They have told us that they would help us get all these things,” he said. No resident of Phaikoh has ever visited any of the camps, however. What they know about them is based on what they have heard from friends in Myanmar who visit the camps to sell their wares to the insurgents. “Since Tuesday, Myanmar has completely sealed off the border. We can’t even go to Mongjang, the neighbouring village on the other side. But hopefully, the restrictions will be lifted soon,” Guite said. Across a range of three hills closer to the Indian side of the border, at the village of Nampisha, villagers recalled the happenings of June 9. “Helicopters were flying in and out. Huge helicopters. We could here gunfire in the distance. We gathered at the church and I told my congregation to pray. I warned them not to stray far from the village. Not to even go out hunting. To just stay indoors and pray,” said pastor Akhui Kamkara. The 44 Assam Rifles has an outpost at Nampisha, villagers said, and they had tightened their vigil. No one was going towards Phaikoh, villagers said.

Published in The Indian Express.


Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/06/at-border-village-recalling-armys-myanmar-operation-we-heard-shooting-explosions-boom-boom-boom/

Girl helps rescue injured animal; veterinary hospital defunct

By Paojel Chaoba IMPHAL, June 13: If you come across an injured animal in the streets, the general reaction is to think that it is a sad event and generally

By Paojel Chaoba

IMPHAL, June 13: If you come across an injured animal in the streets, the general reaction is to think that it is a sad event and generally walk past the harmed being. However, not all people are alike and there is one among the crowd that just do not show concern, but rather act on it.


Dr Devkishore (Claws and Paws of Keishampat), Neha and volunteers of PFA giving emergency treatment to the injured cow at a farm in Langol. (Pic source: PFA)

One such person is Rajkumari Neha, a 12 standard student of North Point School. She was driving along Uripok Kangchup road to buy medicine, when their vehicle beam flashed on a cow lying bloodied near the road crossing of Uripok Khaidem Leikai. The cow`™s mammalary gland was torn apart (an earth mover had struck the cow with the teeth of the vehicle and drove away.) The scene was more poignant as a month old calf was braying for its mother to get up.

Neha decided to act on the situation and went to the local electronic cable channel, IS Tv to report the incident as the owner may come forward.

She was replied that it was too late for the telecast since it was almost 10.30 pm and the technical team had left. Undeterred, she went to two local newspapers to put an advertisement and was carried so today.

However, as the owner failed to turn up, Neha decide that the minutes were mattering and the cow`™s injury could turn fatal if left untreated. She called up friends and a relative of hers who owns a cargo vehicle. Then, with the help of people from the accident spot, the injured animal along with the calf were hauled up the vehicle and taken to the State Veterinary Department at Sanjenthong at around 10.30 am today. There, the staff told the team to wait and that the doctor would be arriving any minute. But, despite waiting for one hour and more, no doctor came nor was any emergency medical treatment given at the animal hospital. As the animal was severely bleeding, the wait would lead to certain death for the animal. So, the team got in touch with Dr. Devkishore, who runs a private veterinary clinic called `Claws and Paws`™at Keisampat area.

Today , the doctor was looking after his farm located at Meitei Langol, Game Village. The People for Animals, Manipur (PFA) also got in touch with Neha Rajkumari and together took the animal to the said farm. On arrival, the doctor who was planning a Saturday lunch with friends dropped everything and gave emergency treatment to the cow. Oxygen and anesthesia was administered along with intravenous saline solutions to prevent dehydration. The udder of the cow which was falling out was stitched again. The entire operation took nearly three hours to complete . It was a testing time for the PFA volunteers , Neha and the doctor. Finally, the operation was over at approximately 4 pm.

The cow was given fodder and water, it could not rise to its feet immediately but regained strength to sit up and eat. Nearby, the month old calf hidden from view of its mother also lay exhausted, as it could not nourish for more than 40 hours. As a PFA volunteer went upto it, the startled calf sprang to its feet and started to bellow! At that time, the mother heard the sound and also cried back to be reunited with her offspring but could not get up. It was a touching moment for all the people that present at that time. Dr Devkisore exclaimed that the reaction of the mother was a good sign and there is every hope of a speedy recovery. The injured animal would be looked after at the Langol farm till full recovery is made, the doctor added.

`The medicine and other materials are provided free of cost by the doctor from his own pocket for the treatment,` PFA managing trustee, L Bishorjit said. The profits which comes from the doctor`™s private clinic is used to treat animals in need. Bisorjit complained that it is the duty of the Imphal Municipal Council to impound the stray animals let loose in the municipal area. However, there is no heed for the law and IMC turns a blind eye to the stray animals, which endangers animal and public alike.

Neha Rk also mentioned that without the help of PFA and the doctor, the animal would have died for sure. She asked the role of Veterinary Department and the animal hospital, `I am doubtful whether the doctors really care to treat animals, perhaps they feel that `animals should be treated as animals`™ as they cannot voice their plight, ` she said.

The pertinent question is what the State Veterinary Department is actually doing ? The matter has been advertised in the papers and suo moto action could have been taken up. But, even when the injured animal was taken to the treatment centre, no medical aid was given nor did any doctor arrive. The best result is the exemplary initiative taken by a young girl and with her determination helped to save the life of a cow and her calf.

Sources mentioned that requesting calls came from authorities of the State Veterinary Department not to disclose this matter to the media.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/06/girl-rescues-injured-animal-veterinary-hospital-defunct/

Northeast India : Only a frontier, nothing covert about it

Nitin Sethi, New Delhi June 12, 2015: My sister in Itanagar made me realize it yet again. For most of us living in the mainland, India’s northeast is only a

Nitin Sethi, New Delhi June 12, 2015:

My sister in Itanagar made me realize it yet again. For most of us living in the mainland, India’s is only a border. It is India’s territory. It is no one’s homeland.

Four days ago she posted on Facebook: schools have been ordered shut for three days in Arunachal Pradesh’s capital because of incessant rains. I checked for news and came to know from regional newspapers: nearly 80,000 had been people displaced in Assam by then because of incessant rains and rising water levels in Brahmaputra. No Delhi media had reported it by then.

At current rates, the numbers shall range between 1-2 lakhs by the time monsoon peaks in the region. By then, in the entire northeast, villages will be inundated, cities will be flooded. Roads will get washed away, bridges collapse. Forget villages, even district headquarters will be cut off. Lives shall be lost and societies will be stranded out of reach from rest of humanity with little access to basic amenities for long periods as rains pour down.

We in Delhi and in the mainland shall hear near zilch about it. There is a good reason why.

The media beams stories from the region to us as they should from a post. Militants from the borders ambush Indian army. The Indian army strikes back in the deep dark jungles of the eastern sector. For us, ‘the civilised’ in the rest of the country, these stories fit our need to hear some stories about the others’ lives on that wild eastern frontier.

When life caught in the cross-fire becomes unbearable for tribals in central India, a rare few national political leaders make some noise about protecting the innocent crushed in the conflict and not look at a purely militaristic solution. I don’t remember even these few leaders coming out to show the same symbolic sympathy for ‘our fellow citizens and children’ in the northeast as combing operations make people run from their homes in fear and set an entire state anxious about what awaits them.

Ideas that we deem morally abhorrent for citizens of the mainland are exported to the region, such as army controlling civilian life or bumper-to-bumper dams.

Take the case of dams in Himalayas. The religious value of Ganga for us in the mainland forces governments to at least pretend to save the river and the people around it from the contract and concrete driven madness.  But the same governments do not think twice about displacing entire cultures that flourish in the Brahmaputra basin building the same bumper to bumper dams on the Brahmaputra basin, bending rules regulations and policies for ‘strategic interests’. The irony is lost on us when we cordon leftover lands of these cultures in ‘compensation’ for the loss of ‘India’s’ wildlife and forests to the inundation that follows.

We govern their homelands like a frontier – sending out-of-favour governors and officials on punishment postings. The only government institutions that keep a constant vigil on the region are the home ministry, the defence ministry and the intelligence establishment. For much of the rest, it’s that dark pit where funds are sent (after the due share is cut) to disappear without a record or a road to show.

When a state erupts in anger against the killing of an innocent fifty plus woman activist, as Manipur did just a few days before the militant attack, we remain blind (Until of course the women of the region shame us and our government naked). Killed soldiers are rightly called martyrs. The innocent frontier-dwellers killed, raped, tortured or caught in the teeth of a combing operation are collateral damage who can hopefully be ignored at the altar of national security.

Did the above sound like an emotional angry rant rather than an analytical and well-argued journalistic piece? Sorry. I thought of people I go back home to in the region and it upset me.

In Delhi today, the newspapers (with few exceptions) told me the rainfall so far, on average, is near normal – suggesting that there is hope 2015 may not be a drought year for India.

Media and the government are all preparing for a possible drought in the mainland. Lakhs who live on the country’s northeast frontier are preparing for the regional shut down and the damage torrential rains shall cause. By today nearly one lakh people are reported displaced in Assam.

Sorry chaps, life is always tough during border postings. And you are posted at India’s northeast frontier for a lifetime.

Source: Business Standard

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/06/northeast-india-only-a-frontier-nothing-covert-about-it/

CPDM Statement on the Pallel Firing Incident of May 5, 2015 and the Protest

Manipur (India): CPDM Statement on the Pallel Firing Incident of May 5, 2015 and the Protest     Ref: 20150518 / PR/ Pallel.   ON THE FIRING INCIDENT   1. A

Manipur (India): CPDM Statement on the Pallel Firing Incident of May 5, 2015 and the Protest
Ref: 20150518 / PR/ Pallel.
1. A firing spree unleased on May 5, 2015 at Pallel Laithok Ching area killed Mr. Moirangthem Gopal (43), son of (late) Gourachandra from Pallel Mayai Leikai and injured four others – Mr. M. Chingkhei (20), son of Rajen from Pallel Mamang Leikai; Mr. Pukhrambam Herojit (30), son of Bharat from Pallel Mayai Leikai; Mr. Sarangthem Turkey (18), son of Biren from Pallel Mayai Leikai; and Mr. Yumnam Bhim (21), son of Naobi from Pallel Bazar.
2. The firing spree was carried out in the dark evening at around 8.30 pm. on the hill route, when devotees were returning after performing Lai Lamthokpa ritual of Meetei Umanglai deities Sekmai Ningthou and Nongpok Ningthou at a hillock (unofficially christened as Pallel Laithok Ching), near Aimol Saitu Village, which is located at the southeast of the Pallel Police Station in Thoubal District, Manipur. It was carried out by a team of youth led by Mr. Augustine Aimol (21), son of Ngamshung Aimol of Aimol Chingnunghut Village and his companions Mr. Franchis (19), son of Munthuilian and Mr. Lalshanglian (20), son of Sumnunglian from Aimol Saitu Village.
3. The firing spree was a vengeance fallout of an altercation. It so happened that when the Lai Lamthokpa ritual was in progress in sacrosanct traditional form; Augustine along with some of his associates, wearing casual clothes and shoes, entered and offered customary token money (known as Sel Thaba) to the Maibis, thereby, desecrating the ritual. Resentment against their action led to a heated altercation. Augustine and his associates ferociously retired from the spot and indiscriminately fired upon the returnee devotees.
4. The outraged devotees and Meetei residents of Pallel stormed the police outpost at Pallel. They injured an Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police Mr. N. Rajmani and burnt a sentry tower. To prevent further mob the administration promulgated Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) Section 144. However, tension was running high. On the following day, people defied curfew and attempted to storm the police outpost. Some ferocious youth tried to sneak to the nearby Aimol villages to avenge the incident. In the whole melee, police resorted to brutal repression, leading to the casualty of seven agitators.
5. In the meanwhile an organisation christened ‘Joint Action Committee against the Killing of Moirangthem Gopal (JAC) and Other Victims’ was formed to spearhead agitation. The following decisions were taken at the public meeting: (a) to call a general strike on May 6; (b) to impose indefinite blockade on the Aimol road along the National Highway 102; (c) to refuse from accepting the mortal remains of Gopal unless the culprits were arrested, (d) to press on the government to pay compensation of Rs 15 lakh to the family of Gopal and Rs 5 lakh each and medical expenses to the injured persons. The demand of the JAC was directly or indirectly endorsed by several civil society organisations, who visited the area to support the agitation and also to prevent from communal mobbing on a particular community.
6. The agitation exerted pressure on the Aimols in general and in particular the villages that the culprits belonged to. The Aimol Village Authority was asked to immediately hand over the culprits to the police. It was warned that restive agitators would enter into the concerned Aimol villages to pull up the culprits if the police would not make any arrest by May 6. The Aimols were being asked to pay Rs 15 lakh Wakong Sen(customary compromise and compensation money) for having obstructed the Lai Haraoba in the mid-way. Consciously, later on, the amount of Wakong Sen was scaled down and the burden of payment was shifted to the culprits who ‘will be made to do what is within their capacity.’
7. Apparently, the Aimols responded positively with proactive actions. The Aimol Tribe Union, Manipur condemned the incident. It reiterated that the Aimols and Pallel Meeteis had been living cordially and the former had been supporting the Lai Haraoba rituals. The Aimol women organisation christened as Aimol Numeivar demonstrated against the incident; a member made open appeal to the culprits to voluntarily surrender so as to prevent from further hardship being faced by the Aimols. The concerned denizens amongst the Aimols identified the culprits and pressed, if not persuaded them to ensure either voluntarily surrender or schematise arrest.
8. In the tense situation the State and the police, by default, accrued for itself the credit of success in maintaining order and mediation. Their successes were; (a) deployment of police and imposition of curfew prevented potential mob, (b) police claimed the arrest of Augustine on May 6, and the remaining two on May 11, and (c) monetary compensations to the victims were announced, although the exact values and other proposals demanded by the JAC was subjected to further consideration and approval by the Manipur Cabinet. Accordingly, the mortal remain of Gopal was received and cremated by the family on Friday, May 8. When some of the demands of the JAC were not fulfilled, the JAC and Umang Lai Kanba Lup (UKAL) indulged in imposing 48 hours public curfew in Pallel areas from the early morning of Saturday, May 16. The government negotiated with them and the public curfew was cut-short by 24 hours.
9. Manipur is a melting pot of various religious or beliefs systems such as Buddhist, Jains, Christian denominations, Hindu sects, Islam, Meetei ‘revivalism’ and etcetera. The Heraka cult among the Zelianrongs and worship of Sanamahi and Umanglai among the Meeteis are considered to be ‘indigenous.’ The ‘indigenous’ have been investing in either revival or protection or promotion to overcome the perceived loss due to conversion into more conventional religious systems that are considered to be non-indigenous.
10. Over the decades there have been organised efforts amongst the Meeteis to promote the worship of Umanglais, correctly or incorrectly referred to as the ancestral sylvan deities. The abodes of the Umanglais are located either within the vicinity of Meetei neighbourhood known as khun or in the far flung forests and on the hillocks. An abode of the Umanglai deities Sekmai Ningthou and Nongpok Ningthou is located at the Pallel Laithok Ching near the clusters of Aimol villages. The abode have been marked by annual gathering of devotees that performed pompous ceremonial dances and rituals that lasted for about a week. The LaiLamthokpa is an integral ritual marked by a procession of the devotees and celebration in a ‘sacred’ spot outside the abode where the temple stands.
11. The Aimols, predominantly Christians by faith, belong to one of the numerically minority scheduled tribes. Generally seen by the Meeteis under the rubric ‘hao’, which is a term that corresponded to the ‘tribes’; their affiliation with either the Kukis or the Nagas remain a matter of dispute as there are many who wanted to maintain a distinct Aimol identity. However, they have been seen as either Kuki or Naga depending on the choice of the interpreter. They constitute the dominant community and enjoy strategic control in and around the Pallel Laithok Ching areas. In this scenario, when Augustine and his associates desecrated the ritual and unleashed the firing spree; the otherness of the culprits in terms of religious and community affiliations added to the negative perception about ‘tribal politics’ and many Meeteis subscribed to the communal interpretation of their actions.
12. Several questions have been raised. Whereas the religiosity and community composition of the devotees were distinctively marked by otherness; were there display of communal hatred in the altercation and the actions of the culprits? At the very outset, why the culprits should desecrate the rituals? Will they do the same in the church and in the presence of their ‘community’ elders? Following the abusive verbal altercation, if those who resented their actions happened to be from their own community and their church elders, will they indulge in indiscriminate firing on the crowd? Were the culprits instigated by some communal forces that wanted the Meeteis to retaliate communally; so that the targeted Aimols in search of security and revenge become loyal to them?
13. Communal interpretation of incident became viral. It reinforced to the communal emotions and hurt the ‘pride’ of many Meeteis who perceived that their community have been targeted times and again by the ‘tribal’, this time by the Aimlos simply because they have been too soft towards the tribes to avoid communal conflict. Many jumped into the nasty conclusion that there should be a befitting response to teach the ‘communal forces’ a lesson. The religious organisation christened as the Umanglai Kanba Apunba Lup (UKAL), construed a homogenous picture of the Meeteis and interpreted the incident as a ‘direct challenge to the [Meetei] community’s faith and its tradition.’ According to the news, the convenor of UKAL declared that all religious organizations with the support of the people were prepared to launch agitation against the brutal attack. The agitation exerted pressure upon the Aimols in general and the concerned villages in particular to held responsible for the crime and surrender the culprits.
14. The matter is not to be ended after the punishment of the culprits and extraction of compensations. There is the looming tendency towards communal anchoring of collective memory centred on the idea of community victimhood; which have to be objectively crafted through construction of mnemonic artefacts and commemorations. During the cremation of Gopal, the royal palace and UKAL honoured Gopal with the title Umanglai-gi Athoiba Mapari (Renowned Son of Umanglai). The UKAL appealed to those who were currently celebrating Lai Haraoba festival to observe a 10-minute silence as a mark of tribute to Gopal. It announced to commence annual observance of the firing incident from the following year. This announcement raises a fundamental question. If Gopal had to become a mnemonic means of recollecting communal assault; it remains questionable as to what extent the objectivity and structural appearance of annual observance may contribute towards communal harmony. Will it contribute to promoting durable secularism and cordial status quo amongst communities or will it simply add to sharpening some kind of hatred projections against the ‘other?’ The future is yet to come.
15. We condemn the firing spree unleashed on May 5, 2015 by a team of youth comprising Augustine, Franchis and Lalshanglian.
16. We condole the death of Moirangthem Gopal, share the grievances of his family and other victims of the incident, and acknowledge the aggrieved sentiments of the concerned devotees, immediate victim families and their near ones. The irreparable loss to the families and dear ones of Gopal can never be compensated. Only tolerance, forgiveness and conscious efforts towards rooting out criminality in any form can build a peaceful society. May hope should be the strength to overcome the pain of the irreparable loss.
17. We share the grievances of the families of Augustine, Franchis and Lalshanglian who have been compelled by the situation to bear the burden of insult, humiliation and all forms of social and legal pressures because of the crimes committed by these youth whose have ruined themselves to a considerable scale. May they learn from the mistakes, reborn themselves as respectable citizen and return home safely.
18. We express resentment to the communal interpretation of the firing spree and any attempted communal targeting of a particular community or village. Criminals exist in every society and community; may we isolate them from the community and initiate collective thrives against the criminals.
19. We express solidarity to the conscious efforts of progressive organisations and individuals in raising the demand for justice and defending inter-community peaceful co-existence.
20. We appeal to the people to live and grow together towards a collective brighter future.
Campaign for Peace & Democracy (Manipur)
May 18, 2015.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/05/cpdm-statement-on-the-pallel-firing-incident-of-may-5-2015-and-the-protest/

Sehao villagers in Manipur flee homes after Kuki Millitant group KNLF unleashes violence

  IMPHAL, May 11: Following the brutal assault on five villagers of Sehao and six labourers engaged in the construction of PMGSY road allegedly by cadres of KNLF, many Sehao

Villagers of Sehao flee homes after KNLF unleashed violence in Manipur

Villagers of Sehao flee homes after KNLF unleashed violence


IMPHAL, May 11: Following the brutal assault on five villagers of Sehao and six labourers engaged in the construction of PMGSY road allegedly by cadres of KNLF, many Sehao villagers including women and children have started fleeing their homes in fear since last Saturday evening.

On receiving the news about the incident, a team of Kuki Student`s Organization (KSO) Khengjoi Block and former ADC Member of Songjang Constituency Paokhosei Haokip along with a media team visited the villagers and the victims who are taking shelter at the outpost of 6 Dogra Regiment located at Kemdo today.

The assaulted villagers have been identified as Seikhomang Haokip, 27 son of Late Jamkhotil Haokip, Chief of Senam; Seichon Haokip, 30 son of Late Onthang Haokip; Lunsei Haokip, 35 son of Thangsat Haokip; Lunkhosat Haokip, 29 son of Thangsat Haokip; Jamkhongam Haokip, 38 son of Late LimseiHaokip.

While the labourers assaulted by the KNLF have been identified as Sh Subash, 44 of Keirao Wangkhem (Work Supervisor), JCB driver Kh Subash, 30 son of Kh Ibo of Wabagai, JCB driver S Herojit, 19 son of Kanhai of Nongmaikhong, JCB driver Salam Romesh, 28 son of S Thoiba and JCB 2nd driver Chungkham Naoba, 20 son of Ibohal of Sekmaijing.

According to the victims, two armed cadres of Kuki National Liberation Front (KNLF) brutally assaulted the five JCB Drivers and a villager near Sehao village while returning back from a work site at around 6 pm last night. The cadres also assaulted four other villagers and the work supervisor who came to search the JCB drivers after they failed to return for long. After beating black and blue using woods, the armed cadres also threatened to kill all the villagers if they inform the army and media persons about the incident.

Fearing reprisal from the armed outfit, the villagers were compelled to flee their homes along with the labourers and took shelter at the Out Post of 6 Dogra Regiment. The Officers and personnel of 6 Dogra Regiment administered first aid treatment to all the assaulted individuals besides providing shelter and food for the villagers till Sunday morning.

After interacting with the villagers, Paokhosei Haokip, former ADC Member of Songjang and KSO Khengjoi Block made a temporary arrangement to accommodate the villagers at Khangbarol BDO Office as the villagers refused to return to the village fearing dire consequences.

Speaking to media persons, Seikhomang Haokip, Chief of Sehao who is also the vice president of KSO Khengjoi Block said that the incident of last night was not the first atrocity meted out by the KNLF cadres upon the villagers. There had been an incident where cadres of the armed outfit indiscriminately fired several rounds in the villagecreating fear psychosis among the villagers particularly to the women and children, he added.

Moreover, the cadres of the outfit also kidnapped one labourer engaged in the construction of the PMGSY road from the village on April 22 last but the labourer managed to escape from the captors. There had been another incident in which a Shaktiman Driver was tortured some days back. Since the said armed outfit established their designated camp at Semol, villagers of the area particularly the Sehao villagers cannot settle peacefully, lamented the Village Chief.

While appealing the concerned authority to shift the KNLF designated camp from the area, Seikhomang Haokip said that the villagers will not return to their homes until and unless the concerned authority shifted cadres of the outfit from their Semol designated camp.

Strongly condemning the action of the KNLF Cadres, Paokhosei Haokip who is also the Chief of New Songjang Village said such mindless action and atrocities of KNLF upon the innocent villagers and labourers should be condemned by all. He expressed gratitude to the 6 Dogra Regiment for providing assistance to the aggrieved villagers.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/05/sehao-villagers-flee-homes-after-knlf-unleashes-violence/

Where have all the flowers gone?

A three-day-long (1st to 3rd of May 2015)  ‘music and arts festival’ was organised in the Andhro village in Manipur, where many folk musicians came together at one platform to

A three-day-long (1st to 3rd of May 2015)  ‘music and arts festival’ was organised in the Andhro village in Manipur, where many folk musicians came together at one platform to spread awareness about the importance of protecting the environment amongst people.

‘Where have all the flowers gone?’ was the theme of the festival.

“In Manipur we hardly have a platform for a youth at the same time it’s a festival about the environment which is very much decaying so we the youth gather together and trying to do something for ourselves to get platform at the same time for the cause of environment and bringing awareness to the people,” said Akhu Chingangbam, the organiser for the festival.

People planted trees and plants to mark the event organised with the commemoration of the 96th birth anniversary of the US folk singer and activist, Pete Seeger.

Photo credit: Deepak Shijagurumayum

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Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/05/where-have-all-the-flowers-gone/

‘United National Liberation Front of West South East Asia’ Formed

On 24 April 2015, nine militant groups of the northeast, including the NSCN (Khaplang) and the ULFA faction led by Paresh Baruah, have come together to form a new unified

On 24 April 2015, nine militant groups of the northeast, including the NSCN (Khaplang) and the ULFA faction led by Paresh Baruah, have come together to form a new unified front during a meeting held recently in Myanmar, security sources said.


According to Hindustan Times report, the move to form the “United National Liberation Front of West South East Asia” comes close on the heels of S.S. Khaplang, chairman of the NSCN (K), abrogating a 14-year-old ceasefire agreement with the Centre last month. Khaplang, a Hemi Naga from Myanmar, played a key role in organising the meeting of militant groups where the decision to form the new grouping was made, security sources told Hindustan Times. Though Khaplang will be the nominal head of the new grouping, a key role will be played by Paresh Baruah, the chief of the United Liberation Front of Asom-Independent who has consistently opposed peace talks with the Central government, the sources said.

Nagaland Post states that both Khaplang and Baruah are currently based in Myanmar. Baruah moved to Myanmar after authorities in Bangladesh launched a crackdown on his group, the sources said.

Besides the NSCN (K) and ULFA-Independent, other groups that participated in the meeting held at Taga in Sagaing division of Myanmar earlier this month were the Kangleipak Communist Party, Kanglei Yawol Kunna Lup, People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak, People’s Liberation Army, United National Liberation Front and National Democratic Front of Bodoland (Songbijit faction).

The new grouping is dominated by militant organisations from Manipur, which refer to the northeastern region as “West South East Asia”.

Nagaland Post states that security sources said Chinese intelligence played an active role in encouraging the northeastern groups to come together on a common platform. Chinese intelligence operatives are active in the Sagaing region and weapons are often shipped to the northeastern groups through the China-Myanmar border.

“The Chinese have promised to provide weapons and logistics to the new grouping as they want to keep things boiling in the northeast in view of their claim on the state of Arunachal Pradesh,” a source said.

Earlier, the Chinese intelligence had played a role in bringing together several militant groups from the Manipur Valley in an umbrella organisation called CorCom. Most of these groups have now joined the new grouping.

Several groups from the North Eastern states have training camps in Sagaing division. After the NSCN-Khaplang signed a truce with Myanmarese authorities in 2012, it has consolidated its position in the neighbouring country.

The NSCN (K) split in late March after Khaplang abrogated the ceasefire signed with the Central government in 2001 and wound up the cease-fire supervisory board. The group had at the time accused the Central government of not being serious about discussing the issue of “sovereignty” for Nagas. Khaplang also expelled two of its kilonsers- Wangtin Naga and P. Tikhak from the group, who were in favour of extending the ceasefire pact with the Government of India. Following the expulsion, Wangtin and Tikhak formed a new group under the name NSCN (Reformation) Nagaland Post states.


Source: security-risks.com

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/04/united-national-liberation-front-of-west-south-east-asia-formed/

“ne Scholar Magazine” now available online

“neScholar Magazine”  published by North East Brothers Entertainments Pvt Ltd is a Quarterly Multi-Colour magazine, registered under “RNI-MANENG/2014/00112” and “ISSN” No.2350-0336.   It was successfully released on 27th September 2014 at Manipur

Editor and Content Page First Issue neSCHOLAR cover Second Issue neScholar COVER Third Issue cover

“neScholar Magazine”  published by North East Brothers Entertainments Pvt Ltd is a Quarterly Multi-Colour magazine, registered under “RNI-MANENG/2014/00112” and “ISSN” No.2350-0336.


It was successfully released on 27th September 2014 at Manipur Press Club, Imphal where Dr.R.K. Nimai, Former Commissioner Art and Culture, Govt of Manipur is the Editor in Chief.


“neScholar” Magazine is an effort for providing information to our students, which are felt relevant and good to know. We try to bring in a mix of articles covering various subjects and topics. 21st Century is an age of information and information is regarded as power. The School curricula just could not provide all the information required to make our students a knowledgeable person. And ours is a small endeavour to bridge a little of the gap in knowledge.


The world is becoming a global village and in the process many things which our ancestors have empirically learnt through experience and handed over from generations to generations is being substituted by newer things without understanding the implications. Values have changed but the traditional knowledge needs to be recorded and reassessed to understand the importance of such knowledge. Many of our cultural heritage are slowly being eroded aping other’s culture without realising the implications. The beauty of the world is its varied nuances and differences. If we have a single culture in our society, will the earth be as beautiful as it is now?

It features valuable information and articles in the field of Science & Technology, History & Archaeology, Heritage, Nature, Sports& Adventures and Career – for the curious mind.


The modest intention behind “neScholar Magazine” is to impart knowledge beyond school and college textbooks and also to inculcate a new form of reading habit among students.


Our endeavor is to make reading an easy and joyful experience.


Board Of Editors / Expert Panel are a group of Experienced professors from reputed Universities of North East India namely Manipur University, North East Hill University (NEHU) Meghalaya, Gauhati University (Assam), Tripura University and Mizoram University.


1/ Dr. Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih (Prof. Department of English, NEHU, Shillong)

2/ Prof. Shikhar Kr. Sarma (Director-Gauhati University Institute of Science and Technology, Assam)

3/ Dr. HanjabamNandiram Sharma (Former HOD & Reader, Botany Dept, DM College of Science)

4/  ShriGurumayumTomba Sharma (Former Principal, DM College of Science,Manipur -Chemistry)

5/ Shri HuidromJayantkumar Singh (Retd. HOD, DM College of Science,Manipur -Maths)

6/Dr. ElangbamBijoykumar Singh ( Prof. Department of Economics, Manipur University)

7/Prof. WaikhomVishwanath (Deprt of Life Science, MU/IUCN-FFSG-South Asia Regional Chairman)

8/ Prof. N. Joykumar Singh (Department Of History, Manipur University)

9/ Shri L Dwijendra Singh (Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics,DM College of Science,Manipur)

10/Dr. MaibamChourjit (Asst. Prof- Department Of Physical Education & Sports science, MU)

11/ OinamAnuradha Devi (Certified Career  Guidance Specialist, New Delhi)

12/ Prof H. Ramnghinglova, HOD – Mizoram University, Department of Life Sciences

13/ Prof Margaret Ch Zama, Professor, Department of English, Mizoram University

14/ Dr. Desmond L Kharmawphlang (Professor and HOD, Cultural and Creative Studies, NEHU, Shillong)

15/ Dr. Okram Kumar Singh (Former Superintendent, State Archaeology, Govt of Manipur)


Printed an initial quantity of 2000 for the first issue, 3500 for the second issue and Seeing the overwhelming response from the readers, we have printed 5,000 for the third issue.


To make it convenient for our reader, we have made the magazine available online.

“neScholar” is live now on Google play Newsstand and www.magzter.com, our readers can access our e-magazine by clicking the  link below.

This app is compatible with all of your devices.



Please like our facebook page at facebook.com/nescholar

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/04/ne-scholar-magazine-now-available-online/

South asian martial art’s bronze medalist palm blown off in accident

In a bizarre incident, the right hand palm of Dangaolou Patrick, the local International Bronze medalist, aged about 18 years, son of Ngaopunii from Chingmai Khullen Village, Senapati, was blown

d4787dd5e343f0770fca324ff3790833_LIn a bizarre incident, the right hand palm of Dangaolou Patrick, the local International Bronze medalist, aged about 18 years, son of Ngaopunii from Chingmai Khullen Village, Senapati, was blown off by dynamite bomb while fishing in a river along with his friends on Tuesday.
Dangaolou was a Bronze medalist in the South Asian Martial Arts Games in Kathmandu, Nepal held last year.
He also sustained injury on his left eye, and was later referred to JNIMS, Imphal for further medical treatment after getting first aid medication from the District Hospital, Senapati.


The incident occurred while attempting to hurl the bomb into the river, the dynamite bomb gets exploded in his hand that blown off his palm into pieces.
One of his friends identified as one Ngaopulou of Phaibung Khunou who was near him during the accident was also injured on his face.


Source: Imphal Times

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/04/south-asian-martial-arts-bronze-medalist-palm-blown-off-in-accident/

At just 18, Ronaldo Laishram from Manipur is India’s Asteroid Star

  Mysore 31: Ronaldo Laishram, an 18-year-old first year BE (Computer Science) student of Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), here was the cynosure of all eyes at the valedictory

Ronaldo Laishram featured in Deccan Chronicle


Mysore 31: Ronaldo Laishram, an 18-year-old first year BE (Computer Science) student of Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), here was the cynosure of all eyes at the valedictory of the golden hubilee celebrations of SJCE, on Tuesday. He was felicitated by former former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam for his discovery of Main belt Asteroid, “MAUR 397″.


Ronaldo Laishram from Manipur

Ronaldo Laishram from Manipur

Ronaldo on his Facebook Status: What a great moment!!! Today is one of my best day, my best moment ever. When Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam called my name Ronaldo Laishram not only one time but three/four times while giving his powerful speech, I was so nervous . He tied colorful bouquets and shawl on my neck and told me “Work hard, keep doing,nobody can stop you”. I told him I am from Manipur.  

The youngest son of Laishram Mahajon, a farmer and Laishram Sanahanbi, a housewife, who are natives of Khangabok, Manipur, Ronaldo spent his childhood observing the sky and always told his teacher he wanted to be an astronaut.

Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, Ronaldo said: “After I passed out from school, I went to Delhi and got in touch with SPACE. They mademe part of the ALl India Asteroid Search Campaign, organised by International Astronomy Search Collaboration (IASC). IASC sent me telescopic images which I analysed. I finally succeeded in my research when they confirmed I had discovered an asteroid. Currently I represent India in the International Asteroid search campaign”. Ronaldo said his biggest dream is to become a great astrophysicist and do good for mankind.


[Story gathered and edited by KO Editor]

Source: Deccan Chronicle; Facebook 

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/04/at-just-18-ronaldo-laishram-from-manipur-is-indias-asteroid-star/

My 46 questions to Shri L. Ibomcha Singh, Hon’ble MLA, in connection with Inner Line Permit System in Manipur

Dr. Khomdon Lisam Two Police officers came to my residence at Palace Compound on 26 March, 2015 at about 1.30 p.m. The senior Police Officer said to me “ L.

Dr. Khomdon Lisam

Two Police officers came to my residence at Palace Compound on 26 March, 2015 at about 1.30 p.m. The senior Police Officer said to me “ L. Ibomcha , MLA has filed an FIR no. 88(03) 2015 Imphal Police  Station under section no. 1244 a /186/189/505(2) IPC.  Pabung . Did you publish an article in the newspaper in which you defamed Shri L. Ibomcha singh , Hon’ble MLA of Keisamthong Constituency”. I said  “why should I defame him. I am only bringing the facts before the people.”  Then he showed me the para of the article in which Shri  Ibomcha singh got offended . The para is taken out from my article entitled “How can we salvage the Manipur State Legislative Assembly ? “. The para reads like this “the mistake our Honourable Chief Minister Shri O. Ibobi Singh has committed is his too much reliance and confidence in Shri L. Ibomcha Singh, Opposition MLA , who happened to be the Law Secretary at one time. He is using his legal knowledge and expertise in destroying Manipur.


Honourable Chief Minister might have genuinely wanted to fulfil the demands of the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS). But Shri L. Ibomcha Singh might have warned or threatened the Chief Minister about the possibility of declaring such an act as unconstitutional and the possibility of the Act being struck down by the Supreme Court or the High Court. They could not see any other option.” I told the Police Officer that we respect Shri L. Ibomcha Singh . He is not only MLA but he was also at one time the secretary /Law under the Government of Manipur. He is a legal expert . He was a member of the drafting Committee. He enjoy the faith and confidence of the  Hon’bleChief Minister , Manipur. I myself and the members of the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) were expecting that he will be able to bring out an effective law for protecting the indigenous people (natives ) of Manipur. On the contrary , he was instrumental in bringing out  the present Bill entitled “ The Manipur Regulation of Visitors, Tenants and Migrant Workers Bill”. His actions has disappointed the people. The JCILPS announced 18 hours band and demanded to withdraw the Bill. The young people and women are sitting in Dharna , protested everywhere. The State Government also initiated a series of repressive measures . Any time, violence may erupt anywhere.  This present Bill is meant to protect the migrant workers and not to protect the indigenous people (natives ) of Manipur. If you want to arrest me for writing this article , you can arrest me now. The Police Officer replied “ No Pabung. We came in civilian vehicle  to evade public notice, we do not come in police vehicle . We want to know only the facts. Then I briefed  them about why the JCILPS is doing this mass movement on Inner Line Permit System, what is Inner Line Permit System etc. The Police Officer said “ Pabung , you may arrange for an Anticipatory Bail. “ I said I am not interested to go for an Anticipatory Bail. You can come and arrest me any time. I am ready to go to jail. I will invigorate the JCILPS movement by going to jail. The Police Officers  said that they will discuss the matter with their senior officers and inform me again. They left the place.


Nowadays it is very dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. Who will Protect us from Our Government? Anyway, I want to ask the following 46 questions to Shri L. Ibomcha singh , Hon’ble MLA for his clarification to the people .


  1. Are you a legal expert ? For me, you are second to none.


  1. Did you work as the Secretary /Law at one time under the state government.


  1. Are you enjoying the faith and confidence of the Hon’ble Chief Minister as a legal expert ?


  1. Were you a member the Drafting Committee of the present Bill ?


  1. Were you a member the All Political Parties Committee on the present Bill representing NCP?


  1. Did you agree/accept to the Title of the present Bill “The Manipur Regulation of Visitors , Tenants and Migrant Workers Bill” ? This  Title is dull, not appealing, misleading and does not reflect the main objectives of the Bill The suggested title of the Bill was ” Protection of the Indigenous people of Manipur Bill-2015 “.This title is appealing, attractive, reflects the main objectives of the Bill and will be able to attract the attention of the Government of India. The second option may be the “Manipur Inner Line Permit Bill -2015″ . The third option may be Manipur Migrants Regulation Bill- 2015. The present title should be dropped without further consideration. If you do not agree, who pressurised you to agree ?


  1. Did you agree/accept to the objects and reasons of the present Bill ? The stated objects and reasons of the present Bill is “ to maintain tranquillity and public order in the interest of general public and visitors by registering the visitors , tenants and migrant workers “. The JCILP is very clear about the objectives of the Bill. The main objectives of the Bill may be (1) to protect the identity, culture, lands, language, script and business of the indigenous people and permanent residents of Manipur (2) to regulate the entry , employment and settlement of migrants to Manipur. If you do not agree, who pressurised you to agree?


  1. Did you agree/accept to the definitions of “Permanent Resident” of the present Bill ? The definition given in the Bill is : “Permanent Residents“ means “a person who is ordinarily a resident of state of Manipur”. This is really very dangerous.  I feel that this definition will give a blanket right to every migrant worker  to buy land and settle in Manipur. Is it not against the general interest of the indigenous /native people of Manipur . Once His Excellency, the Governor of Manipur gives assent to this bill, it will be very difficult to amend  the Bill. Once this right is given with the assent of the Governor, any amendment will amount to forfeiture  of this right with complicated  legal consequences. Why did not you consider this aspect as a legal expert.  You can say that Permanent Resident means a person born or settled in Manipur prior to 18 November, 1950 (day on which the permit system was abolished by Chief Commissioner Himmat Singh )


  1. Did you agree/accept to omission of protection of land . At present any outside migrant worker can purchase land in the valley areas of Manipur . Did you agree to the omission of  protection of land for the indigenous/native people of Manipur. There is no provision on ban of purchase of land by migrant workers. The legal experts have recommended for insertion of this  clause on ban of purchase of land by migrant workers but you have ignored the recommendation of legal experts and you are instrumental for this omission which is against the general interest of the indigenous/native people of Manipur.


  1. Did you influence or agree /accept the Bill without Punishment Clauses ? So far my information goes, you have also pointed out that under Article 35 (a)(ii) of Indian Constitution, the State can not pass a law with punishment clauses . Is it correct ? Karnataka State Assembly had passed an Act namely the Karnataka scheduled castes and scheduled tribes (Prohibition of transfer of certain lands) act, 1978 wherein a  conviction and a punishment  with imprisonment which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees or with both was prescribed. If Karnataka can do it , why not Manipur State Legislative Assembly do it. That means , you are misguiding the Hon’ble Chief Minister.


  1. Are you aware : the legal experts have pointed out that without punishment clauses like detention , the law will not be effective . It will be like paper tiger “ ? If so why did you fail to provide Punishment clauses in the Bill. ? People may interpret your expertise as a shallow knowledge of law.


  1. Are you aware of the 7th Schedule List 2 (State List Entry 64 –Offences against Laws of the Indian Constitution under which the state is empowered to enact laws connected with offences ? If so, why not you include the punishment clauses in the Bill ?


  1. Are you aware that the Permit system introduced by the Manipur Durbar in 1901 was abolished by Mr. Himmat Singh, the then Chief Commissioner of Manipur on 18 November, 1950 without the approval of the Government of India, allowing free entry, unchecked influx of migrant workers from other states?


  1. Are you aware that many political leaders are using the migrant workers as their vote banks- registering their names in the electoral rolls ? If so, why not you include a clause for deletion of names of migrant workers who entered Manipur after 18 November , 1950 (day on which the permit system was abolished by Himmat Singh) from the electoral rolls in all affected constituencies of Manipur.


  1. Are you aware that the Manipur Durbar devised a very effective system of controlling the entry of Non-Manipuris called the Permit or Passport system in 1901when the population of Manipur was only 284,465( 1901 Census) ?


  1. Are you aware that This Permit system in Manipur was brought under the Foreigners Department on 1 November, 1931 ?


  1. Are you aware that the Government of India has approved retention of the said Permit System in Manipur vide Mr. G.E.D Walker, Advisor to the Governor of Assam letter no. 120/47/C- 26-27 dated 17th January, 1948.?


  1. Are you aware that the massive influx of outside migrants is likely to produce a demographic imbalance in Manipur in the near future ? According to 2001 Census, the population of outside migrants in Manipur was  707,488 as against the Meitei population of 751822, tribal population of 670,782.


  1. Are you aware that there is a regulation called the “Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation -1873” passed by Lord Northbrook on 27  August, 1873 ?


  1. Are you aware that the “Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation -1873 is now in force in Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram ?


  1. Are you aware that the Mizoram State has adopted Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation -1873 on 8 September, 2006 ?


  1. Do you think adoption of Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation -1873 is only for tribal areas? If so, why did the British extended this regulation to Kamrup, Sibsagar, Lakhimpur of Assam which are not the tribal areas ?


  1. Do you think adoption of Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation -1873 by Manipur is unconstitutional ? If so, why and how these regulation is in force in Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram ?


  1. Are you aware that the influx of outsiders has deprived the indigenous Manipuri population of their ancestral land , food,  employment , manual work , education etc.?


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has posed a  threat to the Manipuri identity and culture of the indigenous Manipuris.


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has posed a threat to Manipuri language , scripts and local dialects due to ever increasing influence of Hindi as the link language and “Bazar Bhasa “ in trade and commerce.


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has posed a threat to survival of local labourers due to uncontrolled and unchecked influx of cheap labourers from other states and from Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar  .


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has posed a threat to reservation quota for scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes  as many of them are also eligible under the same reservation quota.


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has deprived  the  job opportunities of  indigenous population


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has deprived of higher educational and Technical educational opportunities  like MBBS, BDS, BSc ( Nursing) , BE etc, of  indigenous population as may of the outsiders are also eligible to apply for the same .


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has deprived of competitive posts like MCS, MPS and other high ranking posts of  indigenous population as the outsiders are also eligible to apply .We  have seen that some of the outsiders holding very high posts in the Government and this is happening at the cost of  our local talents.


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has posed a threat to Law and Order , Public Security and Safety  as many of them indulged in black market , crimes


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has posed a threat to survival of small ethnic  tribal groups like Aimol ( 2643/2001), Chothe( 2675/2001), Koirao (1200/2001) , Koireng(1056/2001), , Monsang- 1634/2001) , Moyon ( 1,710/2001), Ralte( 110/2001), Salhte 311/2001)


  1. Are you aware that influx of outsiders has increased the spread of HIV /AIDS  as may of the migrant workers are also indulging in high risk behaviour in sex and drug use .


  1. Are you aware that some of migrant workers are very keen to contest election and become MLA and Minister. Earlier , we had one Nepali MLA also.


  1. Are you aware that on 2nd March, 2006, I . Hemochandra , Hon’ble MLA had initiated a discussion on Inner Line Permit in the Manipur State Assembly?


  1. Are you aware that on 26 August, 2011, Shri N. Mangi Singh Hon’ble MLA put up a Calling Attention Motion on Inner Line Permit System in Manipur in the Manipur Legislative Assembly and the matter is pending with the State Cabinet since 27 August, 2011.


  1. Are you aware that on 27 August, 2011, the State Cabinet under leadership of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Manipur had discussed about the need to introduce the Inner Line Permit system in Manipur .


  1. Are you aware that the Manipur State Cabinet under leadership of our Hon’ble Chief Minister passed a resolution on 12 July, 2012 and urge the Government of India (GOI) to extend the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873 (ILP) to Manipur.


  1. Are you aware that the Manipur Legislative Assembly passed a resolution on 13 July, 2012 to extend and adopt the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation , 1873 (ILP). The resolution was submitted to GOI on 3rd August, 2012.


  1. Are you aware that Dr. J. Suresh Babu, Principal Secretary (Home) in his letter no. 1/1(12) /2011-Home dated 3rd August , 2012 has sent a request to the Home Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI to extend the provisions of Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation -1873 to the state of Manipur.


  1. Are you aware that the population of indigenous/native American Indians has been reduced from 100% at the time of arrival of Columbus to 0.1 % to 0.2% in  2006 (the U.S. Census Bureau-2006)


  1. Are you aware that the population of indigenous/native Australians has been reduced from 100% at the time of arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Botany Bay in January 1788to establish a penal colony to just 2.4% of Australia’s total in 2001 (Quadrant. https://www.quadrant.org.au/magazine/issue/2008/451/who-are-indigenous-australians.)


  1. Are you aware that the population of indigenous/native people of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been reduced from 100% at the time of establishment of a Penal Colony in 1789 to hardly 1000 in 2011 ( “Andaman & Nicobar Islands at a glance”. Andamandt.nic.in. http://andamandt.nic.in/profile.htm.)


  1. Are you aware that the indigenous peoples, who accounted for 95% of the population of Tripura in 1931 census, have been reduced to a mere 31% in the 1991 census mainly due to influx of refugees from East Pakistan. Even the names of different villages, hamlets, rivers, tributaries, markets, area, hills, hillocks, towns etc had been changed to suit the tongue of Bengali refugees, who had since became majority population. The unchecked and uncontrolled  population invasion from East Pakistan has  caused  serious , social, political, economic  and demographic impact which has destroyed the identity , culture and traditions and language of the  indigenous people of Tripura .


  1. Are you serious and committed to protect the identity, culture, customs, land, language , religion, mineral resources, business, employment opportunities of the indigenous people /natives of Manipur.


If so, why are you afraid to initiate an appropriate  law to fulfil the wishes of the people.


What we are doing is for the future generation of  Manipur- for our children, for our motherland, for our honour. Rambo said “ Live for nothing or die for something. Denis Fonvizin once said ” A fool is very dangerous when in power.” Once Charles de Gaulle said “I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.” These quotations become very relevant in the context of Manipur these days.
I am not conveying any disrespect to you. But the people have the right to know the facts. I have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression as guaranteed under the Indian Constitution.  My going to jail for this cause is immaterial to me.


If  you want to debate this matter in the DDK/AIR/ISTV/Impact TV  for wider coverage, I am ready to participate.


The End


Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/04/my-46-questions-to-shri-l-ibomcha-singh-honble-mla-in-connection-with-inner-line-permit-sytem-in-manipur/

Manipur techie attacked in Bangalore, Police said “Get Lost” to the victim

BENGALURU:  Three unidentified men assaulted Chingmi Jojo, a software engineer, from Manipur in Ashok Nagar recently. When 25-year-old Chingmi approached Ashok Nagar Police Station, with a slipper of one of

BENGALURU:  Three unidentified men assaulted Chingmi Jojo, a software engineer, from Manipur in Ashok Nagar recently.

When 25-year-old Chingmi approached Ashok Nagar Police Station, with a slipper of one of the people who attacked him, the police’s response was ‘Hogalley’ (get lost).

Three unidentified men assaulted , Chingmi Jojo, a software engineer from Manipur in Ashok Nagar recently.

Three unidentified men assaulted , Chingmi Jojo, a software engineer from Manipur in Ashok Nagar recently.

Ashok Nagar police refused to file a case citing jurisdictional issues. When Chingmi saw that the police were not going to be of any help, he asked them to drop him home. He had already had to walk from Austin Town to Ashok Nagar police station around midnight.

However, with the matter being brought to the attention of senior police officials, a case has now been registered in Ashok Nagar station and two teams have been formed under an ACP of Halasuru Gate to nab the attackers.

But Chingmi, from Manipur, is doubtful whether they will ever get caught.

“I can’t even describe them. All I have is one slipper and I know that one guy was tall and the other short. It all happened too fast and it was 11.30 pm,” he said.

Previoud cases of attack on Manipuri youths in Bangalore

Previoud cases of attack on Manipuri youths in Bangalore

Chingmi was out with his friends on Saturday night and was walking with two other friends, Alum and Thot. They were going to drop Alum home and then go to their PG in Austin Town itself. They were walking a little apart from each other with Chingmi right in front and Alum and Thot together.

Suddenly, two men approached them and snatched away the hat that Alum was wearing. Shocked, Thot confronted them but was punched on his mouth.

“I had not realised what was happening as I was distracted with my phone. Suddenly, one of them punched me as well. I began chasing them and screaming at them. One of them managed to leave his slipper behind. Hearing our cries, neighbours rushed out but the two men had escaped by then,” Chingmi said.

With the slipper in hand, Chingmi first went to Ashok Nagar traffic police station. He was shooed away from there. The police’s response to his ordeal was ‘Hogalley’.

After the matter was brought to the attention of senior police officials, a case was registered at Ashok Nagar station. Two teams have also been formed to identify and nab the accused.

Source NewIndianExpress

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/04/manipur-techie-attacked-in-bangalore-police-said-get-lost-to-the-victim/

Meetei Folk album “Chingda satpi” ready to launch

Manipuri folk /traditional artist Mangka’s debut album ‘chingda satpi’ which is being produced by award winning filmmaker Oinam Doren will be released on 1st april 2015 in Imphal Hotel by

Manipuri folk /traditional artist Mangka’s debut album ‘chingda satpi’ which is being produced by award winning filmmaker Oinam Doren will be released on 1st april 2015 in Imphal Hotel by the Classic.

Meetei Folk artist Manka's Chingda satpi ready to launch

Meetei Folk artist Manka’s Chingda satpi ready to launch

The album which has taken almost a year to complete is a collection of 10 tracks which have been sourced from some of the finest unforgettable folk melodies of Manipur. Mangka’s own father who is also the artistic director of Laihui, a Imphal based traditional music ensemble has given music to the album. The album comes in a CD+DVD package exquisitely designed by Design Stash, a premium design house from Nagaland. “Folk music is generally not composed. They are a spontaneous reaction to our environment or our work culture. We have tried to resonate a feeling of nostalgia through the imageries and illustrations. I was surprised when the talented young Naga designers brought 3 books on Manipuri traditional textiles for reference,” says the exalted producer Doren. He is also collaborating with Kok Designs Imphal trying to create a different ambient for the launch event.

Chingda satpi has been produced by raising funds through pre-order and generous support from friends in India and around the world. The revenue from music sales is almost marginal now due to piracy and free sharing of music and the producer thought it best to follow such a strategy to cover the production cost. Ourvillage, the production company of Oinam Doren has also tied up with other organisations to give the launch a grand scale. Epao.net as media partner, Northeast Buzz as online partner, Classic Group of Hotels as Venue partner, Manipuri Association of Canada & Eastern ceramics as associate sponsor, Times Music (a division of Bennett, Coleman & Co Ltd) as digital partner and Laihui as music partner and executive producer.

Padmashree Heisnam Sabitri (international theatre personality), Guru Rewben Mashangva(national award winning folk musician) and Somi Roy (founder, managing director of Emasi foundation) will grace the event as Chief Guest, Guest of Honor and President respectively. Mangka and incredible kids from Laihui will entertain the crowd during the event.


Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/03/meetei-folk-album-chingda-satpi-ready-to-launch/

Tantha da Sathek 2015 – I

Exclusive photos from Tantha da Sathek  2015 an event of fashion, music & dance by Cultural Foundation Manipur. Event directed by Robert Leishangthem and Presented by Rina Mayanglambam.

Exclusive photos from Tantha da Sathek  2015 an event of fashion, music & dance by Cultural Foundation Manipur. Event directed by Robert Leishangthem and Presented by Rina Mayanglambam.

Tantha da Sathek 2015 Manipur
Tantha da Sathek 2015 Manipur
Tantha da Sathek 2015 Manipur
Tantha da Sathek 2015 Manipur
Tantha da Sathek 2015 Manipur
Tantha da Sathek 2015 Manipur
Tantha da Sathek 2015 Manipur
Tantha da Sathek 2015

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/03/tantha-da-sathek-2015-i/

Manipur Lad Wins Gold at 1st World Martial Arts Council Games

A Manipur lad, Thaovei V Soto, from Senapati District Manipur, bagged gold medal in the 1st World Martial Arts Council Games Festival held at Bangkok, Thailand. The young lad struck

A Manipur lad, Thaovei V Soto, from Senapati District Manipur, bagged gold medal in the 1st World Martial Arts Council Games Festival held at Bangkok, Thailand.

Manipur lad Thaovei V Soto, from Senapati District, bagged gold medal in the 1st World Martial Arts Council Games Festival held at Bangkok, Thailand.

Manipur lad Thaovei V Soto, from Senapati District, bagged gold medal in the 1st World Martial Arts Council Games Festival held at Bangkok, Thailand.

The young lad struck gold in his first outing in the 65-70Kgs category after knocking out his Uzbekistan opponent in the final. He defeated opponents from Iran, Kazakhstan and Brazil in the earlier bouts to reach the final.

The young martial arts star had a hard time going to the games despite repeated success at national and zonal level for the last one year under his coach Khekho Moses, a former martial art medalist. State government’s apathy forced the young lad to meet his own expenses, and with some help from well-wishers and Senapati District Olympic Association Manipur (SDOAM).

The golden boy will be given a grand reception on his return, according to SDOAM. He will be received at Imphal International Airport on 21st March and victory march will be held till Senapati District Headquarters Indoor Stadium, where a grand reception will be held in the presence of Deputy Commissioner, SP, civil bodies, tribe Hohos, students, fans and well wishers.

Programme for the reception event includes words from the gold medallist and dignitaries.


Source: The Hornbill Express

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/03/manipur-lad-wins-gold-at-1st-world-martial-arts-council-games/

Two Non Manipuris wanted for murder of a KYKL Leader held in Dwarika

As released by Express News Service : Two men, who had allegedly killed the leader of a militant group operating in Manipur during the latter’s stay in Delhi in 2008

As released by Express News Service :

Two men, who had allegedly killed the leader of a militant group operating in Manipur during the latter’s stay in Delhi in 2008 and were also wanted in another murder case by Chhattisgarh Police, have been arrested by the Delhi Police.

Joint commissioner of police (crime) Ravindra Yadav said that the accused, identified as Satender Kumar, alias Tinu (33) and Pritam Kumar (36) were arrested from Dwarka following a tip off.

“Both of them were wanted in a case of murder of Amanaka in Raipur, Chhattisgarh since 2011 and cash reward of Rs 15,000 each was declared on their arrest,” Yadav said.

“Satender Kumar was also involved in the 2008 murder of one O Juge Singh, alias Wongba Khummen, the leader of a Meitei terrorist group known as Kanglai Yawol Kanna Lup organisation (KYKL) of Manipur,” Yadav added.


News Sourced from IndianExpress: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/duo-wanted-for-murder-of-manipur-militant-held/


Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/03/two-non-manipuris-wanted-for-murder-of-a-kykl-leader-held-in-dwarika/

Nigel Eastwood, New Call Telecom CEO, relishes Manipur’s vegeterian cuisines

In an exclusive Q&A session with Economic Times, Nigel Eastwood, a British CEO of New Call Telecom – emerging low cost & affordable telecommunications provider, expressed his love for Manipur’s vegetarian

In an exclusive Q&A session with Economic Times, Nigel Eastwood, a British CEO of New Call Telecom – emerging low cost & affordable telecommunications provider, expressed his love for Manipur’s vegetarian cuisines and beautiful culture.



Rapidly growing British company New Call Telecom was in the news for 2 interesting developments w.r.t. India – acquisition of 70% stake in Nimbuzz, a cross-platform mobile messaging app, costing around $175 million and moving its call centre jobs from Mumbai to North West part of England which results in creating more local jobs in UK.

When ET asked him about his “Indian Surprise”,  Nigel in his own words expressed that “Manipur has some of the best vegetarian food I’ve ever tasted. The ‘Pung Cholon’ drummers are simply superb.”

The coverage in the Economic Times was re-tweeted by the CEO himself and was found trending in the company website.

Nigel Tweet about Manipur

Nigel Tweet about Manipur


Nigel Eastwood, CEO, New Call Telecom

Far-out destination: Saint Tropez, France with its chic elegance, fine dining, superb weather. A must for yachting fans.

Indian Surprise: Manipur has some of the best vegetarian food I’ve ever tasted. The ‘Pung Cholon’ drummers are simply superb.

Bon Vivant moment: Strolling through Marbella Old town on a hot summer evening then having a superb fish meal at Zazoi  ..

Outdoorsy Activity: Shooting pheasants in the valleys of rural north wales near Aberdovey.

Emptied your pockets on: Fine art from exotic places from all over the world.

Panoramic Views: Looking out to the Himalayas after running upto a high mountain temple in Pokhra, Nepal.

Best Drive: The A7 (UK) from Langholm to Galashiels, to our holiday home in the Scottish Borders. This is a drivers road and not f ..

Gourmet Delights: Justin Quek’s Taster Menu @Sky on 57, Marina Bay sands, Singapore. The Coral fish is superb and the chef, a genius.

Gourmet gaffes: Ordering food of an all Cantonese menu in Shanghai, only to realise it was uncooked offal.

Streetfood surprises: Night Bazaar in Tabanan, Bali.

Best bar: I prefer my pubs to bars and my favorite is The Inn at Whitewell, Lancashire, dating back to the 130 ..


News source: EconomicTimes

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/03/nigel-eastwood-new-call-telecom-ceo-relishes-manipurs-vegeterian-cuisines/

Union Commerce and Industry Minister inspects Trade and Exhibition Centre

IMPHAL, February 9: Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Nirmala Sitharaman arrived in Manipur today to inspect the ongoing construction of the Trade cum Permanent Exhibition Centre at

Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh handing over a bouquet to Union Ministr of Commerce and Industries Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday.

Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh handing over a bouquet to Union Ministr of Commerce and Industries Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday.

IMPHAL, February 9: Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Nirmala Sitharaman arrived in Manipur today to inspect the ongoing construction of the Trade cum Permanent Exhibition Centre at Lamboi Khongnangkhong, Timber Park Special Economic Zone project at Kuraopokpi in Thoubal district, and the developmental works taken up at Moreh.

On the first day of her two-day visit to Manipur, she took stock of the ongoing construction of the Trade cum Permanent Exhibition Centre in Imphal West.

She visited the construction site along with her officials and the State Commerce and Industries minister Govindas Konthoujam.

She advised the State authorities to take care of the construction being carried out at a swampy site and also advised to complete the project within 20 months instead of completing it in 24 months so that the people could benefit out of the trade and exhibition centre.

She said: `The Prime Minister has insisted that each one of his ministers will have to focus on the North East, State by State. We want to start four major projects including this trade centre. We are very keen to move forward with the four major projects. Before the monsoon we would like to see something positive.”

She said she was keen to give employment preceded by skill development along with the establishment of development projects in the state.

She also added that the government is cooperating with the state government to ease out disturbances in the region.

Later while attending a programme in the BJP State unit office, she said she have discussed about the potential of border trade in Manipur and other issues thoroughly today.

He added that she held discussions to improve the livelihood of people here by capitalising on the State`™s potential in border trade.

In this regard, she said, the Union Ministry will give maximum support to the State. The turmeric items, Ginger items etc found in the State have a lot of potential if exported abroard; so, if necessary, the ministry will help construct a food processing division in the State too, she added.

She said that her Ministry will help find the market for the items with potential found in the State. Jiribam has potential for rubber plantation, she said, adding the Central government will give equal treatment to the State even though it has a Congress led government.

She asked the government, while meeting with Chief Minister, to strengthen the border trade with Myanmar for more bringing more development.

Tomorrow, she is visiting the Special Economic Zone project at Kuraopokpi in Thoubal district and later will inspect development works being taken up at the Indo-Myanmar border town, Moreh.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/02/union-commerce-and-industry-minister-inspects-trade-and-exhibition-centre/