‘Manipur Christians caught in violence sponsored by state’ – Times of India

‘Manipur Christians caught in violence sponsored by state’  Times of India

‘Manipur Christians caught in violence sponsored by state’  Times of India

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMieWh0dHBzOi8vbS50aW1lc29maW5kaWEuY29tL2NpdHkvbXVtYmFpL21hbmlwdXItY2hyaXN0aWFucy1jYXVnaHQtaW4tdmlvbGVuY2Utc3BvbnNvcmVkLWJ5LXN0YXRlL2FydGljbGVzaG93LzEwMDE3MjE5OC5jbXPSAX1odHRwczovL20udGltZXNvZmluZGlhLmNvbS9jaXR5L211bWJhaS9tYW5pcHVyLWNocmlzdGlhbnMtY2F1Z2h0LWluLXZpb2xlbmNlLXNwb25zb3JlZC1ieS1zdGF0ZS9hbXBfYXJ0aWNsZXNob3cvMTAwMTcyMTk4LmNtcw?oc=5

Pandemic is over but fight to end corporate capture of healthcare intensifies By Shobha Bobby – E-Pao.net

Pandemic is over but fight to end corporate capture of healthcare intensifies By Shobha Bobby  E-Pao.net

Pandemic is over but fight to end corporate capture of healthcare intensifies By Shobha Bobby  E-Pao.net

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivQFodHRwOi8vZS1wYW8ubmV0L2VwU3ViUGFnZVNlbGVjdG9yLmFzcD9zcmM9UGFuZGVtaWNfaXNfb3Zlcl9idXRfZmlnaHRfdG9fZW5kX2NvcnBvcmF0ZV9jYXB0dXJlX29mX2hlYWx0aGNhcmVfaW50ZW5zaWZpZXNfQnlfU2hvYmhhX0JvYmJ5JmNoPW5ld3Nfc2VjdGlvbiZzdWIxPUNvdmlkXzE5X0ltcGFjdF9pbl9NYW5pcHVyXzIwMjDSAQA?oc=5

Militants kidnap 3 Meiteis, kill a cop in violence-hit Manipur – Times of India

Militants kidnap 3 Meiteis, kill a cop in violence-hit Manipur  Times of India

Militants kidnap 3 Meiteis, kill a cop in violence-hit Manipur  Times of India

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMicWh0dHBzOi8vbS50aW1lc29maW5kaWEuY29tL2NpdHkvaW1waGFsL21pbGl0YW50cy1raWRuYXAtMy1tZWl0ZWlzLWtpbGwtYS1jb3AtaW4tbWFuaXB1ci9hcnRpY2xlc2hvdy8xMDAxNjk4NzAuY21z0gF1aHR0cHM6Ly9tLnRpbWVzb2ZpbmRpYS5jb20vY2l0eS9pbXBoYWwvbWlsaXRhbnRzLWtpZG5hcC0zLW1laXRlaXMta2lsbC1hLWNvcC1pbi1tYW5pcHVyL2FtcF9hcnRpY2xlc2hvdy8xMDAxNjk4NzAuY21z?oc=5

Manipur Sees Fresh Violence: One Police Commando Killed In Clash With Kuki Militants, Civilians Abducted – Jagran English

Manipur Sees Fresh Violence: One Police Commando Killed In Clash With Kuki Militants, Civilians Abducted  Jagran English

Manipur Sees Fresh Violence: One Police Commando Killed In Clash With Kuki Militants, Civilians Abducted  Jagran English

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMie2h0dHBzOi8vZW5nbGlzaC5qYWdyYW4uY29tL2luZGlhL21hbmlwdXItdmlvbGVuY2UtbGl2ZS1uZXdzLWt1a2ktbWlsaXRhbnRzLXBvbGljZS1kZWF0aHMtY2l2aWxpYW5zLWFiZHVjdGVkLWxhdGVzdC0xMDA3NzU0NtIBgAFodHRwczovL2VuZ2xpc2guamFncmFuLmNvbS9saXRlL2luZGlhL21hbmlwdXItdmlvbGVuY2UtbGl2ZS1uZXdzLWt1a2ktbWlsaXRhbnRzLXBvbGljZS1kZWF0aHMtY2l2aWxpYW5zLWFiZHVjdGVkLWxhdGVzdC0xMDA3NzU0Ng?oc=5

Christian publication questions PM Modi’s silence, Kerala church heads’ ‘soft stance’ on Manipur violence – Deccan Herald

Christian publication questions PM Modi’s silence, Kerala church heads’ ‘soft stance’ on Manipur violence  Deccan Herald

Christian publication questions PM Modi’s silence, Kerala church heads’ ‘soft stance’ on Manipur violence  Deccan Herald

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiqQFodHRwczovL3d3dy5kZWNjYW5oZXJhbGQuY29tL25hdGlvbmFsL25hdGlvbmFsLXBvbGl0aWNzL2NocmlzdGlhbi1wdWJsaWNhdGlvbi1xdWVzdGlvbnMtcG0tbW9kaXMtc2lsZW5jZS1rZXJhbGEtY2h1cmNoLWhlYWRzLXNvZnQtc3RhbmNlLW9uLW1hbmlwdXItdmlvbGVuY2UtMTIxNzc4NS5odG1s0gGtAWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmRlY2NhbmhlcmFsZC5jb20vYW1wL25hdGlvbmFsL25hdGlvbmFsLXBvbGl0aWNzL2NocmlzdGlhbi1wdWJsaWNhdGlvbi1xdWVzdGlvbnMtcG0tbW9kaXMtc2lsZW5jZS1rZXJhbGEtY2h1cmNoLWhlYWRzLXNvZnQtc3RhbmNlLW9uLW1hbmlwdXItdmlvbGVuY2UtMTIxNzc4NS5odG1s?oc=5

Three Manipuris on how they survived when the mobs came – Times of India

Three Manipuris on how they survived when the mobs came  Times of India

Three Manipuris on how they survived when the mobs came  Times of India

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiaGh0dHBzOi8vbS50aW1lc29maW5kaWEuY29tL2luZGlhL3doYXQtaGFwcGVuZWQtdG8tZmFtaWxpZXMtd2hlbi1tYW5pcHVyLWJ1cm5lZC9hcnRpY2xlc2hvdy8xMDAxNTc5MzMuY21z0gFsaHR0cHM6Ly9tLnRpbWVzb2ZpbmRpYS5jb20vaW5kaWEvd2hhdC1oYXBwZW5lZC10by1mYW1pbGllcy13aGVuLW1hbmlwdXItYnVybmVkL2FtcF9hcnRpY2xlc2hvdy8xMDAxNTc5MzMuY21z?oc=5

From 4-year-olds to those in their 20s, violence scars Manipur’s young generation – Deccan Herald

From 4-year-olds to those in their 20s, violence scars Manipur’s young generation  Deccan Herald

From 4-year-olds to those in their 20s, violence scars Manipur’s young generation  Deccan Herald

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgFodHRwczovL3d3dy5kZWNjYW5oZXJhbGQuY29tL25hdGlvbmFsL2Vhc3QtYW5kLW5vcnRoZWFzdC9mcm9tLTQteWVhci1vbGRzLXRvLXRob3NlLWluLXRoZWlyLTIwcy12aW9sZW5jZS1zY2Fycy1tYW5pcHVyLXMteW91bmctZ2VuZXJhdGlvbi0xMjE3NzY1Lmh0bWzSAZoBaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGVjY2FuaGVyYWxkLmNvbS9hbXAvbmF0aW9uYWwvZWFzdC1hbmQtbm9ydGhlYXN0L2Zyb20tNC15ZWFyLW9sZHMtdG8tdGhvc2UtaW4tdGhlaXItMjBzLXZpb2xlbmNlLXNjYXJzLW1hbmlwdXItcy15b3VuZy1nZW5lcmF0aW9uLTEyMTc3NjUuaHRtbA?oc=5

Tense calm in India’s Manipur where ethnic riots claimed 62 lives – Al Jazeera English

Tense calm in India’s Manipur where ethnic riots claimed 62 lives  Al Jazeera English

Tense calm in India’s Manipur where ethnic riots claimed 62 lives  Al Jazeera English

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiaGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmFsamF6ZWVyYS5jb20vbmV3cy8yMDIzLzUvOS90ZW5zZS1jYWxtLWluLWluZGlhcy1tYW5pcHVyLXdoZXJlLWV0aG5pYy1yaW90cy1jbGFpbWVkLTYyLWxpdmVz0gFsaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWxqYXplZXJhLmNvbS9hbXAvbmV3cy8yMDIzLzUvOS90ZW5zZS1jYWxtLWluLWluZGlhcy1tYW5pcHVyLXdoZXJlLWV0aG5pYy1yaW90cy1jbGFpbWVkLTYyLWxpdmVz?oc=5

Why has a state in India’s northeast exploded in ethnic unrest? – CNN

Why has a state in India’s northeast exploded in ethnic unrest?  CNN

Why has a state in India’s northeast exploded in ethnic unrest?  CNN

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiYGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNubi5jb20vMjAyMy8wNS8wOC9pbmRpYS9pbmRpYS1tYW5pcHVyLXZpb2xlbmNlLWV0aG5pYy1leHBsYWluZXItaG50bC1obmsvaW5kZXguaHRtbNIBZGh0dHBzOi8vYW1wLmNubi5jb20vY25uLzIwMjMvMDUvMDgvaW5kaWEvaW5kaWEtbWFuaXB1ci12aW9sZW5jZS1ldGhuaWMtZXhwbGFpbmVyLWhudGwtaG5rL2luZGV4Lmh0bWw?oc=5

Horrific stories emerge as thousands flee ethnic violence in north-east India – The Guardian

Horrific stories emerge as thousands flee ethnic violence in north-east India  The Guardian

Horrific stories emerge as thousands flee ethnic violence in north-east India  The Guardian

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMidmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRoZWd1YXJkaWFuLmNvbS93b3JsZC8yMDIzL21heS8wOC9ob3JyaWZpYy1zdG9yaWVzLXRob3VzYW5kcy1mbGVlLWV0aG5pYy12aW9sZW5jZS1ub3J0aC1lYXN0LWluZGlhLW1hbmlwdXLSAXZodHRwczovL2FtcC50aGVndWFyZGlhbi5jb20vd29ybGQvMjAyMy9tYXkvMDgvaG9ycmlmaWMtc3Rvcmllcy10aG91c2FuZHMtZmxlZS1ldGhuaWMtdmlvbGVuY2Utbm9ydGgtZWFzdC1pbmRpYS1tYW5pcHVy?oc=5

Manipur mayhem: Army keeping strict vigil through UAVs and choppers

Guwahati: Over 100 columns of the Indian Army and Assam Rifles (AR) have been working tirelessly and relentlessly for more than 96 hours in order to significantly enhance the surveillance capability in Manipur. To ensure that no untoward incident take…


Guwahati: Over 100 columns of the Indian Army and Assam Rifles (AR) have been working tirelessly and relentlessly for more than 96 hours in order to significantly enhance the surveillance capability in Manipur. To ensure that no untoward incident takes place, the Indian Army and AR have intensified the aviation assets in the strife-torn state, defence […]

The post Manipur mayhem: Army keeping strict vigil through UAVs and choppers appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/manipur/manipur-mayhem-army-keeping-strict-vigil-through-uavs-and-choppers.html

Imphal-Kolkata flight ticket prices rise as stranded people from other states rush to leave violence-hit Manipur

IMPHAL: Airliners have increased the prices of flight tickets between Kolkata and Imphal as people from other states of the country, who were left stranded following violence in Manipur, are rushing to return home. Prices of flight tickets between Imp…

IMPHAL: Airliners have increased the prices of flight tickets between Kolkata and Imphal as people from other states of the country, who were left stranded following violence in Manipur, are rushing to return home. Prices of flight tickets between Imphal in Manipur and Kolkata are reported to be Rs 30,000 per ticket. Long queues can […]

The post Imphal-Kolkata flight ticket prices rise as stranded people from other states rush to leave violence-hit Manipur appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/manipur/imphal-kolkata-flight-ticket-prices-rise-as-stranded-people-from-other-states-rush-to-leave-violence-hit-manipur.html

Over 50 dead, hundreds hospitalized and 23,000 displaced by ethnic violence in India’s Manipur – CNN

Over 50 dead, hundreds hospitalized and 23,000 displaced by ethnic violence in India’s Manipur  CNN

Over 50 dead, hundreds hospitalized and 23,000 displaced by ethnic violence in India’s Manipur  CNN

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiY2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNubi5jb20vMjAyMy8wNS8wNy9pbmRpYS9tYW5pcHVyLWV0aG5pYy12aW9sZW5jZS1vdmVyLTUwLWRlYWQtaW5kaWEtaW50bC1obmsvaW5kZXguaHRtbNIBZ2h0dHBzOi8vYW1wLmNubi5jb20vY25uLzIwMjMvMDUvMDcvaW5kaWEvbWFuaXB1ci1ldGhuaWMtdmlvbGVuY2Utb3Zlci01MC1kZWFkLWluZGlhLWludGwtaG5rL2luZGV4Lmh0bWw?oc=5

Mizoram minister cancels visit to trouble-torn Manipur

AIZAWL: Mizoram Law Minister T J Lalnuntluanga was scheduled to visit the neighbouring state of Manipur to take stock of the situation and monitor evacuation of stranded state’s residents there. He was to be accompanied by legislator L Thangmawi…

AIZAWL: Mizoram Law Minister T J Lalnuntluanga was scheduled to visit the neighbouring state of Manipur to take stock of the situation and monitor evacuation of stranded state’s residents there. He was to be accompanied by legislator L Thangmawia, who is also the youth wing president of the ruling Mizo National Front (MNF) and a […]

The post Mizoram minister cancels visit to trouble-torn Manipur appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/mizoram/mizoram-minister-cancels-visit-to-trouble-torn-manipur.html

WATCH | Manipur violence: Rescued civilians thank Army, Assam Rifles for efforts to restore normalcy

IMPHAL: Civilians, who were rescued by the personnel of the Indian Army and the Assam Rifles in the violence-hit Manipur, have thanked both the armed forces for their efforts to restore normalcy in the state. WATCH VIDEO: “While the world saw vio…

IMPHAL: Civilians, who were rescued by the personnel of the Indian Army and the Assam Rifles in the violence-hit Manipur, have thanked both the armed forces for their efforts to restore normalcy in the state. WATCH VIDEO: “While the world saw violence, we saw a ray of hope. Indian Army and Assam Rifles efforts to restore […]

The post WATCH | Manipur violence: Rescued civilians thank Army, Assam Rifles for efforts to restore normalcy appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/manipur/watch-manipur-violence-rescued-civilians-thank-army-assam-rifles-for-efforts-to-restore-normalcy.html

Vineet Joshi appointed as new chief secretary of Manipur

IMPHAL: Senior Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer Vineet Joshi has been appointed as the new chief secretary of Manipur. The appointment of Vineet Joshi as the new chief secretary of Manipur was approved by the appointments committee of the c…

Vineet Joshi Manipur

IMPHAL: Senior Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer Vineet Joshi has been appointed as the new chief secretary of Manipur. The appointment of Vineet Joshi as the new chief secretary of Manipur was approved by the appointments committee of the cabinet (ACC) on Sunday (May 07). Joshi was on central deputation and serving at the additional […]

The post Vineet Joshi appointed as new chief secretary of Manipur appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/manipur/vineet-joshi-chief-secretary-manipur.html

Over 670 Nagaland residents evacuated from violence-hit Manipur

KOHIMA: As many as 676 residents, hailing from Nagaland, were evacuated from violence-hit Manipur. The evacuated Nagaland residents were evacuated from Manipur on Sunday (May 07). The civilians were evacuated and brought to Kohima from Manipur followi…

Nagaland civilians Manipur

KOHIMA: As many as 676 residents, hailing from Nagaland, were evacuated from violence-hit Manipur. The evacuated Nagaland residents were evacuated from Manipur on Sunday (May 07). The civilians were evacuated and brought to Kohima from Manipur following a joint operation by personnel of Assam Rifles and Nagaland police. Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio has expressed […]

The post Over 670 Nagaland residents evacuated from violence-hit Manipur appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/nagaland/nagaland-students-evacuated-from-violence-hit-manipur.html

Manipur violence | Curfew relaxed in Churachandpur for 3 hours

IMPHAL: With security forces in Manipur bringing the law-and-order situation in the state partially under control, curfew in Churachandpur district was relaxed for three hours on Sunday (May 07). This was informed by the Indian Army in a statement. Cu…

Manipur rescue

IMPHAL: With security forces in Manipur bringing the law-and-order situation in the state partially under control, curfew in Churachandpur district was relaxed for three hours on Sunday (May 07). This was informed by the Indian Army in a statement. Curfew was relaxed in Churachandpur district of Manipur between 7am and 10am on Sunday (May 07). […]

The post Manipur violence | Curfew relaxed in Churachandpur for 3 hours appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/manipur/manipur-violence-curfew-relaxed-churachandpur-3-hours.html

Situation remains grim in Manipur even as security forces are active

IMPHAL: The situation continues to remain tense in Manipur after clashes broke out on May 3 during an ongoing protest by tribals over a court order on Scheduled Tribe status. Vehicles, houses, schools, churches and commercial properties were set ablaz…

IMPHAL: The situation continues to remain tense in Manipur after clashes broke out on May 3 during an ongoing protest by tribals over a court order on Scheduled Tribe status. Vehicles, houses, schools, churches and commercial properties were set ablaze by protesting mobs, following the ATSUM solidarity march on May 3, which sparked fresh tensions […]

The post Situation remains grim in Manipur even as security forces are active appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/manipur/situation-remains-grim-in-manipur-even-as-security-forces-are-active.html

Mizoram: State Govt denying chartered flight to evacuate residents  from Manipur

AIZAWL: A senior Mizoram official on Saturday said that the state government was denied chartering flights to evacuate state’s residents stranded in a violence-hit Manipur. The official said that the state government has urged both the Ministry …

AIZAWL: A senior Mizoram official on Saturday said that the state government was denied chartering flights to evacuate state’s residents stranded in a violence-hit Manipur. The official said that the state government has urged both the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Ministry of Civil Aviation to provide flights for the stranded residents but to […]

The post Mizoram: State Govt denying chartered flight to evacuate residents  from Manipur appeared first on NORTHEAST NOW.

Read more / Original news source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/mizoram/mizoram-state-govt-denying-chartered-flight-to-evacuate-residents-from-manipur.html