Shops in Thangal bazar Shut Down Against AMSU Drive

Imphal, September 19: City police personnel foiled the attempt of the volunteers of AMSU who were trying to close down all shops and establishment in and around Imphal area who were selling goods at…

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Imphal, September 19: City police personnel foiled the attempt of the volunteers of AMSU who were trying to close down all shops and establishment in and around Imphal area who were selling goods at…

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Housewife Commits Suicide

Imphal, September 19: A 26 years old housewife was found hanging on a tree in the premises of Langol Type 3/D quarter early morning today. The victim who was identified as one Mongjam ongbi Lalita…

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Imphal, September 19: A 26 years old housewife was found hanging on a tree in the premises of Langol Type 3/D quarter early morning today. The victim who was identified as one Mongjam ongbi Lalita…

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Child Trafficking in Manipur: Push Factors

by Athokpam Chinglemba Push factors are the general reasons why many victims want to leave… more »

by Athokpam Chinglemba
Push factors are the general reasons why many victims want to leave their home country or state. These factors are the conditions or the socio-political environment where the children can be trapped easily by the traffickers.

The major cause of child trafficking in Manipur is non-functional of government schools. Until and unless the government schools are functional the crime of child trafficking cannot be eased.

In cases of child trafficking in Manipur, most of the victims were from the hill districts. There is a reason why the people from hill districts have suffered mostly from trafficking. The major cause or factor for the crime is non-functional of government schools. In the hills, as we all know that substitute teachers are running schools. The actual teachers share a part of their salary with the substitute teachers; subsequently the school is running under the supervision of those substitutes. On the other hand, some schools remain totally defunct even though there are many teachers. Let me share a vivid example of the situation in a village called Koso in Phungyar sub division of Ukhrul District which I have visited on January 30, 2010. There were 85 families in the village. There is only one LP school which is run by ADC. The school has a big building—inside the building there was a single desk, on the ground full of dust, stocked some bunches of thatch at a corner. No teacher was coming to impart education to the children of the village even though there were three teachers assigned for the school. This is why the children of the village have to flee from the village for education.

The parents prefer good education or simply education for their children. The only alternative is to send their wards to private schools at a nearby town or somewhere else.

The people in the remote hill areas are normally poor. They live on traditional economic systems, such as Zhum cultivation or traditional agriculture. The income earned from such ways does not suffice for the extra expenses for their children to send at a private school at a preferred town. Meanwhile the schools at their villages are partially or fully non-functional. What shall be done by the parents for their children to get education?

Poverty is one of the reasons why children get pushed into trafficking. Poverty leads to deprivation of basic needs and hardship living conditions leading them to look for better options elsewhere. The greater the intensity of impoverishment, the higher is the risk of falling prey to trafficking.

Poverty of the parents turned their lives from bad to worse. By taking these opportunities, the traffickers come up to the parents and lured them that their wards would be provided free education in the outside of the state. Instantly the parents gave consent to the traffickers.

The ignorance of the parents about child trafficking is another push factor. The parents have trust the traffickers so that their wards were handed over to them.

In combating child trafficking, to erase these push factors is equally important with other preventive measures.

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A Clarion Call To End Present Impasse/ Blockade

by O.J. Meitei “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. Theodore… more »

by O.J. Meitei
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. Theodore Roosevelt.

AS so far appeals and negotiating efforts have not yielded or resulted in any positive response to lessen the untold suffering of our state populace particularly poor and student groups, now we need to abandon sporadic actions however good those actions in the past (regardless of interests served in doing so). Why not all the above cited bodies and other willing groups join hand under an apex body of any suitable name like State level Vigilance Organ on Governance to undo present impasse. It is a possible Call.

“ We are what we have made and our future is made by us now”( Mahavira).

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the things out” (John Wooden)

The fact as known to all:
National Highways are to be protected by GOI (Govt. of India) and state Govt. with its mechanisms are to manage and protect the same taking along the cooperation of its Citizens otherwise there is no Governance and authority of authorities.

When above statement is taken and applied to present phenomena of dual blockades of last many 48 days, certainly our present Govt. both at Centre and State had miserably failed to protect people and to provide essential commodities at a normal reasonable rate to entire populace of the state for reasons best known to them. Let us accept the Fact and Reality.

As known to many, after a few days of blockade, various organisations and individuals started appealing to lift the blockade and continue their rightful demand with other means and from the medical perspective requesting to both committee to atleast relax on life saving drugs. All appeals acknowledged the legitimacy of District Demand and Protest for the same (40 year old demand) and Govt. apathy and inaction in it.

As for the details of damages incurred or done during blockade in the last 48 days, it may not call for a repeat description here as all news readers and listeners and a greater number of population in Manipur have fair knowledge and varying sufferings inflicted on them in continuing all the more. However, a mention may be enlivening here that the impact so far in the process of blockade have created havoc on the lives of poorer populace and also rendered unhappiness and uneasiness to all general besides lost of crores of rupees and creative manpower and man-days. On the other side, our State Govt. affords are ineffective to help affected people and in dealing the Issue. It may be deducted that neither the leaders do strategic calculation to reach a solution ahead of blockade nor they have now to immediately evade or conclude the Issues. It looks like a sort of indifferent and insensitive to public cry and suffering as the  Govt. leaders are busy on continuing in Inauguration ceremonies, visiting construction sites and public meetings in the light of coming election.

‘ What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other”. ( George Elliot)

Here, a space for appreciation is due for people and groups who spent time and went into action of negotiation and appealing to ease out the situation with genuine interest and concern and not forgetting excellent role of media in it.

The point for this tiny write up is to call for an ACTION of all populace of the state to come out together and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and give a direct dateline Ultimatum to all MLAs, MPs , Governor of the state and to GOI-Centre  and to both Committees to END the Blockade and Issue in it. For doing so all leaders of civil, religious and student body may convene a joint meeting to chart out most fitting strategic action ( non-violence) to undo present impasse. The joint action  of such joint body not done so far to help people and particularly poor and student community live and lead a life with quality and dignity (or should we continue a debase living with silent suffering or as  brave ones avoiding calling ourselves cowards).

 “The end will never be able to justify wrong means”
 “ Justice delayed is injustice”
 “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”.     Theodore Roosevelt.

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Manipur TET Retest

IMPHAL, Sep 19 :Only those candidates who failed to appear in TET paper-II test/examination held on September 16 would be given an opportunity to reappear in the TET test scheduled on September 25,…

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IMPHAL, Sep 19 :Only those candidates who failed to appear in TET paper-II test/examination held on September 16 would be given an opportunity to reappear in the TET test scheduled on September 25,…

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Manipur TET Retest

IMPHAL, Sep 19 :Only those candidates who failed to appear in TET paper-II test/examination held on September 16 would be given an opportunity to reappear in the TET test scheduled on September 25,…

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IMPHAL, Sep 19 :Only those candidates who failed to appear in TET paper-II test/examination held on September 16 would be given an opportunity to reappear in the TET test scheduled on September 25,…

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Government To Take Action Against Blockade Supporters

IMPHAL, Sep 19: If the economic blockade along the National Highways over Sadar hills district demand is not lifted within the next three days, the State Government would be taking up necessary…

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IMPHAL, Sep 19: If the economic blockade along the National Highways over Sadar hills district demand is not lifted within the next three days, the State Government would be taking up necessary…

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Government To Take Action Against Blockade Supporters

IMPHAL, Sep 19: If the economic blockade along the National Highways over Sadar hills district demand is not lifted within the next three days, the State Government would be taking up necessary…

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IMPHAL, Sep 19: If the economic blockade along the National Highways over Sadar hills district demand is not lifted within the next three days, the State Government would be taking up necessary…

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New product launching NAHAKPAM FOODS & BEVERAGES “boss Juices”

Imphal 19th Sept 2011: Nahakpam foods and Beverages “Boss juices” Sangolband in an effort to… more »

Boss Juices Bar at Sagolband

Imphal 19th Sept 2011: Nahakpam foods and Beverages “Boss juices” Sangolband in an effort to promote healthy generation launched the first commercial juice bar in Manipur on the 6th of May 2011. “Boss Juices” has been trying to keep its promise of introducing products which we can rely, with regards to price and quality.
“Boss” experience shows a very poor business scenario which is thoroughly dependent on imported raw material. In such an environment it is of utmost importance that we try and explore products of which the raw materials are based in our own state.
Such an effort will help sustain independently without the support of imported raw material. For an organization like “Nahakpam Foods and Beverages” which belongs to small scale industries family, it is a challenge to survive during blockade and general strike when raw materials prices to peak high.

“Boss juices” new product “Tropical Fruit Smoothie” is an outcome of such effort.

“Tropical Fruit Smoothie” is a fresh fruit smoothie which contains the freshness of passion fruit, delicacy of pineapple, energy of banana and frozen yoghurt.

Together this new product brings a healthy diet which we can call our own. With the raw materials based in our own state team “boss juices” is positive that our guest can trust our brand for quality, taste, health and price as we team “boss juices” stand for healthy generation of the future

 This press release was sent to by Shanta Singh, Nahakpam Foods and Beverages 


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Civil Organizations Appeal Against Communal Polarisation

IMPHAL, Sep 18 : In the backdrop of the Government’s initiative to rearrange district boundaries, altogether 16 different civil organisations including HERICOUN, Komrem Development Organisation,…

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IMPHAL, Sep 18 : In the backdrop of the Government’s initiative to rearrange district boundaries, altogether 16 different civil organisations including HERICOUN, Komrem Development Organisation,…

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BRO Outsourcing Work of National Highway to Private Agencies

IMPHAL, Sep 18 : Though officially the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has been solely entrusted for maintenance and development work of NH-37, development work of the Barak-Kaimai section of the…

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IMPHAL, Sep 18 : Though officially the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has been solely entrusted for maintenance and development work of NH-37, development work of the Barak-Kaimai section of the…

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AMUCO Appeals To Lift Blockade

IMPHAL, Sept 18: All Manipur United Clubs’ Organization (AMUCO) has appealed to the agitating bodies to lift the ongoing economic blockades along the national highways on humanitarian ground. A…

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IMPHAL, Sept 18: All Manipur United Clubs’ Organization (AMUCO) has appealed to the agitating bodies to lift the ongoing economic blockades along the national highways on humanitarian ground. A…

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Rishang Keishing Calls for Peace and Tranquility in State

IMPHAL September 18: Citing the tumultuous and chaotic situation that has plagued the state, Rajya Sabha MP from the state Rishang Keishing, has called upon the people of the state to regenerate…

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IMPHAL September 18: Citing the tumultuous and chaotic situation that has plagued the state, Rajya Sabha MP from the state Rishang Keishing, has called upon the people of the state to regenerate…

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Manipuri Actress Huirem Seema Passes Away

Imphal, September 18: Renowned film actress of Manipuri cinema, Huirem Seema passed away after battling an illness at Shija Hospital yesterday morning. She is survived by two sons and her husband….

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Imphal, September 18: Renowned film actress of Manipuri cinema, Huirem Seema passed away after battling an illness at Shija Hospital yesterday morning. She is survived by two sons and her husband….

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Do We Have It In Us

By Shiva Koijam Do we have it in us?  A simple question yet it needs… more »

By Shiva Koijam

Do we have it in us?  A simple question yet it needs real guts to answer.  Runs deep in vein habit of playing blame games sans an iota of contribution to set forth the first step to bring about that change.  Manipur is this and Manipur is that.  I don’t have the right to blame if I am not contributing something first of all, and secondly if I am not trying to rectify the loopholes where such problems arise.  With limited resources how can a government, no matter what parties it belongs to, fulfill all the needs and wants.  When opportunities are created and living standards is uplifted only then the chaos prevailing here can be lessened and ultimately removed.

Madhapur in Ranga Reddy District of Hyderabad was once a small rocky village beyond the outskirt of Jubilee Hills, never known to anyone outside, but today it’s the one of biggest capital of IT industry.  Thanks to the government of Chandra Babu Naidu who make it possible.  Today, hundreds of IT companies are sprawling up, lots of IT professionals both from different parts of India and abroad are working here thereby generating huge pool of income in IT related sectors.  A simple 12th pass to high class graduates got jobs here from part-time to full-time thereby uplifting the standard of the common masses.  You name it and you will find here.  People don’t always opt for government jobs there, in stead they opt for private jobs there.  The reason is simple, all the benefits a government employee got, and IT employees got the doubled and even triple.

Does our government from time to time ever think of imitating what Telugu Desam Party did in the last 10-15 years?  Does our government really tried to create employment generations, ever really tried to develop the infrastructure to create conducive atmosphere to lure outside companies to set their base here thereby generating employment for huge pools of computer and science literate, English speaking graduates.  Answer is a big No.  Why?  Everyone knows.  Simply widening roads, constructing lavish government offices and quarters, borrowing architectures and blue prints from the Southern States won’t bring any change.  Imitating their “Singapore model township” and copying their development project won’t help, till it is implemented.  When the AP Government can borrow loans for such development project, why can’t we.  The only difference is true leader who wants to do something which we lacked unfortunately.  A family of 4 with monthly expenditure of 1000 rupees and income of 1300 rupees can’t spend 500 rupees for other needs.  Then what should that family do, try to earn extra 500 rupees more anyhow through legitimate means to satisfy their needs.  The logic is simple, when you can’t satisfy the needs with the available resources, why don’t you create opportunities to earn that extra need.  I think a simple 10th pass would easily grasp this and don’t need to be 1st class M.A. or some law degrees to know the simple logic.

Many IT companies will come down here and thousands of IT related jobs will spring up like call center, Medical transcription, web designing, banking, Software development, tourism, trade, aviation, hospitality management will get boom, and thereby huge pools of investment can be harnessed from both investors domestic and foreign and thereby giving a platform for hundreds if not thousands of IT professionals scattered in different parts of India from the state and those braindrain could be curtailed plus huge generation of income here.  It would just take 10 years to make that dream comes true if political wills and sincerity to do something is there in their minds.  Are the so-called leaders wiping their spectacles to read this simple logic?

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One Day Mini Trade Fair – Bosco Mangaal, Imphal

Bosco Mangaal, Imphal is orgnaising a One Day Mini Trade Fair for the JLGs formed… more »

Bosco Mangaal, Imphal is orgnaising a One Day Mini Trade Fair for the JLGs formed under LIFEAID Project- Care & Support programme for the PLHIV at Savio Hall, Don Bosco Chingmeirong, Old Building Campus , Imphal on Saturday, the 17th September 2011 from 10:30 t0 4 :00 P.M


Fr. PX Francis

Director, Bosco Mangaal, Imphal

The annoucement was sent to by Niram Thongbam niranthongbam[at]

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Eight Manipuri Students Rescued From Kerala

Imphal, September 16: Eight minor children of Manipur who were rescued from a Children Home in Kerala by the State Child Welfare Committee have been handed over to their families today. Manipur has…

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Imphal, September 16: Eight minor children of Manipur who were rescued from a Children Home in Kerala by the State Child Welfare Committee have been handed over to their families today. Manipur has…

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AMJU Observes 38th Foundation Day

Imphal, September 16: The All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union (AMWJU) celebrated its 38th Foundation Day at the Manipur Press Club today. President of AMWJU, A Mobi presided over the function….

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Imphal, September 16: The All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union (AMWJU) celebrated its 38th Foundation Day at the Manipur Press Club today. President of AMWJU, A Mobi presided over the function….

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By: Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh Below is an email letter from one Mr Haokip (22nd… more »

By: Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh

Below is an email letter from one Mr Haokip (22nd August 2011). It explains all.

Thanks for replying. i would also like highlight that we kukis has history of fightin against the Britishers to saveguards its land. I have also came across a history book by one British historian talking about geographical expansion of kuki inhabitat areas expanding from west bengal till myanmar. though it has become a past and political overturn has made kukis as one of major population of Manipur. Now as KUKI ,i wanting to coexist with people of all communities residing in Manipur is not surprising though bt since i am aware that divisions in the same state will lead us to no whre .but one problem that we do face as hills men is that concentration of the infrastructure in imphal city ,the state govt eversince has shown ignorance towards the hill area.. a stepmotherly treatment given to them . at this 21st century they still long for basic amenities. a hungry man is bound to revolt. The prolonge undue attention not given to hill areas n its people is one of the root cause behind the existing division, according to me. My hope for better MANIPUR is overall growth.

Sir do correct me if im wrong somewhere, i want to do something for the state n im in learning process. HOPE , u will guide me.


L Haokip

With the NH 39 blockade entering into the 5th week the Meitei should now be ready to bear the wrath of the tribal hill people forever.

Iboby Government’s development priority is beyond the pale. It hasn’t learned from the crippling blockade of highways for 52 days by the ANSAM in 2005. Six years on the NH-37, previously known as NH 53 or Imphal to Cachar Road is still a dirt road. Ibobi should be concentrating more on the means of survival than on luxury like the establishment of IT College or another Medical College.

The fury of the Christian hill people is like that of the biblical Christian God who declared: “And thou shall love thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” (Deuteronomy 6:5), and struck those who did not obey him with thunder and lightning.

God had a reason and so have the hill people. Therefore, the Ark of the Covenant is to explore why they are unhappy.

Many years ago, in the late 1950s while I was a medical student, my friend, late Moirangthem Gojendra and I, drove a German and an American woman who came to see Manipur, to Churachandpur. We drove uphill where there was a church.

A Kuki man came out to meet us. He was pleased to see those two white women. He shook hands with them. Then instead of shaking hands with us he threw a bolt from the blue, entirely unconnected with the visit. He said: “You’ve got all the meat and we have got the bones.”

This is just to demonstrate that there is a loathing – better termed prejudice, deeply rooted in the psyche of the hill people against the Meitei. And it is not without justifications.

The Meitei cannot condemn these hill people who hate the Meitei because condemnation condemns the person who condemns as well as those people whom
the condemning person has chosen to condemn.

That will only accentuate the mutual prejudice. “There are more ways than one to skin a cat.”

The hill people do not want lip service such as the Tangkhul are the elder brother of the Meitei or “Meitei-Hao-ichin–inao” ie Meitei and hill people are brothers. They regard it as hypocritical respect. They want funds to improve their lot.

Meitei, Tangkhul, Kuki, Kabui and other hill peoples were never more brothers than they are now. But it had dividends.

It is said that brothers and sisters are the accidents of birth while friends will stick to each other to the end. It is the friendship I am hoping for, not the brotherhood.

The ethnic minority hill people have now gained a strong enough position to challenge the Meitei. They have a thumb on the Meitei jugular, which they can press at will and with surprising ease.

It will take only 15-20 members of the ATUSM backed by a few Naga gunmen to block a small stretch of the highway by heaping stones on the road to block the goods-laden lorries and then intimidating the drivers with a few showers of stones from the top of the hill.

In my search for the root causes of this loathing I have come up with three major ones.

(1) Historical roots: the events of the past history of the Meitei and other hill people though ephemeral have not only characterised ethnic prejudice and hatred but have also fuelled their growth. The prejudice was a tool whereby each ethnic group built its identity as a group for social benefits.

(2) Sociological causes: an inheritance from the past prejudice that accrued from competition for resources due to scarcity or greed that initially made ethnic people hate each other for positive social benefits associated with hatred.

(3) Economic causes: This is the most important cause. I am now referring specifically to the anger and frustration described by Mr Haokip above, which are true but with some reservations. They arise from need on the part of the hill people or alleged greed on the part of the Meitei.

In the historiography of Manipur before the British dominion all the ethnic groups were living in Manipur. It was then in the nature of humans as social creatures to band together to act in groups to advance the prosperity of their group and to then share in that prosperity.

During British Rule, the Meitei did not have any hand in depriving the Hill people of their due share of Manipur’s economy. They were directly administered by the British administration.

Since Independence on August 15 1947 Manipur has been ruled by Delhi with an annual largesse which has been very small in the First Five year Plan. Following the
insurgencies in Manipur and the better growth of the national GDP, the Delhi
Government has been increasing its annual allocation of money to Manipur, culminating in Rs. 300 crores for the year 2011.

It is also partly because mayang Indians in the Delhi Government, who clubbed together all the Northeast Indians as a single entity in the same way the colonial anthropologist did, have now come to understand that the five Sister States have different problems of their own.

In Manipur, the main problem that has been causing turmoil among the hill people concerns the “disparity” in the distribution of this money from Delhi. Manipur has no substantial productivity in any form or kind.

Imphal seems to be having more and more “bright lights” while the hill people continue to survive with only the bare necessities of life. Is this a fact? I don’t know exactly.

Who can answer this question? The incumbent government especially the minister with a portfolio for finance can. Every year during the budget session of the Assembly there should be declarations about the allocated sums of money for each district.

What I do know is that Meitei living in the far flung villages in Manipur are slightly better- off than the Hill counterparts only because of easer accessibility to Imphal to buy essential commodities of daily living.

“There is a demand for a new deal in the management of the affairs” of the hill people. I have borrowed this phrase from President Franklin D Roosevelt (1930), who borrowed it from the British campaign of David Lloyd George, who ran for prime minister in 1919 with the slogan “A New Deal for Everyone.”

Any incumbent government of Manipur will need a collection of political and economic policies, and programmes to deal with the economic miseries of the hill people.

As I suggested in my article – Causes of ethnic conflict in Manipur…July 3 2011, the Manipur political system could be based on the Swiss model by improving the current autonomous district councils. Each council should be allotted a well-proportioned
budget that they can juggle at will.

There should now be two districts for the Meitei in the Imphal valley, leaving a certain square miles of Imphal city that belongs to the Meitei, Pangal and every tribe in the plains or in the hills.

It should be named as Imphal City, Imphal ADC East and Imphal ADC West, in line with Washington and Washington DC (District of Columbia) governed by the same Municipality Council.

The current bright lights of Imphal city must be distinguished from the lights of Imphal valleys which the Meitei mostly inhabit.

Imphal is the capital of Manipur and now a city. It needs “bright lights” as does any capital such as Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai or Chennai. This means it should have a better infrastructure.

This is because a city or a town is a relatively large and permanent settlement. It has complex systems of sanitation, utilities, land usage, housing and transportation. It
has government institutions, colleges and universities, prisons, hospitals and the police headquarters.

The concentration of development facilitates the interaction of all the people living in different districts and rural areas. It must have modern hotels for people to come and do business in Manipur or for tourists who would bring in a lot of money for everybody.

Imphal has colonies of Kukis such as New Lambulane and for Tangkhuls, Dewlaland and so on. There are many Kabui villages such as Sahib Manai, Major khun. The Langol Hill areas are entirely occupied by the hill people.

The Hill people who live in Imphal city enjoy the same privileges as the Meitei.

We need to study what is going on in India outside of Manipur. Once we have learned the differences between a city and a village we can open our hearts and free ourselves from the chain of intolerance which we have learned from our native cultures by default.

So, now we know what the hill people want – equity.

The writer is based in the UK

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Six Trucks Set Ablaze In Jiribam

JIRIBAM, Sep 16 : Suspected supporters of the UNC- sponsored counter blockade have burnt down at least six Imphal-bound goods laden trucks coming from Jiribam near Oinamlong along National Highway…

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JIRIBAM, Sep 16 : Suspected supporters of the UNC- sponsored counter blockade have burnt down at least six Imphal-bound goods laden trucks coming from Jiribam near Oinamlong along National Highway…

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