Manipur Pineapple Festival 2011 Held

IMPHAL, Sep 3: The 4th State Level Pineapple Festival, 2011 was held under the aegis of Manipur Pineapple Festival Committee at Khuman Lampak complex here today. In all 65 stalls participated in the…

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IMPHAL, Sep 3: The 4th State Level Pineapple Festival, 2011 was held under the aegis of Manipur Pineapple Festival Committee at Khuman Lampak complex here today. In all 65 stalls participated in the…

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Nero Fiddled when Rome Burned: It is for real

  By Amar Yumnam Nero was an Emperor of the Roman Empire in the beginning of Christian era. He is considered by history as one of the most irresponsible, irresponsive,… Read more »


By Amar Yumnam
Nero was an Emperor of the Roman Empire in the beginning of Christian era. He is considered by history as one of the most irresponsible, irresponsive, non-transparent and gory ruler. In fact, he symbolises any ruler who rocks and rolls when his empire is in danger.  We never imagined that Nero would ever be a reality in our part of the world. We have had, not very distant in the past, a ruler who sacrificed and risked everything to protect the image, prestige and glory of our kingdom in King Gambhir. It goes beyond our farthest imaginations that in this land of Gambhir and people who still cherish the legacy of him, we would be experiencing a situation similar to the era of Nero. While the people have been longing for a return of the Gambhir era of pride and progression, they have instead been presented with a Nero treatment.

Fire Upon Fire: We have been living, we have been experiencing and we know for sure that the last few decades have not been an era of progression for Manipur, state or non-state. We also know that these years of negative experiences coupled with the lack of responsive and responsible governance have taken a heavy toll on the body polity as well as body society of Manipur. The last few years have been particularly damaging in this respect. Although we still encounter the problem of contestation of state, we now have to face what I have repeatedly called the fractionalisation of the society of Manipur along ethnic lines. So the society and polity of Manipur now faces the biggest challenge of remaining intact and coherent. Manipur is no doubt burning. This longer run burning is now manifested in the most acute crisis of availability of essentials for modern life and livelihood. This being the situation facing the land today, the question naturally arises as to whether Nero should be indulging in rock and roll. Should Nero be leaving his kingdom behind at all at this historically critical juncture of acute multiple crises?

The Issue: Nero leaving his homeland behind in the mercy of an engulfing fire is no problem if he were just a commoner. But here the reality is that he is the ruler. Now this ruler has much larger implications than the original Nero of the first century in the sense that the former is Nero under democracy. Being so, he is head of the people. The moment we talk about the head of the people, the implications get multiplied. Being head of the people and in his capacity as head of the governance machinery, he represents the state and the state speaks through him. This is where the issue begins when Nero leaves his kingdom behind.

The state, which is represented by Nero in socio-politico-economic manifestations, is the highest form of institution evolved by human beings. But the state as prevailing in Manipur yet has not reached the stage of ensuring participation, inclusiveness, stability and growth. While it has yet to attain the stage of naturalness and stability with the masses, it is not even the “composite reality and a mythicized abstraction” of Foucault. Manipur is now at the stage of political evolution and political economic dynamics where the state should rather be seen as “a practice….inseparable from the set of practices by which the state actually became a way of governing, a way of doing things.”  We are now at that very stage where we need to revisit the state again and again in order that it acquires an innate capability to evolve practices of governance adequate enough to ensure participation, inclusiveness and social stability.

This requirement is all the more significant in the case of Manipur and given the post-World War II experiences of civil war. The prevalence of mountainous regions, the existence of multiple ethnic groups and fractionalization among them, and the lack of growth have been given prominence among the most prominent factors facilitating the onset of civil war. The heart shudders to imagine of Manipur in this context of global experience and the messages the fractionalized population might deduce from the absence of Nero at this point in time.

International Dimension: Now let us see if we can somehow justify the leaving behind of his kingdom by Nero. International relations do no doubt constitute a very important element of modern governance. So let us grant our Nero a provisional space of being contemporary in his approach, and endeavouring to attract investment to his kingdom. Well, here we have three reservations. Japan is a country which now symbolises “years of stagnation”. In this age of active pursuance of integration in Asia by both ASEAN and Asian Development Bank, can we justifiably think of leapfrogging over South East Asian brothers and closing on the East Asian ones.

Further, attracting investment is no joke. In other words, it necessarily involves arousing the “animal spirits” of the investors (a phrase coined by the indomitable twentieth century economist, Jon Maynard Keynes). In this something like the birds of the same feather flock together prevails. Once a set of investors enjoy the spell of animal spirits in Manipur context, other investors would as well follow. But here arises the critical reality. No burning Rome can arouse the animal spirits of investors anywhere. Indeed, the Roman civilisation declined.

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My father, the politician

By Shachi Gurumayum “Give *us* the future, we’ve had enough of your past. Give us back our country, to live in, to grow in, to love.” – Michael Collins It… Read more »

By Shachi Gurumayum

“Give *us* the future, we’ve had enough of your past. Give us back our country, to live in, to grow in, to love.” – Michael Collins

It started with an article I chanced upon en route from Beirut to Dubai. Hoping to keep busy on the plane, I picked up an early edition of Gulf News, dated Saturday August 20th 2011, and flicking through the pages, I was surprised to find an article entitled, “Manipur activist has been on fast for 10 years” written by Thingnam Anjulika Samom. Manipuris around the world will immediately know on whom the article was based but, for those new to this subject, the “activist” is Irom Sharmila Chanu who has been fasting, and is being force-fed by the authorities, for 10 years campaigning for the removal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 “which gives India’s armed forces the power to arrest, search, and destroy property without warrant as well as shoot, and even kill, on mere suspicion”. To see an article as such to be so prominently presented, perhaps catalysed by the well-covered hunger strike of Gandhian Anna Hazare, in a Dubai based newspaper surprised me but it raised a few questions; why is the Act still in place, why is it so difficult for our state government to repeal an Act that is obviously condemned en masse in Manipur, and why is Sharmila so unimportant compared to Anna? Is it because Manipuris are insignificant at only 0.2% of the Indian population, or because we are so meek and unable to raise our voice against the majority, or because our MPs do not present enough strength in the Indian parliament, or because our elected leaders are so weak and fragmented that they cannot fight for what is good for Manipur?

I do not have the answers to any of the questions above however I do have a few stories to tell of my own, stories that highlight the mindset of our fellow citizens. I had only arrived at one of India’s top colleges when one of the teachers told me in the face that “you northeast students do not work hard” – only to later find quite a few NE students in the top five to 10 of their respective classes – and over a decade later, in London, introducing myself to a key Indian manager of a UK organization, I was asked “if you guys are still creating trouble and fighting for independence” – I was dumbfounded and did not want to risk the business relationship we were establishing to answer back tersely to such a comment. The third story is around getting married to a non-Indian in Manipur. Knowing that my fiancée would need a Restricted Area Permit, we applied for the permit in July for a wedding scheduled on Christmas day, a day we considered auspicious. Rather unsurprisingly, the permit was only issued a few days before the wedding after my father and I had literally camped in the corridors of the Manipur Secretariat building for a full week. And, after I had personally complained to the Chief Secretary, and sent a fax to the Home Secretary in Delhi that I was treated with more respect in a foreign country than my own country and asked them how they expected Manipuris to feel Indian when we were being treated as step-children. The treatment and support meted out by my own fellow Manipuri bureaucrats were no example setters either.

The above stories appear to only blame others however I believe we also ought to ask ourselves what we are doing wrong that is sending such messages. Why are we perceived as less hard working, as less culturally advanced, as politically weak and so forth? I saw Manipuri students in Delhi and elsewhere who were only too happy to waste their parents’ hard-earned money but a majority of my friends and contemporaries were diligent students who wanted to achieve success, peace and stability in life. A culture that developed its own language and script can by no means be any less advanced than the others in India. A state with tens of ethnic groups and dialects should, if anything, be a global anthropologist’s dream. Yet, why do we come across as weak and insecure? My feeling is that this is because we are a divided lot; we are too busy defending our individual identities that we have forgotten the higher goal of defending our state. There will always be those who question and fight for the loss of sovereignty of a kingdom that had never been dominated until the British empire came along, the creation of states in a union that divided ethnic groups into separate states and districts, and the subjugation of minorities within each of the states. But, in the context of today’s India, why could we not take a pragmatic approach and find a social and political solution that would strengthen us? Are we so weak that we cannot find strength in whatever little number we have?

As a student growing up in a Manipur ravaged by bandhs, strikes and violence, I wondered why our people could not sit down together and peacefully work out solutions to our problems. I would hear my father talk about the need for change and I would often retort back by asking him, then a fast rising engineer within the Public Works Department, what he was doing to do this. His answer was that he was changing the system from the inside in whatever way he could but that it was only limited to his sphere of influence, which I must say was rather limited. So, it came as no surprise to me that, a year or so ago, he declared that he and a few like-minded Manipuris were creating a party for the people of Manipur and for Manipur, above everything else. Until then, I had only known him as the Roorkee (IIT Roorkee now) educated, state-selection-exam topping, tough but fair, driven and ambitious engineer who wanted to make things happen, and happen quickly. Until then, I had known him as the ever eager engineer who collapsed of malaria purposefully touring the deep interiors of Tipaimukh and Jiribam, the father who competed with me to be the first one to get a doctorate by writing his thesis in his mid-fifties, and the husband who sacrificed a lot of family time by visiting every remotely located project as often as possible to ensure progress and delivery. And, the one who retired at the pinnacle of his career as the PWD Chief Engineer without the black spots of corruption normally associated with his line of work. To start a political party has been an inspirational move from my father and he truly is my hero! You may consider this article as promotional but I genuinely believe that Manipur needs change and that Manipur desperately needs good people at her service.

Having heard a lot of stories about how politicians in Manipur get elected, from spending crores of rupees to adopting every means possible to get elected, I was not sure if my father had the financial strength and popularity to win in such a ‘competitive’ landscape. Now, having had the luxury of time to ponder and consider the impact, I believe the time is right for Manipur to see a leader who is willing to take the risk of challenging the status quo, and one who is willing to shake, even if not entirely uproot, the tree so that the rotten fruits drop off. For how long can we Manipuris continue to live in such abject ignorance of the things that are happening around us? For how long can we bear the destruction of our motherland by a select few selfish power-hungry individuals? And, for how long can we tolerate the fact that, despite 60 plus years of being India, we seem to be so far behind the rest of the country? Why is it that no state-minded political party has had much success in the state? Why is it that we allow ourselves to be fooled with a few short-term sugar-coated development initiatives and charities whilst losing our long-term right to peace, success, employment for ourselves and our children, and continued prosperity of our state which God has blessed in so many ways? Why can we not elect a government that will govern rightly keeping the people of Manipur top of everything else?

Why can we not develop an outsourcing village with uninterrupted power and good infrastructure where large multinationals could set up bases thus creating jobs for our people? Why can we not set up a sustainable and highly productive agricultural system that will not only provide our basic staple crops but also surplus fruits and vegetables that could be exported? Why can we not securely maintain the two National Highways we have so that we cannot be made to dance at the whim of any self-obsessed organization that decides to blockade either one of the two? Why can we not have integration where Biharis, Kukis, Marwaris, Meiteis, Nagas, Nepalis, Pangals, and all the other ethnic groups think of Manipur at the same time they think of themselves? Why can we not establish a successful textile industry like Kashmiri carpets and shawls through our renowned muga weaving skills? Why, when we have the only floating national park in the world, can we not turn ourselves into a tourist and relaxation paradise for all those hard-working, exhausted, citizens in the big metropolitan cities of India? Being at the epicenter of a trade route between the fast rising eastern countries such as China and the rest of India, why can we not provide good infrastructure to act as a trading hub in the region? Why can we not achieve the same level of success as Singapore and why can’t we learn from them? Are we really so incapable? Why are our roads always full of potholes? Why are we so focused on banning Hindi movies instead of channeling our energy and resources on making Manipuri films, videos, songs, literature, and art better resourced and more present? Have we been so dumbed down through years of corruption and politicking? Why can’t all our elected members stand up in parliament and demand what is rightfully ours and what is good for us? Have we lost the entrepreneurial spirit that makes every Manipuri a fast learner and adapter wherever he or she goes? Have we lost the fighting spirit that produced such elegant martial art forms as Thang-Ta and Sarik-Sarak? What happened to the artistic and creative instincts that led to such beautiful and colourful art forms as the Meitei jagoi, Kabui and Naga dances, and so on? Are we Manipuris ready for change? Perhaps, I am asking the wrong questions, and I know he does not have all the answers but I surely will be continuing to ask these questions to my father, the engineer turned politician.

Shachi Gurumayum is the son of Dr. G. Tonsana Sharma,  President of Manipur Democratic People’s Front that will make a political attempt to bring good governance to Manipur in the upcoming elections.

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HDFC Bank Opens New Branch In Churachandpur

Lamka, Sep 2 : HDFC Bank, India’s second largest private sector bank, inaugurated its branch here at Salem Veng with Power Minister T Phungzathang attending the inaugural function as chief guest. It…

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Lamka, Sep 2 : HDFC Bank, India’s second largest private sector bank, inaugurated its branch here at Salem Veng with Power Minister T Phungzathang attending the inaugural function as chief guest. It…

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HDFC Bank Opens New Branch In Churachandpur

Lamka, Sep 2 : HDFC Bank, India’s second largest private sector bank, inaugurated its branch here at Salem Veng with Power Minister T Phungzathang attending the inaugural function as chief guest. It…

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Lamka, Sep 2 : HDFC Bank, India’s second largest private sector bank, inaugurated its branch here at Salem Veng with Power Minister T Phungzathang attending the inaugural function as chief guest. It…

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General Stike Paralyses Normal Life In Manipur

IMPHAL, Sep 2: Normal life in Manipur came to a grinding halt today following the 24-hour general strike called over alleged disappearance of assistant publicity secretary of the proscribed RPF GM…

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IMPHAL, Sep 2: Normal life in Manipur came to a grinding halt today following the 24-hour general strike called over alleged disappearance of assistant publicity secretary of the proscribed RPF GM…

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General Stike Paralyses Normal Life In Manipur

IMPHAL, Sep 2: Normal life in Manipur came to a grinding halt today following the 24-hour general strike called over alleged disappearance of assistant publicity secretary of the proscribed RPF GM…

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IMPHAL, Sep 2: Normal life in Manipur came to a grinding halt today following the 24-hour general strike called over alleged disappearance of assistant publicity secretary of the proscribed RPF GM…

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Sadar Hills Women Petition Defence Minister

IMPHAL, Sep 2 : Barely 24 hours after the Army spokesman refuted the allegations that troops of 43 Assam Rifles launched a crackdown and assaulted and molested womenfolk who were enforcing the…

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IMPHAL, Sep 2 : Barely 24 hours after the Army spokesman refuted the allegations that troops of 43 Assam Rifles launched a crackdown and assaulted and molested womenfolk who were enforcing the…

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Sadar Hills Women Petition Defence Minister

IMPHAL, Sep 2 : Barely 24 hours after the Army spokesman refuted the allegations that troops of 43 Assam Rifles launched a crackdown and assaulted and molested womenfolk who were enforcing the…

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IMPHAL, Sep 2 : Barely 24 hours after the Army spokesman refuted the allegations that troops of 43 Assam Rifles launched a crackdown and assaulted and molested womenfolk who were enforcing the…

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UNC Condemns Imposition Of CrPC along National Highway-37

Imphal, Sep 2: The United Naga Council (UNC) has strongly condemned the imposition of Section 144 CrPC along National Highway-37 saying that it is the Government’s evil motive against peaceful…

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Imphal, Sep 2: The United Naga Council (UNC) has strongly condemned the imposition of Section 144 CrPC along National Highway-37 saying that it is the Government’s evil motive against peaceful…

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IMPHAL Sept 1: A three-day philatelic exhibition cum workshop, MANIPEX-2011 organized by the Department of Posts, Manipur Division kicked off at Imphal Head Post Office today. The inaugural function…

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IMPHAL Sept 1: A three-day philatelic exhibition cum workshop, MANIPEX-2011 organized by the Department of Posts, Manipur Division kicked off at Imphal Head Post Office today. The inaugural function…

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NE Support Centre An Helpline Condemns Rape Of Minor

IMPHAL Sept 1: North-East Support Centre and Helpline has severely condemned the rape of a minor physically challenged girl and demanded stringent action against the perpetrators. A release of the…

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IMPHAL Sept 1: North-East Support Centre and Helpline has severely condemned the rape of a minor physically challenged girl and demanded stringent action against the perpetrators. A release of the…

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Okram Ibobi Leaves For Tokyo

IMPHAL, Sep 1 : Chief Minister Okram Ibobi left Imphal for Tokyo to attend an international conference which would be hosted by Tokyo from September 5 to 7. The conference is aimed at promoting…

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IMPHAL, Sep 1 : Chief Minister Okram Ibobi left Imphal for Tokyo to attend an international conference which would be hosted by Tokyo from September 5 to 7. The conference is aimed at promoting…

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Manipuri Cuisines At Keibul Lamjao National Park

IMPHAL, Sep 1: For the convenience of tourists coming to Keibul Lamjao National Park, two women Self Help Groups (SHGs) have started catering service offering a variety of indigenous Manipuri dishes….

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IMPHAL, Sep 1: For the convenience of tourists coming to Keibul Lamjao National Park, two women Self Help Groups (SHGs) have started catering service offering a variety of indigenous Manipuri dishes….

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Decision on Sadar Hills District Stir Soon

IMPHAL, Sep 1 : A decision on the ongoing agitation for granting district status to Sadar Hills would be adopted after a consultation between SHDDC leaders and Sadar Hills people within the next…

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IMPHAL, Sep 1 : A decision on the ongoing agitation for granting district status to Sadar Hills would be adopted after a consultation between SHDDC leaders and Sadar Hills people within the next…

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IGNTU Students Decry Apathy

IMPHAL, Sep 1: Aggrieved over lack of necessary infrastructure, failure of complying with academic calendar and alleged irregularities in appointment of teachers, students of India Gandhi National…

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IMPHAL, Sep 1: Aggrieved over lack of necessary infrastructure, failure of complying with academic calendar and alleged irregularities in appointment of teachers, students of India Gandhi National…

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Students Pulled Up From Cinema Halls

IMPHAL, Sep 1: In all 28 students have reportedly been roun-ded up by volunteers of Kangleipak Students’ Association (KSA) from Pratap Talkies cinema hall for watching movie during school/college…

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IMPHAL, Sep 1: In all 28 students have reportedly been roun-ded up by volunteers of Kangleipak Students’ Association (KSA) from Pratap Talkies cinema hall for watching movie during school/college…

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PR Book Release of “Freedom From India” in Delhi

—————————————- Photos taken during the PR Book Release of “Freedom From India” in Delhi Courtesy: Malem Ningthouja, CPDM —————————————-


Photos taken during the PR Book Release of “Freedom From India” in Delhi

Courtesy: Malem Ningthouja, CPDM

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Seven Women Hurt In Blockade Related Altercation near Motbung

IMPHAL, Aug 31: At least seven women blockade supporters of Sadar Hills Districthood Demand Committee were injured during an altercation with some personnel of Assam Rifles at Gamgiphai near Motbung…

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IMPHAL, Aug 31: At least seven women blockade supporters of Sadar Hills Districthood Demand Committee were injured during an altercation with some personnel of Assam Rifles at Gamgiphai near Motbung…

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International Drug Overdose Day Observed

IMPHAL, Aug 31: Manipur network of Positive People (MNP+) today joined in the global observance of International Drug Overdose Day held at THAU Ground, Thangmeiband on the theme ‘Free Access to…

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IMPHAL, Aug 31: Manipur network of Positive People (MNP+) today joined in the global observance of International Drug Overdose Day held at THAU Ground, Thangmeiband on the theme ‘Free Access to…

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