Pune, 14 July 2015 : The Manipur Students’ Association, Pune (MSAP) organized a peaceful rally on 14-July 2015 at Pune University Campus, Pune & also observed a 2 minutes silence
MSAP rally demanding introduction of ILPS in Manipur.
Pune, 14 July 2015 : The Manipur Students’ Association, Pune (MSAP) organized a peaceful rally on 14-July 2015 at Pune University Campus, Pune & also observed a 2 minutes silence to condemn the killing of one the students who was part of the peaceful rally demanding the introduction of the Inner Line Permit system (ILPS) in the state.
On July -8, a 16 year school boy, Mr. Sapam Robinhood was hit on the face by a tear gas shell fired from a close range in an effort by the state police to block a rally at Khurai, the impact had resulted in his tragic death.
The Students association of Manipur, Pune (MSAP) strongly condemned the current violation of basic human rights in the state and taken a strong resolution to support in whatever way possible in fighting against any human right violation in the state.

(MSAP can be reached at prezmsap@gmail.com)
Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/07/manipuri-students-in-pune-demand-introduction-of-ilp-in-manipur-msap-pr/