Sir, With due respect, I wish to state the following lines for your kind consideration in publishing this letter. That the services of the United Bank of India(UBI) in Ukhrul… Read more »
With due respect, I wish to state the following lines for your kind consideration in publishing this letter. That the services of the United Bank of India(UBI) in Ukhrul is in a sorry state. I along with hundreds of othercustomers face a lot of difficulties in basic services in transaction. Even to get our accounts updated in the Pass book is not available. This problem has been persisting for the past so many months.
I have been to Imphal at UBI and there-in-order to get updating the accounts in the passbook,the staff manning the Counter demanded certain amount for the service. That has been quite a disappointment. The hassle of incurring expenditure to travel to Imphal just to get the updating done and then the extra monetary demand for the basic service provided. I on behalf of other customers would like to know why this failure of service amenities in Ukhrul and why it cannot be rectified. It ultimately amounts to negligence. It is high time that technology, infrastructure and humanresource in our District/State needs immediate up gradation.
Your concern for quality Service will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
L.John Tangkhul,
Tangrei, Ukhrul Dist. Manipur.

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