State aims complete biometric data collection by Oct

IMPHAL, June 7: The state government aims to complete the ongoing biometric data collection to facilitate the issue of the Unique Identity Number (Aadhaar) to all residents of the state… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 7: The state government aims to complete the ongoing biometric data collection to facilitate the issue of the Unique Identity Number (Aadhaar) to all residents of the state by October this year. The state Planning department has been made the nodal department in the state for the project, wherein biometric data of the state populace is being collected after a MoU had been signed between the state and the Unique Identification Authority of India, (UIDAI) to facilitate the issue of Unique Identity Numbers in the state.According to a source, the UIDAI had also entered into a MoU with the Registered General of India (RGI) for collection of the biometric data during the National Population Registration (NPR) exercise, based on which the Aadhaar No. will be issued by the UIDAI to all residents enrolled.The source also maintained that the UIDAI has appointed the Bharat Electronic Ltd (BEL) as the enrollment agency and the collection of the biometric data has been undertaken through BEL vendors, Manitron, etc. The concerned Deputy Commissioners of all districts will also helped in the conduct of the exercise, the source further added. Meanwhile, it has been already notified recently that the state government has decided to use the Aadhaar No. as proof of address and identity proof for individuals during the implementation of central flagship and Central Sponsored Schemes (CSS).The source further mentioned that the state government has decided that KYR+ data (incorporating services and entitlement that could potentially be linked with Aadhaar number) shall be collected along with the biometric data by the enrolment agency, BEL and that a format for KYR plus data caption will be circulated by the Planning department in due course.Further, it is also officially instructed that DCs of each districts will assign a supervisor to assist collection of biometric data and maintaining a record as envisaged in the handbook of Aadhaar of UIDAI.In the meantime, according to an official notification issued by the special secretary Planning government of Manipur Sajad Hassan, the DCs should also carry out awareness campaigns in their respective districts regarding the exercise. They will provide BPL list and maintain record of BPL beneficiaries of MNREGS/NOAP/PDS/RSBY/JSY, etc. enrolled during biometric data collection as well as provide incentives/create facilities to BPL beneficiaries of welfare schemes, so that cost of enrolment of BPL individuals at the enrolment centre nearest to them is reduced. These data shall be furnished to the state level implementation of UID Committee/Planning department, and it is also mentioned that the state planning department should provide the DCs with IEC materials as well as funds (provided under 13th Finance Commission Award) as incentive to attract BPL residents, the official notification added.

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