Mass rally in Naga inhabited areas today

Amid the ongoing agitation sponsored by Sadar Hills District Demand Committee SHDDC along the two national highways leading to the state capital Imphal demanding for the creation of Sadar Hills district, the Naga frontal organisations in Manipur are …

Amid the ongoing agitation sponsored by Sadar Hills District Demand Committee SHDDC along the two national highways leading to the state capital Imphal demanding for the creation of Sadar Hills district, the Naga frontal organisations in Manipur are pulling up their loins to confront any move from the state government of Manipur from succumbing to the pressure of the SHDDC Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

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Mass rally in Naga inhabited areas today

Amid the ongoing agitation sponsored by Sadar Hills District Demand Committee SHDDC along the two national highways leading to the state capital Imphal demanding for the creation of Sadar Hills district, the Naga frontal organisations in Manipur are …

Amid the ongoing agitation sponsored by Sadar Hills District Demand Committee SHDDC along the two national highways leading to the state capital Imphal demanding for the creation of Sadar Hills district, the Naga frontal organisations in Manipur are pulling up their loins to confront any move from the state government of Manipur from succumbing to the pressure of the SHDDC Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

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