AIR Shillong popularising Khasi

Shillong, July 6 NNN All India Radio (AIR), Shillong with an aim to promote reading habit and love for Khasi Literature, organised a one day symposium on ‘Khasi Poetry’ entitled, “NA THWEI KA DOHNUD” at Don Bosco Youth Centre, here on Thursday. Speaking on the occasion as Chief Guest, Meghalaya Education Secretary, Frederick Roy Kharkongor […]

Shillong, July 6 NNN All India Radio (AIR), Shillong with an aim to promote reading habit and love for Khasi Literature, organised a one day symposium on ‘Khasi Poetry’ entitled, “NA THWEI KA DOHNUD” at Don Bosco Youth Centre, here on Thursday.
Speaking on the occasion as Chief Guest, Meghalaya Education Secretary, Frederick Roy Kharkongor informed the gathering that UNESCO has withdrawn the Khasi language from the list of endangered languages of the world.
He said UNESCO is having its own system to grade the languages of the world.
“Khasi language is out of danger, efforts should be made to ensure that the Khasi language be included in the Eight Schedule of the Indian Constitution, so that it would be recognized as one of the major languages of the country,” Kharkongor informed.
He also said that younger generation should be encouraged to love their own language and literature in view of the influence of modern media.
Referring the Khasi language as a developing language, which has developed by leaps and bounds since the days the language was provided the Roman script and the publication of Khasi Dictionary by Nissor Singh Kharsuka in 1906, Kharkongor informed that the Khasi language was full of folktales connected with nature.
He also said that he was surprised to find that about ninety five non- Khasi speakers attended the programme for learning the Khasi language organized by Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures in Shillong.
“The huge number of non-native speakers attending the language programme only shows that the other people are interested to learn the Khasi language”, Kharkongor said.
Further, he added that it would be very important for the research scholars to know the language of the community while conducting their research. “Knowing the language will enable the researchers to know the essence of the community”, he said, adding that most of facts got diluted during the process of translation.
Speaking on the occasion, former Deputy Director of All India Radio, Shillong, Mr. E.W. Dkhar who was the Guest of Honour, lauded the All India Radio, Shillong for providing a platform for the development of Khasi music. Dkhar said AIR has promoted the secular music in the Khasi society. He expressed deep appreciation on the rapid development of Khasi folk music, in which the youths could sing the Tonic Sofa Notation in four voices. Mr. Dkhar also said the AIR has society by providing education, information and entertainment.

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