The Special Judge, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi, has convicted G.C. Jain, then Officer(Junior Management Grade Scale), State Bank of India and two private persons, Rakesh Kumar & Pramod Kumar in a cheating & forgery case. G.C. Jain was sentenced to undergo five years Rigorous Imprisonment with total fine of Rs. 2.70 lakh and Rakesh Kumar & Pramod Kumar were sentenced to undergo four years RI with fine of Rs. 60,000/- each.
This case was registered on 28.09.1990 on the complaint of State Bank of India, Head Office, Sansad Marg, New Delhi against Shri G.C. Jain, Officer, JMGS, SBI and five private person alleging therein that G.C. Jain in conspiracy, defrauded SBI to the tune of Rs.12,33,162/-(approx) by substituting genuine pay-in-slips submitted by Bank customers for crediting cheques / drafts and other bank instruments with forged ones in favour of accounts opened in the name of his relatives on his introductions.
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