January, 2014: The Korean Pop Culture, popularly known as “Korean Wave” has made a strong impact across the world. K-wave dramas are known to have influenced a large audience and have increased viewership worldwide. Korean Cultural Centre, India and DD Bharati will bring to India the most famous South Korean Drama based on the life of legendary doctor, Hur Jun, titled ‘Dr. Hur Jun ki Sachi Daastan’. The show dubbed in Hindi will be telecasted from 13th January, 2014 on DD Bharati from Monday to Friday, 7 pm – 8pm. Showcase of Hur Jun series in India is an effort to continue and enhance the cultural exchange between the two countries.
Hur Jun, based on the real life incidents of Dr. Hur Jun of South Korea, saw tremendous success across the globe. The serial took the Koreans back to their history and re-instilled the faith in the traditional Korean medicines. It will mark an important step in India to familiarize the Indian audiences with the Korean culture, history and medicinal procedures. Hur Jun, who was born as an illegitimate son of a nobleman, met a renowned physician named Eui-tae Yu, who taught him medicine. With the help of the knowledge gained, he selflessly devoted himself to heal the sick. Hur Jun faced many social barriers and struggling against them all, he went on to become the Emperor’s physician. He also compiled a book called Dongui Bogam, literally ‘Mirror of the Eastern Medicine’, published in 1613. The book became the Bible of Medicine in Korea and is also listed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme in July 2009.
“This Korean Drama will highlight the contemporary Korean culture and provide basic information on its history. Although the diplomatic relation is 40 years old but the cultural relationship goes back to 2000 years” said, Mr Kim Kum Pyoung, Director of the Korean Cultural Centre, India. “It has been our endeavor to bring the cultures of different countries to the viewers of DD Bharati, and DD Bharati has made very good and intensive efforts to connect with different missions, embassies, cultural centers, countries to be able to take this forward. We are happy that India-Korea diplomatic relations has successfully completed 40 years of friendship last year. We hope to enhance the awareness of Indian viewers and enrich their knowledge of East Asia in general and South Korea in particular.” says Usha Bhasin, Channel Head, DD Bharati, India.
The influence of Korean culture can easily be seen amongst the Indians especially the youngsters who have adopted the Korean ways, culture and language in their everyday lives. Apart from K-Pop music and dance, Korean dramas have also found great popularity amongst them.
The telecast of ‘Dr. Hur Jun ki Sachi Daastan’ is a new initiative of DD Bharati which will focus on enriching the Korean culture & tradition among Indian audience. The aim to telecast the programmes of other countries is to familiarize the Indian audiences with Music, Dance, Tourism, Heritage and Culture of the different countries. The programme will be broadcasted in Hindi language suiting the majority of Indian audience. Korean dramas have been immensely successful in capturing the attention and entrenching the heart of the Indians and DD Bharati is looking forward to a huge response this time as well.
For further details please contact:
Vaini Mehra – 09910005193
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