Tongou cultural fest kickstarts

The Cultural Festival cum Sports Meet of Tongou Ringui Village, Ukhrul district being organized by Tangkhul Naga Zing Tun Longphan under the theme of ‘Sakasa’ was inaugurated on January 14 at Tongou Village High School with L Dikho, MLA of 48 Mao A C…

The Cultural Festival cum Sports Meet of Tongou Ringui Village, Ukhrul district being organized by Tangkhul Naga Zing Tun Longphan under the theme of ‘Sakasa’ was inaugurated on January 14 at Tongou Village High School with L Dikho, MLA of 48 Mao A C and Hungso Worshang, SDO BDO Ukhrul as Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively Source Hueiyen News Service

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