In connection to the news item published in The Sangai Express on August 7 under the headline UAL rejects request to set up COVID Care Centre in Ramakrishna Mission School , a statement issued and signed by Vinod Kumar, Commandant 109 BN, CRPF, PRO …
In connection to the news item published in The Sangai Express on August 7 under the headline UAL rejects request to set up COVID Care Centre in Ramakrishna Mission School , a statement issued and signed by Vinod Kumar, Commandant 109 BN, CRPF, PRO M N Sector has clarified that neither any such proposal was issued by CRPF authority ie Group Centre CRPF Langjing , nor any Manipur based CRPF units made any such request for setting up of a COVID care facility exclusively for CRPF personnel at Ramakrishna Mission School, Uripok or any other schools situated in close proximity of residential areas Source The Sangai Express
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