‘Anomalies in preparation of beneficiary list for drought’

The Hills and Valley Council, Manipur expressed concern at the manner of preparation of beneficiary list for award of relief to the victims of drought occurred in 2019 Source The Sangai Express

The Hills and Valley Council, Manipur expressed concern at the manner of preparation of beneficiary list for award of relief to the victims of drought occurred in 2019 Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=9&src=250621

Positivity and death rate still high, need to relook ‘Containment Policy’ Dr Y Mohen

The Research and Development Cell, Fit India Campaign Committee and Fit India Club, Manipur University, Canchipur jointly organised the One day Online Conclave on Combating Corona The Ethical Issues and Response yesterday Source The Sangai Express

The Research and Development Cell, Fit India Campaign Committee and Fit India Club, Manipur University, Canchipur jointly organised the One day Online Conclave on Combating Corona The Ethical Issues and Response yesterday Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=8&src=250621

Good Karma Foundation observes 4th foundation day

The Good Karma Foundation, Thanga has today observed its fourth foundation day at 8 am in a simple function organised with strict adherence to COVID 19 SOPs Source The Sangai Express

The Good Karma Foundation, Thanga has today observed its fourth foundation day at 8 am in a simple function organised with strict adherence to COVID 19 SOPs Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=11&src=250621

Lamjing Meira rehab centre to stop enrolling clients for 1 month

Following an understanding reached during a meeting with the Drug Users Federation for Human Rights and Justice, Lamjing Meira Rehabilitation Centre, Kakching has unanimously agreed to abstain from enrollment of clients in the centre for a period of 1 …

Following an understanding reached during a meeting with the Drug Users Federation for Human Rights and Justice, Lamjing Meira Rehabilitation Centre, Kakching has unanimously agreed to abstain from enrollment of clients in the centre for a period of 1 month with immediate effect Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=10&src=250621

TASO urges CM to address plight of Tousem people

The Tousem Area Students’ Organisation TASO , in a statement appealed to the Chief Minister, N Biren Singh to address the plight of Tousem Sub division Source The Sangai Express

The Tousem Area Students’ Organisation TASO , in a statement appealed to the Chief Minister, N Biren Singh to address the plight of Tousem Sub division Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=12&src=250621

Student bodies urge

Six student bodies have appealed FEGOCTA to ensure that academic activities of the students are not affected by their planned protest slated to start from June 30 Source The Sangai Express

Six student bodies have appealed FEGOCTA to ensure that academic activities of the students are not affected by their planned protest slated to start from June 30 Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=15&src=250621

Seven cadres held

Based on a specific input, security forces in a joint operation with police apprehended seven active cadres and four OGWs of Nikki Sumi Group running an illegal mess and carrying out extortion activities on National Highway, at Thilixu village, Dimapur…

Based on a specific input, security forces in a joint operation with police apprehended seven active cadres and four OGWs of Nikki Sumi Group running an illegal mess and carrying out extortion activities on National Highway, at Thilixu village, Dimapur district on June 23 Source The Sangai Express PIB

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=14&src=250621

Positivity and death rate still high, need to relook ‘Containment Policy’: Dr Y Mohen : 25th jun21 – E-Pao.net

Positivity and death rate still high, need to relook ‘Containment Policy’: Dr Y Mohen : 25th jun21  E-Pao.net

Positivity and death rate still high, need to relook ‘Containment Policy’: Dr Y Mohen : 25th jun21  E-Pao.net

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=8&src=250621

‘Anomalies in preparation of beneficiary list for drought’ – The Sangai Express

‘Anomalies in preparation of beneficiary list for drought’  The Sangai Express

‘Anomalies in preparation of beneficiary list for drought’  The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: https://www.thesangaiexpress.com/Encyc/2021/6/25/IMPHAL-Jun-24The-Hills-and-Valley-Council-Manipur-expressed-concern-at-the-manner-of-preparation.html

Manipur Reports 549 New #COVID Cases, 655 Recoveries and 11 Deaths Active Cases: … – Latest Tweet by ANI – LatestLY

Manipur Reports 549 New #COVID Cases, 655 Recoveries and 11 Deaths Active Cases: … – Latest Tweet by ANI  LatestLY

Manipur Reports 549 New #COVID Cases, 655 Recoveries and 11 Deaths Active Cases: … – Latest Tweet by ANI  LatestLY

Read more / Original news source: https://www.latestly.com/socially/india/news/manipur-reports-549-new-covid-cases-655-recoveries-and-11-deathsactive-cases-latest-tweet-by-ani-2580996.html

Manipur govt committed to improve tourism infrastructure: Minister Oinam Lukhoi – EastMojo

Manipur govt committed to improve tourism infrastructure: Minister Oinam Lukhoi  EastMojo

Manipur govt committed to improve tourism infrastructure: Minister Oinam Lukhoi  EastMojo

Read more / Original news source: https://www.eastmojo.com/manipur/2021/06/24/manipur-govt-committed-to-improve-tourism-infrastructure-minister-oinam-lukhoi/

Manipur ‘fully prepared’ for third wave of COVID-19, says CM – The Hindu

Manipur ‘fully prepared’ for third wave of COVID-19, says CM  The HinduManipur govt committed to improve tourism infrastructure: Minister Oinam Lukhoi  EastMojoTourist spots of Manipur will be provided best infrastructure: Minister&…

  1. Manipur ‘fully prepared’ for third wave of COVID-19, says CM  The Hindu
  2. Manipur govt committed to improve tourism infrastructure: Minister Oinam Lukhoi  EastMojo
  3. Tourist spots of Manipur will be provided best infrastructure: Minister  United News of India
  4. Manipur eases restriction on sale and purchase of land  Eastern Mirror
  5. View Full Coverage on Google News

Read more / Original news source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/manipur-fully-prepared-for-third-wave-of-covid-19-says-cm/article34951675.ece