Olympic bronze medalist Manu Bhaker has trained in Huiyen Lallong; know about this martial art form from Manipur – The Indian Express

Olympic bronze medalist Manu Bhaker has trained in Huiyen Lallong; know about this martial art form from Manipur  The Indian Express

Olympic bronze medalist Manu Bhaker has trained in Huiyen Lallong; know about this martial art form from Manipur  The Indian Express

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiyAFBVV95cUxOV3Mydk4wZ3diUkswUEVaRmpBaGR3SUxMOEV2a2p2bXZUalhoOVFTbzlRanJWVmd1c2hSbXowTDJoSEptblJMNmQ5eHY2RmwxTDJ1ZTY0dlFFMUFiTnBkUjlkd0loN2RQVHBZcDJhS3NHR0xYb3Vjc204NGJMN2lnc1gyTTVrSW9ZS1QycEtmSzRWTzhjN1NMeG5palZyeVVldEZJVzFqRDBpQ1U1bWVPVUxoT3lCUlhTS3pNOFNlNjNrc3ZhRVlvRw?oc=5