Ranji Trophy Plate GroupManipur go down by 9 wickets to Goa despite impressive total of 353 runs in second innings – The Sangai Express

Ranji Trophy Plate GroupManipur go down by 9 wickets to Goa despite impressive total of 353 runs in second innings  The Sangai Express

Ranji Trophy Plate GroupManipur go down by 9 wickets to Goa despite impressive total of 353 runs in second innings  The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi8gFBVV95cUxPR2JmWWJIdWJCZ1BxQ3dKaGZJOFhBdngwWHh4b3lTZ1ZnSEtZX2NZX1pVQktubEZSbjUyRWlDaGpWdXlQejY5cGs3aU12Wm42N3pHc052NTdHOEVmZm1lUXVEVmNHVnNMVkdLcG9ySHZrQXhCNVdRbWZlWkdEU2dxNWRJWDd6OFdlUGNMYWhQWmR3LW84SjNHVjZ4enl2TVVOd1RTdnpWX0JmT1dFZjFxa0RXWG5pbjV3TU5HMFFxdF9nOHA5Y2U2a1ZTdXl2QWdJelNObzRSeUxmUjdJa0xmaHB6NFB2Q3M4WmVnSHJsTzhKZw?oc=5