“No you don’t have to travel and spend hours in the market. All you do is order and in a few hours, they’ll be at our doorstep.” – Nagaland Post

“No you don’t have to travel and spend hours in the market. All you do is order and in a few hours, they’ll be at our doorstep.”  Nagaland Post

“No you don’t have to travel and spend hours in the market. All you do is order and in a few hours, they’ll be at our doorstep.”  Nagaland Post

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi_AFBVV95cUxPTWtkVWM1VW1EV3oxdkJJeDNzQUw5bVpOdXVGSHNfb2x0S0xGZ21fUmswUEw4THlCRXp3SDVONVJPQjdXbFNWZFVsbHU3WS1yV3VIMWxObjkzMUtTRjNXTVp4MklFWDNZWFpVb05Uc25aclFaX3gtTDh1WG5fRzhudkhmNkNXYVpyMlFFVmkycWpOSGtGSF9WMGNGS0p3UDFac0I4QXJFeTREcWkxbVNXY2xOMjNIbmZyd3cwSGh3QTBhTkJvRk9hSU9Kd3pUYUt1eFFvcjBBY3Q1SjUtalU1dDhjQ3M0aHE4aGRPLUg5T2owZjJrNUhQa1NNWTE?oc=5