River bank depression

Water level of major rivers is rising rapidly threatening to engulf the low lying area. The rising trend of water level may continue for days to come as the weather report that can be seen on internet has forecast prolonged spell of rainfall till the end of August this year. What will happen after that […]

Water level of major rivers is rising rapidly threatening to engulf the low lying area. The rising trend of water level may continue for days to come as the weather report that can be seen on internet has forecast prolonged spell of rainfall till the end of August this year. What will happen after that God knows? Such prolonged rainfall is always associated with depression of river bank. Incessant rain will dampen the earthen bank, which caves in when there is pressure on it. If there is incident of such kind it causes colossal loss to the particular area affected by river bank depression. We had witnessed in the past houses being swept away by the wave of the river water that flowed out with a great force through the depressed portion of the river. In one particular year sometime back too many depressions occurred that was devastating. Locals complained that the prolonged neglect meted out to the deteriorating condition of the river banks had resulted in the depression. IFCD officials however will have a different story to tell. They say encroachers have made the road all along the course of the river too narrow. This has handicapped the efforts made by the Government to strengthen the river banks. It is amazing just as city dwellers encroach upon the public land by erecting sheds of all kind or walls the river side dwellers also show the same habit. River banks that had been widened after the construction of retaining walls have become small once again. Greedy grabbers have encroached on the tiny road. What these people do not know is that the light of development will not dawn at the area where there is no road communication? In the event of river depression they complain against the tardy work done by the Government in repairing the depressed bank. The riverside dwellers have been asked time and again to maintain the road properly. They must allow big vehicles to pass on it. That will speed up repairing work in the event of calamity. There are several factors that attribute to the depression of river banks. River bank dwellers plant vegetables in to the channel of the rivers making the soil soft allowing it to absorb water when the river is in spate. Spongy river banks cave in when there is pressure on it. Big trees that grow in to the channel also play a big role in breaking the river bank. River water that should have flowed down smoothly is blocked by the tree making the water swirling at the area. Reaction is severe. It depresses the bank. IFCD may plead it has no fund for strengthening river bank. They are right how can they take step to strengthen vulnerable portion when it is not in a position to clear the pending bills of the works done earlier. Do the needful. Make all happy.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/river-bank-depression/