Setting a target of 25, TSE owner hands over Rs 342 lakh Number of Sangai under captive breeding increase from 14 to 18 in one year

In a positive turn around, the number of State animal Sangai, at the captive breeding centre at Langol and Manipur Zoological Garden, Iroishemba has increased from 14 to 18 in a span of one year Source The Sangai Express

In a positive turn around, the number of State animal Sangai, at the captive breeding centre at Langol and Manipur Zoological Garden, Iroishemba has increased from 14 to 18 in a span of one year Source The Sangai Express

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Setting a target of 25, TSE owner hands over Rs 342 lakh Number of Sangai under captive breeding increase from 14 to 18 in one year

In a positive turn around, the number of State animal Sangai, at the captive breeding centre at Langol and Manipur Zoological Garden, Iroishemba has increased from 14 to 18 in a span of one year Source The Sangai Express

In a positive turn around, the number of State animal Sangai, at the captive breeding centre at Langol and Manipur Zoological Garden, Iroishemba has increased from 14 to 18 in a span of one year Source The Sangai Express

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Setting a target of 25, TSE owner hands over Rs 342 lakh Number of Sangai under captive breeding increase from 14 to 18 in one year

In a positive turn around, the number of State animal Sangai, at the captive breeding centre at Langol and Manipur Zoological Garden, Iroishemba has increased from 14 to 18 in a span of one year Source The Sangai Express

In a positive turn around, the number of State animal Sangai, at the captive breeding centre at Langol and Manipur Zoological Garden, Iroishemba has increased from 14 to 18 in a span of one year Source The Sangai Express

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