1,25,832 people vaccinated against Covid in IE Will continue vaccination drive till target is reached DC

Informing that 1,25,832 people, out of 3 lakh citizens who are above 18 years in Imphal East district have been administered Covid 19 vaccine till June 23, Imphal East DC Khumanthem Diana stated that the vaccination programme will continue until the ta…

Informing that 1,25,832 people, out of 3 lakh citizens who are above 18 years in Imphal East district have been administered Covid 19 vaccine till June 23, Imphal East DC Khumanthem Diana stated that the vaccination programme will continue until the target set for the vaccination is achieved Source Chronicle News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=20&src=250621