Had Gandhiji Been Born In The Land Of Sharmila `¦. ?

By: Seram Neken “If Irom Chanu Sharmila fasted for corruption and if Septuagenarian Anna Hazare protested against AFSPA, the matters would have been different. If Sharmila hails from mainland India… Read more »

By: Seram Neken
“If Irom Chanu Sharmila fasted for corruption and if Septuagenarian Anna Hazare protested against AFSPA, the matters would have been different. If Sharmila hails from mainland India and if Hazare is a native of Manipur, the vice versa of what is being strongly addressed by the government might have happened. This time, Sharmila expressed her whole-hearted moral support to Anna Hazare’s protest following the latter’s invitation. Had the invitation for joining the protest come from Sharmila to Anna Hazare, would the latter have responded readily ? ”

Great personalities are created where there is respect for human values. The dignity the British attached to Gandhiji as a freedom fighter helped him gain the fame worldwide and glorify his non-violence. Had MK Gandhi been born in a place like Manipur or had he undergone his protests against a government such as that of today’s Manipur, Gandhijis non-violence would not have gained its fame and he would not have been recognized as the father of the nation. Indifference of the rulers might have jeopardized his cause half-way or he might have ended his life in the bullets of mindless security people of this land. 

The strikers whom politicians, media persons and the intellectuals are attentive to or glorify most, are considered as strong revolutionaries fighting for the people’s cause. If Irom Chanu Sharmila fasted for corruption and if Septuagenarian Anna Hazare protested against AFSPA, the matters would have been different. If Sharmila hails from mainland India and if Hazare is a native of Manipur, the vice versa of what is being addressed by the government might have happened. Let us examine the importance of the two causes between corruption and human rights, and let us compare the personalities of Sharmila and Hazare. Personality cult seems to out-do the issues. Sharmila has readily extended her support to the cause of Hazare’s protest following the latter’s invitation to join him. However, the nation has not responded to the call of Irom Chanu Sharmila for over ten years.

Sharmila has now become a symbol of peace, in the true sense of the term. She has earned the reputation of having the strongest will and heart for protection of human rights around the globe. She is not a mere striker, but a model of truth and justice. Gandhijis non-violence has been glorified by her personality in the twenty first century. It is not politically motivated and her demands represent the general will of the hapless people residing amidst the draconian laws of democratic India. In spite of neglects and indifference of the rulers for more than a decade, she never goes back. It is natural that Anna Hazare invited Sharmila to join his crusade against corruption. It is more natural that the Iron Lady expressed her moral support to the cause, but declined to join the fast in New Delhi for the Hazare cause. She rather blamed the nation for its indifference to the cause of human right violations.

The national media is highly discriminatory as did the government and political parties at the national level in regard to the dual cases of Sharmila and Hazare. Both strikers have been fighting for the social good, both have been following the non-violent means of fasting. However, Sharmila has almost crossed a decade of fasting, while Hazare’s appearance on the scene is quite recent as compared to the former. However, the national media have been disproportionately viewing the two protests. Intensity of the protests and the causes themselves have to be considered in balance while reporting to the people and drawing government’s attention.

Meanwhile, Dr. Manmohan Singh has written a nice letter to the septuagenarian protester with the highest concern for the latter’s health. In the letter, the Prime Minister says : “Over the last few days, I have watched with increasing concern of your health. Despite the differences between the government and your team, I don’t think that anybody is or should be in any doubt about the deep and abiding concern  which I and our government share about your health, arising from your continuing fast. I have no hesitation in saying that we need your views and actions in the service of the nation, from a robust physical condition and not in the context of frail and failing health……..” The emotional care of the leader of the nation towards a Gandhian as shown in the letter is indeed envious and courteous, and highly expected of a leadership where the father of the nation was born. It is really lamentable that during the last more than a decade of Sharmila’s fasting, not a single courtesy of such kind has been exhibited towards her from the end of a nation’s leadership. Barring independent writers, political motivators and select media personalities, the nation has been keeping mum on her cause and protest. Now that Anna Hazare and his cause have gained widespread media coverage and government attention in a comparatively short duration, has reflected some kind of nostalgia in the hearts of the so called Indian citizens residing in the far border hilly state of Manipur. Let us uphold human rights while fighting against corruption at all levels.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/had-gandhiji-been-born-in-the-land-of-sharmila/

Who Will Bell The Cat?

By N. Arunkumar “A cat may go to a monastery, but she still remains a cat.” Once again the National Highway is under siege. The hapless people of Manipur are… Read more »

By N. Arunkumar
“A cat may go to a monastery, but she still remains a cat.”
Once again the National Highway is under siege. The hapless people of Manipur are strategically at a disadvantage undeniably, due to the geographic terrain loaded heavily in favour of a few bandits on the route of the sustenance of Manipur, the NH – 39. Time and time again, this piece of real estate has been abused by all and sundry, on matters sillier than sound, and put the people of Manipur under all kinds of unspeakable despairs. The costs of basic necessities are steadily rising today due to this latest siege on this highway. And, once again, the solutions to this problem are a vexed issue, and not something that can be resolved hastily. The demands in this case, are of a constitutional nature, which cannot be worked out in just one sitting of the Assembly or approved by the Central leadership instantly either. Carving out a different district is as much a question of an all encompassing consensus between various administrative arms of the system, and not a one off government decree.

It requires ratification from various government institutions, including the defence and revenue collection nodal agencies of the country. Whatever grievances the people of the region may have in terms of administrative lacunae in the present circumstances, leading to this throttling of the people of Manipur, needs to be thought out sensibly so as to get the sympathies of the people here too. But, making the people suffer to this extent only distances the people of Manipur from the issues of the agitations, and creates disdain within them.

For this reason, no compassion will be forthcoming from the people of this region for the people of that region, believe me. After all, we are all living in a world where we respect the laws of survival, and the more the people of Manipur are subjected to this torture, the more durable will become their resolve to rise up and resist giving in easily to the threats being posed by such strong arm tactics. We don’t want a war between us, do we? We are peace loving people, remember?

The central leadership is scarcely bothered to ensure that the vital conduits of the NHs are maintained safely and without thuggery of this kind. We are undoubtedly completely upset with the attitude of the central leadership in their lack of resolve to protect this lifeline of Manipur and, continue to meekly watch as mute spectators while citizens of the land continue to degenerate and face countless hardships due to irritants of such nature. Where are the security forces now, when the time for real security has arisen? Are they under any standing instructions not to interfere in the matter and let the situation go its own way to teach the people of Manipur a lesson in docile submission?

Honestly, it seems evident that they are under some such covert instructions under ‘top verbal secret’. Why are they not going after the perpetrators of this crime against the people of Manipur, and ensuring that the National property like the NH – 39 is kept free from thugs who are having a free run on it? Is it not the duty of the security force to provide real security in real time in such situations? Or is the proxy war a genuine ideal of the army, paramilitary and the police agencies of the region?

So many questions and no answers! The puzzle becomes a riddle and the riddle rids our mind of sanity at the moment. We are angry. We are despondent. Are we to suffer this shame silently and still wear plastic smiles on our faces as patriotic citizens of this country? Why are we being treated like dirt? Are we second class citizens? Hey, these are more questions without answers. And, now the cost of living in Manipur is among the highest anywhere today, and for being so, we are to be a rich land. Yes, we are rich in many ways, but at the moment we are rich with dilemmas, inconveniences, and misfortunes. The Chief Minister seems silent on the issue, and strangely all the other leaders are silently watching the drama of miseries unfold without condemning or taking steps to ensure that we are sheltered from these misfortunes.

No one seems to be taking this issue seriously, or working towards a solution to the problems being heaped on the people. We are damned, and let us stay damned seems to be the attitude of the government too. To whom do we turn now for an end to this crisis? Are there no leaders worth some dignified thought in that area either, to talk to the perpetrators sensibly and appeal to them to desist from such cardinal sins? Or, do they also support this pogrom like instrument in treating the people of Manipur so shabbily?

This is a crime against humanity, and needs to be loathed not only by the people of Manipur who are the noticeable sufferers, but also by the national and international communities too. How can a handful of people be allowed hold an entire state to ransom to find redress to their issues? This is a belligerent situation indeed. It is a grave crime against the people of Manipur. In fact, the leaders of this agitation should be tried for crimes against humanity, in the normal course of distinguished human values.

However, nothing of the sort will happen. Everyone concerned will let the callous people who orchestrated this indignity go scot free and a solution will be cobbled together for some sort of temporary reprieve. The moot problem of letting the National Highway remain a lethal armoury to be used against the people of Manipur will remain status quo after all. A permanent solution to this has to be found out as quickly as possible, so as to prevent these series of total chaos in the Manipuri society. We are indeed in the doldrums otherwise and will remain ever vulnerable to the threat of humiliations being heaped on us, time and time again. In fact, the Home Ministry has to answer for these lapses in governance in the final analysis. But, the question remains as to `who will bell the cat`?

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/who-will-bell-the-cat/

Migrants outnumber tribals in Manipur :Report – Assam Tribune

Migrants outnumber tribals in Manipur :ReportAssam TribuneIMPHAL, Aug 28 – Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh on Friday said the government will urge the Centre to re-introduce the Inner Line Permit(ILP) system or Inner Line (IL) Regulation in the …

Migrants outnumber tribals in Manipur :Report
Assam Tribune
IMPHAL, Aug 28 – Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh on Friday said the government will urge the Centre to re-introduce the Inner Line Permit(ILP) system or Inner Line (IL) Regulation in the State once the Cabinet takes a decision in this regard.

and more »

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Manipur situation grim as lifelines choked – MorungExpress

Calcutta TelegraphManipur situation grim as lifelines chokedMorungExpressImphal, August 28 (NNN): In Manipur today, if you have in your stock a filled LPG cylinder and some rice to last for a month then you are a contented person. The indefinite bandh …

Calcutta Telegraph

Manipur situation grim as lifelines choked
Imphal, August 28 (NNN): In Manipur today, if you have in your stock a filled LPG cylinder and some rice to last for a month then you are a contented person. The indefinite bandh arisen out of the Sadar Hills district demand issue has choked the
Economic blockade leads to price rise in ManipurNewstrack India
Meetings begin in Sadar HillsCalcutta Telegraph
Three hunger strikers arrested on charges of attempted suicideKanglaOnline
all 25 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGLCD_fo8QollMGRn893l4jaeytOg&url=http://www.morungexpress.com/regional/70022.html

Zeliangrongs told to observe Jadonang death anniv today – MorungExpress

Zeliangrongs told to observe Jadonang death anniv todayMorungExpressDIMAPUR, AUGUST 28 (MExN): The Zeliangrong Youth Front (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland) has informed that the death anniversary of Haipou Jadonang , the pioneer freedom fighter is obser…

Zeliangrongs told to observe Jadonang death anniv today
DIMAPUR, AUGUST 28 (MExN): The Zeliangrong Youth Front (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland) has informed that the death anniversary of Haipou Jadonang , the pioneer freedom fighter is observed in every Zeliangrong inhabited areas on 29th August of every year in
Jadonang death anniversaryKanglaOnline

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Two peddlers arrested with 300 kg of banned drugs – Times of India

Two peddlers arrested with 300 kg of banned drugsTimes of IndiaIMPHAL: Assam Rifles personnel have caught two drug peddlers, including a Myanmarese national, and found 300 kg of Pseudoephedrine pills worth over Rs five crore from Moreh in Manipur's…

Two peddlers arrested with 300 kg of banned drugs
Times of India
IMPHAL: Assam Rifles personnel have caught two drug peddlers, including a Myanmarese national, and found 300 kg of Pseudoephedrine pills worth over Rs five crore from Moreh in Manipur's Chandel district bordering Myanmar. Acting on a tip-off,

and more »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEcL1C-pOCwG34DJ4bjDJqOn0Bblg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/guwahati/Two-peddlers-arrested-with-300-kg-of-banned-drugs/articleshow/9773046.cms

Memorandum to National Commission for Minorities, Manipur Chief Minister … – E-Pao.net

Memorandum to National Commission for Minorities, Manipur Chief Minister …E-Pao.netPhysically challenged and an underage girl was seduced, intoxicated and raped in Resto Bar at Kongba Bazar, Imphal East District, Manipur. Police delayed filing the co…

Memorandum to National Commission for Minorities, Manipur Chief Minister
Physically challenged and an underage girl was seduced, intoxicated and raped in Resto Bar at Kongba Bazar, Imphal East District, Manipur. Police delayed filing the complaint and FIR missing relevant sections of Indian Penal Code.

and more »

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Book Release: Freedom From India: A History of Manipur Nationalism – E-Pao.net

Book Release: Freedom From India: A History of Manipur NationalismE-Pao.netHe identifies Manipur in a theatre of contest where different nationalist forces articulating parallel nationalism contest one another. He draws a parallel between the British c…

Book Release: Freedom From India: A History of Manipur Nationalism
He identifies Manipur in a theatre of contest where different nationalist forces articulating parallel nationalism contest one another. He draws a parallel between the British colonial rule and the Indian State after 1947. The author shows a bent on

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The iron lady of Manipur – Irom Sharmila – E-Pao.net

The iron lady of Manipur – Irom SharmilaE-Pao.netIrom Sharmila's struggle to get the Armed Forces Special Act (AFSPA) out from her state of Manipur has entered its tenth year on Tuesday. The Iron Lady of Manipur as she is often called has been on a…

The iron lady of Manipur – Irom Sharmila
Irom Sharmila's struggle to get the Armed Forces Special Act (AFSPA) out from her state of Manipur has entered its tenth year on Tuesday. The Iron Lady of Manipur as she is often called has been on a fast for the last ten years protesting against the
Irom Sharmila urges Anna to visit ManipurThe Hindu
How long she is going to fast?KanglaOnline
Anna Hazare, Irom Sharmila And One Vast NationYentha

all 7 news articles »

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Five militants arrested in Manipur – Zee News

Five militants arrested in ManipurZee NewsImphal: Five Kanglei Yawol Kann Lup (KYKL) militants were arrested during counter-insurgency operations by police and Assam Rifles personnel in Manipur, official sources said on Sunday. Two KYKL militants ident…

Five militants arrested in Manipur
Zee News
Imphal: Five Kanglei Yawol Kann Lup (KYKL) militants were arrested during counter-insurgency operations by police and Assam Rifles personnel in Manipur, official sources said on Sunday. Two KYKL militants identified as Amom Sanjoy (25) and Takhellambam

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Grenade recovered from Manipur hospital – Hindustan Times

Grenade recovered from Manipur hospitalHindustan TimesPTI Police recovered a powerful China-make grenade from the outpatient department of the Regional Institute of Medical Science and Hospital in Imphal west district of Manipur, police said on Sunday….

Grenade recovered from Manipur hospital
Hindustan Times
PTI Police recovered a powerful China-make grenade from the outpatient department of the Regional Institute of Medical Science and Hospital in Imphal west district of Manipur, police said on Sunday. the grenade was placed there late last night,
Grenade recovered from Manipur hospitalMSN India

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Breather for Manipur as goods trucks reach Imphal – Times of India

Breather for Manipur as goods trucks reach ImphalTimes of IndiaIMPHAL: Over 400 trucks carrying essential commodities from Assam reached the Manipur capital along National Highway 53 ( Imphal-Silchar Road) accompanied with heavy security escorts on Sat…

Breather for Manipur as goods trucks reach Imphal
Times of India
IMPHAL: Over 400 trucks carrying essential commodities from Assam reached the Manipur capital along National Highway 53 ( Imphal-Silchar Road) accompanied with heavy security escorts on Saturday afternoon, much to the relief for the people of
ANSAM reaffirms its stand against creation of new districtsKanglaOnline

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Cabinet discusses revival of ILP

As the campaign for the revival of Inner Line Permit system in the state gains momentum the state cabinet today discussed the revival of the system Source Hueiyen News Service

As the campaign for the revival of Inner Line Permit system in the state gains momentum the state cabinet today discussed the revival of the system Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=31&src=280811

Free Cancer detection camp at Shija

Shija Hospital and Research Institute, Langol and Breast Cancer Patients Benefit Foundation, New Delhi would be jointly organising a free cancer detection camp at Shija Hospital and Research Institute on September 4 from 9 am to 12 noon Source The S…

Shija Hospital and Research Institute, Langol and Breast Cancer Patients Benefit Foundation, New Delhi would be jointly organising a free cancer detection camp at Shija Hospital and Research Institute on September 4 from 9 am to 12 noon Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=16&src=280811

KSO for re schedule of TET

The Kuki Students’ Organisation urged the State education department to re schedule the teacher eligibility test slated for September 13 as the day is observed by the Kukis as black day Source Hueiyen News Service

The Kuki Students’ Organisation urged the State education department to re schedule the teacher eligibility test slated for September 13 as the day is observed by the Kukis as black day Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=29&src=280811

August pay for State Government employees on August 29

Pay and allowances of all the State Government employees including Gazatted Officers for the month of August may be drawn and disbursed with effect from August 29 in view of the ensuing Idul Fitr, informed an order issued by the Commissioner Finance …

Pay and allowances of all the State Government employees including Gazatted Officers for the month of August may be drawn and disbursed with effect from August 29 in view of the ensuing Idul Fitr, informed an order issued by the Commissioner Finance Rakesh Ranjan Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=15&src=280811

Non regular employees of engineering dept to stage protest

The employees of five Engineering Departments of the state who are currently under work charge, muster roll and casual are all set to go in for various kinds of protest in case they are not regularized at the earliest possible time Source Hueiyen Ne…

The employees of five Engineering Departments of the state who are currently under work charge, muster roll and casual are all set to go in for various kinds of protest in case they are not regularized at the earliest possible time Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=27&src=280811

Huge cache of narcotics drugs recovered

Soldiers of 31 Assam Rifles based on a tip off recovered a huge cache of narcotic drugs from two individuals in Manipur’s border town Moreh,110 km south of here on Friday Source Hueiyen News Service

Soldiers of 31 Assam Rifles based on a tip off recovered a huge cache of narcotic drugs from two individuals in Manipur’s border town Moreh,110 km south of here on Friday Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=25&src=280811

KSO appeals

The Kuki Students’ Union KSO Ghqs has appealed to the State Government to defer the Teacher Eligibility Test TET scheduled for September 13 as the same day is being observed as Black Day by the Kukis since the past many years Source The Sangai E…

The Kuki Students’ Union KSO Ghqs has appealed to the State Government to defer the Teacher Eligibility Test TET scheduled for September 13 as the same day is being observed as Black Day by the Kukis since the past many years Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=13&src=280811