1891 : Putting the record straight `Manipur National Day` – KanglaOnline

1891 : Putting the record straight `Manipur National Day`KanglaOnlineAnd a little earlier in this part of the world, the imperial British power had trampled the Manipuris in 1891 and destroyed even its very symbol of the Manipuri nation, the Kangla-Sha…

1891 : Putting the record straight `Manipur National Day`
And a little earlier in this part of the world, the imperial British power had trampled the Manipuris in 1891 and destroyed even its very symbol of the Manipuri nation, the Kangla-Shaa – the Manipur Dragon, which stood in front of the Palace in Kangla,

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Need for innovative and creative minds asserted – KanglaOnline

Need for innovative and creative minds assertedKanglaOnlineIMPHAL April 26: Intellectual Property facility Centre, Manipur and Manipur Science and Technology Council (MASTEC) in collaboration with the All Manipur Industrialists Foundation, Imphal obser…

Need for innovative and creative minds asserted
IMPHAL April 26: Intellectual Property facility Centre, Manipur and Manipur Science and Technology Council (MASTEC) in collaboration with the All Manipur Industrialists Foundation, Imphal observed the World Intellectual Property day- 2011 at MSME-

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Editorial – Citizen Vigil

There is a very unfortunate misconception in Manipur about the duty of a citizen with regards to law keeping. This is about the act of reporting by ordinary citizens to… Read more »

There is a very unfortunate misconception in Manipur about the duty of a citizen with regards to law keeping. This is about the act of reporting by ordinary citizens to law keeping authorities of unusual events they witness which may constitute a breach of law. Rather than consider this attitude as an obligation, ordinary citizens often treated this as sneaking. Perhaps this is a reflection of the respect the people by and large have of the law, all the same this must not result in what the popular adage says, throwing the baby away with the bath water. For the truth is, every citizen must realise the responsibility he or she has to shoulder in the enterprise of law keeping. What may be necessary is, as in countries like the USA, to make this responsibility obligatory by law. That is to say, not reporting a potential crime, especially those which will not result in personal safety compromised, should be made a cognizable offence under the law.
In a lawless and violence ridden place like Manipur, this argument would need some qualification. Ordinary citizens cannot be expected to report on the movement of armed combatants of the raging insurgency in the land. For one thing this would amount to putting their own lives in danger, and for another, insurgency is no ordinary crime and as so many have articulated in the past, it is in many ways a radical expression of dissent, and its solution would have to be nuanced, rather than the usual linear policing crime fighting approach. However leaving this issue for the government to tackle imaginatively but firmly, there are so many other cognizable breaches of law by ordinary citizens which other more conscientious citizens must take it upon themselves to prevent through the invocation of the law using the simple handles available to them. The simplest of these is reporting these matters to the police or other concerned authorities. To take just a few examples, in the past one month, the entire state has been somewhat shaken awake by the aggressive campaign of the government to clean up illegal power connections in the Imphal area. All these illegal activities were happening right under the noses of every citizen, in particular those who have been honestly paying the taxes for whatever amount of power they consume.
Yet in all this while, there has never been even a single report of putative breach of law from any citizen. This is despite the fact that these thefts are from the common pool of service resources and thereby robbing from it by anybody would amount to robbing from everybody, in particular the honest consumers. Thankfully, at least in the case of electricity, there has been a public interest litigation, PIL, which is in a way a last resort in the absence of a citizen vigil which should have been always present. The despairing fact about Manipur is, electricity is just one case of neglect of citizen duty, for there are plenty more. Water supply is another very prominent one. Today, if a survey were to be done, half of Imphal households would be tapping piped municipal water illegally, and in manners not prescribed, making siphon holes larger than allowed, thus depriving other consumers of their shares of potable water. Yet again, as in the case of electricity, everybody witnesses this but apart from a bitter frown here and there, nobody has thought it his duty to complain that he is being robbed in broad daylight.
Having said this, the blame for this confounding reluctance of the citizens to keep vigil of public utilities, and also against other similar crimes, must also go to the government, in particular the police. There have been far too complaints of policemen on duty refusing to take notice of complaints by citizens. Instead, such whistle blowers often end up more harangued for they are looked upon by the police with suspicion and the onus of proving their complaints thrown back at them. The time has come for a radical change of attitude both of the police as well as the citizens. If they must work hand in hand, they must both be sensitized as well as made to realise what wonders they can do by cooperating with each other towards improving everybody’s everyday quality of life.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/nQZHqndoNFk/

1891 : Putting the record straight `Manipur National Day`

By Heigrujam NabashyamThere are certain incidents in the history of every society and of every nation which the present generation may not want to mention or talk about because those… Read more »

By Heigrujam NabashyamThere are certain incidents in the history of every society and of every nation which the present generation may not want to mention or talk about because those were unsavoury incidents. This is true for every society and for every country. But admitting the past does not belittle the present. And more so, the society which has the courage to admit its past is not dishonorable in any way because admitting the past needs courage and vision. And only few societies have the courage to do so, like the Americans do of the Negro slavery, the German society of the Holocaust of Jews by the Nazis during the war; but it is difficult to say if the Japanese society has admitted their militarism which had caused much injuries and pain to the Koreans, Chinese and some other south- east Asian nations. But man being cunning and basically selfish, it is always the mistakes and the wrongs of the past that are acknowledged; the present wrongs are being left for the posterity.
And a little earlier in this part of the world, the imperial British power had trampled the Manipuris in 1891 and destroyed even its very symbol of the Manipuri nation, the Kangla-Shaa – the Manipur Dragon, which stood in front of the Palace in Kangla, perhaps by using big guns and mortars. Recently after 12 decades, it has been restored by making a replica.
However, the British had very wisely and tactfully erased the blot on them by establishing a new princely state after the destruction, putting all the internal affairs of the state in the hands of the newly appointed king except, education and the affairs of the hills, because probably they had no interest in the affairs of the state as they had enough in their hands in the region. American actions in Iraq resemble what the British did a century ago though the comparison may seem incongruous.To mention a little from records, it was 120 years ago on March 24, 1891 that fighting broke out between the British and the Manipuri forces in the small hours of the day. It all started by the stealthy attack of the British forces to carry out the order of the Viceroy of the British India government to capture Jubraj Tikendrajit Singh, a policy of the British in those time – white men’s burden to civilize the natives –  which eventually turned out into a full blown war. The war ultimately ended when three British columns from three directions  – Burma, Cachhar and Kohima converged on Kangla, – the seat of power of Manipur on April 27, 1891.
The British found their justification for the destruction of Manipur on the ground that five British officers, including the Chief Commissioner of Assam, Mr. Quinton and the British Political Agent to Manipur, Mr. Grimwood were murdered by the Manipuris on the second day of the fight – March 25, 1891. It was a time when relations and diplomacy far outweighed rules or legality ; when relations broke violence was the rule and violence has no rule. Whatever may be the British were always right because they were the world power.
The minds of the British were clearly reflected in one of the unfair and contemptuous memoirs of a British officer, one Mr. Grant, who led the Burma column – “The fact is we left them (Manipuris) no bolte-hole, and they thought, after their treacherous murder of the five Englishmen at Manipur, that we would give them no quarter, and so every man fought till he was killed” – referring to the battle of Khongjom. The Burma column incidentally was the first to enter Kangla from the southern gate on that fateful day – April 27,1891.
The incident of the murder of the five British officers was certainly a blot on the Manipuris, who were fighting against a gigantic power, knowing fully well that the war could not be won. But as the Manipuris loved to say, “A moment’s freedom is a thousand times better than a life of slavery”; that was the spirit of the Manipuris who fought against a mighty power, till they were “killed”. And as history has shown the Manipuris have the courage to admit the past.
However to set the record straight, once and for all, it is to be put on record that, it was the treacherous attack – a plan hatched up by the British Chief Commissioner and the Political Agent, in spite of the relations established between the two since the 1820s, –  on the Manipuris in the wee hours of the previous morning, causing fatal injuries to many that had provoked them beyond controllable feelings as the British had no reason whatsoever to attack them. The British forces had also some casualty including fatal injuries to two officers –  one British and another native Indian.  And it was in that tensed situation, interspersed by intermittent firing between the Manipuri and the British forces, even using big guns that the unfortunate incident happened.
Now two decades and a century had passed since then and the world has landed on a global village. But the irony is, no society is going to lay its history to rest. And as an English essayist said, “History makes a man wise”; men have become wiser. 
It might be a right tribute to our forefathers, who had fought till their last moment for what they had believed, if Manipur solemnly commemorates April 27 as the National Day for soul-searching and reconciliation, and service, in right spirit.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/aGpyuWWtNPU/

NESO leaders meet Iron Lady of Manipur – Assam Tribune

Law et al. NewsNESO leaders meet Iron Lady of ManipurAssam TribuneLater briefing the media at the office of All Manipur Student Union headquarter here, NESO leaders have called upon the MPs and Chief Ministers of the Northeastern States to raise their …

Law et al. News

NESO leaders meet Iron Lady of Manipur
Assam Tribune
Later briefing the media at the office of All Manipur Student Union headquarter here, NESO leaders have called upon the MPs and Chief Ministers of the Northeastern States to raise their voice against AFSPA in the National Capital.
Candlelight vigil in support of Manipur activist's fastDaily News & Analysis
Has India forgotten Irom Sharmila?Times Now.tv
NE students launch fresh stir against AFSPA, 1958Law et al. News
iNewsOne –Assam Times –KanglaOnline
all 24 news articles »

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Source: The Sangai Express – E-Pao.net

Source: The Sangai ExpressE-Pao.netImphal, April 26 2011: Application forms for engagement of contractual staff under Manipur State AIDS Control Society can now be downloaded from its website www.manipursacs.nic.in . The last date for form submission i…

Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, April 26 2011: Application forms for engagement of contractual staff under Manipur State AIDS Control Society can now be downloaded from its website www.manipursacs.nic.in . The last date for form submission is May 9, 2011, informed a press

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Fishermen rolls up sleeves to defy Act – E-Pao.net

Fishermen rolls up sleeves to defy ActE-Pao.netImphal, April 26 2011: Contending that the provisions of Manipur Loktak Lake (Protection) Act, 2006 is a direct challenge to their rights, fishermen who depend on Loktak lake for livelihood have threatened…

Fishermen rolls up sleeves to defy Act
Imphal, April 26 2011: Contending that the provisions of Manipur Loktak Lake (Protection) Act, 2006 is a direct challenge to their rights, fishermen who depend on Loktak lake for livelihood have threatened to launch intense agitation if the said Act is
Fishermen unite to fight Loktak Lake Protection ActKanglaOnline

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AIR Imphal News -26th April 2011 7.30 Evening

Source:- AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.

AIR News 7.30 p.m Source:- AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/BOxMAJ9PQl8/

Assam win 4 golds in N-E Games – IBNLive.com

Assam win 4 golds in N-E GamesIBNLive.comPTI | 09:04 PM,Apr 26,2011 Itanagar, Apr 26 (PTI) Assam today bagged four golds to top the medal tally with Manipur and Tripura getting two gold medals each in the 25th edition of the North East Games, which was…

Assam win 4 golds in N-E Games
PTI | 09:04 PM,Apr 26,2011 Itanagar, Apr 26 (PTI) Assam today bagged four golds to top the medal tally with Manipur and Tripura getting two gold medals each in the 25th edition of the North East Games, which was kicked off at Dirang in West Kameng

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NE students launch fresh stir against AFSPA, 1958 – Law et al. News

Law et al. NewsNE students launch fresh stir against AFSPA, 1958Law et al. NewsThe North East Students' Organisation (NESO), the banner organization of all the major students' unions in the seven Northeastern states – Assam, Meghalaya, Manipu…

Law et al. News

NE students launch fresh stir against AFSPA, 1958
Law et al. News
The North East Students' Organisation (NESO), the banner organization of all the major students' unions in the seven Northeastern states – Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Mizoram and Nagaland, has launched a fresh region wide
Has India forgotten Irom Sharmila?Times Now.tv
Candlelight vigil in support of Manipur activist's fastDaily News & Analysis
Assam endorses another Anna Hazare – Irom Sharmila!E-Pao.net
KanglaOnline –iNewsOne
all 17 news articles »

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GPRN/NSCN condemns multiple murder – MorungExpress

GPRN/NSCN condemns multiple murderMorungExpress… fear and silence in the mind of the people” and that it mattered “little whether GOI applaud Th. Muivah or take him to task for ordering assassination of Wungnaoshang Keishing, sitting MLA of Phung…

GPRN/NSCN condemns multiple murder
fear and silence in the mind of the people” and that it mattered “little whether GOI applaud Th. Muivah or take him to task for ordering assassination of Wungnaoshang Keishing, sitting MLA of Phungyar Constituency, Ukhrul, Manipur”.

and more »

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Has India forgotten Irom Sharmila? – Times Now.tv

Has India forgotten Irom Sharmila?Times Now.tvIts been 10 years and Irom Sharmila is continuing her fight against the Armed Forces Special Powers Act beign imposed in Manipur for over 50years. After the Lokpal Bill movement, Irom's cause has gained…

Has India forgotten Irom Sharmila?
Times Now.tv
Its been 10 years and Irom Sharmila is continuing her fight against the Armed Forces Special Powers Act beign imposed in Manipur for over 50years. After the Lokpal Bill movement, Irom's cause has gained some attention. But the question is why has the
Candlelight vigil in support of Manipur activist's fastDaily News & Analysis
Sharmila`s name should not be used to garner political mileage asserts her brotherKanglaOnline
Khasi students oppose armed forces' special powersiNewsOne
Assam Tribune –Outlook
all 14 news articles »

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Felling trees inside temple premises

Police has started investigation into a controversy that erupted among the villagers of Kekru from the cutting down of trees in the premises of Mahadeva Temple Guwarok hill under Yairipok PS of Thoubal district Source Hueiyen News Service

Police has started investigation into a controversy that erupted among the villagers of Kekru from the cutting down of trees in the premises of Mahadeva Temple Guwarok hill under Yairipok PS of Thoubal district Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=28&src=260411

Lilong tense over alleged destruction to Bridge work

Tension ran high at Lilong and Arapti area over the alleged destruction caused to the repairing work of a bridge over Iril river connecting the two neighbouring villages Source The Sangai Express

Tension ran high at Lilong and Arapti area over the alleged destruction caused to the repairing work of a bridge over Iril river connecting the two neighbouring villages Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=14&src=260411

Woman dupes many posing as DDO

Lured with jobs at the Central Social Welfare office, Churachandpur, a woman had collected huge amounts of money and went into hiding Source Hueiyen News Service

Lured with jobs at the Central Social Welfare office, Churachandpur, a woman had collected huge amounts of money and went into hiding Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=26&src=260411

Apart from Congress other parties indulge in mere propaganda CM

Asserting that political parties in the state have started preparing for the election to the Imphal Municipal Council to be held on May 25, Chief Minister, O Ibobi Singh today said that he was happy that other political parties are fielding candidates …

Asserting that political parties in the state have started preparing for the election to the Imphal Municipal Council to be held on May 25, Chief Minister, O Ibobi Singh today said that he was happy that other political parties are fielding candidates in the election Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=24&src=260411

MNRF accuses IM

Condemning the ambush laid on the convoy party of Phungyar A C MLA W Keishing that left eight persons killed, Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front MNRF has stated that the Kamo Tangkhul people of Phungyar areas have realised about the nepotism, partial…

Condemning the ambush laid on the convoy party of Phungyar A C MLA W Keishing that left eight persons killed, Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front MNRF has stated that the Kamo Tangkhul people of Phungyar areas have realised about the nepotism, partiality and dirty policies of NSCN IM even though they are from the same community Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=12&src=260411

NSCNK IM carried out murderous ambush

The Khaplang group of the NSCN today terms the ambush on the convoy of Wungnaoshang Keishing was an act of terrorism carried put by the NSCN IM that claimed eight lives on April 15 Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

The Khaplang group of the NSCN today terms the ambush on the convoy of Wungnaoshang Keishing was an act of terrorism carried put by the NSCN IM that claimed eight lives on April 15 Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=22&src=260411