NE Games 2011 Medals Tally

The XXV NE Games 2011 was inaugurated and declared open by Shri Bosiram Siram Minister Education Arunachal Pradesh as Chief guest in a colorful and befitting manner at 2.30 pm at Lopen Stadium Dirang on April 25,2011. Tenzing Norbu Thongdok, Chairman …

The XXV NE Games 2011 was inaugurated and declared open by Shri Bosiram Siram Minister Education Arunachal Pradesh as Chief guest in a colorful and befitting manner at 2.30 pm at Lopen Stadium Dirang on April 25,2011. Tenzing Norbu Thongdok, Chairman Aruncahal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board. The moment the NE games was declared open […]

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Fishermen Unite To Fight Loktak Lake Protection Act

IMPHAL April 26 (IFP) : Locals mainly fishermen from Thanga ,Karang and Ithing area voiced their dissent regarding the handicaps faced by them due to the implementation of the Loktak Lake Protection Act at a public meeting held at Karang island today….

IMPHAL April 26 (IFP) : Locals mainly fishermen from Thanga ,Karang and Ithing area voiced their dissent regarding the handicaps faced by them due to the implementation of the Loktak Lake Protection Act at a public meeting held at Karang island today. During the meeting the fishermen resolved to fight the ‘inhuman’ act through any […]

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NESO Leaders Meet Irom Sharmila Chanu

Imphal, April 26:The whole nation with people from all walks of life ranging from high profile politicians, actors, actresses to ordinary men, from spiritual leaders to national media houses supported the fast of Anna Hazare against corruption in the …

Imphal, April 26:The whole nation with people from all walks of life ranging from high profile politicians, actors, actresses to ordinary men, from spiritual leaders to national media houses supported the fast of Anna Hazare against corruption in the national capital forcing the government to accept his demands. Irom Chanu Sharmila who has been fasting […]

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AIR Imphal News –27th April 2011 7.30 Morning

Source: AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.

AIR News 7.30 p.m Source: AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.

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Imphal Free Press being read in Heidenheim, Germany

IMPHAL FREE PRESS, March 6, 2011, issue being read in the German town of Heidenheim. This is part of a public art project by some academics in England and Ireland… Read more »

IMPHAL FREE PRESS, March 6, 2011, issue being read in the German town of Heidenheim. This is part of a public art project by some academics in England and Ireland with the objective of connecting different outlying provinces of the world through the provincial media. IMPHAL FREE PRESS coordianted with HEIDENHEIMER ZEITUNG in Germany and had on March 6 carried a photo feature titled "Where is Imphal?". This particular page was also reproduced in the HEIDENHEIMER ZEITUNG and circulated.

IMPHAL FREE PRESS, March 6, 2011, issue being read in the German town of Heidenheim. This is part of a public art project by some academics in England and Ireland with the objective of connecting different outlying provinces of the world through the provincial media. IMPHAL FREE PRESS coordianted with HEIDENHEIMER ZEITUNG in Germany and had on March 6 carried a photo feature titled "Where is Imphal?". This particular page was also reproduced in the HEIDENHEIMER ZEITUNG and circulated.

IMPHAL FREE PRESS, March 6, 2011, issue being read in the German town of Heidenheim. This is part of a public art project by some academics in England and Ireland with the objective of connecting different outlying provinces of the world through the provincial media. IMPHAL FREE PRESS coordinated with HEIDENHEIMER ZEITUNG in Germany and had on March 6 carried a photo feature titled “Where is Imphal?”. This particular page was also reproduced in the HEIDENHEIMER ZEITUNG and circulated.

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Dr. Surjalal Sharma wins CMNS Distinguished Research Scientist Prize

COLLEGE PARK, April 26: Dr. Adhikarimayum Surjalal Sharma has won the inaugural College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) Distinguished Research Scientist Prize at the University of Maryland, College… Read more »

Dr. Adhikarimayum Surjalal Sharma

Dr. Adhikarimayum Surjalal Sharma

COLLEGE PARK, April 26: Dr. Adhikarimayum Surjalal Sharma has won the inaugural College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) Distinguished Research Scientist Prize at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). This award carries a prize of $5,000.


Dr. Surjalal will receive the prize from Dean Halperin on May 16, 2011 and deliver the CMNS Distinguished Prize Lecture at 5 pm on May 16 2011 in CSS 2400. The prize lecture will be followed by a reception.

Dr. Surjalal has been mentoring a Walt Whitman High School student, Julia Cline, who has been interning with Surja and UMD’s space physics group. She and her project “The Magnetosphere as a Complex Network” won the Grand (ISEF) Prize in Earth & Space Sciences at the recent Science Montgomery Fair, one of the biggest science fairs in the country. This gives her one of the county’s four berths at the big Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Los Angeles.

The original news item is available at:

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NESO meets Irom Chanu Sharmila – Assam Times

Law et al. NewsNESO meets Irom Chanu SharmilaAssam TimesA student delegate of Northeast states today met Irom Chanu Sharmila, who is undergoing fast-unto-death on the demand of withdrawal of AFSPA from Manipur, to show solidarity and support to her str…

Law et al. News

NESO meets Irom Chanu Sharmila
Assam Times
A student delegate of Northeast states today met Irom Chanu Sharmila, who is undergoing fast-unto-death on the demand of withdrawal of AFSPA from Manipur, to show solidarity and support to her struggle. Speaking to media, Dr. Samujal, Chairman, NESO,
NESO leaders meet Iron Lady of ManipurAssam Tribune
Candlelight vigil in support of Manipur activist's fastDaily News & Analysis
Neso backs Sharmila's causeCalcutta Telegraph
Times –Law et al. News –MorungExpress
all 24 news articles »

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Calling Time on the most unsafe state in India – Part 3

CAUSES OF ETHNIC CONFLICT IN MANIPUR & SUGESTED REMEDIES By: Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh Ethnic conflicts in Manipur are not phenomenal only for Manipur. They are world-wide. I can understand… Read more »

By: Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh

Ethnic conflicts in Manipur are not phenomenal only for Manipur. They are world-wide. I can understand why the Nagas of Manipur want to secede and join Nagaland. It is naught to do with political economy but ethnicity ie to join fellow Nagas and live for ever “without perceived discrimination”.

Many political scientists have studied ethnic strife and its remedies. There are differing schools of thought.

Defining the causes of ethnic strife in Manipur is easy as they do elsewhere, by just cataloguing a cocktail of poverty, misunderstanding, resentment, cultural intolerance and perceived injustices. But finding remedies is very difficult

Ethnic conflict is caused by ethnicity, which mobilises, structures and manages ethnic organisations. Further their leaders use ethnic divisive strategies to mobilise political support.

The potential for ethnic conflict is almost universal because there are very few states with only one ethnic group.

Democracy alone cannot ensure ethnic harmony. Instead it allows freer expression of ethnic antagonisms.

In theory, in Manipur leaders of the dominant Meitei group gain office and then use state institutions to distribute economic and political benefits preferentially to the Meiteis and thus discriminate against other minority tribes. That is, the state is ineffective in addressing the concerns of their constituencies.

The minority ethnic groups having endured alleged discrimination for over sixty years felt that their shared deprivation has been long enough and thus mobilised political support on ethnic lines.

In reality, the cause of ethnic conflict is primordial. That is, ethnic conflict exists because there are traditions of belief and actions towards primordial objects such as biological features and especially territorial location and the concept of kinship between members of ethnic groups such as Kabuis, Tangkhuls and Nagas. This kinship makes it possible for ethnic groups to think in terms of family resemblances.

The leaders of the minority ethnic groups in the state want accommodation in terms of jobs, economy, security, development, health care and so on. When they are not forth coming from or judged “politically infeasible” by the dominant groups, the leaders take recourse to violent protests. The more radicalised leaders became militant (Donald L Horowitz). Underground groups came into existence. This usually causes the birth of ethnonationationalism.

The territorial integrity of Manipur is now vigorously challenged by the diversity of 36 ethnic groups living in the state. The insurgents of these ethnic Nagas, kacha nagas (Zemi nagas now) and smaller units like Hmar, paite. Gangte etc all demand regional autonomy or independence. Meiteis want an independent Kangleipak while Kukis dream of Zalengam. Nagas prefer to form Nagalim.

However, in Manipuri ethnic conflict preceded such a current scenario. Before the Manipur state came into existence in 1947, Athiko Daiho from Mao and a few other prominent leaders from other tribal groups formed the National Naga League in September 1946 for separate Naga inhabited areas. I have full sympathy for these organisations of ethnic groups; because that was what they thought was the best for them – a state for all the tribal groups outside of the majority Hindu Meiteis.

The cause of ethnic conflict in Manipur is thus political ethnicity and not economic disparity.
The later is only a vehicle to fight the ethnic war. This makes it very hard to find a tangible remedy short of secession.

Time has changed since. The tribal people became educated and the Meiteis became liberalised and were more and more willing to accommodate them.

The problem is endless. It is not unlike the demands of Mongoloid Nagaland and Manipur to secede form Mayang India. Anyone in northeast India must not be deluded that India will part with Nagaland or Manipur. Three wars with Pakistan and dedicated Kashmiri militants failed to dislodge Kashmir from India. However, this is not the point of my article.

My article is about suggestions as to how the different ethnic groups in Manipur could reconcile themselves.

There are three possible types of ethnic conflict outcomes in Manipur: (1) peaceful reconciliation as advocated by the Meiteis; (2) peaceful separation as demanded by the Nagas; and (3) endless ethnic conflicts.

Looking at the three options, which have been in existence for a number of years and from the security-centric Indian Government, a peaceful ethnic reconciliation is the best option.

The majority Meiteis and minority ethnic groups need to put their heads together and devise new mini constitutional arrangements to address specific concerns of grievances especially more local autonomy and minority rights guarantees such as quota reservations for universities, jobs, and the continuation of the application of Schedule V within a new federal structure with more political, economic, cultural or administrative autonomy within existing institutional arrangements.

These arrangements will provide security and promote economic prosperity for the ethnic minorities.

According to UN Report on Ethnicity and Development in 2004, accommodating people’s growing demands for their inclusion in society, for respect of their ethnicity, religion, and
culture are the mainstay of remedying ethnic conflicts.

The 2004 Report builds on that analysis, by carefully examining and rejecting claims that cultural differences necessarily lead to social, economic and political conflict or that inherent cultural rights should supersede political and economic ones.

The UN Report makes a case for respecting diversity and building more inclusive societies by adopting policies that explicitly recognize cultural differences – multicultural policies:

(1) Cultural liberty is a vital part of human development because being able to choose one’s identity is important in leading a full life;

(2) Cultural liberty allows people to live the lives they value without being excluded from other choices important to them such as education, health or job opportunities;

(3) Several emerging models of multicultural democracy provide effective mechanisms for power sharing between culturally diverse groups;

(4) Power sharing arrangements have broadly proven to be critical in resolving tensions; and

(5) Multicultural policies that recognize differences between groups are needed to address injustices historically rooted and socially entrenched.

These are good theories but practical application is quite another kettle of fish. Because of hierarchal form of unitary government Manipur needs a body of policy makers representing all the tribal groups that can influence the state government policy-making power.

The writer is based in the UK
Email: imsingh AT

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Yoga fair to instill right food habits for a healthy state – KanglaOnline

Yoga fair to instill right food habits for a healthy stateKanglaOnlineDeclaring this Dr. Babu Joseph, director NIN, Pune during a press conference held this afternoon at the Manipur Press Club Imphal, further added that food is essential in building he…

Yoga fair to instill right food habits for a healthy state
Declaring this Dr. Babu Joseph, director NIN, Pune during a press conference held this afternoon at the Manipur Press Club Imphal, further added that food is essential in building health, but there are certain health principles related to food and food

and more »

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‘Ibobi most corrupt CM in India’ MPP

The MPP has been angered by CM O Ibobi Singh’s statement of having no political parties which could contest with the Congress Source Hueiyen News Service

The MPP has been angered by CM O Ibobi Singh’s statement of having no political parties which could contest with the Congress Source Hueiyen News Service

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Highway traffic disturbed by bandh

Police today succeeded in convincing protestors blocking the Imphal Dimapur section of NH 39 between Mantripukhri and Koirengei to press the government to book the culprit s involved in the murder of a housewife Source Hueiyen News Service

Police today succeeded in convincing protestors blocking the Imphal Dimapur section of NH 39 between Mantripukhri and Koirengei to press the government to book the culprit s involved in the murder of a housewife Source Hueiyen News Service

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Vendors’ differences disturb normalcy at Khwairamband Keithel

A chaotic scene erupted at Khwairamband Keithel when women vendors of temporary market sheds and streets vendors rose up separately and disrupted normal business today Source Hueiyen News Service

A chaotic scene erupted at Khwairamband Keithel when women vendors of temporary market sheds and streets vendors rose up separately and disrupted normal business today Source Hueiyen News Service

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Killing of Roma decried

Decrying the killing of Roma Devi, a large number of people today blocked half of the Imphal Dimapur road and staged a Wakat Meepham at Mantripukhri Source The Sangai Express

Decrying the killing of Roma Devi, a large number of people today blocked half of the Imphal Dimapur road and staged a Wakat Meepham at Mantripukhri Source The Sangai Express

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Painting, slogan contest for Earth Day

As a part of the painting and slogan competitions organised in 12 selected schools across the country in connection with the Earth Day under the aegis of the Ministry of Earth Science, a painting and slogan writing competition was held at Regina Englis…

As a part of the painting and slogan competitions organised in 12 selected schools across the country in connection with the Earth Day under the aegis of the Ministry of Earth Science, a painting and slogan writing competition was held at Regina English School, Chingmeirong today Source The Sangai Express

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World IPIntellectual Property Day observed

As in other part of the globe, World Intellectual Property Day, 2011 was observed under the theme of ‘Designing the future’ at MSME Development Institute, Takyel Industrial Estate here today Source The Sangai Express

As in other part of the globe, World Intellectual Property Day, 2011 was observed under the theme of ‘Designing the future’ at MSME Development Institute, Takyel Industrial Estate here today Source The Sangai Express

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Kalmadi in footwear target club

Former OC big boss Suresh Kalmadi was walking into Patiala House court when he was greeted by a chappal that narrowly missed him Source The Sangai Express Parikshit Luthra CNN IBN

Former OC big boss Suresh Kalmadi was walking into Patiala House court when he was greeted by a chappal that narrowly missed him Source The Sangai Express Parikshit Luthra CNN IBN

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Fishermen rolls up sleeves to defy Act

Contending that the provisions of Manipur Loktak Lake Protection Act, 2006 is a direct challenge to their rights, fishermen who depend on Loktak lake for livelihood have threatened to launch intense agitation if the said Act is not abolished Source…

Contending that the provisions of Manipur Loktak Lake Protection Act, 2006 is a direct challenge to their rights, fishermen who depend on Loktak lake for livelihood have threatened to launch intense agitation if the said Act is not abolished Source The Sangai Express

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MPP seeks clarification from CM

Referring to the BJP spokesperson’s allegation that an ‘extremist group named Cabinet has emerged in Manipur’, the MPP has sought an explicit clarification from Chief Minister Okram Ibobi who is heading the SPF Government Source The Sangai Express

Referring to the BJP spokesperson’s allegation that an ‘extremist group named Cabinet has emerged in Manipur’, the MPP has sought an explicit clarification from Chief Minister Okram Ibobi who is heading the SPF Government Source The Sangai Express

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