Mental illness on the rise in state

IMPHAL June 9:  Due to present conflict situations, mental illness has been on the rise in the state and the matter need to be discussed in length. This was disclosed… Read more »

IMPHAL June 9:  Due to present conflict situations, mental illness has been on the rise in the state and the matter need to be discussed in length.
This was disclosed by Dr. Abdul Bary of the Manipur State Mental Health Authority today at one day awareness campaign on mental health held at Kamong Meisnam Leikai which was organized by the Nupi Agang Yaipha Lup under the sponsorship of the Manipur State Mental Health Authority (MSMHA).
Dr. Abdul Bary was one of the resource person at the campaign.
He further said that various mental problems were found by the doctors in the state. Among them depression illness and panic or disorder are some of the main mental disease. Such illness of depression are mostly created by the lost of property, divorce etc.
Person with mental illness needed treatment as earliest as possible because this illness sometimes led to committing suicide due to high depression.
He further said that depression illness, panic and disorder illness were created in the state mostly due to conflict issue and family matter as well from friend’s circles.
He further mentioned that to give awareness on mental health, the state government had launch this campaign from 2008 and still gives awareness to villages.
He also appealed the villager of Kamong to consult medical practitioner and give immediate treatment whenever any villager are found having mental disorder.
M Shakhi Devi, vice president of the All Manipur Nupi Marup, who attended as chief guest also disclosed that prevailing conflict situation in the state is one main factor for developing mental disorder.
She further appeal the Manipur State Mental Health Authority to organise more awareness campaign like the one organised today at Kamong.
During the awareness campaign, Kh. Imoba Singh resource person MSMHA, Kamong GP Pradhan A. Kunjamala and Working Women Forum Manipur Y Indramani Devi also attended.

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NACP set for designing fourth phase

IMPHAL, June 9, 2011: The National AIDS Control Programme is in the process of designing the fourth phase of the programme, which is expected to be launched in April 2012…. Read more »

IMPHAL, June 9, 2011: The National AIDS Control Programme is in the process of designing the fourth phase of the programme, which is expected to be launched in April 2012. In response to this, 500 civil society organizations and community groups from across the country have decided to come together and conduct five regional consultations to shape a blue print and design for the programme.
In order to facilitate participation consultations will be held in different regions over the coming week. The first consultations which began in Guwahati today for the North East region will be followed by consultations in Delhi for North India, Pune for West India, Kolkata for East India and Bangalore for South India. The Guwahati consultation was attended by 110 participants from eight states including Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Tripura and Assam. The regional consultations will feed into the NACP IV design, especially areas that communities and civil society want incorporated and made integral to the programme.
Commenting on this unique and unprecedented response, Dr. Sundarraman, a social activist involved for the last 30 years on the issue said, “We are not here just to dot the “I’s” and “T’s” of a programme document outlined by officials of NACO.”  Therefore, participants, many of whom have the vast experience of the community and hitherto difficult-to-reach populations, will deliberate on, “what worked for them in the present programme and why and what did not work” and how did we go about fixing it”.
During today’s deliberation, there was general discontentment about the lack of sharing by NACO of the planning process and proposed design of NACP IV. Many of the participants felt that their key role in the present phase of the programme has been completely ignored and their participation sidelined. The common demand of 100 delegates from civil society at the Guwahati consultation was let the fourth phase of the National AIDS Control Programme be a “people’s programme”.
Tomorrow, June 10,  over 95 participants from various line departments such as the Women and Child, health, law, education, DIPR, RNTCP and the AIDS Control Program such SACS, DPACU from the state level government agencies, from across eights North East states, are expected to make their recommendations for the design of the fourth phase program. Five members of the civil society will participate in the regional consultation and provide recommendations emerging from the ongoing community interactions.
 In light of this, the civil society consultation has emerged as a vibrant forum and an opportunity for the communities and civil society to put forward its experiences and expectations from the NACP IV. In one voice the message from all the participants is that a sense of urgency must be made a part of the planning and that the spirit of partnership witnessed in phase 3 must be strengthened to ensure that as the fourth phase program rolls out.
Dr. S.I. Ahmed, Director, AIDS Prevention Society, stated, “We need to ensure that the State AIDS Control Societies, health departments are made more accountable. Inter- sectorial collaborations are important but without ownership at the district level it’s a distant reality. More importantly, we are not seeing any systematic efforts to strengthen community ownership”.  
Bulee, a peer educator with the NGO Lamjingshai, Meghalaya, spoke of how, “Community mobilization is difficult particularly in Meghalaya, which has a matrilineal social setup because stigma and discrimination is high. The larger community, unlike in other states , is yet to acknowledge the existence of the community. Mental health has not been addressed at all. Most of the community members take to drugs due to frustration (lack of recognition). Let’s address mental health issues be addressed before we talk about behavioral change” she added.
Jahir Ulla Ali, Team Leader, Bhorakha Group, Guwahati, pointed out that, “ICTCs do not have MSM counselors who clearly understand the psycho-social issues of the community. Guwahati has only one MSM DIC. Stigma and discrimination is also preventing community members from accessing treatment in general hospitals and other clinics. Mobilization is also difficult due to a lack of MSM specific services.
Mary, a FSW from Manipur opined that, “NACP-IV should go beyond providing basic STI treatment and take into consideration the treatment of other related complications. A number of FSWs are homeless, having been driven out of their homes by their families and are taking shelter in bus stops, market sheds and other public space which is making them even more vulnerable”. Earlier, while speaking on behalf of community groups of the seven states in the North East, Raj Kumar Raju opined that, “If the rich experience of the community is not taken seriously and a comprehensive programmes are not worked out for an array of drug users, including under-served groups like female drug users, during the next phase of programme it would be difficult to halt the epidemic let along reverse it.”  
Taking this forward, Luke Samson, from the NGO Sharan, emphasized that the time has come for community groups most affected by HIV to go beyond providing advice and recommendations and start shaping the operational scope of the programme. He made it clear that while some interventions such as the Needle Syringe Exchange Programme (NSEP) have to be consistently implemented for regular drug users; other more complex interventions such as Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) required a tremendous amount of designing and planning, especially in the programmes run in community settings.  He added that, “Without a human rights framework any health intervention that is seeking to address such marginal communities cannot work.”
Shashi, SASO, Manipur spoke of how, “IDUs, PLHAs and other communities are suffering in the North East. However, the NACO’s planning process did not even invite a large organization like SASO which is working with the community to the working group consultations”.
A key recommendation that emerged from the civil society representatives was that the fourth phase must be more accommodating and flexible to the ground level situations.
Bazo, Director, Kekhrie Foundation, Nagaland, felt that, “The key focus should be on women and children. We need a response to the stigma and discrimination that people are facing on the ground. PLHAS must be involved as a distinct entity rather than as part of the program delivery.”
Pratishta Chettri, Drishti, Sikkim, West District, narrated the difficulties of implementing programmes for vulnerable populations like FSWs in Sikkim and how it was difficult to overcome the stigma faced by the populations. “They are not able to come out. How do we reach out to them and give services?” She also felt that strategies like the PPP model could not be adopted in the context of Sikkim since very few private providers were willing to come forward.
Bhiku Brahmanand, Secretary, Arunachal Pali Vidya Peet, Lohit, Chowkham spoke of the necessity of ensuring that the skill building process reached out to the more isolated areas of North East.

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60th plenary NEC meeting to be held in New Delhi

AIZAWL, June 9(NNN): The 60th North Eastern Council (NEC) meeting is slated to be held on June 16 and 17 in Delhi which is to be attended among others, the… Read more »

AIZAWL, June 9(NNN): The 60th North Eastern Council (NEC) meeting is slated to be held on June 16 and 17 in Delhi which is to be attended among others, the chief ministers, governors and chief secretaries of all the North Eastern States including Sikkim.
An official source in the Mizoram government said various topic for over all development of North East including power scenario, education, science and technology, railways, air connectivity, innovation for the North Eastern region, transport and communication in the States, agriculture, sports etc. will be touched upon.
The source said special presentations will be made by Ministry of Power on the Action Plan prepared for the NE region based on the Vision NER 2020 and discussion thereon. Presentation will also be made on Draft Master Plan prepared by the NEC on Tourism in the North Eastern Region as per the NER Vision 2020 (prepared by M/s Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., engaged by NEC) and discussion thereon.  The meeting will dwell on the State Government of Mizoram on the Report prepared on Education Sector in the State. Sam Pitroda, Advisor to Prime Minister and Chairman, National Innovation Council will also present on the Innovation for the North Eastern Region. Mission Director, Mission on Geo Spatial Applications, Ministry of Science and Technology will present on “GIS mapping of social infrastructure in Nagaland and Manipur using 3D terrain models”. Ministry of Railways will also present on the Action Plan prepared for North Eastern Region on the basis of NER Vision 2020 and discussion thereon.
The source then said presentation of awards to the winners of the recently constituted North Eastern Council Chairman’s Sports Award for Excellence will be held. Gold Medalist in the recently held International events such as Common Wealth and Asian Games are being given Rs. 10.00 lakhs for Gold Medal, Rs. 5.00 lakhs for Silver and Rs. 3.00 lakhs for Bronze each.
As a body for planning and execution for over all development of the North East States, the meet is to chaired by Union Minister of DoNER and Chairman, NEC, B.K Handique. Almost all the Hon’ble Governors, Chief Ministers, Chief Secretaries and senior officers have confirmed their participation in the Plenary so far. The August House will dwell on various development activities already undertaken and future course of action to be embarked upon.
It may be mentioned here that NEC has taken giant stride for development of N.E States in area such as Transport and Communication, Power Generation, Industrial Development, Agriculture and Horticulture, Science and Technology, Irrigation, Health Sector, Promotion of Sports, Education, Vocational Trainings for unemployed Youth of North East States. Financial supports to the meritorial students taking up different technical courses etc. Master Plan for Tourism of North East is under preparation.
To uplift and support the meritorious under privileged students of the North East 23 students, (3 each from the seven states and 2 from Sikkim) are being sponsored from this year at the Assam Riffle Public School Laitkor, Shillong. Under the able supervision of the Hon’ble Minister, Dr. T. Ao Football Tournament aptly named after the legendary barefoot Indian Team Captain from the North East was set up. Tournaments will be held in all the North East States on rotation and huge amount of cash prize are also provided.

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Nine UGs arrested by SF

IMPHAL, May 9: A combined team of Bishnupur police commando and 4/8 Gurkha Rifles arrested four hardcore cadres of the proscribe PREPAK (HOME) including BPR district commander-in-charge during search operation… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 9: A combined team of Bishnupur police commando and 4/8 Gurkha Rifles arrested four hardcore cadres of the proscribe PREPAK (HOME) including BPR district commander-in-charge during search operation conducted at Bishnupur area on June 8 at around 2pm.
The arrested cadres were identified as Ngangom Somorjit alias Abung alias Malem, 30 s/o Ng. Bira of Langpok Maning Leikai, Trongbam Moupa alias Joy 31 s/o (L) T. Ibohal of Utlou Makha Leikai, Chanambam Yaiskul Singh, 55 s/o (L) Ch. Gouramani of yumnam Khunou Mamang Leikai and Kshetrimayum (O) Tombi Devi, 28 w/o (L) Ksh.  Munal of Phaogak Ikhai.
An official release said Malem and Yaiskul were involved in placing hand grenade at the residence of Angousana, Pradhan of Keinou Gram Panchayat and extorted rupees 50 thousands. The duo also involved in extortion of  one lakh sixty thousands rupees from one Basanta Singh, Pradhan,. Sanjenbam Gram Panchayat.
Police recovered two Chinese hand grenade, three mobile hand sets with four sim cards from Tombi Devi.
On further verification, Tombi Devi disclosed that she replaced one Chinese hand grenade near the residence of Ranjit Singh, Pradhan of Nachou Gram Panchayat in connection with monetary demands relating to NREGA fund under the direction of Malem.
On other hand Malem and Moupa were arrested earlier as cadres of KCP(City Meitei) and Yiskul was also arrested earlier in c/w fraudulent withdrawal of relief fund from D.C office of Bishnupur.
In the meantime, troops of the 35 Assam riffles arrested four UNLF cadres from Old Aishi village of Chandel district during search operations.
Arrested cadres of UNLF were identified as Bobby Meitei, 21 of Salamang Leikai, Lamphel, Ranjeet Singh 27 of Kongphal Porompat, Bocha Meitei of 21 of Moreh and Sanjay Singh, 25 of Yairipok.
One Daggers and Myanmar currency of 100 kyats were recovered from the possessions of arrested cadres.
In yet another arrest, troops of 23 Assam rifles of 10 sector under HQ IGAR (s) launched operation in general area of  Nongdam in Ukhrul district and apprehended one cadres of KYKL on June 8.
The apprehended cadres was identified as one Keisham Binod Kumar alias Inoa Singh s/o K. Rajendro of Keibi Mapal Awang Leikai.

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Meghen calls for stopping extortions, stresses need for improving work culture

IMPHAL, June 9: The arrested UNLF chairmen RK Meghen, who is in the custody of NIA, has called for stopping all form of extortions in the name of revolution. The… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 9: The arrested UNLF chairmen RK Meghen, who is in the custody of NIA, has called for stopping all form of extortions in the name of revolution.
The UNLF leader also appeal revolutionaries to give more emphasis on improving work culture rather than engaging in extortions so that peoples could regain faith in revolutionary movement.
The UNLF chairmen made the appeal through mediaperson while he was produced before the special NIA Court in Guwahati today.
Reacting to the recent statement made by Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh during a function held at Ukhrul district on the matter of holding election to determine whether people supported revolutionary movement or not,  the arrested UNLF leader said outfit’s desire for holding ‘Plebiscite’ and Manipur CM’s observation of holding election to determine fate of the revolutinary movement in Manipur have the same meaning.
While accepting the concept of determining people’s choice on the issue, the UNLF chairmen maintained that the outfit will honour and abide by the people’s mandate provided such Vote is held under the supervision of the United Nations and the people are free not terrorised or threatened.
As long as people remained in tragic state due to heavy deployment of security forces in Manipur, such a Vote would never be free and fair, the UNLF leader asserted.
To a query relating to governance of a revolutionary group fighting for regaining freedom of the people, the UNLF chairmen expressed that the outfit believe in democracy.
Based on culture, tradition and geographical similarities of the hill and valley dwellers in Manipur, the UNLF has been working towards bringing equal economic development of the society  so that it is not dependable to others, Meghen said and expressed hope that revolutionary movement could move forward if people have faith in such a governance.
If the people of Manipur want alternative form of governance other than the India’s capitalist system of governance, a collective effort is needed right from the grass root level, Meghen maintained and called for bringing unity of all the revolutionary groups operating in Manipur.
The UNLF chairmen also called upon revolutionaries who have taken to the wrong path for mere monetary gains to return to the mainstream and work for betterment of the society.
The UNLF chairmen also stressed the need for forming a proactive democratic movement  to challenge undemocratic means of force being utilized by the government to suppress people who are looking for a means to end India-Manipur conflict.
While lauding role played by media in Manipur in every aspect of life, the UNLF chairmen said press-media should be given free hand and no disturbance should be given to them in executing their duty.
RK Meghen was produced before the NIA court this afternoon along with outfit’s organisation secretary and other arrested cadres of the outfit. They would be produced in the same court on June 23 again.

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Shops looted

IMPHAL, June 9: In yet another case of theft in Imphal Bazar area where security forces deployed for round the clock, unidentified looters broke open shutters of two electronic shops… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 9: In yet another case of theft in Imphal Bazar area where security forces deployed for round the clock, unidentified looters broke open shutters of two electronic shops located at Paona International market.
Some DVD machine and money in cash around Rs 2000 were looted namely Sunrise Electronics and Chingtham Brothers Enterprises.
The DVD machines were left behind but some cash stored at the shops have been taken away by the looters.
Owner’s of the two shops expressed concern about state police’s inability to nab gang who are frequently looting shops in Imphal city area.

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South Point School, Nilamani Eng School emerged winner in IW Subroto Mukherjee football

IMPHAL, June 9: South Point School and Nilamani English School have emerged champion of the U-17 and U-14 respectively of the Imphal West Subroto Mukherjee qualifying tournament. In the finals… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 9: South Point School and Nilamani English School have emerged champion of the U-17 and U-14 respectively of the Imphal West Subroto Mukherjee qualifying tournament.
In the finals played today at Practice Field of Khuman Lampak Sports Complex, South Point School defeated CT Hr. Sec School by 4-3 in the tie-break while Nilamani English School defeated Standard Roberth Hr. Sec School by 9-0 goals.
The final match for U-17 between SPS and CTHSS was so tightly contested that the match had to be extended to extra time as both the team were locked at 2-2 during normal period. As the match could not be decided during even during extra time, it was finally decided in the tie-break.
In the tie-break, SPS emerged winner as two of its player found the net against one by CTHSS player.
Earlier, both the team were locked at 2-2 during normal time.
Krishan scored both the goal for SPS in the 28th and 30th minute while Surjit and Bonson scored for CTHSS in the 25th and 41st minute respectively.
In the final for U-14, Nilamani English School thrash Standarth Robert School by 9-0 goals.
L Rocky and Ng Kenedy scored two goals each for the winning team. Sh Ronald, H Premchand, N Chungmei, L Bideshwor and Sibasha scored one goal each for the Imphal West champion school.

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DIPR to launch multi media campaign

IMPHAL, June 8: The Directorate of Information and Public Relation, (DIPR) Government of Manipur is organizing two days Multi Media Publicity Campaign on June 11 and 12 this month at… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 8: The Directorate of Information and Public Relation, (DIPR) Government of Manipur is organizing two days Multi Media Publicity Campaign on June 11 and 12 this month at Lainigthou Puthiba Community hall at Khurai.
The multinedia campaign is to be organised to highlight achievements and development programms undertaken by the existing Congress led SPF government in the state.
According to a release of DIPR, the two days publicity campaign will be formally launched by the deputy Speaker of Manipur Legislative Assembly Th. Lokeshwar Singh and the function will be presided by K Shamungou Singh, president, the Pourabi Rising Star Club.

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Technology Mission meeting

IMPHAL, June 8: With the initiative of BK Handique, Minister of DoNER, a meeting for senior officials of the National Horticulture Technology Mission, NEC and NERAMAC will be convened on… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 8: With the initiative of BK Handique, Minister of DoNER, a meeting for senior officials of the National Horticulture Technology Mission, NEC and NERAMAC will be convened on June 9, 2011 to discuss the current status on implementation of various programmes for development of Horticulture sector in North Eastern Region.
The meeting will discuss about the priority areas in Horticulture development in the NE Region, focussed approach on core strengthen of the region in the sector like organic products, production of passion fruits, Kiwi, Strawberry and high value flowers.

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Mukna demonstrated at Pallel bazar

From LalitMOREH, June 8: The Indigenous game of the state so called ‘Mukna’ was demonstrated yesterday at Pallel which was jointly organized by the Youth Volunteer Association, Pallel and the… Read more »

From LalitMOREH, June 8: The Indigenous game of the state so called ‘Mukna’ was demonstrated yesterday at Pallel which was jointly organized by the Youth Volunteer Association, Pallel and the Meitei Council Moreh.
During the inaugural function, dignitary like MP Thangso Baite, Chief Whip government of Manipur T Mangibabu, MLA Y. Surchandra, Brigadier 21 AR Upendra, IAS/SDO Chandel Seilesh kumar, former minister Korungthang and UCM former president K. Langamba were attended.
Speaking at the function Y Surchandra said the demonstration show of Mukna was a part of series of programmes to bring oneness and love amongst the different community of the state jointly undertaken by the Youth Volunteer Association Pallel and Meitei council Moreh.
He further mentioned the need for bringing development at Pallel bazar area it has become one of the most important highway point for import and export between India and Myanmar.
He also gave his assurance to construct a community hall at Pallel for the benefits of all communities.

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UNLF cadre arrested

IMPHAL, June 7: Troops of 16 Maratha Light infantry of Logtak Brigade arrested one cadre of the proscribed UNLF on June 7, identified as one self styled private Hemam Loiroitaba… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 7: Troops of 16 Maratha Light infantry of Logtak Brigade arrested one cadre of the proscribed UNLF on June 7, identified as one self styled private Hemam Loiroitaba alias Romesh alias Naobi, 31, s/o (L) Ibocha of Terakhongsangbi Henam Leikai, of Bishnupur district. He has been handed over to Moirang Police, informed a statement issued by the PIB Defence Wing.

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Nungei Ningthibikhong canal

IMPHAL, June 8: The failure of concern contractors in executing construction of Nungei Ningthibikhong canal in proper manner has created panic amongst local villagers about an imminent flood during the… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 8: The failure of concern contractors in executing construction of Nungei Ningthibikhong canal in proper manner has created panic amongst local villagers about an imminent flood during the rainy season.
This was disclosed by vice chairman of the Anti Social Activities Prevention Committee (ASAPC) Md. Ayubkhan during an inspection tour made today of the said canal.
Md. Ayubkhan further said the concern department had sanctioned Rs.15 crore for construction of Ningthibikhong but the present status of the canal nowhere near the total cost of construction.
He also appealed government to look into the matter in a short period in the interest of local people who are afraid of man made flood.
He also mentioned that the dam constructed by the Minor Irrigation department Sanasam disturb farmers of the area during the rainy session, and he appealed the government to shift this dam at a suitable place for the benefits of all farmer settling in bank of the canal.

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Cr.P.C 144 clamped in Imphal East district

IMPHAL, June 8: The district Magistrate Imphal East district has clamped prohibitory order under Cr.P.C 144 in the entire Imphal East district from 6 am of June 9 until further… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 8: The district Magistrate Imphal East district has clamped prohibitory order under Cr.P.C 144 in the entire Imphal East district from 6 am of June 9 until further notice.
The district Magistrate, M. Lakshmikumar Singh, in his order has prohibited assembly of five or more persons which is likely to turn unlawful in the district and also carrying of sticks, stones, firearms and weapons of any description or objects which can be used as offensive weapons.
The order however stated that the prohibitory shall not apply to Government agencies involved in the enforcement of law and order and the maintenance of essential services.
It informed that persons who want to take out processions for marriages, funeral and religious purposes etc. within the district are asked to apply for permission and refrain from taking out procession until permission is obtained.

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Development meet held at CCpur

From KaimuanthangLAMKA, Jun 8 : The MDC of 10 – Khousabung ADC Thangkhomang Haokip convened a meeting with village chiefs today from 11: 30 am at Semuol Village during which… Read more »

From KaimuanthangLAMKA, Jun 8 : The MDC of 10 – Khousabung ADC Thangkhomang Haokip convened a meeting with village chiefs today from 11: 30 am at Semuol Village during which as many as 47 out of 67 chiefs under the areas took part and deliberated on how to make the areas developed on the lines of others.
The MDC exhorted the chiefs to carry out development schemes properly as it were meant for them and the people homed to the village while pointing out the importance of having such type of discussion for the peoples sake vene in the near future.
He said he has taken out list of Job Card holders and bemoaned the failure on the part of the chiefs to come forward and then tender suggestions pertaining to the need for either additions or deletion in the list of the Job Card holders.
Disclosing about the complain from various sections of people in the areas he represent that some village chiefs without forming a village development committee for implementation of BRGF indulges in nepotic act of putting any names whom they favoured or create any names so as to make it appear on the faces that it were equally benefitted by villagers he said they have to be very sincere and all this flagship schemes are given by the central government to make the state particularly backward region developed on priority basis if India is to be a developed country.

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Quiz competition

IMPHAL, June 7: The Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) is organizing a written quiz competition on June 11 for the college going degree students of any stream except medical… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 7: The Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) is organizing a written quiz competition on June 11 for the college going degree students of any stream except medical and nursing students and wards of staffs of IHBT, RIMS, as a part of the observance of the “World Blood Donor Day”.

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Central officials happy with development of centrally sponsored schemes in state

IMPHAL, June 7: A joint review meeting of various projects and schemes implemented in the state under the NLCPR was convened this morning at the conference hall of Old Secretariat… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 7: A joint review meeting of various projects and schemes implemented in the state under the NLCPR was convened this morning at the conference hall of Old Secretariat Imphal this morning which was attended by seven visiting officials of different central ministries and head of departments of the state government led by the state chief secretary.The joint official delegates of central ministries headed by the secretary DoNER, Joyati Chandra, jt. secy. DoNER PK Patnaik, director DoNER Udal Shankar and PR Mishra, director MHA North East in charge Dr. MC Mahenathan, director Ministry of Finance, Vandita Kaur and advisory to the Planning Commission of India, SN Brahmo conducted an inspection tour of sites where projects under the NLCPR is undergoing at present.The tour which was conducted this morning included visits of the construction sites of Thoubal Multipurpose project (Maphou Dam), Sagolmang Kharasom bridge, Capitol Project, NIT at Lamphel, City Convention Centre, Sewerage Project.According to an official source, the meeting started at 11:00am after the completion of the tour and further monitored the official progress reports of the various schemes and projects undertaken in the state funded by the Ministry of DoNER under NLCPR since 2000.According to the source, the visiting central officials during the review meeting today expressed their appreciation of the efforts of the various line departments in the implementations of the projects and schemes even though there have been multiple disturbances caused by the deteriorating law and order situation of the state.Further, the visiting central officials also suggested the state officials to submit the Utilization Certificates of the completed works in time in order to avoid the delays in the release of phase wise funds for the implemented projects of the state.In the meantime, director DoNER Joyati Chandra, during a short press interview soon after the joint review meeting at Old Secretariat this afternoon, expressed her appreciation of the efforts of the state government while implementing the projects and schemes under NLCR during this last two years. She further said that the state government has been implementing a total of 135 separate projects and schemes under NLCPR since 2000 for which the DoNER ministry has already released a total of Rs.1119 crores for the proper implementation of the projects. Besides out of the approved projects 46 projects were already completed and many of the remaining projects are in the completion stage while some projects are in progress.It is also mentioned that, the progress in the implementation of the various projects under NLCPR in the state might be due to stability of the existing state government and frequent monitoring of the construction works of projects both by the state government and officials concern from the centre, she added.Director DoNER finally mentioned that, delaying of launching of the propose helicopter services into the state was due to delay in the clearance from the ministry of Civil Aviation and there are possibilities of the project taking more time as the officials of the civil aviation are in the process of surveying to launched helicopter service not only in the state but also for the entire states of North east, she added.

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Delhi police arrests Delhi based smuggler with NE links

NEW DELHI, June 7 (MIC) : Delhi Police made one of its biggest drug hauls in recent years while probing the nexus between international drug smugglers and militants. The cops… Read more »

NEW DELHI, June 7 (MIC) : Delhi Police made one of its biggest drug hauls in recent years while probing the nexus between international drug smugglers and militants. The cops arrested Ram Naresh, a Delhi-based smuggler, with 250kg of Ephedrine and Amphetamine tablets worth over Rs 200 crore. Officials said these drugs are smuggled from Delhi to Myanmar and China via Manipur by conduits based in northeastern states and sold in parties. Proceeds from the sales are used by terrorist outfits to fund their activities. Ram Naresh used to procure the drugs from one Rakesh of `Grand Pharma` in Patiala , officials said. The tablets were kept in 50 polythene packets in 10 wooden boxes and the consignment was supposed to be sent to Guwahati through a transport company in Janakpuri. The accused had kept the boxes at his driver`s house in Dabri area before coming to Delhi by air, where he was intercepted near IGI airport on Saturday, the officials added. Delhi Police had unearthed the nexus in March-April this year when it arrested two suspects — Yaiphaba and Napoleon — and seized 200kg of ephedrine from them. Information about Ram Naresh came to light during interrogation of Napoleon and Yaiphaba. Police traced him near the airport on Saturday around 4.30pm when he got down from an IndiGo Airlines flight. Sources said he had come from Guwahati after a meeting with associates to whom he supplies drugs. His driver Jameel Ansari was waiting for him in his Scorpio and took him to his house at G-1 block in Sitapuri, Dabri. “Jameel unlocked the ground floor of the house and both loaded 10 large white bags in the car and started moving. We stopped them for checking but Ramesh refused to cooperate after which we seized the consignment and arrested him,” said an official. Ramesh was not able to provide a satisfactory reply about the consignment or show any documents, said officials. “Each polypack contained 500gm of small white coloured tablets. When we checked the tablets with the narcotics drug detection kit, the tablets were found to be ephedrine and amphetamine. The total weight of the 10 boxes was 250kg and it is worth Rs 200 crore in international market,” a source said. Sources said Ramesh disclosed that “these tablets were to be sent to Myanmar and China through Guwahati and are used for preparing ecstasy and other drugs for sale in parties. Ephedrine is in high demand in China “. He named his associate in Gurgaon as one Umesh Mehra, who is involved in trafficking of drugs with him for a long time. “He disclosed that he had to send the consignment on Saturday to a Robindro in Manipur,” said the source.

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Cr.P.C 144 clamped in Imphal West district

IMPHAL, June 7: The district magistrate Imphal West district has clamped prohibitory order under Cr.P.C 144 in the entire Imphal West district from 6 pm today until further notice.K. Radhakumar… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 7: The district magistrate Imphal West district has clamped prohibitory order under Cr.P.C 144 in the entire Imphal West district from 6 pm today until further notice.K. Radhakumar Singh, District Magistrate, Imphal west in his order has prohibited assembly of five or more persons which is likely to turn unlawful in the district and also carrying of sticks, stones, firearms and weapons of any description or objects which can be used as offensive weapons.The order however stated that the prohibitory shall not apply to government agencies involved in the enforcement of law and order and the maintenance of essential services.It informed that persons who want to take out processions for marriages, funeral and religious purposes etc. within the district are asked to apply for permission and refrain from taking out procession until permission is obtained.

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Environment Thoughts

In the wake of the growing chant for more liberalization of economies around the globe and the unabashed worship of the market, there are many extremely well informed voices calling… Read more »

In the wake of the growing chant for more liberalization of economies around the globe and the unabashed worship of the market, there are many extremely well informed voices calling for caution against dropping all economic regulatory mechanisms. It is true market worship has led to a path of growth generally, but critics are now calling attention to the fact that growth alone cannot be development. Development, they say is not about the size of GDPs and GNPs alone, but also of a number of other conditions, some subjective and others objective. One of these is environment. Among the others are: gender empowerment, equitable distribution of income, public health etc. The most economically and militarily powerful nation, the United States of America, has often been the subject of case studies in probing these issues. Some of the questions asked by Nobel Prize winning economists like Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz should be able to rhetorically present the nature of the problem. Why is this most developed nation also dotted with the most number of prisons in the world? According to Stiglitz, (“Roaring Nineties”) some of the American states spend more money on prison maintenance than on primary education. It is true that these rich societies have enough to spend on both prison and education, but the picture narrates of something extremely dysfunctional? Again according to a study by Amartya Sen and John Dreze (“Development as Freedom”), Black Americans although on the average they command incomes many times higher than people in the Third World countries even after taking into account the differences in the cost of living, have a lower life expectancy than many of the latter societies. Markets also have seldom shown respect for the environment, and hence the world’s most well endowed market, the USA’s refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocol on world environment. These are facts and figures that point out how incomplete the traditional notions of development are. The issues are many, but on the morrow of the World Environment Day on June 5, it would be a profitable exercise to reflect on the many awesome aspects of the environment question.The question is large and can even go beyond easy comprehension. Viewed with an evolutionary sense of time, there seems nothing that anybody can do about the changes that happen to the earth’s environment. As for instance, who can prevent the next Ice Age from happening, for science today has determined that the Ice Epochs are a cyclic event, just as the earth’s seasons are, although on a much longer cyclic path. Seasons happen because of the earth revolves around the sun and also because of the inclination of its axis at 23.5 degrees against the plane of its revolution. It is now also established that the earth’s axis is not just inclined but also wobbles by about 4 degrees and this wobbling is thought to be the cause behind Ice Ages. In evolutionary terms this cycle may take millions of years to complete, but all the same it is inevitable. The last Ice Age, a minor one according to scientists, ended about 12,000 years ago, and it is only after this event that the race for modern civilizations was flagged off. Life forms also go extinct. This is again a fact about life on earth. Millions and millions of species of life have died out while million others have come out of oblivious existence to take centre stage in the earth’s 4.5 billion years. If a comet hit had not wiped off the predatory dinosaurs about 64 million years ago, scientists believe the species of life that evolved into modern man could have remained an insignificant creature perhaps the size of a house lizard, out of its own survival instinct. Evolutionary scientists like the late Stephen Jay Gould (author of best-selling “Wonderful Life”) and Simon Conway Morris (author of the authoritative “The Crucible of Creation”) have demonstrated through the study of fossils that on the one hand life just wants to be (the sole purpose of the creature called sponge seems just to hang around at one spot throughout its life until it comes to an end), and on the other, that life forms almost with an uncanny certainty, go extinct from time to time. They have also argued quite convincingly that evolution is not centred around humans and its sole purpose is to preserve life, not necessarily human life. The awesomeness of the mysteries of life is in a pristine sense, religious. If we reflect on it with earnest, it should humble even our greatest problems. On Environment Day then, let us learn to be humble.

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State aims complete biometric data collection by Oct

IMPHAL, June 7: The state government aims to complete the ongoing biometric data collection to facilitate the issue of the Unique Identity Number (Aadhaar) to all residents of the state… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 7: The state government aims to complete the ongoing biometric data collection to facilitate the issue of the Unique Identity Number (Aadhaar) to all residents of the state by October this year. The state Planning department has been made the nodal department in the state for the project, wherein biometric data of the state populace is being collected after a MoU had been signed between the state and the Unique Identification Authority of India, (UIDAI) to facilitate the issue of Unique Identity Numbers in the state.According to a source, the UIDAI had also entered into a MoU with the Registered General of India (RGI) for collection of the biometric data during the National Population Registration (NPR) exercise, based on which the Aadhaar No. will be issued by the UIDAI to all residents enrolled.The source also maintained that the UIDAI has appointed the Bharat Electronic Ltd (BEL) as the enrollment agency and the collection of the biometric data has been undertaken through BEL vendors, Manitron, etc. The concerned Deputy Commissioners of all districts will also helped in the conduct of the exercise, the source further added. Meanwhile, it has been already notified recently that the state government has decided to use the Aadhaar No. as proof of address and identity proof for individuals during the implementation of central flagship and Central Sponsored Schemes (CSS).The source further mentioned that the state government has decided that KYR+ data (incorporating services and entitlement that could potentially be linked with Aadhaar number) shall be collected along with the biometric data by the enrolment agency, BEL and that a format for KYR plus data caption will be circulated by the Planning department in due course.Further, it is also officially instructed that DCs of each districts will assign a supervisor to assist collection of biometric data and maintaining a record as envisaged in the handbook of Aadhaar of UIDAI.In the meantime, according to an official notification issued by the special secretary Planning government of Manipur Sajad Hassan, the DCs should also carry out awareness campaigns in their respective districts regarding the exercise. They will provide BPL list and maintain record of BPL beneficiaries of MNREGS/NOAP/PDS/RSBY/JSY, etc. enrolled during biometric data collection as well as provide incentives/create facilities to BPL beneficiaries of welfare schemes, so that cost of enrolment of BPL individuals at the enrolment centre nearest to them is reduced. These data shall be furnished to the state level implementation of UID Committee/Planning department, and it is also mentioned that the state planning department should provide the DCs with IEC materials as well as funds (provided under 13th Finance Commission Award) as incentive to attract BPL residents, the official notification added.

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