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Nagaland,KOHIMA, Mar 22 (NEPS): Naga women have all the qualities, intellect and wisdom and they are not lacking anything comparing to their male counterparts. What they are lacking may be physical prowess comparing to their counterparts. But the whole idea that they could not compete with their male counterparts is not correct proposition, said Phukayi, Parliamentary Secretary for Women Development, Cooperation and Sericulture, while interacting with the NEPS here Friday.

Parliamentary Secretary for Women Development, Cooperation and Sericulture, Phukayi. (Oken Jeet Sandham Photo)
Although there was issue relating to 33% reservation of seats for women in Municipal and Town Council elections in the State, they were still free as anyone them to contest any elections – be it Municipal or Town Council or General elections of the State or Lok Sabha, etc. “Personally, I prefer the second because from here they would only grow up with qualities and maturities,” he pointed out. “Quota or Reservation is of course a temporary phase and it is meant to lift somebody who cannot get up on their own.”
“But I don’t agree that our women are lesser than our male counterparts. There are many women who are more intelligent than males. Look at the sportspersons like Chekrovolu Swuro, Naga woman Olympian from our State and Merry Kom, another woman Olympic Bronze Medalist from our neighboring State and still many more,” he said and further opined that, “It will not be correct to say that our women are lesser than males.”
The Parliamentary Secretary said he had a very high regards for their women who had shown their capabilities in many areas of activities since from their forefathers’ time. They went to kheti for cultivation; to mountains in search of fuels; crossed rugged mountains to meet even leaders of various Naga underground groups for peace and reconciliations; could win the hearts of various Naga underground leaders and cadres at times of conflicts amongst them. “All these actions are manifestations that our women are capable of doing many things,” he said.
“It is not that our women cannot fight the elections. Loot at Meghalaya, four women legislators were made Cabinet Ministers including key Home Minister. “That means one-third of the size of the Ministry in Meghalaya is women,” he said adding that, “Our women also can do it but the point is they have to venture out to face these so-called electoral politics. But you have to have a strong conviction to do it and should not have the tendency of depending on quota or reservation.”
In the turbulent chapters of the tortuous Naga history, while their male counterparts were hiding, they faced up all kind of weathers defending not only their male counterparts but also all the “existing systems prevailing in our societies,” he said.
Pukhayi also asserted that he wanted to explore more hidden qualities of their women. “In fact, without women, we male are nowhere, so we need to strengthen our women,” he said assuring that he would see that “Equality is maintained between the women and males in our society,”
“I wanted to step in in areas of inequalities between the women and males so as to correct these inequalities,” he said adding, “I wanted to have a State Level Coordination Committee (SLCC) to study about the urgent need of our women.”
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