Agricultural imbalances

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Social activists working with people at the grassroots in the country have for sometime, been making noises about how certain government schemes meant to alleviate the difficulties faced by the economically weak sections of the population have only ended up … Continue reading

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Social activists working with people at the grassroots in the country have for sometime, been making noises about how certain government schemes meant to alleviate the difficulties faced by the economically weak sections of the population have only ended up burdening them. At the heart of it, these activists claim and with good reason too, that India is a country where the majority of people is involved in agricultural production and that when policies, schemes and development packages meant for social good are designed in such a way that they bring about changes that disrupt the pattern of this sector, then it may well lead to a slow and steady structural ruin of the economy and threaten livelihood patterns in the short term. The Public Distribution System of essential items for the poor, designed to give food and other essential item support for economically disadvantaged people in the country apart from being riddled by large-scale corruption and inferior quality of food grains being given to the poor is also being held responsible for weeding out nutritional variants of rice and other cereals. Agricultural activists and experts claim that with the Government focusing on producing polished rice, the indigenous rice and other cereals are being left out of the food production output and hence, from the nutritional plate of people.

Another popular social scheme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme introduced to give a certain number of days of ‘employment’ to unskilled workers without the security of a proper job has various flaws but the one that area that most people do not even begin to think is how this program affects the agricultural sector of the country. The involvement of agricultural workers in MGNREGS leads to the shortage of agricultural workers at various stages: be it sowing, reaping or harvesting. Add this context to the growing urbanization of the country in its towns and villages marked by agricultural lands being converted to concrete infrastructure like buildings, shopping malls, market spaces and the like and what we have at the end of the road is a future scenario where there may not be too many people to take up agricultural activity and a fast decreasing space to do so. The ‘haves’ of society have the option of buying packed food and food grains that are imported but the majority of the country, the ‘have nots’ will have no option but to starve in a long drawn out process.

In Manipur of course, the above two social benefit schemes may not end up leading to the situation described for like many other social schemes in the state, these two do not work much beyond the table except in a few areas. Fortunately or unfortunately, various social benefit schemes benefit party workers and those who root for the area MLA with the Social Welfare Department being a mere shadow agency. Because of this, it is not social schemes that are impacting the agricultural sector as it does in other parts of the country but the very popular Village Defense Force as an avenue of employment that is responsible for taking away able bodies work force from the field to run amok on the streets. The large scale ‘migration’ of a work force who were earlier involved in agricultural production means farmers have to bring in field workers from far off areas which only increases the costs. The other bit of course, is that a lot of agricultural land is being sold off to meet the costs of bagging the job. The specter of development and progress cannot stand by itself unless the backbone of society: which is what it eats to sustain itself, is not taken care of and promoted. The North East region of the country has been considered a storehouse of indigenous rice breeds and if it does not learn from the way in which other nutritious cereals like bajra, jowar and ragi have been displaced by the Rs 5 per kg rice breed have been wiped off in the rest of the country, we will only have ourselves to blame one day.

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Realise the false dream

In Hindu mythology Ramayana, Hanuman waited for someone called Jambhuban to tell him he could jump far and wide, the entire stretch of sea from India to Lanka. The situation demanded to remind him of his capability. But in this modern world you need not wait for someone to come and tell you what you […]

In Hindu mythology Ramayana, Hanuman waited for someone called Jambhuban to tell him he could jump far and wide, the entire stretch of sea from India to Lanka. The situation demanded to remind him of his capability. But in this modern world you need not wait for someone to come and tell you what you should or what you should not. It is a matter of shame a section of the communities living in Manipur are thinking of demanding separate homeland despite knowing the fact no such demand will be met. Repeatedly the leaders of the country had told that the Government of India will not allow creation of homeland within the existing states. All these states be it in NE region or anywhere else will remain intact. Nagas’ demand for Nagalim had been rejected. Nobody will consider Kukis’ demand for separate homeland. The time and energy being used in making false and unreasonable demand could have been diverted in other productive works. Should not someone come out and tell them the fight for land will take them nowhere? Or should we treat all these demands as blabbering of a child? But unnecessarily they will be launching road blockade on the national highway in pursuit of their unreasonable demand that will cause immense hardship to the people living in the state. It is time Manipur Government think of transforming, apex court ruling of clearing the national highway within 24 hours of starting bandh, into action whenever any organisation imposes bandh on the national highway. Until and unless some drastic action is shown to the agitators, who have used national highway as a weapon. When they are treated in the manner they deserve they will know the fight for land and expansion of territory is useless. Only then they will know the fight for land had gone with the history. They need to be reminded that the fight for land is always defeated. This is a scientific modern world and we are living in it. What is important is how much you can contribute in making a better society? Competition between man and man is in making the world a better place for all to survive. Here in Manipur hate and hatred campaign is launched by one community against another. This is a sad development, which needs to be controlled. Peace it seems has disappeared from our soil. Forget homeland Manipur belongs to all us. All that the state is having belongs to all of us. This is nobody’s property. If the Kukis can point out certain areas on which the Government can focus it will be quite enlightening that will serve the people belonging to the community better. But this demand for homeland will be spewing venoms and it will create misunderstanding among the communities living in the state. Sensible leaders should advise the youngsters not to indulge in day dreaming for homeland. It seems youngsters are living in false dream. A dream that shatters when one opens the eye. At the end they will lose precious time. Instead for fighting for separate homeland let us all work for making Manipur strong and united so that we all will be able to live peacefully.

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Highlanders fund misused

In the same manner demons devouring helpless living things the rich and famous men in Imphal have misused the fund that belongs to the poor and needy people living in the hills of Manipur. The fund meant for the highlanders have ended up being devoured by the leaders residing in Imphal valley. This is one […]

In the same manner demons devouring helpless living things the rich and famous men in Imphal have misused the fund that belongs to the poor and needy people living in the hills of Manipur. The fund meant for the highlanders have ended up being devoured by the leaders residing in Imphal valley. This is one serious issue, which has been raised by civil organisations. There is truth in this allegation. At the end the losers happen to be those, who live in the far flung areas, who cannot afford to move out to get the essential commodities at Government controlled price. Rice given by the Government through FCS Deptt to the agents for on ward transfer to the highlanders are sold away at the business centres in Imphal at cheap price. They make hefty money out of doing that clandestine business. Nothing can stop them from doing the illegal business. Until realisation dawns in the minds of the wrong doers the highlanders will continue to suffer. Forget rice even the roofing sheets given by the Government to the beneficiaries are also sold away here in Imphal and the beneficiaries return home with their pockets filled with money. Too many road construction prpgrammes were taken up in the hills of the state but the elected leaders in collusion with the contractors would devour the fund without doing anything. The absence of proper mechanism to inspect the works done at the hills has encouraged the wrong doers to commit the crime of their choice again and again. The decision of the Manipur Government to form a committee to look into the fund disbursement of hills and plain areas will be able to suggest ways and means to check misuse of funds by elements detrimental to the well being of the society. Both hills and plain should develop at the same par. It is really amazing the representatives of the hills do not open their mouth despite knowing the fact that the poor men’s funds have been looted by rich and famous men in Imphal. Manipur needs to have properly maintained roads as there is no means other than roads to connect villages across the state. Likewise there should be properly maintained drainage system. All these things can be achieved when developmental programmes are taken up under the strict supervision of people’s representatives. In the valley areas no representative can return to assembly unless he or she can take up roads and drainages construction in their constituency. Similar attitude needs to be shown to the tribal leaders hailing from different constituencies. Do not give votes to the candidates, who cannot repair even the roads in their constituencies. In doing that they will be reminded how people look to the people’s representatives. They enjoy the term enjoying cosy life style in Imphal staying in the spacious Government quarters and then they come to the voters with folded hands to get blessings. You all have been befooled several times do not allow to be deceived again. Scrutinise their activities during the five year term. The Government of India have given you the power for doing that. By using RTI you can know how the funds were used or misused. That will bring a change that will be for the betterment of all.

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State of the State

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This day in 1972, Manipur attained its statehood after a checkered political history, which saw a sovereign kingdom since 33 AD till 1890 when the British defeated the then King, appointing a Political Agent to rule the state in his … Continue reading

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This day in 1972, Manipur attained its statehood after a checkered political history, which saw a sovereign kingdom since 33 AD till 1890 when the British defeated the then King, appointing a Political Agent to rule the state in his place. The journey from then on till its merger, which is seen as a ‘forced annexation’ in some quarters is too well known to be repeated. Once the state became a part of the Indian Union, it’s status was downgraded to a ‘Part C’ dominion which meant that it was ruled by a Chief Commissioner without an Assembly or a Council of Ministers, becoming the only princely state to be do so. In fact, when Sikkim merged into India in 1975, it got a direct statehood status. In comparison, Manipur became only a Union Territory in November 1956, but the then 30-member elected council only had an advisory role to play, with real powers resting with the Chief Commissioner. Mass movements calling for statehood gained momentum from1953, but the Central leadership paid little heed. The demand for statehood of Manipur became violent during 1969-70 with black flag demonstrations being staged before the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi on 23rd September 1969 when she visited Imphal. Many people taking part in the agitations were thrown into jails, the public resorted to stone pelting and curfews clamped.

There lies the irony when one looks at the day in the present time: the very movement for which people struggled all those years no remains a mere ‘observation day’, marked by formal functions to be attended by the Government machineries and its officials. The common man seems to be totally removed from being in any way connected to the significance of this day and look hardly capable of acknowledging the history of struggle that went towards Manipur becoming a state. Many who were in the forefront of the demand for statehood have become political leaders over the years with a few becoming Ministers and MLAs but for the common man, the state is fast becoming an authoritarian police state with incidents of violence involving state agencies leaving the highest court of the country to remark whether there was a war going on in Manipur.

Prophetic words indeed, for Manipur today looks like a land with a war just waiting to happen around the corner. The specter of heavily armed state and central forces zipping in heavily fortified vehicles and blaring sirens or with red flags giving the danger call is hardly any confidence measure of a vibrant democratic sphere but calls attention to the ‘fragile state’ that Manipur is becoming. The civil rights sphere and what citizens are entitled to says it all for the nature of a state. But when a journalist gets fired while covering a public protest when the state police is not issued any ‘fire’ orders, when a crime of violence against a woman is let to escalate into a near to the brink communal divide all because the state has to hammer it to the Center to apprehend the accused then the state of the State is at best shaky.

This is not to shy away from taking a relook at what has been achieved in Manipur, which has rallied from a phase when even Government employees had their salaries tied up for years. There is a semblance of infrastructures being built up and more roads opened up. Yet, for every development package being implemented, for every piece of infrastructure being built up, there needs to be an additional area of planning and effective implementation. The signs of urbanization in the state should not be at the cost of aesthetics being compromised or the green cover being depleted. The sight of young entrepreneurs starting their enterprises is a message of hope but is an area that has not been tapped into. As Manipur observes yet another statehood day, may we also see a day when its citizens will be able to realize their potentials and their rights protected and not trampled upon.

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Prince of Tides

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Rahul Gandhi’s elevation to the Congress Vice President status was a mere formality for a party, which has time and again fallen on the Gandhi-Nehru family ever since Independence. Even outside the party, political analysts including the media had long … Continue reading

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Rahul Gandhi’s elevation to the Congress Vice President status was a mere formality for a party, which has time and again fallen on the Gandhi-Nehru family ever since Independence. Even outside the party, political analysts including the media had long predicted that Rahul would be the face of the Congress in the next Lok Sabha Elections slated for 2014.  While the clamor for a Gandhi at the center of all things Congress is debatable, the accusations of dynastic politics no longer hold good since those who raise their voice against such a practice, are not able to look within their own parties and the practice of their own leaders. Take any major political party on the National scene and there are scores of examples of relatives, spouses and children of political leaders taking to the arena of power. Nearer home, we see it across different parties.

While the famous Gandhi surname has inevitably lent Rahul the sycophancy and an almost servile section of leaders and other people around him, his speech at the Jaipur meet has made many observers to consider on what other areas of Rahul Gandhi, the person is waiting to come out in the open. Long considered to be not too good with his communication skills, Rahul Gandhi has been seen as less charismatic than his younger sister, Priyanka Vadhera. Positioned as a ‘young leader’ with his group of foreign educated MPs clubbed as the ‘baba log’, Rahul Gandhi had only given the public, rare instances of people skills. The people of Manipur had their share of the ‘Rahul’ magic when he stopped by on a road side hotel and deigned to eat like the common man. The first such instance of ‘being one with the common man’ was a media circus and involved him spending the night at a Dalit man’s house. Sadly, that did not transfer into any votes when UP went to the polls and the Congress got four seats less than it did in 2007 winning a mere 28 out of 404 seta in the 2012 elections. Another young leader Akhilesh Yadav, another son of a political leader Mulayam Singh Yadav won the seat of power.

In the face of critical comments against Rahul Gandhi’s ineffective public speeches and the lack of clarity on current issues, his impassioned speech at Jaipur has managed to do what all his speeches in the past 9 years of his political career has not been able to achieve: make him heard and see the person he is. Given that he is going to be pitched against Narender Modi in 2014 in all likelihood makes it all the more interesting. One has literally breathed life into a party and become more than just a political brand name, despite all the cries of having blood on his hands. One is yet to have said anything substantial or shown to have done anything substantial, except for bringing in ‘young blood’. But as many observers point out again, ‘young blood’ is what Rahul Gandhi’s father, the late Rajiv Gandhi brought in along with promises of new beginnings. The knives are out and so are the platitudes. But if Rahul is to head the country, he would need more than impassioned speeches. If nothing else, his stepping into the number two position, will give some interesting moments till 2014 decision time. For now, it is another son rising.

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Political parties must have young leaders

Congress has felt the need for grooming up young leaders. The trend sweeping across the world is projection of young leaders, who can rule their respective countries for not less than 20 years. When Tony Blair became Prime Minister of Britain he was considered Prime Minister for 16 years. But the circumstances changed his tenure […]

Congress has felt the need for grooming up young leaders. The trend sweeping across the world is projection of young leaders, who can rule their respective countries for not less than 20 years. When Tony Blair became Prime Minister of Britain he was considered Prime Minister for 16 years. But the circumstances changed his tenure as he began playing subsidiary role to the US Government and he could not fulfil the expected dream of the Britishers. Britishers know unless there is stability the pace of development will slacken. Continuity of a Government for three or four terms is required to get the fruit of development. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru described as the architect of modern India ruled the country for 12 years. If he ruled the country for five years only none would have remembered him. Because nothing can be done in a single term. India would have reached super power status 15 years back if NDA did not replace Narasimha Rao Government. His economic liberalisation policy was not followed up by the successive Government. When the fruit was about to be reaped his Government was brought down. Congress policy and programme differ from BJP led NDA. Therefore Congress party has in mind when it projected Rahul Gandhi as the next to the hierarchy line of succession that he would be able to serve the country for not less than 30 years. Dr. Manmohon Singh present Prime Minister will be 82 years next year. The situation demands he be replaced to enable him to retire gracefully. The choice naturally falls on Rahul Gandhi. Opposition parties too should learn a lesson from the Congress party. If it thinks of effecting a change of guard at the centre it must project a young leader to take on Rahul and co. But finding young leader is not an easy task. Buddha, Jesus Chris did not appear quite often. Similarly political parties functioning in Manipur also should feel the need for grooming up young leaders. The new entrants to the voters list, all young are worshippers of young and fire brand leaders. They value the voice of young leaders. They consider the voice of the senior leaders as obsolete and out of touch. All political parties must feel the change brought by time. Samajwadi Party had Akhilesh Yadav replacing Mulayam in UP. BSP has Mayawati, who is also a young leader considering her age. Trinamol Congress in West Bengal has also groomed up too many young leaders. Its leader Mamta Bannerjee is also young. It is amazing young men and women cannot be projected as leaders of political parties
in Manipur. Barring N. Sovakiran of MPP who has been appointed as interim President of MPP the others could become President of the non Congress political parties functioning in Manipur only after crossing the age of 60. This trend of waiting for someone to grow old to become a president of a political party needs to be smashed. Senior leaders can work under the young leader. Unless you have the temerity for doing that the possibility of effecting a change will be remote.

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Leadership issue

Always obey the instinct. The command given by instinct is faster and more accurate than the one given by the brain. Therefore in the beauty contest the judges after asked to give point in split second without taking much time. What they have to do is raise the placard on which points are written. If […]

Always obey the instinct. The command given by instinct is faster and more accurate than the one given by the brain. Therefore in the beauty contest the judges after asked to give point in split second without taking much time. What they have to do is raise the placard on which points are written. If you have preconceived idea of what beauty means and the point given by you is shaped by the preconceived idea your decision may be wrong. Likewise in other game also a referee cannot take much while giving penalty shot for the fault committed by a player. There has to be instantaneous reaction. Politics is also a game. Victorious teams are those, which have won maximum number of candidates in the election. What is required therefore is paving the way for candidates to win in the election. Leaders of the political parties cannot shirk the responsibility of keeping up the morale of the workers. If the workers morale is down and out they will not fight for causing victory to their candidates. Workers are the backbone of the political parties. Backbone needs to be strengthened to enable the party move briskly. Realising this Congress party organises large number of functions at the party offices and during the conduct of the functions workers get ample opportunity to express the grievances facing the state and its people to the leaders. By organising chintan shivir in Jaipur the high command of the Congress party tries to gauge the mood of the Congress leaders at state level. Whether Rahul Gandhi will be projected as Congress Prime Ministerial candidate or not will be decided by this session. Though no Congress man will be able to stand against the dictate of the party high command, Rahul will not insist he be projected as the choice of Congress party. Nevertheless the choice will ultimately fall on Rahul, our instinct tells that. Since Jawaharlal Nehru led Congress party to victory continuously for three terms starting from 1952 election till 1962 election, the party has not been able to emulate this record figure. Congress party under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi and Dr. Manmohon Singh desires to emulate this record. Hence the significance of chintan shivir in Jaipur. Now Rahul Gandhi cannot shirk the responsibility of installing the party to power. With vigour he will campaign for the party candidates in the Lok Sabha elections slated for 2014. Youngsters like him to lead the Government. He was instrumental in reducing the age of voters from 21 to 18. Congress party will give emphasis in framing various schemes for the educated unemployed youths. The budget session likely to be held in March and April may announce various schemes for the new entrants to the voters’ list. At a time when Congress parties had declared its Prime Ministerial candidate the main opposition party is remaining fumbled unable to pick the leader of their choice for the top post. No war is won without a committed general. Congress chinta shivir had sent a strong message to the rival political parties, which is loud. Our instinct says the other parties may also follow Congress line of action and declare candidates as their leader before the onset of Lok Sabha election.

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NSCN leaders should try luck in electoral politics

Union Government has made its stand very clear. Nothing will be done to harm the interest of the state of Manipur and its people. Prime Minister Dr. Manmohon Singh and other central leaders have repeatedly said that territorial integrity of Manipur will remain intact. The mission of the all party delegation has been successful. The […]

Union Government has made its stand very clear. Nothing will be done to harm the interest of the state of Manipur and its people. Prime Minister Dr. Manmohon Singh and other central leaders have repeatedly said that territorial integrity of Manipur will remain intact. The mission of the all party delegation has been successful. The words expressed by the Prime Minister were soothing. NSCN, Union Government peace talk will in no way affect the territorial integrity of Manipur. There had been insensitive leaders in the past, who could not know what constitutes a state. They had been taught a lesson or two by the Manipuris in the past. Such leaders had been thrown out of power. The leaders, who could extend cease fire beyond Nagaland are out of power. Perhaps they felt boundary issue was a plaything. But when Manipur burnt they realised boundary issue is different. Why should only the voice of Nagaland be heard while neglecting the voice of other people belonging to other states in NE region. This is a change brought by time, collective efforts of all people. Manipur’s unceasing fight for protection of territorial integrity has borne fruit. The Union Government, which considered implementation of sixth schedule in the state to appease the rebel leaders has also realised the futility of bringing the idea. Peace talk will now concentrate only on Nagaland just as Mizo National Front, which too signed accord with the Union Government focussed on Mizoram only. Laldengha became Chief Minister of Mizoram and consequently Mizoram got peace bonus to the tune of Rs 800 crores. Similar formula can be applied in Nagaland also. Either Isak Chisi swu or Muivah can be made Chief Minister. In tune with the expectation of the Nagas various other schemes can be announced for speedy development of Nagaland. Will Naga People’s Front accept implementation of this formula? If NPF wants speedy solution to Naga problem it should think of making sacrifice to pave way for natural projection of the two leaders of NSCN as the true leaders of Nagas. Initiative must come from NPF. It must show the readiness to accept the two leaders for the top executive post. Sooner the better because Nagaland election is not far away. Nelson Mandela, who fought against apartheid led at the end the Government in South Africa. Every fighter except Mahatma Gandhi tried luck in electoral politics. No wonder they became undisputed leader of the people of their time. Even history’s most hated man Hitler scaled the ladder of power through democratic process. NSCN which is holding peace talk with the Union Government must think of returning to mainstream politics and try luck in electoral politics. By holding executive power they can do more for the people of their state. The chance that has knocked at the door will not come again. After five years the two leaders will be too old to try luck in electoral politics. Thousands in Nagaland might be desiring to see clean and effective leaders holding the mantle of power in Nagaland. We also desire to see that. Having talked about corrupt free society in the past three four decades they will see surely like to transform their thinking into action. Let it happen.

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The choice of leadership

In as many as nine states of the country assembly elections will be conducted this year, which is being considered as semi final of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. The elections in these states will be crucial as it will reveal which party will rule the country. The question is being asked will Narendra Modi […]

In as many as nine states of the country assembly elections will be conducted this year, which is being considered as semi final of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. The elections in these states will be crucial as it will reveal which party will rule the country. The question is being asked will Narendra Modi become Prime Minister of India. The other question being asked concerns leadership quality of Rahul Gandhi. While Narendra Modi had admitted to some of his close confidantes that he would not run for New Delhi, Rahul, who is projected as Prime Ministerial candidate of the Congress party is busy making ground work for strengthening Congress party at grass root level to make solid foundation. There lies the difference between Rahul and Narendra Modi. No Congressman will be able to say no the projection of Rahul as Prime Ministerial candidate. But in the case of Narendra Modi even the strong ally of BJP in the NDA Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar who represents JD(U) had reserved his stand on the leadership issue. He had boldly stated that Modi cannot be the collective choice of NDA. Imminent fragmentation of NDA appears in the event of his projection as Prime Ministerial candidate. It might be for these reasons that Modi took the ultimate decision not to make himself available for the race. BJP was rejected in the past by voters for failing to serve the nation. Not for the wrong choice of leadership. Leadership is internal matter of the political party. If BJP thinks it will attract voters on its fold by projecting Modi as its candidate for the top executive post, the party is ill-advised. Modi’s working style in Gujarat, which is marked by hate and hatred campaign against a community has earned the wrath of a community. Even Lal Kishen Advani, who was looked with suspicion by the same minority community, is better placed than Modi. All of sudden Advani was suppressed as second rung leader of the party a disgrace shown to a great leader, who missed the chance of becoming the Prime Minister of the country by a whisker. That chance will not come to him again. Moreover BJP is in disarray in many states of the country. Karnataka a BJP stronghold will have the votes eaten by Yedyurappa’s party. The possibility of Yedyurappa team going to BJP is also remote. AIADMK considered as an ally of BJP too have taken a stand to go alone in the elections. There is no state in the South where BJP will do well. Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh will go polls. These two states had rejected BJP Government in the past. BJP will face similar rejection. All that is happening in these two states reveal that. Therefore the need of the hour is focussing on the activities of the political parties. Leadership issue must come later. Talking about leadership issue ahead of elections will be tantamount to putting the cart before the horse. Serious politicians refuse to talk about leadership issue. Such talk should be reserved for the laymen. Shaped by their superficial thinking they question Congress icon Rahul’s leadership quality. They have not learnt anything. They will not know anything.

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Stop, Wait and Go

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That Manipur and more so Imphal, is now bustling with vehicles almost to the point of congestion, given the narrow nature of roads needs no mention. According to State Transport Department records (2011), 14, 0310 motor vehicles including 99, 170 … Continue reading

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That Manipur and more so Imphal, is now bustling with vehicles almost to the point of congestion, given the narrow nature of roads needs no mention. According to State Transport Department records (2011), 14, 0310 motor vehicles including 99, 170 two wheelers and 18, 7466 vehicles four wheelers were in circulation while a few hundreds if not more can be added to these figures of vehicles registered in other states and brought into the state illegally. Ironically, the traffic in Imphal are the worst at marked traffic islands and points: at Keishampat, BT Road Traffic Point, Khoyathong, North AOC, Chingmeirong Khongnang Ani Karak and Bapupara. Further, traffic roundabouts, which are elsewhere used to ensure smooth flow of traffic becomes the total opposite in Imphal. The traffic round before the Raj Bhavan is also where most traffic snarls take place. Interestingly, a blame game exists when it comes to the issue of traffic snarls. One group says that it is all because of the sheer number of vehicles on the roads, which are not getting smaller any wider. The other group points the blame on the lack of a proper urban planning process and initiative.

The pace of urban life, the emergence of a socially upward going section aided by the easy availability of loans and financial installment packages for buying vehicles all help to increase the number of automobiles on the road. The pace of buying vehicles is such that there is a growing size of households where people are outnumbered by vehicles. It also helps that there is no system in place to regulate the number of vehicles in Imphal. In this context, the responsibility for managing traffic on the roads falls on the concerned departments but largely, this area is severely lagging behind. Externally of course, Imphal now boasts of certain systems that are meant to control traffic jams on the roads. Traffic lights were brought into the picture with much fanfare and expectations that it would help streamline the movement of vehicles. On the face of it all, it looked like a good beginning indeed and more so, because there was a semblance of efforts being made to ‘traffic educate’ the people. But it wasn’t the common man who was at fault: it was the VIPs and security convoys who made a mockery of traffic rules and signals.

Sometime soon, the traffic lighting system played truant and Imphal came back to its old ways: long winding queues of vehicles all honking together, mostly at the same time and security escort personnel playing traffic personnel on the roads while happily abusing people. And just as mysteriously as the traffic lighting system went off earlier, it has now come back again but things have not changed much. There is no clarity of what time frame the signals are meant to clear or stop vehicles. The traffic signal at the Babupara intersection of the main road has a mere 23 second time frame while other traffic signals at other traffic points have varying time periods. And while traffic lights are supposed to be on for 24X7 hours, it is not uncommon to come across traffic lights only showing the ‘orange’ signal, perhaps to give the false impression that they are in working mode but vehicles and pedestrians being herded by traffic and police personnel, even during day time showing only too well that they are not functioning as they should be. If Imphal is to be passed off as an urban center, traffic needs to be taken care of as per a common rule and system. There can be no concessions made for VIPs and security personnel on the roads.

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Right person for the right job

The employees working under the corporation like Manipur Housing Corporation lament they will not be getting pension after retirement from their respective service. Likewise fresh entrants to the Government jobs too will not be getting pension. They need not worry over the matter. Because the Government decision not to give pension to the new entrants […]

The employees working under the corporation like Manipur Housing Corporation lament they will not be getting pension after retirement from their respective service. Likewise fresh entrants to the Government jobs too will not be getting pension. They need not worry over the matter. Because the Government decision not to give pension to the new entrants of Government service is a good decision. Frankly speaking they do not deserve it. Pension should be for those who work sincerely and honestly. These employees wasted their time in office without doing anything. If others can survive without getting Government help why cannot they? When they are in Government service they have got double benefit. As they continue to draw pay they make themselves available for doing other lucrative business. Doctors attend private clinics to earn extra money despite getting non practising allowance. Teachers did other business like contract work and supplying of items to different Government departments. All these palatial buildings that are coming up fast in the heart of the town and elsewhere belong to Government employees. Unemployed persons cannot find the space for survival in Manipur. Therefore even the students, who would have otherwise pursued Ph. D in physics and chemistry, have appeared in the TET to become primary teachers. These days very few students have turned out to pursue M. Sc. in mathematics. They all had gone for taking up other subjects like bio and zoology. If a survey is carried out everything will become crystal clear. The survey will be able to know why these students are not going for serious subjects. There is not much scope for development of science in Manipur. But when the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohon Singh was asked by scribes some time back for telling a simple formula for speedy development of NE region as a whole and Manipur in particular he said tell the young children to pursue physics, chemistry and maths. That will bring development in the region. But on the contrary science is neglected here in Manipur. The recent speech made by Dr. Manmohon on the national science day also reflected the Union Government’s desire to focus on the development of science. A system needs to be evolved to see to it that highly educated students, who could have gone further doing research in the subjects of their choice, are debarred from appearing in the TET. These highly educated students will be a square into the round hole when they teach primary level students. Frankly speaking they will neglect their duty. Such brilliant students becoming primary level teachers will be wastage of Government money. The posts should be reserved for mediocre. Unfortunately it happens in Manipur these highly educated students attempt to keep everything under their domain. While teaching primary level students they will appear for college lecturers’ posts also. Being brilliant they will shine in the same selection test also. But what they do not know is that they had abrogated the rights of someone to become a primary teacher when he or she did not cross the age for becoming a Government teacher. Evolve a system to see to it that the right person gets the right job. Similarly an MA should be debarred from becoming a police constable. He will remain thinking when he is asked to act.

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One can correct self

Do you want to correct yourself? If you want to test your mental ability in upholding the rule of law you will find the opportunity for doing that. Whether you are law abiding citizen or not can be known. What you have to do is drive a vehicle near the traffic island at Khoyathong near […]

Do you want to correct yourself? If you want to test your mental ability in upholding the rule of law you will find the opportunity for doing that. Whether you are law abiding citizen or not can be known. What you have to do is drive a vehicle near the traffic island at Khoyathong near PCTC, which is manned by electric signal without men in uniform. You will not be asked to stop or go because there is no traffic stopper at the area. Traffic control there is done by electrical signal. If you can stop when the red light is emitted you can call yourself a gentlemen and if you drive past the area even when the red traffic signal is beaming the onlookers will brand you as rascal. What I saw today was uncivilised people did not halt their vehicles even when the red right was beaming. When will Manipuris learn traffic rules? None will learn. We are out to grab everything if there is a chance for doing that. Traffic rules need to be learnt by VIPs also. If they learn why not lowly guys too will learn. Because all good things come down from above. Lowly guys regard higher ups as their role model so they attempt to learn everything done by their icons. When Aamir Khan had his head cleanly shaven to play a role in a Hindi film thousands and thousands in India imitated his hair style. Likewise lower ranked officers imitate their boss in making sleazy money. Visit any office and the same word that you will hear from top to the lowest level will be do something follow the tradition. When you refuse to pay they will brand you as ungentle guy. A child learns everything from senior. They will imitate all that their elders are doing. At home you behave as upholders of truth yet on the street you defy all forms of rules. How will your children agree when you tell him to stop when the red light is signalled because you had not stopped and your children had witnessed that? Advice needs to be followed up by example. Think for the young children also. We will continue to produce rascals because we have not done anything good for the young children. Even the little space available for the young children to play had been used in the construction of crematorium and community hall. We think for ourselves only. That is evident in the ever increasing of crematorium. We do not want to share the pang of separation of one’s near and dear ones. If you have a crematorium at your Leikai you can abstain from participation in the consecration of the soulless body to the fire. Whatever we are seeing on the street starting from traffic rule violation to unnecessary movement of vehicles at full speed will instil evil spirit in the young minds. Let us think for young children. Behave like gentlemen on the street also. There cannot be two roles one for the public gathering and another on the street. Do not forget everyone is watching you.

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The main function of the council should be to help needy people

Some demands are reasonable some utterly distasteful. Wise and sensible men understand without doing much how the society in which they are living can be taken to the path of development. The question is addressed to ourselves. Do we realise where our weakness lies? Can we face head on the pressure that comes to us? […]

Some demands are reasonable some utterly distasteful. Wise and sensible men understand without doing much how the society in which they are living can be taken to the path of development. The question is addressed to ourselves. Do we realise where our weakness lies? Can we face head on the pressure that comes to us? We wait for someone to come out and fight for us. We egg on others to fight for us. But not all are born fighters. The number of cowards is on the rise. That had been reflected when roadside heroes disguising as upholders of moral values attempted to deflect the real issue in the name of supporting bandh. The recent fight for restoration of dignity to the artistes went awry. Likewise some highlanders are attempting to hijack the real issue of helping the needy people in the hills of the state. Neither implementation of sixth schedule nor declaration of alternative arrangement will fulfil the cherished dream of putting the highlanders at the place of their choice. What is required is cleansing the mind of the so called leaders, who talk of problems of neglected lot while enjoying cosy lifestyle in the cities. Soon after becoming leaders they forget how they spent their childhood period. None of these leaders were born with the silver spoon in their mouth. Who will tell these leaders to think for the common masses and work for them only? As our leaders remain concerning themselves, the leaders in other states like Nagaland have started talking for the welfare of the people in the hill states. But the ground reality is Manipur is far far ahead of Nagaland. Our sports stars are doing well in the international sports arena. The artistic talent of Manipuris is unmatched. Can Nagaland think of hosting National Games as Manipur did 20 years back? Manipur is moving forward. Nagaland too can set on the path of development only when their people realise the faulty stand taken by their leaders. Their leaders work to serve the interest of unknown elements neglecting the duty to serve the needy people. They attempt to befool the masses by telling that peace and development lie in solving Naga problem. Winston Churchill war time bluff master attempted to conquer the world by spreading false pride of Britons and at the end Britishers were crushed and he was exposed. Now we are living in a fast developed world. They must address the question to themselves whether the demand for integration of Naga inhabited areas will be practicable. No land can be created on communal line. This is known to all. But the pan Naga development council if it works at the pattern of NEC having headquarters in Shillong may be acceptable. NEC exists to take care of the states in NE region. Similarly pan Naga council can function to take care of the needs of Nagas. More financial assistance can be extended to the community to enable it to compete with others in the field of sports and cultures. Let it shape the path for the peace and development to usher in. The areas considered to be neglected by all must get benefit.

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Leader of the hour

Chief Minister O. Ibobi is the leader of the hour. He can call spade a spade. He has let known the Union Government the feeling and sentiment of the people of the state. It seems he has taken a hardened stand not to succumb to any form of pressure. To him Manipur is more important […]

Chief Minister O. Ibobi is the leader of the hour. He can call spade a spade. He has let known the Union Government the feeling and sentiment of the people of the state. It seems he has taken a hardened stand not to succumb to any form of pressure. To him Manipur is more important than anything else. Guided by the firm belief of keeping Manipur intact he maintained a strong posture when he met central leadership and declared that he will make all out efforts to protect the territorial integrity of the state. Nagaland leaders demanding implementation of sixth schedule in Manipur’s hill areas is tantamount to poking nose into the affairs of the state. Can the people of Manipur demand bifurcation of Nagaland into two? The demand if any for the betterment or development of the people living in the state must come from the people themselves. Manipur is far ahead of Nagaland in any field of their choice. The question of subjugation of one community by others does not arise. Now the state Government has decided to form a committee headed by Justice of a high court to look into the disbursement of fund in the hills and plain areas. The finding of the committee will be able to shape the future of things to come. Forget Imphal the state capital of Manipur all the district headquarters of Manipur are abuzz with night life activities. But night life even in the state capital of Kohima is completely nil. Visitors are advised not to venture out in the night in Kohima. Nagaland leaders should remain concerning for the speedy development of Nagaland. In doing that the Naga problems will be identified and solution to the Naga problem will be found. Naga problem lies in Nagaland itself not in Manipur. The people in Nagaland have a long way to go to reach the goal of their choice. NSCN, Union Government peace talk has completed 15 years. Some leaders want to make it appear as if 15 years is a long journey. Generation after generation fought for development of a nation. Castle can be built within minutes in dream but in reality it will not happen at all. Fellow countrymen work hard to reach the stage of your choice. Ibobi understands that the entire people are with him when he tackles head on the challenge that is thrown against the territorial integrity of the state. He will single handedly tackle anything that can be construed as a challenge to the peaceful coexistence of the people of the state. Therefore it is not surprising that he rejected outright the proposal for implementation of sixth schedule in the hill areas of the state. Chief Minister understands that a state like Manipur, 80 percent of which areas belong to hills, will see fragmentation if the controversial act is implemented in Manipur. But the people’s mandate was for protection the entire land. He will not like to see disintegration of Manipur. The Union Government is cautioned against taking faulty step that may invite the return of medieval period when man fought against man. Spare Manipur and allow it to rest peacefully.

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VIPs defy traffic rules

Traffic rules are for breaking by VIPs. Everyone is now familiar with red light green light signal emitted by bulbs and they stop when the red light is emitted in front of him or her. But the nincompoop drivers of the VIPs as if they are ignorant of traffic light system show the tendency to […]

Traffic rules are for breaking by VIPs. Everyone is now familiar with red light green light signal emitted by bulbs and they stop when the red light is emitted in front of him or her. But the nincompoop drivers of the VIPs as if they are ignorant of traffic light system show the tendency to drive when the red light is emitted. These foolish drivers reflect the mental state of mind of the VIPs in the vehicles. Are the VIPs as foolish as their drivers? Why cannot VIPs control their unruly drivers? Or are the drivers instigated by the VIPs to violate traffic rules? If that is the case the drivers are wiser than the VIPs. But there are some sensible high ranking civil and police officers, who advise their drivers not to buck up from the vehicles in front of them unnecessarily. Their vehicles are driven nicely in the crowded areas. A rickshaw driver was slapped on the face by a police constable for crossing in front of a VIP’s vehicle, which was driven violating the traffic rules. Rickshaw driver sobbed and the rider on the seat consoled him not to cry telling the tears that rolled down should help him lead a happy and blissful life. But the VIP went away without knowing what happened after their vehicles defied traffic controllers’ order. Where lies the need for installation of traffic signal towers if one should not look at it? Our sensible advice to the VIPs is avoid using Kanglapat road, which is controlled by traffic signal. The other roads passing through the state capital, which does not have signal towers, are fit for them. The pilot vehicles leading VIPs’ convoy blare horn to make way for the VIP in the crowded area. Vehicles move cheek by jaw at Kanglapat road. There is no space for swerving. Common man always lands in trouble when a VIP vehicle is after him. Who would be able to ask our VIPs to feel the uneasiness common men face when they appear on the road. A police man put his hand on head when VIPs attempt to break traffic rules. Policemen on duty are at ease only when the VIPs had disappeared. After all where lies the need for all these VIPs to be on the road for all time. VIPs must not move on Kanglapat road frequently. If they use the road only for going to office and returning to home traffic controller’s unsavoury plight will be averted. The link road at other areas can be used for doing other activities than official one. Our VIPs too were once small men. They do not come down from heaven. They must know that they command respect of the common men only when they behave understanding the problems facing common people. However better side of installation of traffic signal on Kanglapat road is that too many people, who had once landed in unsavoury situation, caught by traffic jam have stopped using this road. More will stop using this road for more and more men and women will continue to land in the midst of sea of vehicles. Nobody likes to be caught by traffic jam. Be a wise man, do not drive on Kanglapat road.

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Who will be the next Prime Minister?

Will Narendra Modi become the next Prime Minister of India? This question is being asked by people belonging to different walks of life? None but he alone understands that he will not go to Delhi. Democracy is a game of number. No party can form the Government without adequate number. Political trend sweeping across the […]

Will Narendra Modi become the next Prime Minister of India? This question is being asked by people belonging to different walks of life? None but he alone understands that he will not go to Delhi. Democracy is a game of number. No party can form the Government without adequate number. Political trend sweeping across the country reveals that BJP is no where near reaching the magic figure. In Himachal Pradesh BJP was ousted from power. When election is held in Karnataka BJP will suffer down slide as BJP strongman Yedyurappa has formed his own party to take on BJP. The possibility of Left Front and other regional parties like SP, BSP inching towards BJP is remote. At the moment BSP and SP are supporting UPA Government at the centre. When election was held in UP last year Congress party had its vote share increased. Who knows and that will not evoke much surprise when Congress sees election of more of its candidates when Lok Sabha elections are held. Since Congress party under Jawaharlal Nehru won for three consecutive terms since the election was first held in 1952 no party had been able to win more than two terms continuously. Based on this theory some political parties opposed to Congress party are cooking up concocted lies of effecting the change of Government at the centre. The ground reality is that even the JD (U), which is considered as a strong ally of BJP sharing power in Bihar, will look the other way if Narendra Modi is projected as Prime Ministerial candidate of NDA. That had been revealed by Nitish Kumar. To him the other leaders are acceptable. Gujarat is different. All credit goes to Narandra Modi, who brought a sea change to the state. The state had seen massive growth rate in all fields. GDP had touched double figure. But Gujarat experiment cannot be applied in the country. He acted like a dictator. Even an MLA was forced to contest in Municipal council election. Then an MLA in Gujarat opted for retirement before the completion of the term and expressed his desire to become a school teacher. Though these are minor issues, which need to be discussed to know more about the Gujarat strongman. Moreover a leader, whose out look to other religious minorities cannot be free from doubtful remark, who is hailed by communal forces like RSS cannot rule over one billion plus country whose 40 percent population belong to people following different faiths. The past had taught a lesson. Telegu Desam suffered colossal loss in Andhra Pradesh for going together with BJP at the centre. The prominent place it occupied in Andhra Pradesh political arena had been snatched away by other regional parties, which later on merged with Congress party. Despite knowing the fact that majority of the people in the country are showing confidence in Congress party, which has its roots spread to every nook and corner of the country some leaders of different political are making false claim that a change will be seen at the centre. Prime Minister may be changed, the ministerial colleagues may also be changed but power will rest with Congress and its allies only. 2014 will tell, who becomes Prime Minister of the country.

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Traffic congestion can be eased

Lamphel Sanakeithel road connecting traffic island in front of UCM office and Tarung village near Cheiraoching has turned out to be the worst portion among the roads running through the state capital. Boulders lie scattered on the road to block movement of vehicles on the road in the same manner bandh volunteers scattering stumbling blocks […]

Lamphel Sanakeithel road connecting traffic island in front of UCM office and Tarung village near Cheiraoching has turned out to be the worst portion among the roads running through the state capital. Boulders lie scattered on the road to block movement of vehicles on the road in the same manner bandh volunteers scattering stumbling blocks on the road. The roadside dwellers face trouble time daily from the dawn to dusk inhaling dust studded air. It is a pathetic scene. Somebody, who cares about the well being of the people should come out and say a wrong has been done at this area. Why it happens this question will be asked. Why this area is kept neglected? Time and again we have been telling to stop this madness called addition of WBM on the road. It is wastage of money. Just level the road by filling up the pot holes with gravel and then black top it. That will not only save money but the road too will be strengthened. Unnecessarily WBM is added every time the concerned department takes up road construction programme. WBM is for giving benefit to the contractor and the gain is shared among the contractors and the engineers. In other states the thrust is given in the development of (sadak, bijali and paani). Such idea must come from our respected representatives. They must be moving on these neglected roads for attending social, religious and Government functions. Cannot they feel the need for giving finishing touches to these half completed roads? They act only when the locals raise the issue through print or electronic media. They wait for someone to dictate what they should do. The question remains should we elect men, who can repair roads as our representative. That necessity has arisen. Because a land locked state Manipur, which does not have any means other than road for reaching out must have well maintained roads. When every other state is having well maintained roads why should our people move on dusty and unlevelled roads? Frankly speaking moving on these roads is really suffocating. Traffic jam at the national highway road near Kanglapat will reduce when the link roads are properly maintained. Why should one like to drive on jam-packed roads if the link roads are properly maintained. One is now in a dilemma whether to use the dusty roads or crowded road. But someone, who is wise and whose vehicle is old prefers driving on the dusty road because if he drives in crowded area he may land in trouble when his engine breaks down. At the dusty road nobody will bother when his vehicle is halted even in the middle of the road. It is time the concerned authority thinks for the conscious people, who do not want to add pestering problems like traffic jam that have occurred daily in the heart of the town. Similarly the other roads at Sagolband side near Tera too can be improved. When these roads are improved thousands will automatically avoid using the road near Kanglapat and that will ease the tension of all. Our planners can be asked to focus on these dusty roads. Consequently traffic congestion will go away.

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A lot of garbage

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The scenes of garbage piling up on the streets of Imphal have become a common feature no matter how many declarations of keeping Imphal clean are made. A host of programs and projects have been launched with fanfare and hoopla … Continue reading

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The post A lot of garbage appeared first on

The scenes of garbage piling up on the streets of Imphal have become a common feature no matter how many declarations of keeping Imphal clean are made. A host of programs and projects have been launched with fanfare and hoopla but the stench of rotting garbage in Imphal tells its own story. On the few days that waste disposal pick up vehicles come by to pick up garbage from households, the streets of Imphal may well look a bit clean but such days then mean it is the turn for people living around the Lamphel and Langol foothills have to live with stench and filth, thanks to the accumulated garbage that gets dumped in their vicinity. IFP’s piece yesterday on how the cease work strike by employees of the Imphal Municipality Council points the sorry state of affairs where Government apathy towards employees on one hand and the lack of responsibility and ownership amongst IMC employees on the other, is taking its toll on the civic appearance and hygiene and sanitation of Imphal areas.

The IMC employees getting short shift from the Government in terms of not getting their pay is getting repetitive and mirrors the travails of the now defunct Manipur State Road & Transport Corporation. Given the fast urban growth in and around Imphal and the lack of proper drainage and dumping ground for garbage and wastage, the idea of doing without an agency to take care and responsibility of waste care and its management will do nothing for the ‘development’ that Manipur is attempting to seek. The IMC and other agencies come into the picture at the stage of waste collection and disposal but it is necessary also to address ways of preventing garbage accumulation as well. The latest vehicles on the street also have people who throw waste right in the middle of roads to start with and there must be a way of naming and shaming this section of people so that the habit does not become a legitimate common activity.

One other way of not contributing to waste build up is by not using polythene bags, which is incidentally banned. But, the manner and degree in which polythene bags are being used throughout the state dispels any notion of the ban being implemented. Compare this with states where Government takes strict action against the use of plastic bag use by making that shopping establishments use paper bags. Elsewhere in the country, walk into any major store, and customers who opt for plastic and polythene bags are charged extra thereby indirectly leading the common man to start thinking about using jute, paper or cloth bags. In Manipur, apart from the cement structured dumping areas in residential areas, the roads do not have public dustbins while plastic/polythene bags have become a much-needed commodity. There is no reason why we in Manipur cannot curtail their use when other states have been able to do the same. It just takes some effort on our parts and a bit of the authorities being serious with its intent of limiting plastic and polythene use.

In terms of waste disposal and dumping, once plastic use is limited, bio-degradable waste materials no longer need to be burnt but can be utilized to make compost organic manure or be recycled. While the Government needs to decide what it wants the IMC to be doing as a stakeholder in the civic and sanitation sector and address the grievances of its employees, it should also be noted that apart from Imphal, there are semi urban areas developing in the districts without any agency in place to look into waste disposal and management. It is only a matter of time for the spectacle of waste piles that we see in the streets of Imphal to be seen in these semi urban areas and there is an urgent need for a systematic approach to be put in place. If steps are not taken to address the filth and the stench that we are beginning to regard as ‘normal’ and acceptable, we will soon come to a stage where Manipur may well be known only for its garbage.

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The true duty of people’s representatives

If one is an MLA, (people’s representative), one should be able to work for improvement of roads in his constituency. If you cannot work for betterment of the roads even in your alley, you cease to be chum of even your own voters. The elections held last year had shown the exit of people’s representatives […]

If one is an MLA, (people’s representative), one should be able to work for improvement of roads in his constituency. If you cannot work for betterment of the roads even in your alley, you cease to be chum of even your own voters. The elections held last year had shown the exit of people’s representatives rejected by the voters for neglecting development work in their own constituencies. Suspension bar of old vehicles broke down and engine oil leaked on the road in driving along the roads in Imphal. If these representatives cannot think for betterment of roads in their constituencies who will come down and speak on their behalf. They cannot remain confined in the drawing room sitting on the cosy sofa. Hear the voice of the masses and inspect the roads, which are filled with potholes. They must know the road is their face. When the vehicles jerked on the road invective adjectives come out naturally from the mouth of commuters. To become
a representative they could stoop too low and after getting what they want they have forgotten to see the condition of roads, locals complained. Ministers are different, they are preoccupied with other activities like rummaging through files and attending offices. But MLAs do not have office, they must have lots of time to hear the voice of the masses and convey it to the officials concerned to bring developmental programmes in their respective constituencies. Unfortunately people’s representatives are playing secondary role to the bureaucrats. This is called suppression of people’s sovereignty. Simple and common heave delightment on seeing their representatives walking tall with head held high. On the contrary even and AE refuses to oblige request or order made by people’s representatives. There had been instances of an SI confronting with an MLA. Then a Minister was challenged by an army officer. These were ominous scenes,
something that must not happen in a democratic country. Our representatives have been given immense privileges that need to be protected. The entire people will come out in support of their representatives but it so happened the representatives themselves were left to defend themselves. Perhaps the failure to take up welfare programmes had alienated the representatives from the masses. There should be closer relationship between the people and the representatives. That can be achieved by taking up welfare programmes for the masses that include proper maintenance of roads and bridges. Some of the roads or alleys that require immediate attention of the concerned department are the road connecting Sagolband main road and the bridge constructed over Nambul river, which is a very short one around 100 meter stretch. The other main road, which is filled with pot holes is the road from Iroishemba on Uripok stretching up to Kangchup hill. Then there is Tera Lukram Leirak, which is also in the worst form. It seems there is no representative, who can speak for the betterment of these roads. Pay attention to these roads and make it a usable one. Construction season cannot be wasted without doing anything. Newspapers will have enough space if someone comes out and speak for the betterment of roads and bridges in Manipur. Utilise the opportunity.


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