Climb the ladder step by step

Do not attempt to get too many things in a single day. One must attempt to reach higher echelons of the society by climbing the ladder step by step. The story of greedy grabber losing everything after the sack filled with jewellery got torn must remain as eye opener every time one sets out from […]

Do not attempt to get too many things in a single day. One must attempt to reach higher echelons of the society by climbing the ladder step by step. The story of greedy grabber losing everything after the sack filled with jewellery got torn must remain as eye opener every time one sets out from home to perform daily work. A chicken centre, which became talk of the town for selling dressed chicken at cheaper rate closed down very soon after buyers detected that the weighing machine was manipulated. Likewise hardware saw complete rejection by buyers after it was detected that the items sold were immersed into the water to make it heavier. Similarly a doctor, who had the habit of negotiating about the fee before giving medical treatment to the patients, saw reduction in the number of visitors to his home for treatment. One must learn to be contented with the little one gets. Fortunate persons are those, who are loved by all. What is required is winning the confidence of all. Once you have been able to do that success will knock at your door. But not all are born to lead a successful life. This however does not mean one must cease to work when he fails in one attempt. Remember great men shot to fame after making several attempts to shine in the field of their choice. Mediocre attempts to get maximum benefit out of little they perform. They too realise where their weakness lies. When they failed to get the little they expected they lamented every step they made. We must understand where we are? We must not compare ourselves with those born in the developed parts of the world. But we must attempt to find ways for speedy development of the state. In doing that we will feel the solace of doing something for the state. Let us not envy other’s achievement. Rather than envying others achievement we must focus on ourselves to know why we could not do as the successful men did. The name and fame come to those, who work hard. If we realise that we will feel the need for working hard. Students can be advised to study hard to shine in academic life. They cannot be asked to see the short journey to achieve success in examination. Similarly youngsters aspiring to start business can be asked to adopt the method that will help them earn the love and confidence of others. When the darkness has engulfed our mind we seek advice from elders and friends. We uphold their views when they speak the truth. Therefore elders should advise youngsters to speak only the truth nothing but the truth. Because there is nothing that can stand against the truth. A child has the habit of speaking only the truth but the surrounding in which he or she has been compelled to grow up makes him or her to act as they are doing. Let us realise where we are and think what we can do to make our society a better place for living. Misunderstanding that have come up cropping must get buffeted away by the good will of the people. Let us make Manipur a better place for living.

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Artiste safety

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In our society, there are certain norms of etiquette that is followed from one generation to the other and sometimes so true to form that it becomes a cultural norm. The practice of showing respect for performers or artistes who … Continue reading

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In our society, there are certain norms of etiquette that is followed from one generation to the other and sometimes so true to form that it becomes a cultural norm. The practice of showing respect for performers or artistes who take centre stage while performing on occasions of death, marriage and other social events center around showing respect. Audience members who want to show their appreciation must first of all give their benediction to the artiste, which is done by bowing to them and then followed by the act of offering money. The process of showing appreciation is almost ritual in nature with a bow to the platform or rather, the area where the performance is being held and the nature of performance is deemed to be the one where the maximum spotlight that in earlier times, the entry of women in these domains were not encouraged.

While the practice of decorum for showing appreciation to performing artistes are still being followed for cultural and social functions, mostly because they are attended by elders; the nature of younger people towards artistes performing at entertainment programs has undergone a sea change. It is common for crowds now to heckle artistes on stage, passing lewd gestures and making rude gestures if the performers happen to be girls. Much before the storm broke out over the brutal attack on film actor Momoko Khangembam, there were many other cases where people in the audience have ended up getting all too familiar with performing artistes. There is at least one video clip on popular site Youtube where someone from the audience at a musical function, taking place in Imphal is shown being kicked by the singer. It is not clear what transpired between the singer and the person who went up on stage from the audience but suffice to say that if the singer in question did not have a valid reason for his action, he would have been booed down by the rest of the audience and been banned from singing ever again. On another occasion, a male audience member was seen getting too close to comfort to a female singer who kept stepping back from him. He said something to the artiste, which incensed one musician so much that he rushed from his performing spot with his guitar in tow and whacked the man who was pestering the singer.

Part of the problem comes from the fact that a majority of our society tends to look down on artistes who perform for a living. The lack of respect and the failure to associate dignity with the profession that artistes are in, lead to the tendency to misbehave with them. Added to this mentality, the use of alcohol and other drugs that gives people on a ‘high’ only aggravates the situation. Contrast this with how sportspersons are feted and valued in our society. Both sports and performing artistes stand on the basis of their talent and ability. The dedication and hard work that goes into making a sportsperson also applies for performing artistes but the regard that is kept for the former is still to be seen for artistes like singers, film actors, musicians, make up artistes and other technicians. In the confines of a small market made worse by the advances of technology that makes it possible for the latest songs or movies to be downloaded, film actors and other performing artistes have to resort to try other means like performing at musical functions and programs, sometimes at venues far away from Imphal. Most of the programs are decided and confirmed verbally or at most, a written invitation and do not include any terms or clauses regarding the protection of the artistes. The recent Chandel incident is a telling reflection of how things can and do go wrong for artistes and there is no guarantee that such an incident will not happen again. The extent and nature may vary but till the time artistes do not take a firm stand against being harassed by either security personnel or other anti social elements while en-route to their performances or during it, till the time they demand that organizers for their programs commit to ensuring their safety and protection, it will only be a matter of time till another gets roughed up somewhere.

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Better days are ahead

Hope runs high, 2013 will bring lots of changes to the state. Morning shows the day. Nothing happened on January 1. It seems everyone has realised what is happening in Manipur in particular and the country as a whole. Cool and calm scene was witnessed on January 1. Manipur Government led by Chief Minister O. […]

Hope runs high, 2013 will bring lots of changes to the state. Morning shows the day. Nothing happened on January 1. It seems everyone has realised what is happening in Manipur in particular and the country as a whole. Cool and calm scene was witnessed on January 1. Manipur Government led by Chief Minister O. Ibobi could take a committed stand to face the pressure that came from different angles. Manipur is safe in his hand. Union Government will not take any major decision with regard to meeting of the demands put up by NSCN without the approval of Manipur Government. In the past despite strong pressure from the Union Government not to lift armed forces special powers act from Imphal areas Ibobi went ahead and seven assembly segments in Imphal area are nowfree from the diabolic act. Ibobi will be able to take similar stand when the Union Government seeks his advice on meeting certain demands put up by NSCN. The Government at the centre is desperate to make some major announcement on the eve of Nagaland elections slated for early part of this year. If last year, 2012, showed the path ahead, 2013 will give solace to the people of the state. The decision taken by the state Government for formation of a committee to look into the requirement of the remote hill districts to put at par developmental activities both in the hills and valley will bring to light where the lapses exist. How fund earmarked for certain areas went elsewhere. This committee, which will have representatives from different communities, should shape the mind of the Planning Commission on matters of allocation of fund. The report of the committee will bring to light which areas of the state got more money and which place was erased from the plan money record. Mary Kom showed in 2012 the path that patience and proper training can take Manipuri sports stars higher to clinch even Olympic medal, consequently more are showing readiness to step in her foot step. Manipur winning Gold medal in the next Olympic will not be a big surprise. Manipuris particularly voters have realised the need for keeping a strong and powerful Government. That feeling shaped the outcome of the election held in 2012. That feeling will shape the outcome of the Lok Sabha election if it is preponed in 2013. Foreign direct investment though it will not bring much financial relief to the smaller state like Manipur it will boost up financial supremacy of the country. The money collected from the FDI will be used in making Food Security Bill a law. When this law is implemented there will be no starvation in the country. Hunger will become a thing of past. This is a change which will be witnessed in Manipur also. State Government has decided to give a thrust to development of road communication and improvement of power supply. Ambitious plans are underway to provide drinking in Imphal areas particularly Imphal East by supplying water through pipe from Thoubal barrage. Power supply will be improved dramatically. Because a massive plan is underway to connect Manipur with the gas based power project in Tripura. Better days are ahead.

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Gaikhangam’s oratory skill is unmatched

Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam, who holds Home portfolio, is a good speaker. He was branded as Chinggi-Chandramani for his oratory skill by none other than late Deputy Chief Minister of Manipur I. Tompok Singh. Like MPP leader Dr. L. Chandramani, who had served the state Government at various level in the past, Gaikhangam’s oratory skill […]

Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam, who holds Home portfolio, is a good speaker. He was branded as Chinggi-Chandramani for his oratory skill by none other than late Deputy Chief Minister of Manipur I. Tompok Singh. Like MPP leader Dr. L. Chandramani, who had served the state Government at various level in the past, Gaikhangam’s oratory skill is also unmatched. Chandramani has facts and figures on finger tips. Gaikhangam’s skill lies in his ability to speak without disclosing anything. He keeps the secret between teeth and mouth. He does not utter the words that are not required. When the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohon Singh visited Manipur some time back the MPP workers paraded naked albeit at the precinct of the MPP office near Imphal Pologround unseen by others. The parade however was recorded by camera and shown on local channel. When Gaikhangam was asked by scribes to give his comment on the parade he began by smiling and said strangers would be hesitant to join the regional party as they would think it was mandatory for the new entrant to the party shed clothe. That evoked amusement even from the scribes. The Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde’s alleged words of caution against Gaikhangam for being media friendly and also for speaking words that were not in conformity with the line of thinking of the Home Ministry was uncalled for. If Gaikhangam spoke about the need for eviction of NSCN designated camp from Chandel it was demanded by situation. Moreover NSCN, which is engaged in peace talk with the Union Government, cannot operate in Manipur. For the cease fire is confined to Nagaland only. It cannot be extended beyond Nagaland. Manipur was burnt when the NDA Government led by BJP extended cease fire in NE region beyond Nagaland. Public memory is still fresh. There is apprehension of Manipur seeing that episode as the peace talk between NSCN and the Union Government is nearing to find a logical solution on the eve of Nagaland election slated for March next year. Manipur like other states in NE region had taken a hardened stand not to part away even an inch of land in the creation of another Nagaland. That feeling weighs heavily in the minds of leaders of all political parties including the century old Congress party. Unfortunately like other mortals leaders of political parties show the tendencies to forget all that happened one or two decades back. The mad rumblings against Gaikhangam will subside. The Union Government is cautioned against uttering words that may flare up communal tension in Manipur. The situation now calls for giving full support to the Ibobi led Congress Government in Manipur to enable it to face bravely the pressures that come from different angles. Any attempt to weaken the Government by punishing or scolding any of the ministerial colleagues will backfire. Gaikhangam did not cross the limit when he spoke what he said. Nothing should be done to clip his wings. He has become a true leader of Naga community. The state needs to produce more leaders of his stature to restore peace and communal harmony in the state. Nothing should be done to gag his mouth. His crafted words are interesting to hear.

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A sad phase passed away

None should attempt to gain star status over night. Because not all people are born to be big. The just concluded Manipur bandh has left a big question mark. Are we prepared to respect our leaders? It is true Manipuris by nature are not personality worshippers. That had been proved by the manner with which […]

None should attempt to gain star status over night. Because not all people are born to be big. The just concluded Manipur bandh has left a big question mark. Are we prepared to respect our leaders? It is true Manipuris by nature are not personality worshippers. That had been proved by the manner with which the bandh was organised in a haphazard manner. Top leaders of Film Forum and Shumang Leela council declared bandh had been suspended keeping in view the greatest festival of Christians, which fell on December 25. But a breakaway group declared the bandh would continue. Then all of sudden the JAC was abolished. The greatest weapon of democracy, which is used to express grievances of the masses was reduced to plaything in Manipur. It is a shame. We have a lot of lesson to learn from this bandh. Unless you are mentally prepared to be together with the leaders of your organisation you are better off to keep away yourself from the organisation. For at the end you will become a liability. You must immediately eschew the path and look for other ways. Without knowing what was in store for them they challenged the authority. If you are in an organisation you must know the culture and principles of the organisation without being told. The breakaway group was exposed. They too could not get anything. We must know some are born to be workers and some others as leaders. One cannot attempt to shoot higher by challenging the leaders. That happens in filmy world only. But if you are destined to be a big man surely you will think big. And if you think big all that happened would not have happened. Misunderstanding between man and man reduced the well organised bandh to a farce. So many people landed in trouble as they set out assuming that the bandh hour was over. Buses had the wind shields shattered and too many two wheelers and three wheelers were damaged. The anger was directed among ourselves. The message that the bandh wanted to send moved towards the wrong direction. It was a colossal loss. In future before we launch bandh or other forms of agitation to demand redressal of the grievances of the people we must think whether the masses would hear our voice. Even the father of the nation Mahtma Gandhi had trouble time controlling his supporters to come to his term. He even fasted to control his unruly supporters. Do we possess the charisma to carry the entire masses according to our whims? Like the headless demons the bandh volunteers carried out activities according to their whims. Manipur had in the past shown matured agitations. Manipur became full fledged state, got the place it deserved in the eighth schedule. These were the fall out of the matured agitation launched by Manipuris. Then AFSPA was lifted and AR shifted from Kangla. These are not mean achievement. The agitations launched by the people of the state to get all those demands in keeping with democratic principles reflected proper use of democratic rights. That was not to be seen in the just concluded agitation. A sad phase had passed away.

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The heat of bandh was felt

All hell broke loose. The three day bandh called in the state to protest against the molestation of a film star by self styled Lt. Col of NSCN caused devastation. Such type of bandh was self destructing. The real issue was hijacked. All that was witnessed during bandh period was unprecedented. Bandh volunteers acted on […]

All hell broke loose. The three day bandh called in the state to protest against the molestation of a film star by self styled Lt. Col of NSCN caused devastation. Such type of bandh was self destructing. The real issue was hijacked. All that was witnessed during bandh period was unprecedented. Bandh volunteers acted on their own as if they had no leaders. The three day bandh will be eye opener. Civil organisations will think twice next time before calling bandh in future. Perhaps the state Government is handicapped to take action against the NSCN cadre. It might be for these reasons that the Government called all party meeting to discuss over the matter. A delegation of all party will be sent to Delhi to pressurise the Union Government to hand over the perpetrator of the crime to the Government of Manipur. The all party delegation will be able to extricate information from the Union Government as why it cannot take action against the NSCN. Every organisation be it political or civil attempts to keep itself abreast of criminals either by expelling them or the criminals themselves deserting the organisation. NSCN too must adopt similar method. Livingstone should be kicked out from the organisation. That way the image of NSCN will be improved. Manipur almost burnt. A private channel camera man died while covering police action against the bandh volunteers. Manipur had witnessed the bandh of this nature in past. Yet police did not learn anything from the past. Live bullet was used to disperse the crowd. That had been proved by the killing of a camera man. That is really sad. What is even sadder is the fact that all these were the fall out of wild and thoughtless action of a cadre of a rebel organisation. Such person should be punished by the organisation. The prolonged association with this man will drag down the image of NSCN. Leaders of the organisation ought to know that. The state Government has announced a cash reward of Rs five lakhs on the head of Livingstone. It shows the state Government is committed to find early solution to this crime against woman. Manipur these days is becoming unsafe for fair sex. Too many crimes had been committed against women of all ages. The victims of rape or torture included even old woman. Drastic actions need to be taken against the perpetrators of the crime so that in future they will not think of committing crime against women. Laws should be made stricter to provide extreme form of punishment to the wrong doers. Who are these men who do not know crime against women is punishable. In the past even an underground organisation carried out physical elimination of rapists. Even then we continue to hear reports of molestation of women by men. Nothing has changed. But the one that happened at Chandel was painful for the crime was committed in front of law enforcing agencies by a member of a rebel organisation. As if he was out of bound he even shot to those who intervened. Livingstone had angered all. He must be caught without delay.

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Punish the criminal

It is really sad that the state Government pleads the inability to arrest a criminal. Criminals cannot remain above law. Criminals are criminals. Whatever position they hold wherever they belong they must be caught and punished without delay. For the delay in giving punishment to the perpetrator of the crime will backfire. The state is […]

It is really sad that the state Government pleads the inability to arrest a criminal. Criminals cannot remain above law. Criminals are criminals. Whatever position they hold wherever they belong they must be caught and punished without delay. For the delay in giving punishment to the perpetrator of the crime will backfire. The state is now burning caused by the wild and thoughtless action of a member of an underground organisation. Just as Afghanistan was reduced to ashes following irresponsible acts of Taliban the rebel organisation to which the mad dog belongs too will suffer the same fate. NSCN can save its image by punishing Livingstone who is responsible for burning the state. Every organisation attempts to lift its own image by pushing away those whose presence will drag down the organisation. Political parties maintain political propriety by keeping itself abreast of criminals. We hear quite often leaders of political parties expelling members of the same party found indulging in criminal activities. That way image of the party is lifted. Self styled Lt. Col. of NSCN, Livingstone had committed a heinous crime by molesting a film star, who was engaged for conducting a musical concert. He even fired to those who intervened. He acted like a mad dog attempting to bite everyone around him. Cannot he be tranquilised? Even the wild animal is tranquilised by injecting tranquiliser. Something needs to be done to restore normalcy. Either he should be jailed or NSCN should punish him. In Mahabharat of Hindu mythology Dushashan had his chest torn apart by Bhim and Drapaudi washed her hair with the blood that came out oozing from the torn chest. His crime was he harassed Drapaudi by pulling her sari in a well attended durbar. Livingstone emulated Dushashan’s crime. He forgot where he was and he threw in the wind public decency. He could pull the hair of a girl in full public view. He must pay for the crime committed. He is not fit to be member of any organisation be it underground whatsoever it may be. NSCN must act and expel him from the organisation. In the meanwhile the state Government should leave no stone unturned to punish the mad dog. Our Government cannot plead the inability to touch the thug. There cannot be separate laws to deal with different persons. Female must feel safe living in Manipur. The episode has enflamed the angers of womenfolk and they took to the street demanding punishment for the criminal. Today large number of women came out on the street in different areas and blocked movement of vehicles. Both NSCN and the state Government should feel the harm done to a female artiste. Wounded hearts need to be healed. Chief Minister O. Ibobi had gone to Delhi to meet central leaders to find ways for punishing the molester. Something will surely come of out it. As the NSCN is holding peace talk with the Union Government the state Government is handicapped to take action against the NSCN cadre. How long he will remain elusive. He will be caught. The punishment being meted out should be exemplary so that he will not think of committing the crime again.

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MSAD on Chandel incident and scribe death

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IMPHAL, December 24:The Manipur Students` Association, Delhi (MSAD) has condoled the killing of Thangjam Dwijamani alias Nanao (32) s/o (L) Th Babu of Thangmeiband Sinam Leikai, a stringer of Doordarshan Kendra Imphal due to police firing while controlling a mob … Continue reading

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IMPHAL, December 24:The Manipur Students` Association, Delhi (MSAD) has condoled the killing of Thangjam Dwijamani alias Nanao (32) s/o (L) Th Babu of Thangmeiband Sinam Leikai, a stringer of Doordarshan Kendra Imphal due to police firing while controlling a mob at Sinam Leikai on 23rd December 2012. A press relase from MSAD accused the State, instead of making adequate security arrangement for safe passage of peoples stranded in Imphal and other parts of Manipur had resorted to killing of civilians adding fuel to the tension and washed off its responsibility to play an effective role in dealing with the demand for justice. Joining the chorus of condemnation over the Chandel incident, MSAD stated that no matter what the pretext, context and agenda might be; the criminal activity of Livingstone cannot be justified. It further  appealed to the NSCN-IM not to delay or derail the punitive action against Livingstone on the pretext of the prevailing turmoil in the state.The statement also expressed caution to the public regarding their further course of actions and appealed for people to refrain from any any communal assertions. 

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Journalists Unions mourns scribe

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IMPHAL, December 24: The Manipur Hill Journalists Union (MHJU) has in a statement expressed its shock over the brutal killing of a TV journalist Thangjam Dwijamani Singh alias Nanao on Sunday (December 23) during the police firing in the state … Continue reading

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IMPHAL, December 24: The Manipur Hill Journalists Union (MHJU) has in a statement expressed its shock over the brutal killing of a TV journalist Thangjam Dwijamani Singh alias Nanao on Sunday (December 23) during the police firing in the state capital of Imphal.

A press release from the Union said that that the manner of Nanao`s death is a grim reminder of the insecurity of the media persons in Manipur. “It is alarming that journalists are being targeted while performing their daily duties. The ugly incident clearly reflects the insecurity of state journalists in times of crisis or violence.” the statement said.

Calling for  stringent action to be taken against the police who cold bloodedly shot dead the journalist, the Union urged the Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh, to order a probe into the incident and to give compensation to the family of the slain journalist.

The statement further said that the Manipur Hill Journalists Union (MHJU) has not been allowed to attend the condolence of its fraternity  by the bandh supporters which indeed is a disrespectful act for the media voice and its freedom. It further appealed to the Film Forum Manipur (FFM) and Manipur State Shumang Leela Council to lift the ‘indefinite bandh’ which has disrupted the Christmas moods and activities in the State.

Meanwhile, the Senapati District Working Journalists Association has deeply mourned the untimely death of Thangjam Dwijamai alias Nanao while on duty saying that he was a promising and upcoming journalist of the state. In its statement, the Association has condemned the home department and the police personnel involved in the firing that led to the death of Nanao.

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Archbishop`s appeal

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IMPHAL, Dec 24: A statement from the Archbishop of Imphal, Rev Dominic Lumon has appealed to the Manipur for peace and calm. Condemning the action of Livingstone the accused in the alleged assault of film actor Momoko, the statement has … Continue reading

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IMPHAL, Dec 24: A statement from the Archbishop of Imphal, Rev Dominic Lumon has appealed to the Manipur for peace and calm. Condemning the action of Livingstone the accused in the alleged assault of film actor Momoko, the statement has said that the ill behavior of one man cannot be let to divide people. It further appealed for good will and for people to refrain from any act that can lead to harm.

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Curfew hours

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IMPHAL, December 24: Curfew has been imposed in all the four valley districts of the state starting for 11 am this morning till 6 am of tomorrow, following the general strike supporters carrying out protests with intensity on the third … Continue reading

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IMPHAL, December 24: Curfew has been imposed in all the four valley districts of the state starting for 11 am this morning till 6 am of tomorrow, following the general strike supporters carrying out protests with intensity on the third day today.

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World-renowned theatre director Ratan Thiyam to be conferred Sangeet Akademi Fellow

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NEW DELHI, December 24 (MIC): World-renowned theatre director Ratan Thiyam from Manipur was among three eminent personalities elected in the field of performing arts as Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellows for the year 2012. Writer, director, designer, musician, painter and actor, … Continue reading

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NEW DELHI, December 24 (MIC): World-renowned theatre director Ratan Thiyam from Manipur was among three eminent personalities elected in the field of performing arts as Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellows for the year 2012.

Writer, director, designer, musician, painter and actor, Ratan Thiyam is one of the most important and influential theater makers at work in the international performance scene. A son of Manipuri dance masters, for a time, Thiyam studied painting before turning to writing. He published his first of six novels in 1961 at the age of 22, wrote poetry and reviews. Writing led him to theater.  In 1971, he enrolled at the National School of Drama in Delhi, gaining a reputation as a powerful actor and director. In 1976, he returned to Manipur and founded Chorus Repertory Theatre. He was also briefly the director of National Scholl of Drama, New Delhi in 1987–88. His plays have traveled, from Aryan Theater, GM Hall, Jawaharlal Nehru Dance Academy (JNMDA) in Manipur to the Shriram Center for Arts, New Delhi and the group’s first overseas break was their trip with Chakravyuh to Greece in 1984. His plays have travelled throughout the world, fascinating audiences with their grace and a spectacular style drawn from Manipuri performing arts like Thang-Ta (a Manipuri martial art) and Nata Sankirtana (a classical dance and music form) into his works, which through subversion and reversion, get assimilated into his own distinct form. He was honored with the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 1987 and the Padma Shri in 1989. His play Chakravyuh got the prestigious “Fringe Firsts Award,” from Edinburgh International Theatre Festival in 1987. He was the second Indian recipient of John D. Rockefeller Award after Kapila Vatsayan, which is presented yearly by the Trustees of the Asian Cultural Council to an individual from Asia or the United States,  who has made a significant contribution to the international understanding, practice, or study of the visual or performing arts of Asia.

The General Council of Sangeet Natak Akademi, the National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama, New Delhi at its meeting held on Friday elected three  eminent personalities in the field of performing arts, namely N. Rajam, T.H. Vinayakram and Ratan Thiyam as Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellows (Akademi Ratna).  The Fellowship of the Akademi is the most prestigious and rare honour, which is restricted to a very limited number at a given time.  Presently there are only 40 Fellows of the Sangeet Natak Akademi.

The General Council of the Akademi also selected thirty six (36) persons from the fields of Music, Dance, Theatre and Puppetry for the Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards (Akademi Puraskar) for the year 2012.

In the field of Music, nine eminent artists, namely Rajashekhar Mansur and  Ajay Pohankar for Hindustani Vocal Music, Sabir Khan (Tabla) and Bahauddin Dagar (Rudra Veena) for Hindustani Instrumental Music, O.S. Thyagarajan for Carnatic Vocal Music, Mysore M. Nagaraja, (Violin) and K.V. Prasad (Mridangam) for Carnatic Instrumental Music, Illayaraja for Creative & Experimental Music and Bhai Balbir Singh Ragi (Gurbani) for Other Major Traditions of Music have been selected for the Akademi Award 2012.

In the field of Dance, nine eminent practitioners, namely  Priyadarsini Govind (Bharatanatyam), Vijay Shankar (Kathak), Vazhengada Vijayan (Kathakali),  Vedantam Ramalinga Sastry (Kuchipudi), Sharmila Biswas (Odissi), Jai Narayan Samal (Chhau), Painkulam Damodara Chakyar (Kutiyattam), Jwala Prasad (Music for Dance) and Aditi Mangaldas (Creative & Experimental Dance) have been selected for the Akademi Award 2012.

In the field of Theatre, eight eminent artists have been selected for Akademi Awards 2012. They include Arjun Deo Charan for Playwriting, Tripurari Sharma and Waman Kendre for Direction, Parvesh Sethi, Nirmal Rishi and Purisai Kannappa Sambandan for Acting, Murari Roychoudhury for Theatre Music and Ghulam Rasool Bhagat for Major Traditions of Theatre (Bhand Pather).

For their contribution to Other Traditional/Folk/ Tribal Music/ Dance/ Theatre and Puppetry, eight artists have been selected for the Akademi Award. They are Goru Channabasappa for Folk Music (Karnataka), Kinaram Nath Oja for Suknani Ojapali (Assam), Prem Singh Dehati for Folk Theatre (Haryana), Sulochana Chavan for Lavani (Maharashtra), Mattannur Sankaran Kutty Marar for Thayambaka (Kerala), Govind Ram Nirmalkar for Nacha (Chhattisgarh), Heera Das Negi for Mask Making (Himachal Pradesh) and Prafulla Karmakar for Traditional Puppetry (West Bengal).

Nandini Ramani and Arun Kakade will receive the Akademi Award 2012 for Overall Contribution/Scholarship in Performing Arts.

The honour of Akademi Fellow has been conferred since 1954 and Akademi Award since 1952.  The honour of Akademi Fellow carries purse money of Rupees three lakhs and Akademi Awards carry Rupees one lakh, besides Tamrapatra and Angavastram.

This year, no one from Manipur has been selected for Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards, though Manipur has been proud of its Manipuri Dance and other performing arts.

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JNIMS appeal

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IMPHAL, December 24: A press release from the JN Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS) has called for restraint in light of the current situation in the state. Saying that the law and order situation might call for medical emergencies  including … Continue reading

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IMPHAL, December 24: A press release from the JN Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS) has called for restraint in light of the current situation in the state. Saying that the law and order situation might call for medical emergencies  including the ATC/ Casualty to be functional on 24 hour basis in public interest it said that the acts of physical assault, physical intimidation, use of abusive languages and obstructions in movement against JNIMS Doctors and paramedical staffs who were on their way to attend medical emergencies at J.N.Hospital and vandalizing of 2(two) nos. of life saving Ambulances of J.N.Hospital even after due identification as emergency medical services on the night of 23rd Dec.2012 at about 8:00 P.M is unfortunate. It has also appealed to all concerned to desist from providing undue hindrance to the Doctors and Other Paramedical Staffs of J.N.Hospital.

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IJU condemns Manipuri scribe`s death in police firing

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HYDERABAD, December 24: The Indian Journalists Union (IJU) today expressed profound shock over the death of Manipuri journalist Thangjam Nanao Singh, allegedly in police firing, while covering the face-off between protesters and police over molestation of a local actress by … Continue reading

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The post IJU condemns Manipuri scribe`s death in police firing appeared first on

HYDERABAD, December 24: The Indian Journalists Union (IJU) today expressed profound shock over the death of Manipuri journalist Thangjam Nanao Singh, allegedly in police firing, while covering the face-off between protesters and police over molestation of a local actress by a Naga militant.

In a statement issued here today, IJU President S N Sinha and Secretary General Devulpalli Amar expressed doubts over the official version and wondered how only the journalist wounded while not even a single alleged agitator injured in the police firing.

Thangjam Dwijamani Singh alias Nanao, a journalist with `Prime Time` news channel who also contributed pictures to Doordarshan, was killed in the police firing yesterday while taking pictures during the strike at Thangmeiband area in Imphal West district over the molestation incident.

“We have our own apprehensions. We demand that a credible and independent inquiry should be held to find out the cause and circumstances leading to police firing and the resultant death of journalist.

We also demand that the police should immediately return the camera of Nanao Singh in which he had captured the happenings on the spot before he fell to the police bullet”, they said, adding the snaps in the camera might lead to unravel the cause of the firing.

Sinha and Amar demanded that the family of Nanao Singh should be adequately compensated by the governments of India and Manipur.

They called upon the working journalists in the country to protest against lack of safety to journalists in the country.

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Health and education must receive top priority

Chief Minister O. Ibobi stressed the other day the need for providing better health care and better education to all. Competition in these two sectors has gained a new dimension. The entry of private parties in these two sectors have brought a sea change in health care and education. But the poor and common masses […]

Chief Minister O. Ibobi stressed the other day the need for providing better health care and better education to all. Competition in these two sectors has gained a new dimension. The entry of private parties in these two sectors have brought a sea change in health care and education. But the poor and common masses have not got the benefit at all. The entry of private partners has eaten into the pockets of common masses. Education has now become a costly affair. There are Government schools everywhere. But the poor parents do not want to send their children to the Government schools. Because teachers do not attend school in time and even if they go to school they do not go directly to the class room. A simple visit to a Government school will reveal that. The poor parents who sent their children to private school complain of higher fee imposed by the school authority. Poor parents without knowing the fee for treatment at private clinic is costly take their ailing sons and daughters even for treatment of influenza and when the bill arrives they fall aghast. Influential men can get better health care facilities at the Government hospitals but who will take care of us, the poor men argue. A lot needs to be done to attract patients at the Government hospitals. These common men understand that private clinics do not have specialist doctors as the Government hospitals are having. But they insist on getting treatment at the private clinics. This shows that what is required is the extension of help to the patients. But in the Government hospitals patients are left unattended on the bed. Amazingly they do not die and they recover on their own. If the death reckons you none will be able to save you. We have Health Minister, Education Minister. The task before them is really enormous. The well being of a state and its people are decided when better health care is given and better education provided to all. We all agree the Government gives top priority to these two sectors. Now we have too many school dropouts in many areas of the state. This is also a change brought by the entry of private partners in education sector. Likewise patients belonging to poor families rot at the Government hospitals. This is also a change brought by the entry of private partners in health care. Doctors abandon their duty at the Government hospitals to earn extra money at the private clinics. Do not allow Government doctors to run private clinics or whoever caught performing duty at the private clinics should be suspended from their job. They can earn money, there is nothing wrong about that but they must relinquish Government jobs. Hundreds of Doctors are without job in Manipur. Government must frame rules to ban mushrooming of both private schools and private clinics. Students admitted in a particular area should be from the particular area only. For instance a private school run at ward number one should have students from the same ward only. Is the Government hearing?

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Avoid traffic congested roads

Why traffic jam occurs? Does it reflect financial well being of the people living in the state or does it reflect inability of the concerned department to regulate the flow of vehicular traffic. Whatever the case may be traffic jam in Imphal has become a daily routine. There is no way to control traffic jam […]

Why traffic jam occurs? Does it reflect financial well being of the people living in the state or does it reflect inability of the concerned department to regulate the flow of vehicular traffic. Whatever the case may be traffic jam in Imphal has become a daily routine. There is no way to control traffic jam in Imphal. Roads running through the state capital are too narrow and these roads are not matching with the ever increasing number of vehicles in Manipur. Addition of flyovers will help ease traffic congestion. Since the addition of fly over at Uripok road the vehicular traffic is smooth now. Manipur needs lots of flyovers. More such flyovers need to be constructed at other areas. However fly over is considered as costly construction. If the Government of Manipur cannot construct flyover it must think of diverting the national highways passing through the heart of Imphal city to other areas. Traffic jam at Tiddim road has also become unmanageable. The users of the road understand that crossing Tiddim road at Kwakeithel area has become a nightmare. Similar experience is felt at Singjamei just near the traffic island. The problem at Singjamei area can be solved by increasing the space occupied by the traffic island. The present one standing in the middle of the road is too small. Make it one hundred feet wide traffic island vehicular flow will be smooth. A traffic island having 200 feet diameter also needs to be constructed at the Northern side of Kangla to enable smooth flow of vehicles. These Government offices lying just the near the Kanglapat are responsible for traffic congestion at the National highway near Kanglapat. Either these offices should be shifted to other areas or the vehicles used by the staff of the offices should be parked within the office complex. Entry of vehicles in the offices can be easily regulated by issuing car pass by the authority of the concerned department. Unplanned developmental programmes taken up here and there also contribute to causing traffic menace. The hole just near the Raj Bhavan gate cannot be filled up. Link roads running at the periphery of the city, which can reduce traffic congestion, need to be kept in tip top condition. If that is done vehicles will opt for such road instead of using the crowded area. Our advice to the vehicle owner is, avoid using national highway near Kangla pat on the day one considers is auspicious. Marriage procession and those going for attending social and religious functions will occupy these roads. One can reach the destination of their choice without using the road running near the Kanglapat. Before igniting the engine the driver or the owner should decide the road map leading to the spot of his choice. If that is done one can manage to reach the place of his choice without facing traffic nightmare. One realises traffic menace only after landing in the midst of sea of vehicles. Neither you can return back nor you can move forward. You regret your folly only when you are caught in the middle of menacing, chick by jaw, traffic congestion. Don’t move ignorantly. Be a wise planner. Avoid the road that sees daily occurrence of traffic congestion.

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Manipur needs austerity drive

The need of the hour is giving the thrust to saving public money. It can be done by indulging in austerity drive. By austerity drive we do not mean reducing all forms of help extended to the poor and needy people. Austerity drive should cover only the Ministers, MLAs and the top level bureaucrats. Common […]

The need of the hour is giving the thrust to saving public money. It can be done by indulging in austerity drive. By austerity drive we do not mean reducing all forms of help extended to the poor and needy people. Austerity drive should cover only the Ministers, MLAs and the top level bureaucrats. Common masses desire to see people’s representatives mingling with common men. But on the contrary they behave as if they are above all. As they keep themselves away from the masses they forget their own duty thus betraying the trust the people put on them. They compete in owning latest model suv vehicles despite knowing the fact that the common masses feel the delightment of seeing them travelling by simple model car. These unhealthy competitions among the higher echelons of the society have permeated across the state mindboggling ailment instigating youngsters to compete in the possession of something beyond their means. Hence the call for austerity drive. When Rahul Gandhi came to Manipur and also when he delivered speech he focussed on the ever widening gulf of difference between the common masses and the elected representatives. He was also of the view that thrust should be given to austerity drive. State Government expenditure can be reduced. Security personnel allotted to bureaucrats and elected representatives need to be reduced. Because these security personnel are being used as show piece. Where lies the necessity for pilot vehicle and a follow up team while they are going in the heart of town. Our assumption is these top class people will not be attacked while travelling in Imphal. Moreover security guards allotted to the class of people mentioned above will be handicapped to use the fire power while travelling in the crowded area. Heavy security cover has become public eye sore. They are not necessary. Town areas are safe for all including VVIPs. If the number of security cover is reduced the number of vehicles used by Ministers too will be reduced that naturally will mean reduction of oil consumption. Frankly speaking security cover is cosmetic. Amazingly even the middle ranked officers have started moving with security personnel. They carry them when they move for purpose not connected with official duty. Public money spent in providing security cover to such officials is wastage of money. All these security cover have made inroad into the simplicity of the persons getting security cover. Simplicity has vanished. Austerity drive should cover the office rooms of the Ministers. Remove all the cosy sofas and place in its place plastic chairs. A visitor does not come to the office of the Minister to enjoy the pleasure of sitting on the soft and spongy sofa but to seek his attention to the problems facing his locality or other matter of personal interest. The MLAs and Ministers must know that the quarter allotted to them is not for life time. White washing can be done. That is a different thing. Some MLAs, who redesigned the quarter by adding new rooms lost in the recent elections. They will never be able to retain the same quarter again. But they wasted public money with their thoughtless action. Austerity drive will enhance image of the Government.

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Deteriorating climatic condition

Everyone talks of deteriorating climatic condition in Manipur and the recent heavy fog that befuddled environmentalists marked the entry of Manipur into unclean atmosphere. After a few months’ dry spell Manipur will see the onset of rainy season. But we will soon forget what we had experienced a little while ago and waste time pondering […]

Everyone talks of deteriorating climatic condition in Manipur and the recent heavy fog that befuddled environmentalists marked the entry of Manipur into unclean atmosphere. After a few months’ dry spell Manipur will see the onset of rainy season. But we will soon forget what we had experienced a little while ago and waste time pondering over other matters. If the atmosphere is not clean it can be purified by planting more trees. How many of us are prepared to take up tree plantation as a mission. Observation of Vanmahotsav is necessary. There should be initiative that should come from the environmentalists to make Manipur a greenery place. Unless tree plantation is taken up as a mission the war against climatic change will not succeed. Tree plantation can be launched on war footing. Government office complexes scattered here and there at different parts of the state look like barren land without any trees. The heads of these Government offices can be asked to plant more trees at the precinct of their offices. Land must be earmarked for growing more trees. Addition of quarters, office buildings in what was once considered to be forest land have acted as agents in making what we have witnessed during the winter season. Manipur receives rainfall round the year. There cannot be barren land in Manipur. But the hills are denuded as jhumias resort to burning of forest wealth. Forest wealth is burnt for collecting a few sacks of charcoal. Jhumias do not try to gauge the extent of damage done by such fire. If these jhumias are properly rehabilitated forest wealth may be saved. They need to be told that jhum cultivation is not remunerative. What is required is making them realise the harms brought on the earth by the wanton destruction of forest wealth. Non Government organisations can do a pivotal role in making the jhumias realise the harms they are doing to the living things. Funds have to be made available to these NGOs for making large scale awareness programme against the destruction of forest wealth and also for making common masses realise the need for planting trees in their Leikais and khas land near their houses. The Government both at the centre and the state will not shirk the responsibility of helping such organisation, which takes up tree plantation as a mission. Likewise all these NGOs be it cultural or others, which receive annual grant from the Government can be encouraged to plant a few hundreds of trees at any place of their choice. The entire stretch of national or state highways passing through Manipur is without any shade. If trees are planted all along these roads Manipur will become a heaven on earth. Our representatives also can be asked to spend at least five percent of local area development fund in tree plantation programme. If Manipur saw a few days’ smog this year more will be seen in the years to come. Hence the need for giving thrust to making Manipur a greenery place.

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Spare innocent people

Some police personnel are really thoughtless. They think the crime committed by them will never be detected. The action of the police personnel, as they loot innocent people, reflects the deteriorating moral status of the security personnel. How did they become security men? This question can be put. Perhaps they have been misled by a […]

Some police personnel are really thoughtless. They think the crime committed by them will never be detected. The action of the police personnel, as they loot innocent people, reflects the deteriorating moral status of the security personnel. How did they become security men? This question can be put. Perhaps they have been misled by a wrong concept that if there is opportunity common masses could be threatened and their belongings snatched. But policemen are not aliens, they are part and parcel of the society. The wrong doers must face punishment so that the others may be desisted from committing the crime. Such news of police personnel looting innocent people’s money is really disturbing. It creates fear psychosis in the minds of helpless people. When all have remained indoors in the night the persons we will find on the road are uniform men only. Amazingly when they should have acted as protector they acted as tormentor. Police personnel involved in the crime could be grilled and from their admission one will be able to know what prompted them to commit the crime. A disease has inflicted the mind of men in uniform. Attempts need to be made to cure them. Unless that is done people’s outlook towards men in uniform will be like the simple villagers looking Gabbar Singh in the most successful Indian film Sholay. We must have laws to deal effectively with such kind of crime committed by security personnel. Manipur had seen in the past the crime of similar nature. But the perpetrators of the crime were not punished. Consequently the youngsters in the garb of kahki are tempted to imitate all that been done by their seniors. It is quite natural a person feels little bit of awkward when they see gun totting khaki clad personnel. They show nervousness when they are quizzed by such personnel. But one should not assume that all those, who tremble on seeing security personnel, are all wrong doers. Taking the advantage of the timid nature of common people some security poked fun asking them to leap like frogs. When they refused to obey their order they were beaten. Investigation into the extra judicial killings happening here and there, every now and then must attempt to grasp whether the victim was finished to end the clues if any other than the victim’s involvement in extremism. Police can arrest anybody on the slightest suspicion of involvement in a crime. But they cannot be punished on the street. Public discontentment is on the rise. Manipur police needs to do self introspection to improve its image. Police personnel must also hear the voice of the common masses. Someone should be able to say to which direction Manipur police should go. A state like Manipur, which has seen eruption of deadly crimes in the past two or three decades needs to have powerful police organisation, nobody will challenge that. But this however does not mean that the men in uniform should be given liberty to harass innocent common men. Extremes can lock in physical duel. That too at the places far away from where innocent common people are living. Spare innocent people.

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Rest peacefully we have a Government

Not all people are born to be big. Some are born to be labours and some others as slaves. Those who are born to be big learn to think big. Even the Gods when they were young could not know they would be a God one day. So they claimed they were the way to […]

Not all people are born to be big. Some are born to be labours and some others as slaves. Those who are born to be big learn to think big. Even the Gods when they were young could not know they would be a God one day. So they claimed they were the way to Gods. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi would have been regarded as a god if he was not against eulogising Godly figures. To him Lord Ram was the supreme God. So when he died he murmured “hey Ram.” The true quality of Lord Ram was that he was a good husband, a good son, a good brother and a good administrator. Every one aspires to act like Lord Ram. Everyone wants to behave as a good father, as a good son and also as a good husband. Not all but very few men aspire to act as a good administrator. Can anybody claim with conviction that they will become Chief Minister of a state? But we have a Chief Minister now and if he tells he wants to do something for the betterment of the society who are we to challenge his words. And the little thing he does will be for the betterment of all. We want our Chief Minister to assert and we want our Government to tell our people that they should not waste time demanding something that is impracticable. These people wait for the advice. When advice is not available chattering class steps into the role of advisors. Minnows can act like the cats. But who is scared of cats? The good thing about Manipur Government is that it shows cool and calm nature. We all know where we stand and where live. Had the Government of Manipur decided to act in an irresponsible manner things would have gone awry? Everyone should appreciate the attitude and sense of love shown by the Government of Manipur. After all the Government formed by the majority community has a responsibility to serve all. They will continue to do so. Because they love Manipur. Manipur and its people will think for its people nothing else. Therefore it will not be wrong to say that one should not react without knowing what the other side is going to say. Reaction must come when the words uttered by other side are infectitious and not in conformity which does not fall on the line of expectation. Ibobi had successfully tackled several crises year after year in the past two terms. He is a capable man he can put things in order. A major crisis, which threatened to throw away the whole system of administration out of gear, was put in order. He could ban the entry of NSCN supreme Muivah’s into Manipur. Action had been shown. Manipuris can fight for the protection of its own territorial integrity. We have a committed Government, which stands for the welfare of the people, which will not do anything against the wishes of the people. It is time we all realise why we have a government. If not for protecting the interest of the people why should we have a Government?

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