The law must be respected

A father or mother sermonises his or her children not to envy others’ belongings and also not to bring anything at home that does belong to him or her. The text books of school children are filled with the stories like wrong doers landing in jail. The stories contained in school text books dwell heavily […]

A father or mother sermonises his or her children not to envy others’ belongings and also not to bring anything at home that does belong to him or her. The text books of school children are filled with the stories like wrong doers landing in jail. The stories contained in school text books dwell heavily on morality. But as we grow up most of us show the tendency to indulge in the activities we were never taught at our primary level, junior level or college level. Many openly loot public money without showing any sign of remorse or shame. Should we call them fortunate for they have done well financially? They are respected by the society. There is the story of a daughter of earthen smoke pipe maker, who after having been married into a rich family asking her mother where from you plucked it. Like the same girl these up starts have started making tall claims. They say openly everybody can be bought. They refuse to talk about the past. Perhaps the absence of investigating agencies has put them where they are. Morality has been thrown in the wind. Government employees without attending office collect pay. When they should have remained at office browsing through the files and other documents they make themselves busy doing contract works. A system needs to be evolved to see to it that the people of the state feel the presence of law. Even grade three employees have owned four wheelers worth lakhs of rupees. They construct palatial building too. Where from money comes? This question can be asked to these classes of employees. Many have bought land and building worth crores of rupees at Thangal Bazar and Paona bazaar. A survey should be carried out to understand, who owns what at the two market sites. In every Leikai the youths eulogise those, who can steal money. They do not envy academic achievement of others. The achievement in other fields is also immaterial to them. This trend of eulogising evil doers needs to be smashed. It can be done when the men in power show the commitment to bring a change to the society. Those who work more should earn more nothing wrong with that. Higher level officials getting better pay and perquisites are also not to be envied. They deserve it. The wrong doers will be caught one day and they will lament. But before they are being caught they had spread the disease. Government employees must be told again and again that they exist to serve the Government and also for helping the needy people. After all why we have a Government? Through these employees the Government extend help to the needy people. Give the employees more pay to enable them to concentrate more on their duties. But at the same they should be warned that they cannot loot public money. Whoever found looting public money must face stringent law. They cannot be let go unpunished. Until and unless the wrong doers feel the sting of the law they will think of committing the crime again and again as one singing the song that had been remembered.

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Be a wise man learn from other’s mistake

Some political parties commit folly. Without knowing what is in store for them they put up the demand that do not conform to the need of the time. Withdrawal of support to the UPA Government by the Trinamol Congress was untimed. Trinamol Congress will pay the price for the folly stand taken by the leadership […]

Some political parties commit folly. Without knowing what is in store for them they put up the demand that do not conform to the need of the time. Withdrawal of support to the UPA Government by the Trinamol Congress was untimed. Trinamol Congress will pay the price for the folly stand taken by the leadership of the party.  BJP leader Sushma Swaraj said foolish man learns from the mistake committed by themselves and the wise from other’s mistake. To which category the Congress party belongs, it is for all of you to decide. Why do we go for election?  We want the best man to rule over the nation. Through the democratic process we can appoint the best man to rule over the nation. None came to our rescue when we faced the real hardship of life. Americans could seek help from the outside countries when it was hit by natural calamities. But India did not go with begging bowls when it was hit by earth quake and other natural calamities. Farmers were putting their hands on head not knowing when the drought hit the nation. But some political parties in the name of fighting for the poor masses thought of advancing the date of election. These political parties had themselves exposed for the non challant attitude shown to the people of the country.  The time has come for all of you to know that when elections are held before the end of the term the public money will be wasted. Childish thoughts of the leadership of the party luck will favour them when election is held should be rejected by the masses. No political party can play with the mandate of the people. If the leaders think they can play with people’s mandate they are living in the fool’s dream. There are political parties who think they can keep the ruling party on the tenterhook without having the required figure. Mamta was a liability to the UPA. In future even if Congress need outside support to form Government it should not think of going together with Trinamol Congress. There is a huge gulf difference between the situation prevailing then and now.  There is Left Party, which is roaring to bounce back. During the one year rule of Trinamol in Bengal has created too many controversies. Even the human rights had been suppressed. The other political parties supporting UPA understand the futility of keeping Trinamol as ally of UPA. Everyone understands that no party will be able to improve their strength in the event of early poll. If election is held now Congress as usual will lead to be followed by BJP in the second position. Too many political parties that moved together with BJP at the centre suffered have rejection by the voters. What happened in Andhra Pradesh is a glaring example.  Be a wise man learn from the mistake committed by the foolish man.

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Parliament has approved FDI in retail sector

Nothing is achieved by throwing mudslinging words against each other. The new premier of China Xi Jinping has given dictate to reduce the time spent in discussion. The much famous slogan “talk less, work more” India’s emergency era is being implemented in his country. Such leader will bring a sea change to the billion plus […]

Nothing is achieved by throwing mudslinging words against each other. The new premier of China Xi Jinping has given dictate to reduce the time spent in discussion. The much famous slogan “talk less, work more” India’s emergency era is being implemented in his country. Such leader will bring a sea change to the billion plus country. India however is different. Being a democratic country it cannot take stringent measures as the most populous country in the world is doing. Unfortunately in our country precious time is wasted as opposition parties attempt to scuttle implementation of important schemes being introduced by the Government. FDI in retail sector was put under the scanner for several weeks in the process delaying implementation of the same. What has opposition gained by delaying implementation of FDI in retail? The Union Government had to speak repeatedly the same words to convince the non challant opposition leaders. Even the common men understand importance of foreign investment in retail sector. The leaders could not. Blame game serves no purpose. The opposition leaders were not convinced even when the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohon Singh opened his heart and mind as he addressed the nation on DDK some time back on FDI. He even said FDI will not put burden on the people of the country. Opposition maintained its head strong attitude and demanded discussion on the issue in the Parliament followed by vote. What has happened? Precious time was wasted. The situation now calls for allowing foreign direct investment in retail sector as it will improve financial position of the country. Ignorant people were misled by the opposition parties. The opposition parties did not trust the sincerity of the UPA Government on the issue. They even went to the extent of calling Bharat bandh and Trinamol Congress withdrew support to the UPA Government. Congress party has heaved a sigh of relief as the Parliament has okayed the Government stand on FDI. The Congress party has also gained in severing ties with Trinamol Congress. Mamta’s party was a liability to the smooth sailing of UPA. Now the UPA will be able to sail smoothly. The entire masses are also happy at the thought of seeing multi brand retail outlet being opened in the big cities. So far 58 cities have been identified for running multi brand retail outlet by multinational companies. Unfortunately Imphal will not see such retail outlet as the population in the city does not reach permissible level of 10 lakh plus. The matter having been okayed by the Parliament it is time the Government takes step for speedy implementation of FDI in retail sector. The general masses are desperate to see what comes out after the implementation of FDI. The need of the hour is giving support to the Government to enable it to speed up implementation of various schemes, which may become a reality as FDI will bring lots of money. Future generation will appreciate the UPA II Government for taking bold and gigantic decision. Go ahead, the entire masses are behind you.

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Existing office hours not conducive to working style

Is there any specific rule that all the states in the country should have one and same office hours that is from 10 to 5 pm. In the absence of separate time zones for different states in a vast country like India all the states in the country are having the same office hours. During […]

Is there any specific rule that all the states in the country should have one and same office hours that is from 10 to 5 pm. In the absence of separate time zones for different states in a vast country like India all the states in the country are having the same office hours. During the winter season in Manipur darkness starts descending from 3 pm in the afternoon. As the clock ticks 2 pm employees show the tendency to leave office. In such a state like ours, which is in the eastern part of the country the sun rises early no matter whether it is winter or summer. Office goers waste precious morning time without doing anything as they continue to wait for the office hour to start. They start napping long before they set out for office after taking heavy breakfast. All our think tank understands that in the capital Delhi the sun starts appearing from 8 am. Office hour starting from 10 at such place sounds okay. Office hours ending at 5 at such place is also okay because the sun sets at 7.30 pm. From 10 to 5 office hours in Manipur do not conform to the need of all. Those, who wake up early find the morning boring as too much precious times have been spent without doing anything. Imagine the plight of sincere and honest employees, who have the habit of remaining at the office till the end of the office hour. They do not find time to do anything in the evening for the sun has already set in when they reach home. Naturally many of these employees show the tendency to leave office early as they have lots of work to do in the evening. If office hour is rescheduled that is from 8.30 to 3 Manipur will see a lot change. Maximum work is done during 11 to 2. Because too many employees do not attend office in time. If the office hour is rescheduled working hours too will be increased. After all one shows the tendency to do many works in the morning when one feels fresh. Our suggestion is precious time available in the morning cannot be wasted. Moreover almost all the social and religious functions are held in the evening and on the pretext of joining these functions the employees leave office early. In Manipur we all notice that everybody is on their toes before the onset of meal time. But once lunch time had arrived and they had taken their meal we will find them in fatigue mood. Public transport system in Manipur is also not up to mark. Employees posted at little farther off places, who do not put up at Government quarters start leaving office early to catch mini bus long before office hours end. The problems are galore when the employees happen to be women employees. More so when there is sudden stoppage of vehicle movement. Considering all these problems happening here and there it is time the state Government think of rescheduling office hours in Manipur. The matter should receive the attention of the top executive of the state and at the stroke of the pen a great change can be brought about.

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There is no alternative to Cong

Congress led Government at the centre having been installed to serve the country with one billion plus people had done wonderful job keeping the promises made to the people on the eve of elections. This Government must last the full term. So that it will be able to do more for the people. Nothing should […]

Congress led Government at the centre having been installed to serve the country with one billion plus people had done wonderful job keeping the promises made to the people on the eve of elections. This Government must last the full term. So that it will be able to do more for the people. Nothing should be done to bring down this pro people Government. Off shoot political party like Trinamol Congress, which can never be in competition with the Congress party is thinking of bringing down UPA II Government, which sounds funny. No party even in the opposition is willing to be in cohesion with Trinamol in its funny move to dislocate Congress led Government. The country needs strong and stable Government. Such Government will be able to frame schemes and policies for the betterment of the country. Political parties should wait for their turn. After the end of the current term precisely after 2014 elections God knows, which party will party will come to power at the centre. Until that happens one must remain contented playing the role assigned to do. The leaders of these political can analyse the situation prevailing in the country as they wait for their turn. They can focus on the issues, which they think can be taken up for discussion. They can also evolve strategy to take the country to the direction of their choice. No political party has the right to play with people’s verdict. Mamta’s Trinamol Congress will lose the support of the people even in her state for causing restlessness to the people. The peace loving people of the country do not want installation of unstable Government. No common men say they are unhappy with the UPA II’s policies and programmes. Why create brouhaha unnecessarily. If elections are held now Trinamol Congress will be crushed by Left Front albeit with the support of Congress (I). People are fed up with experiment. Time tested political party must rule over the country. What have Congress party done to ruin the country? All its policies and programmes are for the betterment of the people of the country. MGNREGA was implemented by UPA and now Food Bill is also going to be introduced. No one will face starvation. In the international arena too the country’s image is improving. Should we push away this Government to usher in unstable Government, which will remain concerning the seat rather than taking up welfare programmes for the people? We had learnt too many lessons from the past. Political parties that could not ensure stable administration had dug its own grave. These parties had been uprooted from the soil of the country. The political parties that marginalised minority communities will not return to power at the centre. These parties, which play with communal card, cannot win the confidence of the masses. The question now is which party will be able to provide stable Government at the centre if Congress is to be ousted from power. SP, or BSP supported by other smaller parties. That sounds funny. Therefore Congress party or the coalition led by the party will return to power if general election is held now.

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What should we do?

The possibility of Nagas getting their demand for amalgamation of all Naga inhabited areas in Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh is remote. They have understood the impracticality of creating land on communal line. Yet they are keeping the issue alive, because they consider it as a big tool for playing larger political game in NE […]

The possibility of Nagas getting their demand for amalgamation of all Naga inhabited areas in Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh is remote. They have understood the impracticality of creating land on communal line. Yet they are keeping the issue alive, because they consider it as a big tool for playing larger political game in NE region. Nagaland Chief Minister has widened his political fortune banked on the irresponsibly coined demand. Union Government having felt the stiff and stingy challenge thrown by NE region particularly Manipur will think several times before fulfilling the irresponsible demand. In the event of Union Government succumbing to the pressure unleashed by a section of the Nagas for expansion of Nagaland, what should the civil societies do to protect territorial integrity of the state? Our direct answer will be we have a Government, whose roles cannot be sidelined. When India is attacked by a hostile nation the first reaction that ought to be reflected must come from the Government not from the civil organisations. Naturally when Manipur is attacked by neighbouring state the first duty of the Government is to react. Our Government should show that it is existing for the masses and it will do what is required to keep the state alive. The Union Government understands the complex situation prevailing in Manipur. Moreover almost all the political parties existing in the country have taken the pledge to protect territorial boundary of Manipur in particular and other states in NE region. If they did not understand the complex situation they would have gone out against the decent norms and carry out whatever they felt is right. We had had the Prime Minister, who could talk openly of bringing all the states in NE region under one administrative unit. Such Government did not last long. Naga territory expansion might have remained as non issue if the NSCN and the Union Government peace talk did not come up. The demand though kept at abeyance is kicking as the NSCN is engaged in peace talk. Both national and regional parties functioning in Manipur have a big role to play in making the Union Government realise that territorial issue is not a plaything. Those at the helms of affairs at the centre have understood seriousness of the issue. But these leaders like other mortals have short-lived political career hence the need for making relentless efforts to keep territorial integrity intact. Manipur is a small state and the majority community is Meitei. Majority community should be able to make sacrifices to keep all united. Tribal hospitality is great, which needs to be returned in equal measure. In doing that cultural and emotional integrity of all will be established. However the Union Government stands warned that Manipur and its people will defy all decencies and take side with the extreme elements to protect the integrity of the land. The extreme step includes all that is uttered by civil organisations based in Manipur.

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It is disgracing

When the former US President George Bush was attacked by a scribe by hurling his shoe, the former just laughed out and quipped it was no 9. Likewise the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi who is no more was attacked by a Sri Lankan guard, who butted him with his rifle. Rajiv Gandhi just ducked […]

When the former US President George Bush was attacked by a scribe by hurling his shoe, the former just laughed out and quipped it was no 9. Likewise the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi who is no more was attacked by a Sri Lankan guard, who butted him with his rifle. Rajiv Gandhi just ducked his head and moved away gracefully. Then father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi was beaten severely by British soldiers, when he was in South Africa. But he was unrelenting and he did what he wanted to do. Cowards are those, who use physical power to cow down the rivals. If you have taken up politics as a profession what is expected of you is to show perseverance in the face of provocation. If you have short temper you have no future in politics. There should be room for courtesy in politics. Even in the contact game, where a player is expected to box the rival with as much force as he can one cannot not go against the principle and rule of the particular game. If you defy the rule you will be ousted from the ring no matter how dexterous player or boxer you are. Politics is also a game but here in this game the rules can be stretched to some extent but not beyond the limit. When Abdul Nasir Agriculture Minister assaulted a Congress worker at the Sangai Festival site, where large number visitors thronged, he had crossed the limit. A Minister like him who was well protected with security personnel all around him could think of fighting like a street fighter. That is a shame. What provoked him to reduce to that role fit for street fighter will be interesting to know. Because the victim was not his equal? The victim was really confused and he could not grasp why he was at the receiving end. As the incident happened at a public place everyone desires to know why it happened. If Nasir himself refuses to speak out the Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam, who also holds Home portfolio must throw light why it happened? Did the victim show disrespect to the Minister by turning back, when he visited the stall? Or did he murmur something, which was misconstrued by the Minister as a verbal attack on him. Or does the Minister consider him as a future rival. Speculations will be galore until the matter is put to rest. Now the opposition parties have openly demanded removal of Nasir from the council of Ministers. Congress Government in Manipur has had the first casualty. In the last term too many elected MLAs expired. In this term too many incidents of this nature may occur. Morning has shown the day. Senior leaders of the party having seen the crime might have felt the need for conducting orientation courses for these young Ministers and MLAs. These young legislators need to be told that they are too powerful even without security personnel and perhaps addition of security personnel to their status have put them in different world. But howsoever high they may be the law is above them. Nasir episode cannot be let go easily without being investigated. Such type of news is shameful. It drags down image of the state. Let it not happen again.

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Interesting polo game

Watching a polo game played by experienced players at Imphal Pologround is a treat to the eyes. Horses galloping fast and rider hitting the ball towards the goal line, chased by rival team, it is really thrilling. Manipur campaign as the creator of the game has been fruitful. That has been proved by the participation […]

Watching a polo game played by experienced players at Imphal Pologround is a treat to the eyes. Horses galloping fast and rider hitting the ball towards the goal line, chased by rival team, it is really thrilling. Manipur campaign as the creator of the game has been fruitful. That has been proved by the participation of too many foreign teams in the International Polo Tournament held at the historic Imphal Pologround. In all the international level polo tournament held in Imphal so far, Manipur turned out to be victorious team. There was no stiff challenge from the outside teams. This year the victory may not be as smooth as it used to be. Some of the outside teams are playing wonderfully well. Indian Team A played exceptionally well. The manner with which it outclassed Thailand team convincingly in the four chukker game reveals maturity of the team. The riders hit the ball like expert batsmen hitting the ball in the cricket game. They could easily connect with the ball. Dealing with the Indian team A may be a difficult job. But time will tell how our expert polo players show its skill when the team fights against the rival having the same expertise. Some of the riders played the game of polo like football. Instead of hitting the ball they stopped it and galloped towards the goal line. The follow up player steadily hit the ball which was lying inert. Goal came easy to such player, who had already rushed towards the goal line. What is required is the understanding between the players. Such technique of player leaving behind the ball and galloping fast to confuse the rival player can be used when the players practise together for prolonged period of time under the guidance of well trained coach. If there is a good supplier pushing the ball at the goal line will also be easy. Football has scorer. But in polo it seems all players are expected to play both the role of defenders and scorers. Only four players on a side and they cover the entire stretch of the field. That reveals the speed of the game. And all games that move fast are interesting to see. Having seen the game on the inaugural day all the matches will be seen. If Manipur enter final there will be a massive turn out of spectators and they will fill the Imphal Pologround. The organisers will need to think over the matter. Extra care has to be taken to ensure that no one returns home frustrated without being able to have a glimpse of the final match that may take place on November 29. Whoever, whichever organisation extending help in the organisation of the international polo tournament in Imphal deserves appreciation from all. Minus their financial assistance the possibility of holding such tournament, which is quite expensive would not have been possible at all. Our thinking however is Manipur campaign as the creator of the game must continue until such a time the best team in the world express their desire to have a feel of Manipur pologround and pony, the original horse of the game. Let us see when that happens.

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No confidence motion against UPA

Mamta Bannerjee’s political career will be on the wane. Her irresponsible utterances and action have revealed what is in store for her. When she should have remained concentrating on providing good governance in Bengal her mind moved elsewhere. By attempting to indulge in national politics her party, which is ruling in Bengal has done injustice […]

Mamta Bannerjee’s political career will be on the wane. Her irresponsible utterances and action have revealed what is in store for her. When she should have remained concentrating on providing good governance in Bengal her mind moved elsewhere. By attempting to indulge in national politics her party, which is ruling in Bengal has done injustice to the state. The manner with which she withdrew support to the UPA on petty matter like FDI and price rise of petroleum products revealed her whimsical nature. But a political party cannot be run like a house hold family. She took keen interest in egging no confidence motion in the Lok Sabha against UPA II regime. But she could not garner the required number to raise the motion. It fell through. A leader of her stature cannot know the situation prevailing now. The situation prevailing now does not warrant the conduct of Lok Sabha elections in the near future. Even the bête noire political parties of the Congress party like Left Front and BJP refused to toe the line set by her. They have shown political maturity by keeping safe distance from Mamta and her party. If election is held now in West Bengal Congress, Left Front combine will crush her party. Election is a costly affair. All political parties ought to know that. Election cannot be repeated within the short term of five years. Smt Sonia Gandhi Congress President said, “those in electoral politics understand that the life of electoral politics is very short.” Her statement opens the mind of all. Nothing should be done to hasten the death of political career by taking decision on superficial thinking. The present UPA regime will last the full term. Even the layman tells that. No Government collapses under the weight of minuscule number of 19 in the House of 550 plus. It is really amazing that the lower rung party leaders of Trinamol Congress cannot think of saying no to the irresponsibly taken decision by the party leader. Her party withdrew support to UPA on FDI. On the contrary FDI has turned out to be a state matter. Foreign companies cannot move into retail sector of respective states unless the state Government shows the willingness to accept them. Tamil Nadu Government has said that they will not allow entry of foreign companies in retail sector. Jayalalitha did not create a crisis over the matter. After all Trinamol is a regional party. A regional party has limited option. It cannot think of ruling at the centre. Mamta’s party will continue to play second fiddle role even when a non Congress Government gets installed at the centre. Therefore being a regional party in character her party must concentrate on West Bengal only. She must remember its number one enemy in Bengal is Left Front. Surprisingly she threw political propriety in the wind when she attempted to befriend with Left Front in the name of fighting against Congress led UPA regime. Left Front and other regional political parties based in UP understand the hidden agenda of Mamta’s party. She wants to play the role of king maker. This is her dream, which will never materialise.

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Pleasant news

Economic blockade has been lifted. Today’s most pleasant news was the lifting of the public blockade. Public anxiety and restlessness have been put to rest. Everywhere at every place wherever local masses met what they transpired was how long the agitation would continue. Our energy and time can be used in enhancing productivity or in […]

Economic blockade has been lifted. Today’s most pleasant news was the lifting of the public blockade. Public anxiety and restlessness have been put to rest. Everywhere at every place wherever local masses met what they transpired was how long the agitation would continue. Our energy and time can be used in enhancing productivity or in doing something good for the state and its people. Time and energy cannot be wasted in demanding something that will never be fulfilled. At the end the light has been found and everyone is happy. Do not call bandh or economic blockade on the national highway. That caused a lot of harassment to the common masses. The possibility of the Union Government agreeing to give away the demand for amalgamation of either Naga inhabited areas under one administrative unit after seceding land from Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh or creation of Kuki homeland is remote. This will never happen. But despite knowing the fact that the two demands will never be fulfilled some persons belonging to the two communities are still hoping that their demands will be achieved. Better sense now prevails. Manipur may not see agitation of this kind in the near future. Realisation had dawned. Demand being made must be rational. Irresponsibly launched agitation for making the demand that is irrational creates misunderstanding among all communities. Unnecessarily artificial scarcity of petroleum products was created and during the short period of agitation the prices of essential commodities shot up. National independence movement launched by father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi gave us a good lesson. His agitation which was supported by all did not cause harassment to the people of the country. Even the newspapers, which opposed his non cooperation movement, faced natural death. By using the technique adopted by the Mahatma Gandhi, Irom Sharmila’s fast unto death agitation has rocked the Indian administration. Her demand may be fulfilled any time. Now the Union Government is considering either lifting the act or softening it. Getting the demand without causing discomfiture to others can be done, such is the wonderful task carried out by great leaders only. Manipur has now landed in a precarious condition. Our state can be lifted from the pit of sorrow only when the people understand what is ailing our state. Has anyone of you ever attempted to understand the ailments? Leaders in other states make tall claim that their states have moved higher to reach the stage which they claim cannot be matched by other states. Do we need such type of leaders, who can make similar stand? Leaders of this type can be found when the entire people stand behind our leaders. Civil organisations based in Manipur must know what they should do at such critical period. The situation prevailing now calls for all to make little sacrifice to make Manipur strong and united. Any attempt to divide the people of the state on communal line should be crushed. Kukis have shown a good gesture by suspending the traumatic economic blockade. Let there be completion among all communities in doing good deeds.

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Show the commitment

When someone gets killed for the reason not known to others including the victim himself the blame comes down showering for the thoughtlessness that shaped the commission of the crime. We have laws to deal effectively with all kinds of killings but not for the killing of innocent persons by armed elements be it unknown […]

When someone gets killed for the reason not known to others including the victim himself the blame comes down showering for the thoughtlessness that shaped the commission of the crime. We have laws to deal effectively with all kinds of killings but not for the killing of innocent persons by armed elements be it unknown or by men in uniform. The absence of law to deal with the perpetrators of the crime of such nature is really sad. In the past the state had seen too many crimes involving security personnel and gun totting elements. But the incidents were not investigated properly that in a way emboldened the wrong doers to commit the crimes again and again. Manipur will continue to see extra judicial killings committed by powerful elements, all included. Even the hardened criminals are arrested for questioning. By talking to them one can gauge the ailments afflicting the society. In the name of counter insurgency operation launched in Manipur too many young people had been killed. Similarly the bomb traps laid by extremists had also claimed the lives of innocent people. Future is bleak. It seems darkness has engulfed all. Public discontentment is on the rise. What is needed is the strong will power of the men in power to work for winning the confidence of the masses. A lot of work needs to be done. It can be started with the heart to heart talk between the simplest man and the highest policy maker of the state. If one keeps aloof without talking to the common masses the answer will be elusive. All these killings will never find the solution. One dies today, someone will die tomorrow. Hundreds and thousands of youths will be dying. Realisation is yet to dawn. Who has gained, who has lost? We must ask this question to ourselves. But we are not born to die without doing anything. If other states had seen the return of peace why it cannot happen here in Manipur. It is really sad peace people of Manipur have not got its share of peace. Will the people of the state not see the return of peace in their life time? All these killings cannot be used as a means for controlling insurgency in Manipur. Large numbers of people are crying for their lost ones. The need of the hours is giving the thrust to restoring normal life in Manipur. One million dollar question that is being asked now is when will Manipur see the return of peace? Someone should be able to say to which direction Manipur and its people should go. Begin the ground work to know the mood of the rebels. Come out everybody share your views on how Manipur can be put on the right tract. Remember hate and hatred campaign flare up tension and at the end it creates turmoil and social unrest. The initiative to find lasting peace should come from the men in power. Speak out boldly what you have in store for the common people. If you show the commitment to do something for the betterment of the society nobody will desert you.

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Spread the message of love

There is difference between hope and aspiration. But if the lazy man, who wastes time without doing anything, hopes to become a big man, he will end up being ridiculed by others. At best he can hope to become a serious man, who thinks before opening mouth. Such man should know that hope is different […]

There is difference between hope and aspiration. But if the lazy man, who wastes time without doing anything, hopes to become a big man, he will end up being ridiculed by others. At best he can hope to become a serious man, who thinks before opening mouth. Such man should know that hope is different from day dreaming. Such lazy man, who wastes time without doing anything, indulges in day dreaming. Day dreamers open their mouth quite often and when they speak out their hopes get shattered. Wise men know that the hope that turns out diametric to the popular belief of the masses is better off eliminated. Everyone is a good listener. Remember false hope is always scoffed at. Therefore our advice is one must think several times before opening mouth. Even if you are not wise you can pretend to be a wise man by keeping the mouth shut. Chattering class questions the leadership quality of others without knowing what they are. You ought to know when you speak you are exposed. One must think several times before making a demand. Cultural or emotional integration of all Nagas may be possible. The demand for integration of all Naga inhabited areas stands against the wishes of the people living in the NE states. Similarly Kukis’ demand for creation of homeland after carving out land from Manipur also stands against the wishes of the people living in the state of Manipur. The dreamers of the two demands will get buffeted by the trend that is sweeping in the state in particular and the NE region as a whole. When even the small family cannot be united how can all people belonging to a communy be kept under one umbrella? Yes Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiew Rio’s assertion of emotional integration can be achieved. There is no doubt about it. Everyone knows emotional integration binds all and a nation is kept alive when all the people live peacefully sharing concerns. What is required is exchange of love and expression of concern for other people. There are individual aspirations that stand in the way of all communities flourishing under the same roof. One can live separately without quarrelling with others. It is time everyone realises that not all hopes can be fulfilled. If your hope and aspiration cause disturbance to the well being of the society it is better off kept at abeyance without seeking for fulfilment. There are thousands and thousands of people, who observe how a section of the society is behaving. You have the right to speak for the well being of a society, but the responsibility of keeping a society in the manner we want it to be lies with the executive. We must understand our responsibility and duty in the society and we must not attempt to go beyond the limit. Our society is not a playfield. Do not attempt to meddle in the well being of a society. Manipur must survive. Everybody must contribute to making our state strong and united. Keeping the future generation in view a lot more can be done that includes making our state strong and united. All hate and hatred campaign should be eliminated in the bud. Let there be no misunderstanding among all the communities living in the state.

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Manipur may witness ugly situation

Frank admission by Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiew Rio that cultural and emotional integrity of all Nagas inhabiting in different parts of the state on the eve of Nagaland state assembly election slated for March is in thing. Perhaps he knows that integration of all Naga inhabited areas will not be possible. But Kukis’ demand for […]

Frank admission by Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiew Rio that cultural and emotional integrity of all Nagas inhabiting in different parts of the state on the eve of Nagaland state assembly election slated for March is in thing. Perhaps he knows that integration of all Naga inhabited areas will not be possible. But Kukis’ demand for separate homeland is confusing. Therefore the entire people in Manipur see Kukis’ demand for separate homeland as a move to foil NSCN demand for amalgamation of all Naga inhabited areas under one administrative unit. Kukis demand is not only reasonable but it also reduces all forms of agitation to farce. Because agitation cannot be used to mock other people’s demand. Leaders of the community should advise the agitating youths to stop the indefinite blockade immediately. The impact of the agitation has been felt. Now long queue is seen near oil depot. No leader in the country will be able to break Manipur to create another homeland within the territory of the state. It is really sad these agitating people cannot grasp the mood of the political leaders at the centre. The leaders at the centre had stated time and again the territorial boundary of the states in NE region will not be disturbed. Is Neiphiew Rio who upholds NSCN demand for integration of all Naga inhabited areas more powerful than our Chief Minister O. Ibobi or Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi. NSCN demand for expansion of Naga areas was the fall out of the peace talk held between the Union Government and the NSCN. When such demand which is supported even by a popular Government cannot be considered by the Union Government let alone fulfilling it, how do Kukis think that their demand for separate homeland would reach within the pale of hearing of those at the helm of affairs in the capital. Every community has the right to demand for fulfilment of their demands like development of particular areas for improvement of connectivity and for getting other basic amenities. None will say anything against such demand and agitation launched for getting such demands will be supported by all. But an agitation, which is not supported by all will never be fulfilled. Moreover the nature of agitation is also inhuman. It attempts to strangulate all living things. Indefinite blockade is not heard even in the country like Afghanistan, which warring against US. Such type of agitation by the son of the soil against its own people sounds funny? India Government will not feel the pang at all. It will not even find time to discuss such demand. The agitating youths are advised to feel the gravity of the situation prevailing in the state of Manipur, which belongs to all communities. Stop this agitation. The energy should be used in bettering the community and also in uplifting deteriorating conditions of the people living in remote parts of the state. The biggest festival of the Christians is also knocking at the door. November, December is festival time. Uncertainties loom large, which has crippled thinking capability of all. Unless extra precaution is taken Manipur may witness ugly situation. That may cause colossal loss. All out efforst should be paid to controlling impending crisis.

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Unreasonable demand

Some demands are reasonable some unreasonable. Time and energy are precious. One cannot waste time and energy by doing unreasonable things. You cannot bring heaven on earth by launching agitation. In the past we heard frequently someone or other describing Manipur as a paradise on earth. All of sudden everybody has forgotten to describe scenic […]

Some demands are reasonable some unreasonable. Time and energy are precious. One cannot waste time and energy by doing unreasonable things. You cannot bring heaven on earth by launching agitation. In the past we heard frequently someone or other describing Manipur as a paradise on earth. All of sudden everybody has forgotten to describe scenic beauty and serenity of the place. Every day we are awaken by the sad story of a section of the people making irresponsible demand for creation of homeland. Despite knowing the fact that all these demands for creation of homeland cannot be met they resort to self tormenting agitation. Union Government which has been empowered by the apex court to clear the hurdles on the national highway within 24 hours of the start of any forms of agitation on the national highway will surely act. Setting aside the question how Union Government is going to respond to the Kukis’ demand for creation of Kuki homeland after carving out a huge portion of land from Manipur the agitation launched in the form of economic blockade will throw life out of gear. The prices of essential commodities will shoot up. Petrol diesel and gas will become the rarest item on this soil. Are we despised lot that we cannot live peacefully even for a few weeks. One form of agitation today, which is quickly followed up by another. This should be known no state will be created based on communal line. One should ponder seriously before resorting to the extreme form of agitation. Why cannot we appreciate the fact that the state of Manipur belongs to all communities living in this state. One can demand more for the development of a particular area that is the birth right of the citizens living in the particular area. The demand for homeland is none conforming to the prevailing situation of time. Manipur belongs to Meiteis, Kukis, Nagas and all other communities living in Manipur. No community has the right to claim Manipur as its own. Nagas’ demand for amalgamation of all Naga inhabited areas and Kukis demand for homeland are self defeating. There is no space for accommodation of both the demands. Who will be able to tell them that the two demands are untenable. Be a wise man and try to grasp the situation without causing ruckus. Manipur cannot be fragmented into pieces. This is ought to be known. Sensible man understands that the decision taken by the political parties of all hues to protect territorial integrity of the state cannot be changed. The greatest festival of the state Ningol Chakkouba was held only two days back. Marriage season is just beginning. Manipur style of marriage demands that the bridegroom party move to the house of the bride and return with the bride. Bride party will also join the convoy. All these are fuel consuming practices. The colour of marriage too will change if petroleum products are not available. One day, two day economic blockade is permissible and one can bear with it. Indefinite blockade stands against the principle of helping each other. Everybody suffers when such form of agitation is launched. All are advised not to resort to such form of agitation. Better sense should prevail.

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Ningol chakkouba festival

In the next 24 hours Manipur will witness the biggest festival. But we need not ponder too much about the financial involvement in arranging the festival. Because Ningol chakkouba can be arranged by spending a few hundreds of rupees. If you are a poor man you should boldly tell your sister, daughter or aunt how […]

In the next 24 hours Manipur will witness the biggest festival. But we need not ponder too much about the financial involvement in arranging the festival. Because Ningol chakkouba can be arranged by spending a few hundreds of rupees. If you are a poor man you should boldly tell your sister, daughter or aunt how you are going to arrange the grand feast at home. We have seen some ultra modern families offering chicken curry to the invitees. Chicken is less expensive and the question of bone remaining stuck in the throat is also nil. There is no complaint from the invitees. What is required is the understanding between the host and the invitees. After all it is purely family affairs; no stranger will attend such function held at home. Why should one feel ashamed of relishing the food presented by the closest family members? Just three items of fishes cooked in different styles will make the sumptuous meal. One fried fish, another cooked with gravies and the last one fish chopped into small pieces and cooked with minimum quantity of water. Yes some rich men add special fish curry made with other varieties. But too many curries spoil the nicety of the dish. Someone said he felt vomiting on seeing man or woman pulverising rice with fish curry. He stops eating if he happens to glance anyone doing that at any of the grand feast. No sister hopes to eat more at paternal home than they eat at their new home. The significance of the occasion is not the feast. It is a part of the festival. If you are a poor man why should you think of giving costly items as gifts? Sisters know your capability. Don’t be hesitant to present a simple phanek to your lovely sister; she will readily and happily accept your gift and blessing will come down showering, that is all. Manipuri women are very understanding. They do not demand something one cannot afford to give. After all gifts are personal it is not for showing even to the nearest companion. Let us assume your corrupt father presenting you something that you never thought of, will you tell your neighbours all that you have received. Ningol chakkouba, which is held once in a year, is a festival for rejoicing not for crying. It has nothing to do with one’s pennilessness. If you do not have anything to arrange a proper meal presentable to a visiting sister you can frankly admit to her your inability to do it. She will not say anything. But that will not happen in Manipur. This is Manipur. There is no barrier between the rich and the poor in Manipur. Therefore Ningol chakkouba must be held in a grandeur manner with nobody shedding tears for not being able to present the gift of his her choice. If Manipur marriage style is beautiful with dowry playing insignificant role Ningol chakkouba like other festivals need not create a fuss. Let it come, let it go. This is part of life. We long to see it again and again. Let this year Ningol chakouba foster the relation between brothers and sisters. Let it bring peace in this troubled torn land.

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Justice delayed

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Six months have gone by since the parliament passed the bill for establishment of a separate High Court of Manipur, besides the states of Tripura and Meghalaya. Yet, the matters of High Court continue to operate from the principal seat … Continue reading

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Six months have gone by since the parliament passed the bill for establishment of a separate High Court of Manipur, besides the states of Tripura and Meghalaya. Yet, the matters of High Court continue to operate from the principal seat of Gauhati and we are yet to have a separate High Court till date. The related bill was passed in the Lok Sabha on May 11 this year and subsequently in the Rajya Sabha. And the President Pratibha Patil had signed the North Eastern Areas (Reorganization) and Other Related Laws (Amendment) bill on June 7. Still, the Indian government is not yet decided on the strength of the state High Court. The local High Court Bar Association has been putting up a demand for a seven member High Court with judges drawn from the state bar and bench. On the other hand, the central government wants a four member court that too with judges from outside the state. In protest, the state lawyers had gone on cease work strike and the functioning of the Imphal bench of the Gauhati High Court is now paralysed. The institution of a separate high court for Manipur had been a long-standing demand of the state legal fraternity. And it was justified considering all the practical problems faced by litigants and in the interests of timely justice delivery. The state of Manipur could have had a separate High court when it attained statehood in 1972 as per the Constitution. It did not materialize then and it remained content with a bench of the Gauhati High Court. In the present case of Manipur, the physical infrastructure has come into place with the inauguration of functioning of the Imphal bench of the Gauhati High Court in the spacious new complex with seven courtrooms at Chingmeirong on April 7 this year. The problem of inadequate courtrooms and of space constraints has been solved. On the other hand, there is no dearth of good lawyers and other legal professionals in the state. And there are enough deserving candidates for judgeship in the state legal fraternity. The state has two judges in the Gauhati High Court in Justice T Nandakumar and Justice N Koteshore. While the state Bar association is demanding a separate High Court consisting of seven judges the centre seems to be opting for four members which is nothing but lip service. While the state Bar seeks the elevation or appointment of deserving advocates and judicial officers as judges to the separate High Court, the Indian Government is looking for candidates of non-state origin from the Gauhati High Court. The demand of the state Bar is not without merit considering the overflowing talent in the state Bar and Bench and the years of lost opportunities. Besides, the registry at Imphal Bench has a high pendency rate. Although the number of pending cases in Imphal had come sown in the recent times following the Uma Devi vs Karnataka case, 6000 pending cases is still huge for the bench. Even with the introduction of IT connectivity, there are still many practical problems in the administrative set-up. With the passage of time, the backlog of cases which need immediate hearing and disposal, is multiplying. So, there is an urgent need for resolving the issue at hand. Any delay in establishing the separate High court will certainly lead to multiplicity of problems. So, the central government needs to pull up its socks and take a decision in this regard so as ensure timely delivery of justice and judicial reforms in the state.

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The reluctant CM

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Why is Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh not in station? What is he trying to avoid here in Imphal? And what is so important about the Australia trip? These questions had been on the lips of everyone here in Imphal. … Continue reading

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Why is Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh not in station? What is he trying to avoid here in Imphal? And what is so important about the Australia trip? These questions had been on the lips of everyone here in Imphal. IFP had raised three possible reasons in our earlier editorial. One of the reasons leaked in certain circles and the media is that the Chief Minister Ibobi Singh is under tremendous pressure from the central leadership to accept the proposal of Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde with regard to the ‘solution’ of the vexed Naga problem and that he might ultimately be coerced to accept it. Some had even drawn a parallel to the situation Maharaj Bodhachandra was once caught in 1949 when he was forced to sign the merger agreement. They say, his position as the Chief Minister is at stake, if he does not agree to the proposal of the centre. Some others say, his health condition is deteriorating and the tremendous pressure that he is facing these days is already taking a toll on him. What do these snippets of information provoked in us or among the general public? Anger and sympathy. Anger towards those giving ‘undue’ pressure to Okram Ibobi Singh and sympathy for him and his condition. Yet, a question or a doubt lingers in our mind. Who benefits from such emotions of anger and sympathy? Were the bits of information leaked so as to generate such feelings of emotion among the general public? Some of us were indeed blinded by these emotions and we are not raising questions which should be raised. Firstly, the issue of how a responsible leader should act in times of crisis. After being summoned by Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde twice in New Delhi, Chief Minister Ibobi Singh had been mumbling about the lack of proposals in written. On the other hand he refuses to spell out what were the proposals raised by Shinde and what was his response. There are enough media reports to suggest the possible outcomes of the peace talks between NSCN-IM and the government of India. Shinde must have at least conveyed some concrete proposals to him verbally. Why is Okram Ibobi reluctant to inform the Manipur public? What is he trying to hide? It is so unusual of a person who had chosen to lift AFSPA from Imphal Municipal Area and stop NSCN-IM supremo Thuingaleng Muivah in his tracks despite pressure otherwise from the central leadership. Somehow the firm conviction and resolution in defence of the territorial integrity of the state seems to have gone from his utterances and action. Has he lost his moral standing to be able to resist pressures of the party high command in the interests of the state? Is it because of the Rs 224 crore Loktak Lake scam which had surfaced in recent times? Okram Ibobi Singh, who is also the Chairman of the Loktak Development Authority had chosen to remain silent on the Loktak expose, on which serious questions had been raised of his involvement. Instead, he chose to undertake a pleasure trip to Australia, in the guise of some conference which are dime a dozen for a Chief Minister. He could have cancelled that trip. He did not. This is not expected from a Chief Minister who said recently that he is even prepared to law down his life in the interests of Manipur.

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Austerity drive

A clear cut message had been sounded when Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and some high profile cabinet ministers of the Union Government went by bus from Delhi to Surajkunda in Haryana, where Congress held a session. The thrust is being given to austerity drive. By austerity drive we mean cutting down Government expenditure. In Assam […]

A clear cut message had been sounded when Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and some high profile cabinet ministers of the Union Government went by bus from Delhi to Surajkunda in Haryana, where Congress held a session. The thrust is being given to austerity drive. By austerity drive we mean cutting down Government expenditure. In Assam a top ranking police official, who gave advice to the Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi to go by copter instead of going by a car to avoid meeting with the striking students, was shifted out of his post. After all why should one be too scared of death? When the end of life approaches none can protect you. Even the messengers of God died in their prime age. Perhaps the mission having been accomplished the God did not desire them to live longer than necessary. In Manipur no minister moves out unless he is heavily escorted by two vehicles one as pilot and another as follow up, all occupied by well armed security personnel. Some consider heavy security cover as a show piece. Where lies the importance of the heavy security cover if they would be taken in attending marriage function. If the Ministers are moving to far off places heavy security convoy conforms to the need of the situation. They can reduce security cover while attending normal Government functions held at the Government offices or at the places in the heart of Imphal. Heavy security has become public eye sore as it mars sanctity of the programme. They are not necessary. They depict the false image as if Manipur is not safe for VIPs. No security personnel are seen inside the Vigyan Bhavan when the prime Minister addresses a big gathering. No one will attack our Ministers in the heart of the town. If they are going to far off places that is a different thing. Even then security personnel will not be able to protect them when they are attacked by the gun wielding youths. The security cover is cosmetic, which conceals only the dark spot. Even the middle ranked officers have started moving with security personnel. They carry them when they move for purpose not connected with official duty. Public money spent in providing security cover to such officials is wastage of money. Because they are not clean and efficient. Simplicity has vanished. The office rooms of the Ministers are well decorated. When plastic chairs would serve the purpose they use sofa. Though Congress leaders want all in the Congress party to indulge in austerity drive none shows the tendency to follow the dictate. Our Ministers and MLAs compete in buying latest model cars and also in the construction of palatial buildings. Even the Government quarters allotted to them have been modified to serve their need. An MLA, who had the habit of renovating the quarter allotted to him, was asked whether he was going to stay in the quarter for ever. He did not reply but he lost the seat. He might have got the answer. Sonia Rahul austerity drive must move across the nation to better the economy of the country. Common people enjoy in seeing down to earth leaders.

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Imphal Jiribam road

Developmental news is very sweet to hear. It acts as soothing balm to the pains. Stomach ceases to turn as such news acts as antacid to the burning stomach. However not every day is good day. We cannot hear good news every day. But if the good news degrades to bad news it acts as […]

Developmental news is very sweet to hear. It acts as soothing balm to the pains. Stomach ceases to turn as such news acts as antacid to the burning stomach. However not every day is good day. We cannot hear good news every day. But if the good news degrades to bad news it acts as double force to incapacitate thinking capability of those who would get direct or indirect benefit from the developmental activities taken up in their particular area. Therefore when you give assurance you must see to it that the assurance is strictly adhered to by the implementing agencies or by the officials concerned. There is a mandop of a local deity at Moreh, which had received assurances from at least three Chief Ministers of the state in the past. The assurance repeatedly made was erection of fencing wall around the mandop. But it never came up. Bureaucrats in Manipur have inculcated the bad habit of turning blind eye to the assurances made by the top executives of the state Government. There are also some MLAs, who make promise of giving monetary help to the organisations, which honour them by offering chief guest of the function. Amazingly these MLAs (not all) forget the same promise they had made before the big gathering of the function and refuse to part away the amount they had assured. So these organisations having been stung by the false promise have decided not to pursue the assured amount if the amount would not be given on the day itself. What a shame they had unnecessarily invited for themselves. The false promises made repeatedly, which never transformed into reality have butchered the trust of the people. So they look cynically when someone makes assurance be it for repairing a road or construction of a building or a bridge. Everybody, who matters, has been making the assurance that the repairing of the 220 km long Imphal-Jiribam road would be completed by December next year, which is too short keeping in view the manner with the repairing is taken up at very slow rate. Even then such assurance which comes down from the highest authority of the construction agency is soothing to hear. Let his assurance gets transformed into reality as per schedule announced by him. In the absence of rail service Manipur desperately needs well maintained national highway to bring essential commodities to the state. Travelling on these twin national highways is horrendous. Such a very short distance from Imphal to Jiribam, but one spends gruelling 14 hours in covering the distance. It means one hour plus 20 minutes in covering a distance of 10 kilometres. If the road is properly maintained the whole stretch can be covered in five hours. The prices of essential commodities are very high in Manipur. It is caused by the spiralling charges of transportation. The transporters too justify their demand for more because it takes five days to deliver a truck load of commodities in Imphal from Silchar. All these factors are catalytic in increasing the prices of essential commodities. One hopes early completion of Imphal Jiribam road.

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Imphal Jiribam road

Developmental news is very sweet to hear. It acts as soothing balm to the pains. Stomach ceases to turn as such news acts as antacid to the burning stomach. However not every day is good day. We cannot hear good news every day. But if the good news degrades to bad news it acts as […]

Developmental news is very sweet to hear. It acts as soothing balm to the pains. Stomach ceases to turn as such news acts as antacid to the burning stomach. However not every day is good day. We cannot hear good news every day. But if the good news degrades to bad news it acts as double force to incapacitate thinking capability of those who would get direct or indirect benefit from the developmental activities taken up in their particular area. Therefore when you give assurance you must see to it that the assurance is strictly adhered to by the implementing agencies or by the officials concerned. There is a mandop of a local deity at Moreh, which had received assurances from at least three Chief Ministers of the state in the past. The assurance repeatedly made was erection of fencing wall around the mandop. But it never came up. Bureaucrats in Manipur have inculcated the bad habit of turning blind eye to the assurances made by the top executives of the state Government. There are also some MLAs, who make promise of giving monetary help to the organisations, which honour them by offering chief guest of the function. Amazingly these MLAs (not all) forget the same promise they had made before the big gathering of the function and refuse to part away the amount they had assured. So these organisations having been stung by the false promise have decided not to pursue the assured amount if the amount would not be given on the day itself. What a shame they had unnecessarily invited for themselves. The false promises made repeatedly, which never transformed into reality have butchered the trust of the people. So they look cynically when someone makes assurance be it for repairing a road or construction of a building or a bridge. Everybody, who matters, has been making the assurance that the repairing of the 220 km long Imphal-Jiribam road would be completed by December next year, which is too short keeping in view the manner with the repairing is taken up at very slow rate. Even then such assurance which comes down from the highest authority of the construction agency is soothing to hear. Let his assurance gets transformed into reality as per schedule announced by him. In the absence of rail service Manipur desperately needs well maintained national highway to bring essential commodities to the state. Travelling on these twin national highways is horrendous. Such a very short distance from Imphal to Jiribam, but one spends gruelling 14 hours in covering the distance. It means one hour plus 20 minutes in covering a distance of 10 kilometres. If the road is properly maintained the whole stretch can be covered in five hours. The prices of essential commodities are very high in Manipur. It is caused by the spiralling charges of transportation. The transporters too justify their demand for more because it takes five days to deliver a truck load of commodities in Imphal from Silchar. All these factors are catalytic in increasing the prices of essential commodities. One hopes early completion of Imphal Jiribam road.

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