A father or mother sermonises his or her children not to envy others’ belongings and also not to bring anything at home that does belong to him or her. The text books of school children are filled with the stories like wrong doers landing in jail. The stories contained in school text books dwell heavily on morality. But as we grow up most of us show the tendency to indulge in the activities we were never taught at our primary level, junior level or college level. Many openly loot public money without showing any sign of remorse or shame. Should we call them fortunate for they have done well financially? They are respected by the society. There is the story of a daughter of earthen smoke pipe maker, who after having been married into a rich family asking her mother where from you plucked it. Like the same girl these up starts have started making tall claims. They say openly everybody can be bought. They refuse to talk about the past. Perhaps the absence of investigating agencies has put them where they are. Morality has been thrown in the wind. Government employees without attending office collect pay. When they should have remained at office browsing through the files and other documents they make themselves busy doing contract works. A system needs to be evolved to see to it that the people of the state feel the presence of law. Even grade three employees have owned four wheelers worth lakhs of rupees. They construct palatial building too. Where from money comes? This question can be asked to these classes of employees. Many have bought land and building worth crores of rupees at Thangal Bazar and Paona bazaar. A survey should be carried out to understand, who owns what at the two market sites. In every Leikai the youths eulogise those, who can steal money. They do not envy academic achievement of others. The achievement in other fields is also immaterial to them. This trend of eulogising evil doers needs to be smashed. It can be done when the men in power show the commitment to bring a change to the society. Those who work more should earn more nothing wrong with that. Higher level officials getting better pay and perquisites are also not to be envied. They deserve it. The wrong doers will be caught one day and they will lament. But before they are being caught they had spread the disease. Government employees must be told again and again that they exist to serve the Government and also for helping the needy people. After all why we have a Government? Through these employees the Government extend help to the needy people. Give the employees more pay to enable them to concentrate more on their duties. But at the same they should be warned that they cannot loot public money. Whoever found looting public money must face stringent law. They cannot be let go unpunished. Until and unless the wrong doers feel the sting of the law they will think of committing the crime again and again as one singing the song that had been remembered.
Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/the-law-must-be-respected/