Trust has been butchered

Festival time is approaching. Durga pujah then Deewali and Ningol chakkouba. Naturally expectations of state Government doling out benefits in the form of releasing employees’ bonus and contractors’ held up bill is very high. Small time contractors who worked under the IFCD are in deep trouble. River banks were strengthened with the addition of retaining […]

Festival time is approaching. Durga pujah then Deewali and Ningol chakkouba. Naturally expectations of state Government doling out benefits in the form of releasing employees’ bonus and contractors’ held up bill is very high. Small time contractors who worked under the IFCD are in deep trouble. River banks were strengthened with the addition of retaining walls. The roads were also widened since the addition of the walls. Engineers too had got their share for allocation of woks. The Government too is happy for it had done something for the river side dwellers, who were worried over the impending threat of depression of river banks. But the contractors have landed in a precarious condition. The amount spent in the construction of the retaining walls of the river taken up under the Brahmaputra Board is not released in full. Contractors are hoping against hope that they will get the remaining amount in the very near future precisely before the onset of the festival time. IFCD has gained the notorious image of holding back contractors’ bill. Recognised contractors have refused to take up construction work launched by the department. But the retaining wall construction programme was a centrally funded project therefore many joined the construction spree taken up across the length and breadth of the state. Nevertheless as expected bills have not been cleared though the construction had been completed long time back. When the bills are not released in time social unrest is created and family fabric lay shattered. Unable to find adequate amount required for the construction of the retaining wall the poor contractors mortgaged gold jewelleries of the family members some even mortgaged ancestral homestead land to invest in the construction of the retaining wall. Just imagine the plight of the poor contractors, who spent sleepless night in supervising the work to ensure that the walls remain intact during the torrential rain when the river would be in spate. What they have got in return for the work done. The ugly title nobody desires to be in life money debtor. Some gullible contractors even bought the work order from the influential men. The IFCD is warned against taking up such programme if at the end the department would not clear the contractors’ bill. The Planning Commission as it released plan money emphasised the need for involvement of private partners in taking up Government programmes. The matter is serious as it will discourage the unemployed youths from doing contract work under the Government of Manipur. But the Government cannot provide job to all educated persons. Such attitude of holding back small time contractors’ payment defeats the very purpose the Government envisages to enthuse in the minds of the unemployed youths. Pull up all the files from the concerned department to see what is happening in the department. The heart aches and stomach burns when one tries to fathom the sufferings handed down to the unemployed sections by the Government. Show sympathy to them. They need to survive and purely for survival they did what they did. The fall out of the betrayal is beginning to be felt. When the MLAs wanted to take up retaining wall construction in their respective constituencies none came out to take up the job. The trust has been butchered. IFCD will require a lot of self introspection to regain the trust of the unemployed contractors.

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Non functioning of Government offices

Birth day party, sasthi pujah are alright, nothing wrong with these functions as long as these functions are held after the sun had set in when the Government office hour is over. The other functions like Mapam chakkouba, ushob, deevosh are wastage of time and money.  It happens in Manipur a whole office block would […]

Birth day party, sasthi pujah are alright, nothing wrong with these functions as long as these functions are held after the sun had set in when the Government office hour is over. The other functions like Mapam chakkouba, ushob, deevosh are wastage of time and money.  It happens in Manipur a whole office block would remain paralysed for the whole day simply because all the staff members would be away for attending a grand feast, ushob, arranged by one of the staff members in memory of their dead ones. Not knowing what had happened in the office visitors would waste precious time waiting for the employees to turn up. When the clock ticked 1 pm visitors begin asking each other what had happened to the office. One of the office staff members, perhaps he did not get invite would shout loudly all had gone to attend ushob. It sounds funny Government employees shirk official duty to attend grand feast. Rules need to be made strict to ensure that no employee waste time without doing anything at the office. Ushob is wastage of money and time. Moreover it is conducted during office hour precisely around 1 pm when employees should have remained gluing to files and other documents on their tables. Lady employees and male employees begin dressing up from 11 am for the special occasion.  11 am is two hours away from the formal declaration of relishing the grand feast. Around half an hour would be spent either relishing the sumptuous meal or by sitting near the well arranged meal. It is Manipuri style none can wake up until and unless either the old man or Brahamin leading the guests declare the programme is over. By the time the function is declared closed it would be two pm.  Naturally no employee attends office after 2 pm, which virtually means holiday for the day. None realises the harm being done by offering ushob. If one desires to consecrate something in living memory their dead ones they can do it by inviting some close relatives of the family. No Government employee should accept invitation for attending ushob. The problem facing Manipur is wastage of time by Government employee. They attend office at 12 and return home at 2 pm. We consider giving pay to such recalcitrant employee as wastage of public money. Amazingly the heads of departments cannot ask these employees to attend office at 10 am and remain fastened to their seats till 5 pm. If they remain at the office for the whole office hours they will think of doing something, which will be beneficial to the state.  Everywhere in every parts of the country Government employees have the habit of attending office in time and leaving the office complex as per the time set. Why such rules cannot be applied here in Manipur. Whose fault is it? Does is it have anything to do with the system prevailing here? Manipur is afflicted with diseases created by self. Non attendance of office by the employees should be treated as a disease, which is contagious.

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Home sweet home

The capital of the country has ceased to be the land for lower middle class people. Land is costly, power tariff is very high and to cap all at least 10 children are kidnapped every day. The newspapers published in Delhi carries child missing or of being kidnapped advertisements daily. The kids kidnapped are either […]

The capital of the country has ceased to be the land for lower middle class people. Land is costly, power tariff is very high and to cap all at least 10 children are kidnapped every day. The newspapers published in Delhi carries child missing or of being kidnapped advertisements daily. The kids kidnapped are either dumped as labour or forced to beg on the street. Who are these people that they have no love and respect for each other? Too many publicity crazy men are out to grab media attention fighting for one cause or the other. Close on the heel of Anna phase one man called Kejriwal a media crazy man is out. One day he fights against enhanced power tariff next day he drags the highest political family in the country to land grabbing. His fight against Vadra involving him in controversial land deal is aimed at Gandhi family. Consequently 24 hours news channel looking for a man to take on big political family focussed on him. This question will remain why did not he fight against the criminals, who were resorting to kidnapping of children. A father would complain of his child, who was sleeping with him, missing from the cot to find later from a dried up well. Then there is the report of brother killing younger sister for meeting with her boyfriend. Such news is really disturbing. If it happens in Manipur the perpetrators of the crime would have either gone with the victim or vanished from his own land. Though the roads are muddy power supply irregular, only six hours in 24 hours and imminent threat of employees pay being held up for shortage of fund yet life here is little bit normal. Disturbing news of child missing or brother killing sister is not heard. Moreover vegetable items are very cheap in Manipur. There in Delhi ginger is sold for 80 rupees per kg and here in Imphal the price of ginger per kg is Rs 12 only. Power is regular in Delhi but the tariff is mindboggling. Rs 8000 for a small family using one air conditioner, four fans and a refrigerator. Too many families had their power lines snapped unable to clear the bill. Kejriwal could become a local hero for reconnecting the snapped power lines. He even asked the consumers not to clear the bill. There will be none who will be able to pay such enhanced power tariff when such bills are supplied to consumers in Manipur. Does it have anything to do with the entry of private partners in power sector? If that is so Manipur should resist entry of private companies in power sector. The poor people, who cannot clear even Rs 400 power bill per month will find uphill task to clear such huge bill. Such bills are for the dwellers in capital, which has become a land for the rich and famous people. A land at Chanakyapuri in the capital having around 1200 square yards was sold for 111 crores which work out to around Rs 10 per square yard. Naturally question arises which is the sweetest place on the earth. The answer is your home.

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Regulating fish trade

Are the fish that we are consuming safe ? This has become a major concern as there is huge demand for fish from other parts of the country in Manipur. Most fish traders feel that the fish are given medicines to gain weight within a short period of time and research works are not done […]

Are the fish that we are consuming safe ? This has become a major concern as there is huge demand for fish from other parts of the country in Manipur. Most fish traders feel that the fish are given medicines to gain weight within a short period of time and research works are not done to investigate if the imported fish are safe to be consumed forget about the nutritious values. Local produce is not adequate to meet the high demand of the people. During festivals and any other occasions fish is in high demand. As the people of the state are highly dependent on rice and fish we have to ensure that we put special thrust to produce a respectable quantity otherwise people are unsafe. Rice is controlled by the state but fish production and trading remain in private domain and the issue should not brushed aside as most of the people consume fish. Though research works are scanty in our country we have to take cognizance of the findings of a study done in the US. The study has linked low-level mercury exposure in pregnant women with a greater risk of ADHD-related behaviours. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects approximately ten percent of children worldwide. The study led by Susan Korrick, MD, MPH, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), and Sharon Sagiv, PhD, MPH, of Boston University School of Public Health also found that maternal fish consumption during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of ADHD-related behaviors in children.This duality is possible because many types of fish have low levels of mercury, so it is possible for a pregnant woman to eat nutritionally beneficial fish without being exposed to much mercury.”These findings underscore the difficulties pregnant women face when trying to balance the nutritional benefits of fish intake with the potential detriments of low-level mercury exposure,” said Dr. Korrick.Dr. Sagiv agrees this study provides an important public health message, saying, “Women need to know that nutrients in fish are good for the brain of a developing fetus, but women need to be aware that high mercury levels in some fish pose a risk.”This analysis involved approximately 400 children born in New Bedford, Massachusetts between 1993 and 1998. Shortly after their mothers gave birth, researchers collected hair samples from the mothers and analyzed them for mercury. They also gave the mothers a questionnaire to determine their fish consumption during pregnancy. Eight years later, researchers followed up with the children and administered standardized tests to determine behaviours related to ADHD.
Additionally, researchers found a reduced risk of ADHD-related behaviors in children whose mothers reported eating more than two servings of fish per week, which is a higher number of servings than is currently recommended by the United States Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency.The study did not examine what types of fish are best for a pregnant woman to eat, but previous studies have shown women should avoid fish that are high in mercury, such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel and fresh tuna. Fish that are low in mercury, such as flounder, haddock, and salmon, are safer to eat and good sources of nutrition. We have to acknowledge that fish is eaten by pregnant women in huge quantity. Strict regulation of the trade in a positive will benefit all.

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Economic editors’ conference

Two day economic editors’ conference held in New Delhi provided ample opportunity to the media representatives from different parts of the country to share views with the Union Ministers to understand to which direction the country is heading to. It was a forum provided by the PIB Government of India to have direct interaction between […]

Two day economic editors’ conference held in New Delhi provided ample opportunity to the media representatives from different parts of the country to share views with the Union Ministers to understand to which direction the country is heading to. It was a forum provided by the PIB Government of India to have direct interaction between the policy makers sitting in Delhi with the scribes from across the length and breadth of the country. Representative from Kashmir raised railway issues; from Kerela the issue raised among other things was toll tax, which has flared up prices of essential commodities, from Rajasthan it was all about water scarcity. Media representatives from Sikkim, Mizoram also raised various issues, which included about jhum cultivation and non availability of market to export horticultural products. Like other media representatives Manipur Mail editor also attempted to delve into the mind of the Union Ministers to understand what they have in store for the tiny state with the population below 30 lakhs. The answers were encouraging though it came in the form of assurances. The issues put up before them were to begin with, entry of FDI in Manipur, IT park in Manipur, deteriorating condition of national highways passing through Manipur, infrastructural problem with regard to CAU Imphal, up gradation of Imphal airport up to international level, dismal power supply and non availability of cooking gas. At least seven Union Ministers addressed the conference. They provided patient hearing to the points raised by the media representatives. Such conference, which is held annually, must continue as a regular feature. During the NDA regime economic editors’ conference was kept at bay, it was revived only after UPA came to power. In one way the Government policies and programmes framed for the welfare of the people and for speedy development of the country will be put within the belt of hearing by the common masses through such conference. Similarly public information campaigns launched by the Government of India through PIB are tools for reaching out to the common masses. If UPA returns to power again despite the odds nothing surprising, because the mechanism it has evolved to establish contact with the common masses through the conferences and campaigns has become so powerful that it can withstand public pressure and at the end mould opinion which in turns shape Government opinion to focus on the area, where the general public want the Government to focus. After all a Government exists to fulfil the demands and expectations of the common masses. Similar attempts should be made by the state Directorate of Information to build up the sagging image of the Government and also to establish better relation with the common masses. The widening gap between the ruler and ruled needs to be abridged that can be achieved by conducting public relation programmes. Fund should not be a problem. Government at the centre and in the state cannot shirk the duty of keeping in touch with the common masses. Keeping this in view the Government have to set a goal to reach out to the masses. Such conference will be of great help in doing that.


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Dismal financial position

Nothing is more alarming than the disclosure made by the state’s Chief Minister about its dismal financial position. Such disclosure reminds that the Government will not be in a position to create jobs for the unemployed. Extension of financial assistance to the unemployed youths may be a thing of the past. Roads and bridges will […]

Nothing is more alarming than the disclosure made by the state’s Chief Minister about its dismal financial position. Such disclosure reminds that the Government will not be in a position to create jobs for the unemployed. Extension of financial assistance to the unemployed youths may be a thing of the past. Roads and bridges will remain in dilapidated form. It is amazing the Government at the centre, which is dragged into series of controversies, is not finding time to pay attention to our problem. Nothing is done to infuse fresh fund to lift Manipur from debt pit. Even the plan money is not released in the form agreed upon. If the state’s fiscal position is in dismal form employees too will not be getting pay and contractors’ bill will also be not cleared. That reminds the gloomy days ahead. In the past the employees of the Government of Manipur had not got pay continuously for seven months. That situation however cannot be used as the yardstick to measure the level of sufferings inflicted upon the people now. In those days the centre was ruled by NDA and Manipur had a non Congress Government. In the recently held state assembly election Manipur saw a record figure of 42 Congress MLAs entering the 60 member house. Plus the centre is ruled by Congress led alliance. Yet the step motherly treatment is meted out to the state. It reminds us of the dark future that awaits the state and its people. Unless we have something of our own we will not be able to run the state administration in future. Our revenue is nil. As of now the state administration is carried out by begging some fund from the centre. A time may come when the centre decides to release fund in consonance with the revenue generated by the state Government. Where is our revenue? Bigger states will be able to survive because they have enormous revenue. Jayalalitha had protested against the manner with which fund is released by the Planning Commission. She had said Planning Commission cannot dictate the term on the utilisation of state’s own fund. Though the centre is providing a favourable treatment to the smaller states like Manipur as of now, such treatment cannot be taken for granted. Should we remain as a burden forever to the nation’s survival? The need of the hour is giving the thrust to creation of revenue. Nobody has inculcated the culture of paying tax. But excess power tariff is unreasonable. The idea of enhancing revenue by increasing power tariff should be stopped. In Delhi Kejriwal has appealed to the consumers not to clear power bill. Poor men have openly said they cannot clear the monthly bill, which works out to Rs 10,000 for using three fans, three air conditioners and some led bulbs. There should be two power lines one for domestic and another for industrial purpose. Manipur needs help from the centre. A state like Manipur which is neighbouring with prosperous south east nations cannot languish without having anything. If Government of India has ceased to be supportive to our survival there is no reason why we should not we focus on other sectors. Look the other way available.

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Dismal financial position

Nothing is more alarming than the disclosure made by the state’s Chief Minister about its dismal financial position. Such disclosure reminds that the Government will not be in a position to create jobs for the unemployed. Extension of financial assistance to the unemployed youths may be a thing of the past. Roads and bridges will […]

Nothing is more alarming than the disclosure made by the state’s Chief Minister about its dismal financial position. Such disclosure reminds that the Government will not be in a position to create jobs for the unemployed. Extension of financial assistance to the unemployed youths may be a thing of the past. Roads and bridges will remain in dilapidated form. It is amazing the Government at the centre, which is dragged into series of controversies, is not finding time to pay attention to our problem. Nothing is done to infuse fresh fund to lift Manipur from debt pit. Even the plan money is not released in the form agreed upon. If the state’s fiscal position is in dismal form employees too will not be getting pay and contractors’ bill will also be not cleared. That reminds the gloomy days ahead. In the past the employees of the Government of Manipur had not got pay continuously for seven months. That situation however cannot be used as the yardstick to measure the level of sufferings inflicted upon the people now. In those days the centre was ruled by NDA and Manipur had a non Congress Government. In the recently held state assembly election Manipur saw a record figure of 42 Congress MLAs entering the 60 member house. Plus the centre is ruled by Congress led alliance. Yet the step motherly treatment is meted out to the state. It reminds us of the dark future that awaits the state and its people. Unless we have something of our own we will not be able to run the state administration in future. Our revenue is nil. As of now the state administration is carried out by begging some fund from the centre. A time may come when the centre decides to release fund in consonance with the revenue generated by the state Government. Where is our revenue? Bigger states will be able to survive because they have enormous revenue. Jayalalitha had protested against the manner with which fund is released by the Planning Commission. She had said Planning Commission cannot dictate the term on the utilisation of state’s own fund. Though the centre is providing a favourable treatment to the smaller states like Manipur as of now, such treatment cannot be taken for granted. Should we remain as a burden forever to the nation’s survival? The need of the hour is giving the thrust to creation of revenue. Nobody has inculcated the culture of paying tax. But excess power tariff is unreasonable. The idea of enhancing revenue by increasing power tariff should be stopped. In Delhi Kejriwal has appealed to the consumers not to clear power bill. Poor men have openly said they cannot clear the monthly bill, which works out to Rs 10,000 for using three fans, three air conditioners and some led bulbs. There should be two power lines one for domestic and another for industrial purpose. Manipur needs help from the centre. A state like Manipur which is neighbouring with prosperous south east nations cannot languish without having anything. If Government of India has ceased to be supportive to our survival there is no reason why we should not we focus on other sectors. Look the other way available.

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Fake encounter

Home Minister Gaikhangam has kept his word to make police people friendly organisation, the wrong doers have been punished. The bold step taken by the Government of Manipur will go a long way in assuaging the wounded hearts. Who would not weep when the near and dear one was snatched away by the cruel death? […]

Home Minister Gaikhangam has kept his word to make police people friendly organisation, the wrong doers have been punished. The bold step taken by the Government of Manipur will go a long way in assuaging the wounded hearts. Who would not weep when the near and dear one was snatched away by the cruel death? Nothing should be done to play with human life. Some police personnel have inculcated the habit of playing with human life. They must pay the price for it. These security personnel need to be told again and again their actions and activities are being watched by the higher ups. The carelessness with which they carried out the operation kicking the door in the dead of the night and then pulling away the man from his sleep in front of his child, who was sleeping with him left a deep scar mark. Who knows what he will the child do after he grows up. The family members need to be consoled. The child needs to be given free education and a member of the family a Government job so that they will be able to take care of themselves. It is said, the man who had been killed in the fake encounter was the sole bread earner of the family. Extremes can fight with extremes, we will not lament even when one of them dies. Because they are doing that for a cause, which they held high. When Bhindrawale died in operation blue star launched at the Golden temple in 1984 by Indian army none came to claim his body. Joginder his father, who later became a leader of Akali Dal knew his son had died for a cause. So he did not claim even the body. As long as innocent people are spared nothing wrong with all these happenings, because we cannot control men on both sides. The voice of the people have been sidelined and despite the dharna launched against bomb culture bombs are used in attacking civilians. Someone somewhere is paying the price. Efforts should be made to ensure that innocent persons are not harmed in the fight against extremism. If the person paying the price turns out to be innocent people, general masses will raise their voice. The voice of the people cannot be suppressed. Gaikhangam acted quickly before the situation snowballed into a big crisis. By keeping a few of them under suspension a situation has been wisely tackled. This action has sent a message to all uniform men that the wrong doing cannot be tolerated. But the questions remain, which need to be answered at whose advice did the commandos act. Did they act on their own? What could they gain by committing the crime? After we have properly diagnosed the ailment knife can be applied. In doing so the evil trend sweeping in the society too will be known. There is a tendency, which is noticed, to revive fake encounter culture in Manipur. It must not happen for it flares up the already boiling situation. It drags down image of the state also.

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Teachers’ eligibility test

Whose idea was it that the state conducted teacher’s eligibility test. Will all the successful candidates become Government teachers? Our reckoning is no matter whether you passed the test or not you will never become a Government teacher unless you can manage a few lakhs of rupees to smoothen the process of appointment. Now hill […]

Whose idea was it that the state conducted teacher’s eligibility test. Will all the successful candidates become Government teachers? Our reckoning is no matter whether you passed the test or not you will never become a Government teacher unless you can manage a few lakhs of rupees to smoothen the process of appointment. Now hill based organisations have protested against the conduct of the test in Imphal only. If HSLC examinations and higher secondary level examinations can be conducted in all the hill districts of the state why not TET. What is required is coordination. Unnecessarily a crisis has been created. Now Manipur will be witnessing irresponsibly called indefinite economic blockade. The word economic blockade throws our mind out of gear. Supreme Court had given directive to the Union Government to clear within 24 hours of its beginning all forms of economic blockade on the national highway. The attempt to clear economic blockade on the national highways called by tribal bodies will however leave disastrous consequences. Therefore the best solution lies in convincing these organisations about the futility of resorting to agitation of this nature on the national highway. Manipur is yet to make up the losses caused by the prolonged blockade imposed earlier. We have not been able to collect the allotted quota of gas and other consumable items. Addition of one more economic blockade in the very near future will simply increase the burden of the people of the state. Government policies cannot be changed frequently. But a protest having come up the change may take place. Who knows TET may be scrapped forever until the concerned department is in a position to conduct the test in all the hill districts of the state. Keeping in the mind the problems caused by the indefinite economic blockade to the common masses the organisations which are contemplating to resort to the extreme form of agitation, which cause suffocation have been appealed to see other way available to get their demands. Service of the elected leaders can be utilised in pressing their demands. If they open their mouth surely the Government will hear. BJP, TC and other political parties wage war against the Government of India on FDI and diesel price hike issue. What happen here in Manipur is that civil organisations not political parties take up the cudgels whenever controversial issues appear. It seems the blockade organisers are hell bent on seeing that the Government changes its policy. What will the Government of Manipur do now? Our sensible advice is do not confront with tribal bodies. They need protection. They need to be safeguarded. Remember Manipur will become a prosperous state only when the people living in far flung areas are happy. Therefore steps should be taken to ensure that all people living in the state irrespective of their place enjoy the benefit of development. If the journey, fooding and lodging of the candidates participating in the eligibility test are compensated will they agree with the idea of conducting of the test in Imphal only? If they do not agree there is no alternative other than scrapping the test. The concerned department cannot insist inability of conducting such test at the hill districts of the state.

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Verbal duel among NCP leaders

Bruised, battered and buffetted in the recent election with voters opting for stability, Nationalist Congress Party having been reduced to naught is on the lookout for a way to get the root for survival. The root was just beginning to sprout out but it had been truncated with the mudslinging charges thrown against each other […]

Bruised, battered and buffetted in the recent election with voters opting for stability, Nationalist Congress Party having been reduced to naught is on the lookout for a way to get the root for survival. The root was just beginning to sprout out but it had been truncated with the mudslinging charges thrown against each other among the party leaders. S. Ibomcha held Radhabinod Koijam former Chief Minister responsible for misappropriation of party fund. No wonder the same charge had been hurled against Ibomcha by Radhabinod. Does not it sound funny? It is amazing political leaders of their stature are locking horns over such petty matter like election expenditure. Perhaps they do not see shumang leela. If they watch shumang leela they will know that there is a powerful dialogue uttered in one of the shumang leelas. “Wa du pangngangda ngangnarabadi dora huranbagasu yaorakkani” if you continue to throw abusive language unnecessarily against each other you may disclose about the petty thieving also. Advani and Sonia Gandhi can pose together in group photograph. They even exchange words whenever they find the occasion to be at the public domain. Will Ibomcha and Radhabinod be able to do that? The degree of accusation and the manner of the fight they take up will make it very difficult for the two leaders to sit together and chat freely just as these great leaders are doing. The image of the NCP in Manipur had been dragged down to such a low level that none takes them seriously. But a political party, which exists to serve people of the state, cannot be run like this. If they cannot keep the house in order how will they be able to look after the need of other people? One prominent thing that is conspicuous by its absence in the running of small parties like the one in the news is discipline. Such news of one leader claiming I am the real President to be countered by another as the genuine president of the same party exposes the system that controls political parties in the greatest democracy of the world. In Karnataka when Yedyurappa could not become president of the state unit of BJP he dared challenge the central leadership of the party with the threat of going out enmasse. He had given time for doing that precisely in December this year. We will see what comes out after the issuance of the threat by the Karnataka strongman. Cowards fight for political posts. It must come with honour. If it is not coming you are worn out in the eyes of the central leadership. Try to regain their confidence. After all politics is game of patience. If you cannot wait nothing wrong with launching a regional party so that you can remain as president till the end of your life. It is time the central leadership of the NCP prevail upon the two leaders now locked horns over the leadership issue and declare in one sentence who is the president of the NCP Manipur unit. As usual central leaders will not intervene immediately. The fight may continue for some time more.

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AFSPA to remain

The post AFSPA to remain appeared first on outside the northeast simply do not believe the existence of the special law called the Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 which is operational in both the northeast and Jammu and K…

The post AFSPA to remain appeared first on

People outside the northeast simply do not believe the existence of the special law called the Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 which is operational in both the northeast and Jammu and Kashmir. How could such a draconian Act exist … Continue reading

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Fear of peace

The post Fear of peace appeared first on in power everyone speaks of peace and non-violence. Today’s leaders are no exception. They say that if there is no peace, there cannot be no development and progress of the society or t…

The post Fear of peace appeared first on

Once in power everyone speaks of peace and non-violence. Today’s leaders are no exception. They say that if there is no peace, there cannot be no development and progress of the society or the nation. They say that as violence … Continue reading

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Feel the pang of separation

Dead man tells no story. Those who had died had finished their life they will never know what is sorrow and pang of separation. Survivors weep unable to bear with the pang of separation. Why these killings happen? Is there nobody who can stop all these killings? In what could be called a clear case […]

Dead man tells no story. Those who had died had finished their life they will never know what is sorrow and pang of separation. Survivors weep unable to bear with the pang of separation. Why these killings happen? Is there nobody who can stop all these killings? In what could be called a clear case of fake encounter a man arrested while he was sleeping with his son was dumped at the RIMS morgue with a tag the victim of an encounter. The story will not end here. Such news is really disturbing. Whatever the case may be the security personnel involved in picking up the victim will need to do a lot of explaining. Why was he picked up and what information they could garner from talking to him before he was put to rest. Is this the price one should pay for living in this strife torn state. Thoughtlessly carried out actions be it by the security forces or police or extremists leave the people of the state in quagmire. It seems there is no space for unarmed persons in Manipur. Everyone is thinking of possessing deadly weapons. Steps need to be taken to ensure that such incident, which is disturbing, does not occur again. If the matter is investigated by a competent authority it will bring to light why it happened? Law and order maintenance cannot be left in the hands of a few security personnel. When we were kids we were told by senior citizens to avoid confrontation with uniform men for we would be at the receiving end of the uniform men if we did. Once a person had been beaten by uniform men a disease had been sown. Therefore earnest appeal is made to security personnel to show maximum restraint while dealing even with the criminals. We need security personnel to protect innocent people not to torment the already troubled mind. The matter cannot escape without being properly scrutinised by the highest authority of the land for at the end such incident questions the ability of the men in power to control uniform men. Do not allow security men to operate in plain dress. Manipur situation appears normal when they are in barrack. In the past when KPS Gill was super cop of Punjab, when the state was boiling, he used a technique to send away dreaded terrorists to other states instead of killing them. His techniques were useful Punjab returned to normalcy. Killing does not serve any purpose. It flares up already burning state. Try to imagine the plight of the victim’s family. Helpless as they are they might be thinking how to bear with the loss of the sole bread earner of the family. The loss cannot be compensated. Also imagine the seed of hatred that might have been sown in the young mind, who was the witness to the whole episode of his father being dragged away by the plain clothed security men. There is a saying those who think more do more. Think for a while before you carry out a mission. Security men cannot act like a machine. The latest action drifts away from the famous declaration made by Home Minister Gaikhangam to make security men pro people.

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Law and order

Law and order has turned ugly situation. UG elements are unrelenting. They can strike at will the target of their choice. In Jammu and Kashmir when the terrorists attacked and killed panchayat members the Chief Minister of the state dared the terrorists to attack him if they can. He termed the terrorists attacking the panchayat […]

Law and order has turned ugly situation. UG elements are unrelenting. They can strike at will the target of their choice. In Jammu and Kashmir when the terrorists attacked and killed panchayat members the Chief Minister of the state dared the terrorists to attack him if they can. He termed the terrorists attacking the panchayat members as cowards. His statement reflects the deteriorating level of law and order in his state. A sign of desperation. That reflects he has lost in the war against terrorism. Kashmir remained under central rule for several years as elections could not be held in the state. Pakistan based Mujahideens opposed the conduct of elections in Kashmir. When elections were held in Kashmir it was considered a victory of the Indian democracy. The situation prevailing in NE region is different from what is happening in Kashmir. What is happening here is slightly better. Here in Manipur leaders can move freely and live together with common masses. Nagaland had seen a sea change after NSCN and the Government sat together over the negotiating table. Even the elected representatives resigned en-masse to pave way for installation of rebel leaders on the seat of power. Meghalaya could implement this pattern of power being handed over to rebels. Laldenga became the Chief Minister of his state. Will it be practicable in Manipur? This question is being asked by many. The answer will be in the negative. Because rebel leaders are maintaining strong posture not to bow to pressure unleashed by the Government of India to come to the negotiating table. At the moment they declare openly liberation of Manipur is their sole aim. This is reflected by the series of bomb blasts that had occurred in the last few days. One bomb here and another at other place. Their actions have permeated everywhere. Sensing their presence and their ability to strike at will the target of their choice Manipur Government had sounded alert. Law enforcing agencies it seems are ill equipped to tackle the menace of bomb culture. Though some were caught none was caught while they were planting bombs or hurling them to the target. It reveals that extremists plant bombs in the dead night or when none moves on the road. They also plant the bombs at the area where security forces used to walk or take rest. This is one tactics used by the elements to crush the morale of the security personnel. Now they will know where they should move or not. A lot more needs to be done to improve the law and order situation in the state. There had been time in the state in the past when young man did not join office even after appointment as per recommendation by MPSC . But that situation may not happen. Because thousands and thousands are vying for entry into police service. Brace up Manipur will continue to see bloody war for some time more.

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Tree plantation

Chief Minister O. Ibobi’s son Kennedy has done a good thing by involving his father in taking up tree plantation programme. The initiative taken by the young lad with a mission to make Manipur a greenery place should achieve the fruit of success. Government office complexes scattered here and there at different parts of the […]

Chief Minister O. Ibobi’s son Kennedy has done a good thing by involving his father in taking up tree plantation programme. The initiative taken by the young lad with a mission to make Manipur a greenery place should achieve the fruit of success. Government office complexes scattered here and there at different parts of the state look like barren land without any trees. The heads of these Government offices can be asked to plant more trees at the precinct of their offices. Manipur needs to pay attention in taking up tree plantation programme in large scale. Hills are denuded as jhumias resort to burning of forest wealth. Come winter everyone will witness hills on fire in the night, which extends from top to bottom. It was done by the evil elements to get some fire wood and some patches for growing vegetables. They do not try to gauge the extent of damage done by such fire. For getting a few hundreds of rupees, they could resort to the practice hated by all living things. Unless these jhumias are properly rehabilitated forest wealth will continue to be plundered using methods best suited to them. They need to be told that jhum cultivation is not remunerative. What is required is making them realise the harms brought on the earth by the wanton destruction of forest wealth. Here arises the simple question who could do that. There are large numbers of non Government organisations that deal with giving benefits to destitute children or persons infected with incurable disease. These organisations are doing wonderful job in the field of their choice. Likewise NGOs that should be able to work for protection of forest wealth and ecology need to be formed. Fund will be no problem for such organisation. Government of India, which gives the thrust to giving benefits to private partners in taking up developmental programmes, will not turn away when such organisations seek help from the centre. Equally at par these sports organisations or cultural organisations scattered here and there in the valley districts of the state can be encouraged to plant trees at the place of their choice by extending some monetary benefit in the same pattern people’s representatives giving financial help for launching cleanliness programmes. These national highway roads passing through Manipur are without any shade. If trees are planted on both sides of the roads driving along the national highway roads will be a pleasant experience. Chief Minister’s son who has formed an NGO under the banner greenery army can think of focussing in this area. Using the clout of power his father commands and the man power that will be available the war against ecological imbalance can be made a successful venture. He has become a man of the hour for the venture he has made. He requires support and encouragement from all. Do more. Remember as you take up the ambitious task of transforming Manipur a place for green plants you simply enhance your father’s image. Manipur needs youngsters, who will work for a better future. The future belongs to them. Encourage them to do more.

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Not child’s play

One of the most disturbing trends with regard to child rights is that the violators of child rights are not convicted. This has come to light as per report of the Manipur Alliance for Child Rights. The convener of the … Continue reading →

One of the most disturbing trends with regard to child rights is that the violators of child rights are not convicted. This has come to light as per report of the Manipur Alliance for Child Rights. The convener of the … Continue reading

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FDI in retail sector

Trinamol Congress threatened to bring down UPA Government at the centre on FDI issue. It withdrew support to the UPA Government perhaps guided by the wrong notion that the other allies of the UPA would move in tandem with Trinamol. On the contrary UPA was strengthened with both SP and BSP openly declaring that the […]

Trinamol Congress threatened to bring down UPA Government at the centre on FDI issue. It withdrew support to the UPA Government perhaps guided by the wrong notion that the other allies of the UPA would move in tandem with Trinamol. On the contrary UPA was strengthened with both SP and BSP openly declaring that the false step would invite the communal forces to hold the mantle of power. BJP also declared at the end of its three-day convention held at Surajkunja that it will fight relentlessly against the FDI in retail sector though it supports economic reforms launched by the Union Government. Nevertheless to a common man FDI is non issue. General public are in the dark what change will it bring by allowing FDI in retail sector. A pertinent question is being asked will it enter smaller states in NE region. Will Walmart come to Manipur also? If they come will they move to the remote villages of the state to do the business of selling pulses and pan? Just as the hyped up propaganda of economic relief the country will be getting after allowing FDI in retail sector the concocted stories of lower middle class losing fiefdom in retail sectors thereby facing the threat to survival is also confusing. Are all these small shops, which sell cigarettes, pans and chewing gums going to be banned after the entry of foreign companies? Nobody can dictate the term and it is consumers’ right from where one buys consumable items. If these foreign companies come to Manipur to do the business it will be interesting to watch. The manner with which they run the shop to get customer and how they solicit them will be enjoyable to see. Amazingly these political parties are throwing abusive languages against each other without knowing what will FDI do to the nation. If FDI harms national interest of supporting poor and needy people it can be thrown away from the soil. But the Government should be given opportunity to do the new experiment. If the economic reforms launched in early nineties brought a sea change to the nation with foreign companies entering Indian market there is nothing wrong to say this FDI will give the thrust to improving economy of the country. Prime Minister had said boldly no Government wants to put burden on its people. Prime Minister Manmohon Singh is economic wizard. If his words would be rejected whose voice should we hear. Irresponsible utterances of talkative class. Innocent common people, who are hard pressed to keep the kitchen burning do not have time to think over all these issues that are being cooked up for one reason or other. Allow them to do their normal duties. If BJP and Trinamol stand against FDI in retail sectors they can take steps to shoo away foreign companies from the soil of the company albeit after these parties come to power. The arrival of that day may be possible if the voters opt for these parties. But FDI cannot be used as election issue. Because general public want to see entry of foreign companies in retail sectors.

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Tourism in Manipur

Manipur can be developed as a tourist haven. But the question remains are we mentally prepared to welcome the tourists coming to Manipur. They have to be given facilities to fulfil their appetite. What type of tourists do we want to welcome? Those coming for watching cultural programmes or others for playing polo or other […]

Manipur can be developed as a tourist haven. But the question remains are we mentally prepared to welcome the tourists coming to Manipur. They have to be given facilities to fulfil their appetite. What type of tourists do we want to welcome? Those coming for watching cultural programmes or others for playing polo or other sports of mutual interest. Our guessing is they will not come here for climbing hills and also for watching waterfalls. These hills and waterfalls can be developed, where local men can take the pleasure of being close to nature. Americans will not come to Manipur to see Loktak Lake. If they come it will be for a different purpose. Moreover we do not have anything presentable. Everything it appears is spoilt. Fields are dirty. Roads are in bad shape. Tourists cannot be forced to venture into the area, where there is nothing. Therefore what is required is showing hospitality if we want more foreigners to come to Manipur. Why not, they will love to taste Manipuri food. In Thailand they eat even snakes. Here in Manipur foreign tourists can be asked to taste Manipuri Iromba made with fermented fish. In the Far East they drink locally made wine. Korean wine and Manipuri wine are strikingly similar. Both are made from rice through the same distillation process. Forget star cadre hotels, very few of them can put up at such hotels. Many of these foreigners coming to India are truck drivers and almost all of them belong to the lower middle class. In the same manner senior citizens going to Vrindavan to have darshan of Lord Krishna with their monthly contribution these tourists too travel in group. The difference is that their currency commands more value against Indian rupee so they can indulge in spending spree after transforming their money into Indian currency. We have seen Londoners, who cannot buy a leather jacket in London buying three pieces at Delhi’s Connaught place. Here in India a jacket cost only Rs 3000 and back in London the cost price of the same item works out to Rs one lakh in Indian currency. They may resell the item back home to other fellow Londoners. A white woman asked me where from I bought the cotton jacket I was wearing, which was of inferior quality. She cannot be different from us because she preferred the Item we the poor people used to wear. Therefore it will be wrong to assume that all the foreigners coming to India and Manipur in particular belong to well to do family. They can put up at these hotels scattered here and there. But our habit of extending hospitality to the visitors must not change. Once these tourists had felt the pleasure of living without any hindrance they will ask others in their country to visit Manipur again. That is called creation of market. As the Government attempts to develop tourism as industry it should think of ushering in peace and tranquillity in the state. No tourist will think of venturing into the areas, which is not safe for travelling. Who talks of visiting Afghanistan these days? To attract more tourists the thrust should be given to strengthening law and order. The forces detrimental to the well being of the society should be controlled. Only then Manipur will become a heaven on earth for all including tourists to live peacefully.

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Dismal power supply and a solution

Chief Minister O. Ibobi has rightly said that state’s hydro potential is immense, which needs to be exploited to enhance power generation. He also said a change will be seen as the Government of Manipur has given thrust to increasing power generation. Nature has endowed the state with rich hydro potential but our problem is […]

Chief Minister O. Ibobi has rightly said that state’s hydro potential is immense, which needs to be exploited to enhance power generation. He also said a change will be seen as the Government of Manipur has given thrust to increasing power generation. Nature has endowed the state with rich hydro potential but our problem is we do not have fund for taking up hydro based power projects. Fuel based and nuclear based power projects are very costly and the power generated by such projects will be very costly therefore we must go for hydro based projects only. Micro hydel power projects can be taken up at the hills of the state. The cost of the projects will be minimal. More over water is becoming scarce items in the state. This year the state faced near drought, when the monsoon arrived very late. The water thus stored by erecting small dams at the river at source that is at the hills of Manipur can be used in irrigating cultivable land during the lean season, when there is no rainfall. What is happening in the state is water simply flows out without being utilised. But hindrances in taking up hydro based power projects come up every now and then when we talk of launching such projects in the state. Such resistance has complicated the issue of power scarcity in Manipur. Our mind has to be clear and there has to be a clear understanding that the state cannot go for costly power project. Poor people will not be able to buy costly power generated by fuel based projects. Instances are not lacking heavy fuel power project, which was taken up despite opposition from experts against launching the project, is existing like a monument to prove thoughtlessly built structure is wastage of public money. Whoever responsible for installing the useless structure owes an explanation to the people as to what prompted them to take up the project? Their irresponsible action wasted huge amount of money that works out to billions of rupees. Chief Minister has also boldly stated that he held power department as a challenge to bring a change. This shows his commitment to improve power sector in the state. His words to increase power supply period from the present six hours to 20 hours a day is soothing to hear. The entire people of the state are waiting for the arrival of that day when we will get 20 hours uninterrupted power supply. When it will happen, this question is being asked everywhere whenever some groups of people sit at the hotel or at roadside. If that happens in the very near future the people of the state will hail the Congress Government particularly Chief Minister O. Ibobi for keeping his words and also for showing the commitment to do something for the state and its people. Roads can be constructed water supply can be improved. These are easy jobs, which can be done by engineers by spending some money. But enhancing power generation is mindboggling task. In a nutshell it is a gigantic task. Manipur had not seen addition of a single unit of power since the commissioning of Loktak lake way back in the late seventies. Yet we are hoping against hope that the power supply will be improved in the near future as the department is now looked after by the Chief Minister himself. Where there is a will there is a way.

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The big secret

The post The big secret appeared first on hundred fourteen militant suspects including five women cadres of 11 different militant groups allegedly laid down their arms before the state Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh at a ‘hom…

The post The big secret appeared first on

One hundred fourteen militant suspects including five women cadres of 11 different militant groups allegedly laid down their arms before the state Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh at a ‘homecoming’ ceremony at Mantripukhri, the headquarters of IGAR (South) on Wednesday. … Continue reading

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