Media asked not to publish statements of militant groups Guiding principles of PCI

Arising out of a complaint against publication of some ULFA handouts/threat notes by a newspaper of Assam, the Press Council has enunciated some general principles for the guidance of the press. These are in tune with the recommendations of the Press Council of India Report on Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir, adopted by the Press

Arising out of a complaint against publication of some ULFA handouts/threat notes by a newspaper of Assam, the Press Council has enunciated some general principles for the guidance of the press. These are in tune with the recommendations of the Press Council of India Report on Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir, adopted by the Press

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Media asked not to publish statements of militant groups Communique from the police

To, The Editor, Subject:- Norms of Journalistic Conduct. It has been observed in recent past that print and electronic media are widely publishing and reporting ideologies, diktats and programmes of underground organizations. Such publications are of s…

To, The Editor, Subject:- Norms of Journalistic Conduct. It has been observed in recent past that print and electronic media are widely publishing and reporting ideologies, diktats and programmes of underground organizations. Such publications are of serious concern as these facilitate and encourage prejudicial activities of extremist organizations. In this regard, your kind attention is

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